Connecticut Daily Campus Swing Stpm Sfncf 1096 VOL. LXVIII NO. 102 STORRS, CONNECTICUT TUESDAY. APRIL 14. 1964 New impetus Seen As Towers Consider Plan Babbidge Endorses CCC Only Seven dorms have entered Mansfield Patient's Fund. the float contest for the CCC car- Applications Slow For Faculty Residents nival. Entries for the midway too He said that the success of the Carnival depends on the participa- By BILL HAMPP faculty members expressed interest the House presidents was called and have been lagging. The deadline tion of the student body. in the plan when they were inter- now the committee is waiting for Several house presidents and fac- viewed. for both applications has been re- A Penny A Vote ulty members have expressed in- action by the houses. During this The original plan of a faculty set for this Wednesday. This year's carnival has a spe- terest in the "faculty living unit interim the committee is studying cial added feature being provided plan" proposed by the Senate living unit was placed in the Hous- the problmes which might be in- It is hoped that those houses and ing Committee for investigation by by the Board of Governors. The Housing Committee. At a meeting curred by the participating faculn organizations on campus which former ASG president. Victor Board is sponsoring a Campus held Sunday evening the presidents member. have not as yet decided whether Schachter. The committee looked Clown Contest and is donating all from various Towers dormitories Duties to participate will notify APO of proceeds to the CCC. Candidate* said that their houses would pos- into the possibility of having a The duties of the resident fac- their decision Wednesday. for the Campus Iown are to be sibly be interested in participating faculty living unit and found that ulty advisor will be to generally An endorsement from President chosen at a coffee tonight. Students in the planned living unit. there was a possibility of getting instill a greater academic atmos- Homer D. Babbidge gave the cam- will then be able to cast votes The Senate Housing Committee a dormitory in North Campus. phere rather than to coordinate pus Comunity Carnival added im- for their favorite clown. Each vote is presently awaiting definite ac- Plans were in the process of be- any specific activities. The dorms petus yesterday. The letter com- will cost one penny, and there i< tion by the houses which expressed ing compiled into a list of pro- activities will remain within the mended the brothers of Alpha Phi no limit on the number ot time an interest in the proposed plan. posals which were to be submitted control of the members of the Omega and students working on any student may vote. With the receipt of such action to the appropriate administrations house with the faculty advisor en- 1 the Carnival. Trophies will be awarded to the the committee will continue work when the decision to make North couraging an expansion into other The president also extended his winning living units for each event. in an effort to institute the faculty Campus a Freshmen area was an- spheres of interests. nounced. wishes for a successful "64 CCC. It There will be awarded trophies for living unit plan in the fall semester. Other duties such as record the best floats in the parade for Faculty Interviewed Re-focus of Interest keeping, will be handled through a said, "It is most heartwarming to both combined and single entries. see so many of you prepared to The center of interest was then resident advisor would be rather an Trophies will also be awarded to The committee has also inter- focused on the possibility of arpt- informal counselor than a discip- give of your energies, your time viewed faculty members in order the most lucrative booths at the ing one of the present Towers' linarian. All major disciplinary and your means in an endeavor to gain understanding of some of at midway, for the houses which do- dormitories the unit in which to problems will be referred to the that counts for so much to so nate the most money for both the the expected problems that the fac- ce many charitable organizations. initiate the plan. A meeting of Office Of Men's affairs. th WHUS Marathon and House Cam- ulty members would encounter if "To thee volunteer workers and paigns. he participated in this plan. Many jc to the participants I extend my Hillside Floor Plan: ey good wishes for a successful af- to fair." Soviet Jewry Conclave he Chairman John Krevitt has an- 1 n- nounced a goal of $9000 which to will be distributed to various char- id itablex organizations including the Condemns Mistreatment «*Ul Save the Children Federation, the to The national