Nj N O M in a TIO N <\

Nj N O M in a TIO N <\

y 4 - -v N nJ N O M IN A T IO N <\ 91 1-5 GOVERNMEM Storage H E A R I N G BEFO RE TH E COMMITTEE ON HUMA N RESOUR CES UNITED STATES SENATE NI NE TY -FIFTH CONG RESS FIR ST SESSION ON MARY E. KING, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, TO BE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE ACTION AGENCY MARCH 4, 1077 C U M E N T S ou p2 4 1977 F A R R E L L LIB R A R Y KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY Printed for th e use of the Committee on Human Resources U.S. GO VERNME NT PR IN TI NG OFF IC E 87-086 O WASHING TON : 1977 K V* ‘ J - » t \ COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES HARRISON A. WILLIAMS, J r., New Jersey, Chairman JENN INGS RAN DOLPH, West Virginia JACOB K. JAVITS, New York CLA IBORNE PELL, Rhode Island RICHARD S. SCHWEIKER, Pennsylvania EDWARD M. KEN NE DY , Massachusetts ROBERT T. STAFFORD, Vermont GAYLORD NELSON, Wisconsin OR RIN G. HA TCH , Utah THOMAS F. EAG LETON , Missouri JOHN II. CH AFEE, Rhode Island ALAN CRANSTON, California S. I. HAYAKAWA, California WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY, Maine DON ALD W. RIEGLE, J r., Michigan Stephen J. Paradise, General Counsel and Staff Director Marjorie M. Whittaker, Chief Clerk J ay B. Cutler, Minority Counsel (H) NOMINATION FRIDA Y, MARCH 4, 1977 U.S. Senate, Committee on H uman R esources, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:35 a.m., in room 4232, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Senator Alan Cranston presiding, pro tempore. Present: Senators Cranston, Randolph, Pell, Nelson, and Javits. Senator C ranston. The hearing will please come to order. Mary, we are delighted to have you here at the Senate confirmation hearing on your nomination. We are very pleased tha t President Carter has nominated you to work as Deputy Director of the ACTION Agency with the Agency’s newly appointed Director, Sam Brown. We will insert in the record at this point your biographical sketch. [The material referred to follows:] (1) 2 AJION NEWS PEACE CORPS VISTA UN IVE RS ITY YEAR FOR ACTION FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROG RAM RETIRED SEN IOR VOLUNTEE R PROG RAM SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM SPECIAL VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS Office of Pu blic Affairs , 806 Connect ic ut A ve , N.W., W as hi ng to n, D.C. 20525 Biographical Sketch MA RY E. KING Mary E. King, 36, the presi den t of a Was hington-based managemen t consu lti ng firm an d a national organ iza tio n of women busine ss owners, ha s been appoi nte d deputy direc tor of ACTION, the fed era l volunteer service agency, by President Jimmy Carter. As deputy dire ctor, Ms. King wil l help sup ervise the activities of more the m 236 ,000 volunteers serving through­ out the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam, and in 65 developing co untries abroad. ACTION programs include the Pe ace Corps, Volu nteers in Serv ice to Ame rica (VISTA), Foster Grandparent Program, Ret ire d Senior Vol unteer P rogram (RSVP). Senior Compani on Program and Univer sit y Year for ACTION . 3 -2- Ms. King start ed Ma ry King Associates, Inc. in 1972. The firm provides vo luntary organizat ion s and governm ent agenci es with research, technical assistance, pla nning and policy studies in he alth care, criminal justice, and d rug and alcohol abuse. In the 1976 Ca rter presidential campaign, Ms. Ki ng served as national director of the Com mittee of 51.3%, named for the pro por tio n of fem ale s in the popula tio n of the United States. She was also Governor Ca rt er ‘s advisor on w omen and ste ere d his Health Policy Ta sk Fo rce . She is a found er and president of the Nat ion al Association of Women Bus ine ss Own ers. She is a mem ber of the b oa rd of the Women's Action A ll ia nc e and served on the Commi tte e on Women and Employme nt of th e U.S. National Commis sio n for Inter­ national Wome n's Year. She is a membe r of the American Public Health Associa tio n Ta sk Force o n Jails and Prisons, and serves on the boar ds of numerous local and nation al voluntary org ani­ zations, inc luding the Women 's Campaign Fund. Prior to sta rti ng he r own business, Ms. King ser ved with the Office of H ealth Affairs of the U.S. Off ice of Econom ic Opportunity, developing prototy pe health progra ms for b oth rural and urb an low-income areas throug hou t the country. She also filled the special role of a troubl e-s hoo ter with consumer and volunt ary action groups. 