IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall ffoorr TTaalleenntt DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd CCrreeaattiivviittyy (Volume 2, Number 1, August, 2014) ISSN: 2291-7179 International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(1), August, 2014. 1 ICIE/LPI IJTDC Journal Subscription For annual subscriptions to the IJTDC Journal ONLY (two issues per year), please fill out the following form: First Name: Last Name: Job Title: Organization: Mailing Address: Address (cont.) City: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Please indicate if the mailing address is your: □ Home or □ Office Address Work Phone: Home Phone: Fax: e-Mail: Media types (Note that electronic media type is only possible with institutional subscriptions): Paper Electronic Paper and Electronic The reselling of personal subscriptions is strictly prohibited. Subscribers are requested to send payment with their order whenever possible. Issues will only be sent on receipt of payment. 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For our customers from North & South America, please send this form to: Kari McCluskey, Regional Director, ICIE Canada Box 111, Domain, Manitoba, R0G 0M0, Canada e-Mail: [email protected], [email protected] Other customers, please send this form to: Dr. Sandra K. Linke, Director, International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE-Germany), Postfach 12 40, D-89002, Ulm-Germany. e-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected] This form can be obtained from the journal’s page at: www.icieworld.net www.ijtdc.net 2 International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(1), August, 2014. IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall JJoouurrnnaall ffoorr TTaalleenntt DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd CCrreeaattiivviittyy (Volume 2, Number 1, August, 2014) Founders: Editor-in-Chief: Karen Magro Taisir Subhi Yamin Faculty of Education, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, ICIE, Germany. Universite Paris Descartes. Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9, Canada. e-Mail: [email protected] Ken W. McCluskey Associate Editors: University of Winnipeg, Canada. Beverly Brenna Faculty of Education, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. International Editorial Review Board: e-Mail: [email protected] Birgit Neuhaus, Germany Dean Simonton, USA Don Ambrose Dimitry Ushakov, Russia Editor, Roeper Review, College of Liberal Arts, Education, and Sciences, Rider University, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ, 08648- Dorothy A. Sisk, USA 3099, U.S.A. e-Mail: [email protected] Edward Nęcka, Poland Jacques Grégoire, Belgium Donald J. Treffinger James Kaufman, USA Center for Creative Learning, Inc. P.O. Box: 53169, Sarasota, FL 34232 U.S.A. Jim Campbell, England Joseph Renzulli, USA Heinz Neber Katerina M. Kassotaki, Greece University of Munich; Germany. e-Mail: [email protected] Lynn D. Newton, England Roland S. Persson, Maureen Neihart, Singapore Professor of Educational Psychology, School of Education & Moshe Zeidner, Israel Communication, Jönköping University, P.O. Box: 1026, SE-55111, Peter Merrotsy, Australia Jönköping, Sweden. e-Mail: [email protected] Sylvie Tordjman, France Sandra K. Linke Tracy Riley, New Zealand ICIE-Germany, Postfach 12 40, D-89002, Ulm-Germany. Vlad P. Glăveanu, Denmark e-Mail: [email protected] University of Winnipeg Reviewers: Todd Lubart Donna Copsey-Haydey Laboratoire Adaptations Travail-Individu (LATI), Institut de Psychologie, Gary Evans Universite Paris Descartes, France. e-Mail: [email protected] Joseph Goulet Trevor J. Tebbs Eleoussa Polyzoi Psychology Department, Castleton State College, Castleton, Vermont, www.icieworld.net U.S.A. e-Mail: [email protected] Copyright 2014 © ICIE & LPI, all rights reserved.University of Winnipeg Editorial Board:ISSN: 2291-7179 The International Journal for Talent Development andDonna Creativit Copseyy (IJTDC)-Haydey is a refereed journal publishedJoseph twiceGoulet a year by both the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE)Louesa & Lost Polyzoi Prizes International (LPI). Gary Evans Submit all manuscripts in quadruplicate, double spaced, accompanied by a short abstract (approximately 100 to 150 words), and with citations and references, following the guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition. In addition, include author’s full mailing address, phone and fax numbers, as well as an e-Mail address. Send manuscripts to: Dr. Karen Magro Editor-in-Chief, Faculty of Education, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9, Canada. e-Mail: [email protected] International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(1), August, 2014. 