presidents and American Cancer Society, and the UConnite Myles Martel, one of 1-' 500 delegates, was a representative chairmen of leading Jewish organi- itc for the Hillel Institutes in New zations throughout the country are ' d To Use Julian England and the Mid-Atlantic states convening this week with State De- at the American Conference on So- partment officials to decide what ry- viet Jewry held in the Willard Ho- action will be taken to help rid the an Calendar For tel n Washington on April 5-6. world of this problem. The purpose of the conference York spoke as keynote speaker at as soon as action on the Civil Rights 3n Orthodox Easter was to bring to light the mistreat- ment of the Jewish people by the bill had been taken. cc TO USE JULIAN he Soviets, and to initiate remedial ac- Easter this year will be on the tion. As a guest speaker, Associate first Sunday in May for members Justice Arthur Goldberg of the U.S. Two Elected of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Supreme Court, asserted that the The explanation for this is given by Soviet discrimination "is not solely Arch priest John Kohanik. "Jesus an internal matter for the Soviet CDC Business Christ was born and crucified ac- Union; it is a proper concern for cording to the Julian calendar. The all in this country and elsewhere Office Positions First Ecumenical Council which who believe in human values." Jus- met in Nicea (A.D. 325) ruled tice Goldberg charged that the So- Two staff members of the Con- that the Julian calender was to be viet mistreatment of Jews violates necticut Daily Campus have been used by the church. worldwide concepts of human elected to managerial posts. At a It also decided that Easter should rights, transgresses the United Na- meeting of the Board of Directors never precede or coincide with the tions Charter to which the Soviet of the CDC on Friday, April 10. Jewish Passover, but must follow it. Union is a party, and violates the Roger Sommerville of Sigma Alpha Accordingly Easter must be observ- Universal Declaration of Human Epsilon was elected to the post of ed on the first Sunday after the Rights, which is morally binding Financial Manager and Mark Spring full moon and cannot fall upon all members of the United Shenkman Phi Espilon Pi was earlier than March 23 or laicr Nations." elected to the post of Circulation than April 25 on the Julian calen- Manager. dar. For this reason Easter will be The delegates at the convention observed on May 3 by the Holy received a fact sheet containing a Both of these posts are under the Eastern Orthodox Church. list of many of the ways in which Business Manager and in recent the Soviets mistreat the Jewish or- years the Financial Manager has ganizations, and that no book had moved up to the position of Bus- been published in Yiddish in two iness Manager. It is expected that Student Senate years, as well as many other re- Sommerville will continue this pat- The regularly scheduled strictions. tern and be groomed for the job gt ndent Senate meeting for Senator Jacob Javits of New this year. Wednesday night is postpon- the plenary session and emphasized The position of Circulation ed doe to the illness of sev- the fact that this problem is one Manager is a post which has been dial everyone, Jew and Gentile a- eral senators. in existence for several years but like, has an interest in. Senator A- heretofore there has been no one braham Ribicoff of Connecticut as- to fill it. Shenkman is exceptionally sured the delegates that the U.S. well qualified for this post hav- Congress would act on the situation ing active previously on the Board Attention Seniors!! of Governors and as Editor-in Last Chance Chief of the Husky Handbook last Senior picture representa- CCC Queen's Float year. tive Win be here Tuesday and The winning entry tn the Member-At-Large The floor plan of the new Hillside dorm as shown above is unique in Wednesday from 9 a.m.-3 Queen's Float Contest will be In addition Natalie Marinelli of construction among the dormatories here at UConn. This is the first dorm decided today at 3:39 p.m. Grange Hall was elected as Staff at UConn in which the rooms will be on all four sides of the building with Commencement fees and All plans foist be submitted Member at large. She will repre the halls and stairwells completely enclosed in the center of the building. orders for caps and gowns by that time or a represent- As seen above there will be 21 rooms on each floor. In addition there most be paid through the ative of the Hying unit must sent the staff of the CDC on the will be a valet room on each floor.
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