4 -3- During the civ il rights movement of the early 60s, Ms. King was assistant director o f comm unications for the Stu den t Nonviolent Coo rdinating Commit tee (SNCC) in Atlanta, Ga. and Jackson, Miss. In that role, she provid ed support for protection of the physical saf ety of vote r regist rat ion worke rs across the South, as well as assisting the nation al press corps. Othe r efforts included assisting in the developme nt of lit eracy and political participation programs. In 1962, she was a hu man relations specialist und er a Marshall Fie ld Fo un dation grant to the Col leg e Division of the YWCA in Atlanta. In that role, she traveled to w hite and black colleges throughou t the South. She has contributed to several national public ati ons . Her lectures, papers and p resenta tio ns have cov ered the areas of prison health services, women in business, menta l h ealth, women and health, an d cit izen participation. She gradu ate d fr om Ohio Wesl eyan Univer sity in Delaware, Ohi o in 1962 w ith a b achelor of a rts de gre e and is a cand idate for a m aster' s degree in busin ess adm ini stration in a special pro gram for e xecutives of m ajo r corporations at Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. 5 -4- A native of N ew Yor k City, Ms. King is the dau ghter of Rev. and Mrs. Luther W. Kin g of N ew York City. Her father is a Met hodist minister and he r mother is a nurse-e duc ato r wi th the New York City B oard of Education. She is married to Dr. Peter G. Bourne, a psyc hiatrist who has been named spe cial ass ist ant to the Pre sid ent for m ental health and d rug abuse. Th e couple resides in Washington, D.C. 2/77 6 jE xcerp t from th e U.S . Go vernme nt Ma nual 1 9 7 6 /1 9 7 ^ ACTION’S purpose is to strengthen the impact and appeal o f citizen participa­ tion in programs providing personalized services to people whose needs are compelling, both at h ome and abroad. In striving to reach its goal of a system o f volunteer service which uses to the fullest advantage the power of the American people to serve the purposes of the American Nation, the Agency identifies and develops the widest possible range of opportunities for mobilising the American spirit of service among all ages. It provides centralized coordination and adminis­ tration of domestic and international volunteer activities sponsored by the fadersl Government -----------------------------■.-------------------— ---------.--------------— ————— ———'—rr AC TI ON was created as an independ­ ent agency under the provisions of Reorganization Plan 1 of 1971, effec­ tive July 1, 1971, and Executive Order 11603 of June 30, 1971, with legisla­ tive authority provided by the Peace Corps Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 612, as amended; 22 U.S.C. 2501), for inter­ national operations, and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 394 ; 42 U.S.C. 4951 ), for domestic operations. It is divided into three ad­ ministrative areas: its headquarters in Washington, D.C.^ 10 domestic re­ gional offices, and an overseas opera­ tion supported by country staffs. 7 Senator Cranston. During the weeks preceeding the actual announce­ ment of yo ur nomination, my office received a number of letters of commendation for your work in the fields of health and mental health and to promote equality for women and black Americans. I am pleased tha t President Carter has selected a person of your demonstrated commitment and accomplishment to this leadership position in the ACTION Agency. I think it is particularly wonderful that somebody who has fought as you have fought the battle for the rights of all Americans has been recognized as one who, out of that background, is so well qualified to take a very important role within the Government in this administration. I look forward to working very closely with you and Sam Brown to further the purposes of the very fine programs with their many important ramifications that are under the umbrella of the ACTION Agency. Senator R andolph. Mr. Chairman, it was my privilege a few days ago to counsel with Mary King. I was impressed by her commitment and knowledge during our discussion of the work that she will be doing as Dep uty Director of the ACTION Agency.

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