Issue 820 University of Surrey Students' Union 4th October 1994 Welcome (again) Chaos on Campus! '^oday is the proverbial first day of the X rest of your life. And the next three or Today, the University of Surrey gets in- There are informative talks combined four years are going to be spent here, in vaded as over one thousand first year with the necessary registration during the Guildford, Surrey, England. So how do students move in. Students will be arriv- day. I hope the first years have a good you feel? ing with their posessions, clothes, stereos, time, and I look forward to seeing you all Well, however it may feel at first, you'll cuddly toys, and their parents. during the course of the year." soon get used to the idea of being at The day is being run by the Students' Throughout the week, there are various University. During Intro Week you'll be Union, with many existing students being entertainments, and the students are ad- bombarded with infonnation, and talked 'helpers', providing assistance wherever vised to make the most of them. A mixture to by so many people you'll start to won- it is needed. Masterminding the whole of music and comedy and general hilarity der if you'll remember any of it in three event is Heather Stych, Vice President for is plaimed. The Happy Hour on Wednes- weeks time. But don't worry, most people Education & Welfare. When asked about day is bound to be popular, so get there live to tell the tale. how she thought the day would run, early. Should you have any problems, use the Heather said "It is bound to be somewhat Jonathan, in one of his quieter moments Students' Union Help Desk for informa- chaotic, but I hope the day is reasonably said "there are lots of information services tion and guidance. The details are shown hiccup-free". available, so use them. Bare Facts, the at the bottom of this very page. As the day progresses, and more cars ar- Help desk and grabbing hold of an Intro You have opportunities facing you which rive on campus, the limited parking space Week helper will all provide you with you may never have again. Please get gets streched to its limiL Car park 5 sees what you want to know." involved, be it in Sport, a music club or some of the most crowded scenes, with Heather added "As far as the new students one of the other Clubs and Societies. You parents being asked to move their cars to are concerned, I hope they find Surrey a can check these out at Sports Fair on the Council car park after unloading. The welcoming place and have a super Intro Friday, and Freshers Fayre on Sunday. Union is also prviding a Minibus Shuttle Week; you're only a fresher once, so en- The challenge is "Come with an interest service from the Station to Campus and joy it!" wecan'tcaterfor".If you can, then you'll Hazel Fann. Seen driving one of the buses belong to a very small group of people. In is Jonathan Bennett, Communications which case, you could probably set up Officer. He said "This makes a change your own club. from sitting at a computer for hours on To quote an old Principle of Battersea end, but I'll be glad when it's all over". College of Technology (the fore-runner to Many parents will be worried about their the University), "Don't let your studies offspring, quite often more so than the interfere with your education". offspring themselves. The message to them is, 'Don't worry, they are being well Remember, Today is an exception. looked after'. Things like Accomodation The rest of your life lies ahead of bills. Grant cheques and bank accounts you. And it will be fun. Honest. can wait. Today should be spentjustmov- ing in. That by itself is hectic enough. The Union's "emergency back-up serv- ice" is provided by Manoj Patel, Presi- dent. Staying on-cil throughout the day, UNIVERSITY he is ready to rush to wherever he is needed at a moment's notice. Of Intro Week itelf he said "This week is run en- OF SURREY tirely for freshers by the Students' Union and we have lots of different events in the STUDENTS' evenings which should suit every taste. STUDENTS' UNION HELPDESK UNION TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM TO 6PM •••••3SSDDD UNION FOYER EXTENSION 3271 2 4th October 1994 Student Loans: Application Arrangements for First-Time borrowers in 1994/95 Tbe first stâge of (he loân ^pUcations process is to obtain an eligibility certifícate and ihe University bas arranged a number of sessions in tbe Autumn term 1994 when it will be possible to complete the necessary fonns, as foUows:- DATE LECTURE TIME CATEGORY OF STUDENTS THEATRE Wednesday B Continuing Students 12 October with surnames A-K Friday H Continuing Students 14 