th Evening Prayer 12 July at 6pm via Zoom The Parish Churches of Elstead, Thursley, You are warmly invited to a combined service with Compton Parish to celebrate the ministry and friendship that was shared by Compton, Shackleford and Peper Harow Shackleford and Peper Harow over the years and to look forward to the Sunday 12th July 2020 future in our new parishes grouping of Elstead, Thursley, Shackleford and Peper Harow. Archdeacon Paul Davies will be joining in our worship. (Please Trinity 5 note the different Zoom number and password for this service) ZOOM Service – gather from 9.50am and start at 10am Topic: Evening Prayer for Elstead, Thursley, Shackleford, Peper Harow and Compton Time: Jul 12, 2020 06:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82052097317? pwd=eVZqbTBqSThSYTN5UTdnSEI1bHJRQT09 1st Sunday 10 am Morning Service including Spiritual Communion Meeting ID: 820 5209 7317 2nd Sunday 10 am Family service all age interactive Password: 817762 6 pm Evening Prayer One tap mobile 3rd Sunday 10 am Morning Service including Spiritual Communion +442034815240,,82052097317#,,,,0#,,817762# United Kingdom 4th Sunday 10 am CW Morning Worship +442039017895,,82052097317#,,,,0#,,817762# United Kingdom Using Technology: Dial by your location +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom We gather from 9.50am and the service will start at 10am +44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom ZOOM service Sunday at 10am Meeting ID: 820 5209 7317. Password: 817762 Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78943420469? Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbgrKAcFx0 pwd=U1hIUFQ2bjRISWhjN2dNMzVBbjNzZz09 Meeting ID: 789 4342 0469 Join our Parishes Coffee and Chat on the 14th July 2-3pm Password: ETSPH Topic: Parishes Coffee and Chat. Time: 2 -3pm 14th July 2020 Dial in via your telephone Join Zoom Meeting +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81421617273? pwd=K2RHRWYvYURXZXlMQ0RnM2tIWVIrUT09 +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 814 2161 7273 Meeting ID: 789 4342 0469 Password: 262018 Password: 018505 We have a new website: https://parishesofetsph.org.uk/ One tap mobile +442034815240,,81421617273#,,,,0#,,018505# United Kingdom +441314601196,,81421617273#,,,,0#,,018505# United Kingdom Service for All the Church Family – 12th July @10am via Zoom Dial by your location We are planning our monthly service for the whole Church family at 10am +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom th +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom on the 12 July via Zoom. Our theme this week is “Loving God, loving others.” Meeting ID: 814 2161 7273. Password: 018505 Revd Hannah writes: Prayer Pointers This week, the Churchwardens and I have been busy completing the risk assessments to reopen the church buildings. I have been reflecting on my own feelings about this. I have realised that I have a head and heart Our concerns: response to reopening the buildings. My heart response is that I want to Loving God, increase our faith in these trying times, help us to gather as a physical communities is these sacred spaces and worship God. hang onto our hope in you and love you and others more and more My head response is that having read all the guidance, I should be each day. encouraging anyone in the vulnerable categories to stay at home and As we draw our three parishes closer together, we pray for your guidance as we seek your vision for these parishes. Lord, we pray for growth in numbers and in spiritual continue to worship online. I have been wondering how responsible it is to commitment to you. fling open the doors and encourage people to come back? Our reading today Give us wisdom as we assess the risks of reopening the churches. Help us to find reminds us that "love is patient and kind", so please be patient as we figure safe ways to come together physically as worshipping communities. out the best and safest way to move forward. Every blessing Help us to find the time to rest and abide in you through our personal prayers. As we engage with others, help us to be wise and careful in observing social distancing. Reading for the Service for All the Church Family We pray for those who are still shielding and those who are worried about 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a going out, give them your peace. We also pray for those struggling to cope with financial pressures because of the virus, praying for those who have been furloughed, for those who have been made First Reading redundant and those needing to use Foodbanks We hear the beginning of the story of Jacob who was to become Israel, the We continue to pray for those who have been affected by Covid -19. We pray for father of that great nation. those countries experiencing a new cases of infections We pray for your healing and restoration to all those who are suffering in body, mind Second Reading Romans 8:1-11 or spirit. Paul writes about two contrasting ways of living, ruled either by sin (the flesh), Christians far and wide: which leads to death, or by God (the Spirit), which leads to resurrection life. We pray for Christians across the world who live with the fear of persecution and all those who are persecuted for their faith. Gospel Matthew 13:1-9. 18-23 We pray for religious leaders as they guide their communities through this pandemic Diocesan Cycle of Prayer The word of God is received differently by different people and even though Members of the Bishop’s Council and the Diocesan Board of Finance many reject or lose that seed, enough absorb it to yield bountiful harvests. Anglican Cycle of Prayer Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, The Most Revd Allan Migi - Archbishop of Collect for today Papua New Guinea. Almighty God, Our nation and our world: send down upon your Church We pray for our nation as it tries to get back to work even amid new infections and the riches of your Spirit, Covid 19 deaths and kindle in all who minister the gospel your countless gifts of grace; Pray that nations will work together to find a vaccine Through Jesus Christ our Lord We countries around the world who are experiencing war, division, and strife. Amen Our neighbours: All who live in Witley Park - Thursley Lake, Ham Lane, Lower Ham Lane, Milford Road. We thank you for the community spirit and care for our neighbours which is present in our villages A PRAYER FOR ALL THOSE AFFECTED BY THE CORONAVIRUS For those who are unwell and those who have gone to their rest in you. Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may find comfort knowing The Church is now open for private prayer on Thursday 2.30-4.30pm & that nothing can separate us from your love. In Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen Sunday 2.30-4.30pm. Please follow the guidelines when entering the building. .
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