News Call U.S. Offensive Strengthens Afghan Security In what may be the last major U.S. cludes the 504th Parachute Infantry Command for U.S. Army forces on the offensive in Afghanistan before 33,000 Regiment, is to push insurgents from peninsula, a responsibility now as- surge troops redeploy by the end of the southern part of Ghazni. sumed by U.S. Army Pacific. this summer, U.S. soldiers in April be- U.S. troops with other coalition Established in 1944, Eighth Army gan clearing militants from provinces forces will conduct short, targeted as- served as the occupational force in south of Kabul and conducting short saults in Afghan provinces bordering Japan and commanded ground forces assaults against insurgents in the east- Pakistan, such as Paktika and Paktya, as the only U.S. field army in the Ko- ern border region with Pakistan. where insurgents infiltrate from neigh- rean War. Since then it has served as a Their mission is to attain a high boring safe havens. theater army and Army service compo- enough level of security that Afghan nent command supporting the United forces can take responsibility by the Eighth Army Change. In line with the Nations Command, Combined Forces end of 2013 and U.S. combat troops can U.S. shift in focus to the Asia-Pacific Command and U.S. Forces Korea. withdraw by the end of 2014. In addi- region delineated in the Defense Stra- tion to strengthening security around tegic Guidance issued in January, the capital, troops seek to ensure con- Eighth Army has been designated as Upcoming Deployments trol of the major highway linking Kabul an operational-level field army head- The Department of Defense has with the city of Kandahar, a strong- quarters. named an Army brigade combat hold of the southern insurgency, and Now integrated with U.S. Army Pa- team of nearly 3,900 soldiers to to interdict insurgent travel on eastern cific, it is capable of commanding mul- deploy as part of the upcoming routes to and from Pakistan. tiple U.S. and multinational corps in rotation of forces operating in Af- Vital to the U.S. mission is the 1st joint and combined operations and ex- ghanistan. The 4th Stryker Brigade Brigade Combat Team (BCT) of the ercises operational command and con- Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Divi- 82nd Airborne Division, which took trol of U.S. Army forces on the Korean sion, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, command of Forward Operating Base Peninsula. Wash., is scheduled to deploy early Warrior in Ghazni Province in April. Eighth Army previously served as this winter. The goal of the 1st BCT, which in- the U.S. Army Service Component From right, SSG Tyler Rux, SGT Robert Addington and SPC Clark Choate, 3rd Platoon, Apache Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, Task Force Blue Geronimo, patrol a field near the village of Gorchek in Khost Province, Afghanistan. U.S. Army/SSG Jason Epperson U.S. June 2012 I ARMY 11 CAPE Releases Report. In a report re- only of the installation’s growth since sistance Teams to help Afghan army leased in April, the Center for the 2003 but also its strategic importance in and police units improve their logistics, Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE) at DoD’s shift in focus to the Asia-Pacific intelligence, maintenance, administra- West Point, N.Y., listed six essential region. tion and training capabilities during characteristics of the Army Profession: The division headquarters, which the transition of security responsibility trust, trustworthiness, military exper- will not be deployable, will oversee the to them. tise, esprit de corps, honorable service training and readiness of some 17,000 First Army East’s other new mis- and stewardship of the profession. soldiers in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Stryker sion, Contingency Expeditionary Forces The report is the Army Profession Brigade Combat Teams of 2nd Infantry training, will help members of the op- Campaign’s first annual report. The Division; 16th Combat Aviation Bri- erational reserve maintain training result of a year-long study, the report’s gade; and 17th Fires Brigade. The new proficiency. Until recently, 1AE trained findings and recommendations are headquarters will also provide an inter- only units with valid deployment or- based on the feedback of more than mediate level of management between ders. The withdrawal from Iraq and 40,000 Army professionals throughout the brigades and I Corps, a level that coming drawdown in Afghanistan, the service who commented not only exists at similar large bases such as Fort however, combined with the Army’s on the state of the profession but the Hood, Texas, and Fort Bragg, N.C. planned reduction in end strength, future. have created this new mission. The report found that 98 percent of 1AE Expands Training. As it celebrates A joint team of nearly 6,000 active the responders considered