October with surnames L-Z Wednesday B Any time First Year Students 19 October between with surnames A-K Friday H 2.00 p.m. First Year Students 21 October with surnames L-Z Wednesday B & Ail Students 26 October Friday H 4.45 p.m. Ail Students 28 October Students unable to attend the session appropriate to tbier súmame may attend any of the others; the above timetable is imply an attemt to reguliUe the numbers at each session at each session. Any urgent enquiry before üie first of these sessions may be directed to Miss Katô Hedley or Mrs Mary McArthur in the Registry. Lc^ets giving détails about the sceme in general are available on the Information Riû:k outside the Welfare Office in the Students' Union. Arrangements after 4 November will be reviewed in the light of demand but, at tbe very least. Miss Hedley will be available in ^ the4 Registry each wednesday and Friday aftemoon during term time. ^^ IMPORTANT Ail students attending the above sessions must bring with them the following: 1 Briih or adoption certifícate (original, not photocopy). Instead of a birth certifícate, eligible students bom overseas should pro duce thier passport and a letter from a "responsible person" (see para. 1, page 4 of "Student Loans Scheme 1994/95" leaflet) verifying détails of birth. 2 Evidence of Bank or B uilding Society sort code and account number. WITHOUT THESE DOCUMENTS IT WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE TO CERTIFY ELIGIBILITY FORA LOAN. In addition; (a) New students should bring with them any communication from their Loacl Education Authority (LEA). (b) Continuing students should bave completed and retumed the (yellow) Univwsity re-registr^on form for the 1994/95 aca- démie year. Bare Facts Is published by University of Surrey Students' Union. Pick it up every Friday morning during term time from the Union foyer or your court reception. l\/lake sure you aren't ieft out! 3 4th October 1994 International Sensible Drinl<ing Friendship Club This organisation has been running now for over 40 years and is an ideal way to learn about other customs and lifestyles of young people all over the world through letters. This club has no connection to any politi- cal party or religion, and is currently searching for people who wish to have J^anese penfriends. If you want to know more and get the address, see Jono in the Communications office, and don't worry - you can write in English! DRINKWISever forget there is a limitE. ndsleigh 4 octors recommend that sensible ENDSLEIGH ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THEIR Ddrinking limits are up to 21 units of STUDENTS PERSONAL alcohol for men and up to 14 units for POSSESSIONS INSURANCE POLICY REMAINING AT £27 women. AGAIN FOR THE 1995/1995 ACADEMIC YEAR One Unit is lialf a pint of ordinary strength beer, lager or cider, on small glass of wine or a single measure of spirits. Endsleigh Insurance, the largest student insurance in the world, are In the course of a year on average an adult pleased to provide the following cover:- in the UK gets through about 240 pints of beer or lager, about 20 bottles of wine, 8 litres of cider and about 5 litres of spirits ! *Nm FOR OLD REPLACEMENT OF MOST ÍTEMS The alcoholic strength of the average WÍTHNO AGE LIMIT British pint has fallen from around 5.5% 'FIRE, FLOOD, BURST PIPES, CRIMINAL DAMAGE AB V at the turn of the centry to less than AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THEFT. (UNUKE MOST 4% ABV today. But extra strong lagers OTHER POLICIES. PROOF OF FORCED ENTRY IS are nearly three times as strong as ordi- NOT REQUIRED) nary beers or lagers. '£1,000,000 LEGAL UABILITY Over 90% of women and approximately 78% of men, drink within sensible limits, 'REIMBURSEMENT OF FEES, COLLEGE EXPENSES, but men and women under 30 are more INCLUDING EXAM COSTS FOLLOWING INJURY likely to be drinking above these recom- 'COVER APPUES IN STUDENTS' ROOM, PARENTS' mended limits. HOME, TEMPORARY RESIDENCE, SECURE It takes your body about an hour to bum COLLEGE OR HOSPITAL STORAGE DURING up one unit of alcohol. So seven pints in VACATIONS AND EVEN IN TRANSIT TO AND FROM an evening could meant that you're still COLLEGE over the legal limit the next morning! Black coffee, cold showers or the "hair of the dog" are no solutions to hangovers. AND NEW FOR THIS YEAR - ENDSLEIGH LAUNCH The cure is time! COMPUTER POLICY This exclusive policy has been specifically introduced to cater for Endsleigh's Personal Possessions policyholders to cover their valuable computer equipment against loss or damage by virtually any accidental cause and theft.
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