3 ICIE/LPI Partners Alessandro Antonietti; Professore ordinario di Psicologia cognitiva applicata; Direttore del Dipartimento di Psicologia; e-Mail: [email protected] www.antonietti.psycholab.net Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milano, Italy) Ulm University (Ulm, Germany) 4 International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(1), August, 2014. Table of Contents From the Founders: Connecting, Communicating, and Collaborating for Excellence and Innovation in Education Taisir Subhi Yamin; Ken W. McCluskey 7 From the Editor’s Desk: Encouraging the Artistry of Teaching and Learning: Working toward Social Justice and Creativity for All Karen Magro 9 Articles: Dabrowski on Intelligence: Dethroning a Venerable Construct Sal Mendaglio 15 Gifted Education in Transition: From Elitist Enclave to Promising Opportunities for Empowerment and Inclusion Dona Matthews 23 Re-discovering Creativity: Why Theory-Practice Consistency Matters Lee Martin; Nick Wilson 31 Predicting Career Interests from Problem-Solving Style with High School Students Allison Johnson; Margo A. Jackson; Edwin C. Selby; John C. Houtz 43 Gendered Word (or World): Sexism in Philippine Preschool English Language Textbooks Veronico Nogales Tarrayo 57 Reclaiming Youth and a Possible Paradigm Shift Donna L. Johnson 65 Gifted and LGBTIQ1: A Comprehensive Research Review Rachel Wexelbaum; John Hoover 73 Examining Risk and Resilience through Multiple Lenses: An Integrated Approach Eleoussa Polyzoi; Laura Atkinson; Jessica Dupasquier 87 How an Enrichment Summer Program is Meeting the Expectations of Gifted Science Students: A Case Study from Finland Sakari Tolppanen; Kirsi Tirri 103 Problem Solving Style and Creative Productivity Frederick H. McCoy; Edwin C. Selby; John C. Houtz 117 The Factor Structure of the Scales for Rating the Behavioural Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS): Results on an Omani Sample Ali Mahdi Kazem; Abdulqawi S. Alzubaidi; Ahmed Hassan Hemdan; Joseph Renzulli 127 International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(1), August, 2014. 5 ICIE/LPI Profiles of Excellence: Exemplary Schools Transformative Learning through International Service Work Nicole Desjardins; Meghan Elliott; Stephanie Sokal; Sara Christle; Aaron Kornelsen; Kathryn Nikkel; Kelly Lone; Laura Sokal 137 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Dr. Michael Pyryt: Easy to Praise; Hard to Replace Sal Mendaglio 151 Book Review: Searching for Meaning: Idealism, Bright Minds, Disillusionment, and Hope Sandra K. Linke 153 Submission Guidelines 6 International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity – 2(1), August, 2014. From the Founders: Connecting, Communicating, and Collaborating for Excellence and Innovation in Education Taisir Subhi Yamin; Ken W. McCluskey This past July 7-10, the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) held its 11th International Conference in partnership with and at Université Paris Descartes in France. This event, with its theme of Excellence in Education: The Creativity-Innovation Challenge, was highly successful. Todd Lubart, the Conference Chair, and Co-Chairs Linda Jarvin and Sandra Linke, presided over a truly international gathering: there were 375 participants from 85 countries (the largest groups coming from Australia, Canada, USA, Italy, Turkey, and Spain). Nine keynote speakers were featured, together with 180 breakout sessions, 12 posters, 12 symposia, 16 post-conference workshops, and two award presentations. One of the goals of ICIE is to support practitioners, parents, and programs by disseminating relevant information and materials as widely as possible. To that end, copies of several ICIE publications (including some issues of this journal) were distributed free of charge to many participants at the Paris Conference. As we noted in the previous volume of IJTDC, ICIE has recently published a number of books and monographs, including A Zen Companion In a Just and Effective Classroom (Bergsgaard, 2013), Life Expects:
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