themselves its fifth anniversary, First Army Divi- duty, Army Reserve and National professionals. It also found that “over- sion East (1AE) is expanding its train- Guard soldiers headquartered at Fort whelming numbers of survey partici- ing for reserve component units with Meade, Md., 1AE operates across the pants … trust other members of their two additional missions—the Security eastern half of the United States and units and their direct leaders.” Many Force Assistance Team and Contin- territories. Originally, 1AE was com- junior leaders, however, were con- gency Expeditionary Forces training. posed of six mobilization stations and vinced that one mistake could ruin As of early March, more than 140 10 brigades, but it has been trans- their Army career and that they would First Army senior officers and NCOs formed over the past five years. It now be punished for offering “too candid” were training and preparing to deploy has three mobilization stations and opinions to senior officers. for nine months as Security Force As- consists of eight brigades supporting 52 Based on data gained from the study, the report specified seven focus areas GENERAL OFFICER CHANGES* and associated initiatives designed to help in the development of the profes- sion. I Institutionalized Army profes- sion concepts. I Building and sustaining trust re- lations. I LTG M.T. Flynn LTG T.C. MG R.P. Mustion MG B.G. Watson Improving standards and disci- from Asst. DNI Nicholas from from Dir., Military from Dir., Jt. Engi- pline. for PE, ODNI, Dep. Dir., SID, Personnel Mgmt., neering Direc- I Washington, NSA, Fort Meade, ODCS, G-1, USA, torate/Cmdr., US- Certifying Army professionals. D.C., to Dir., DIA, Md., to Asst. DNI Washington, D.C., ACE, Transatlantic I Investing in leader development Washington, D.C. for PE, ODNI, to CG, HRC, Fort Div. (Forward), Washington, D.C. Knox, Ky. USF-A, to Dep. for the Army of 2020. Dir. for Jt. and I Strengthening the Army’s culture. Coalition Warfight- I ing, J-7, Jt. Staff, Integrating/synchronizing hu- Suffolk, Va. man development. Brigadier Generals: M.L. Brand from Dep. Chief, Spt./Security Assistance, ODR-P to Dep. Chief, For more information or to down- Ops., ODR-P; S.A. Davidson from Dep. CG/Dir. of Ops., SDDC, Scott AFB, Ill., to Cmdr., DLA-Dis- load the report, visit CAPE’s website tribution, DLA, New Cumberland, Pa.; F.A. Espaillat, USAR, from PM CATT (Army Guard Reserve), at http://cape.army.mil. PEO STRI, Orlando, Fla., to Mobilization Asst. to the Dep. Dir. (IMA), DLA, Fort Belvoir, Va. I AFB—Air Force Base; DIA—Defense Intelligence Agency; DLA—Defense Logistics Agency; DNI—Director of National Intelligence; HRC—U.S. Army Human Resources Cmd.; IMA—Individual HQ for Lewis-McChord. The Army Mobilization Augmentee; NSA—National Security Agency; ODCS—Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff; ODNI—Office of the Director of National Intelligence; ODR-P—Office of the Defense Repre- will establish a two-star headquarters sentative-Pakistan; PE—Partner Engagement; PEO STRI—Program Executive Office-Simulation, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Training and Instrumentation; PM CATT—Project Manager, Combined Arms Tactical Trainers; SDDC—Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Cmd.; SID—Signals Intelligence Directorate; on October 1. The unit will be desig- USA—U.S. Army; USACE—U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; USAR—U.S. Army Reserve; USF-A— nated Headquarters, 7th Infantry Divi- U.S. Forces-Afghanistan. sion (which was deactivated in 1994) *Assignments to general officer slots announced by the General Officer Management Office, Department of the Army. Some officers are listed at the grade to which they are nominated, promotable or eligible to be and will report to I Corps. frocked. The reporting dates for some officers may not yet be determined. The reorganization is a reflection not 12 ARMY I June 2012 itary honor, the DSC was awarded to Army Casualties in Afghanistan SGT Pereira for “distinguished service and heroism” in Kandahar Province, The following U.S. Army soldiers were reported killed supporting Opera- Afghanistan, in 2010. tion Enduring Freedom from April 1 to April 30, 2012. All names have been SGT Pereira, a 28-year-old native of released through the Department of Defense; families have been notified. Brazil who became a U.S. citizen two CPT Michael C. Braden, 31 SPC Benjamin H. Neal, 21 years ago, is the first Screaming Eagle SSG Andrew T. Brittonmihalo, 25 SSG David P. Nowaczyk, 32 to be awarded the DSC since Vietnam. SSG Christopher L. Brown, 26 SFC Jeffrey J. Rieck, 45 He joined the Army in March 2009 and SPC Antonio C. Burnside, 31 CPT Nicholas J. Rozanski, 36 deployed to Zhari District of Kandahar SPC James E. Dutton, 25 PFC Christian R. Sannicolas, 20 Province, Afghanistan, in May 2010.
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