Vol. 8, No.3· 4, September· December, 1994 213 A revision of the genus An;sostena weise (Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae, Hispinae). Part III. The pilatei species group C. L. Staines 3302 Decker Place Edgewater, Maryland 21037 U.S.A. Abstract The pilatei species group ofAnisostena s. str. is revised. Lectotoypes are designated for A. nunenmacheri, A. pilatei, and A. trilineata, A. mitchelli is synonymized with A. al izonica, A. cOlt/usa and A. vittata are described as new. Key words: Anisostena, lectotype, revision, new species. Introduction 2. Pronotum with basal impression 3 Pronotum without basal impression 6 This is the third in a series of articles revising the genus Anisostena The first article (Staines, 3. Vertex of head punctate tl ilineata (Daly) 1993) summarized the work on the genus and Vertex of head not punctate 4 revIsed the subgeneraNeostena andApostena. The second article (Staines, 1994) divided the subgenus 4. Antennal segment III distinctly longer than II . Anisostena s. str. into three species groups and .. vittata New Species revised the ariadne species group Antennal segments II and III suhequal in length Types were examined for all species except A. ............................................................................... 5 scapularis. Lectotypes are designated fOr 4. 5. Pronotum wider than long pilatei (Baly) nunenmacheri, A. pilatei, and A. trilineata. In Pronotum longer than wide recording the label data from type specimens, a ...................................... promta fasciata Maulik slash (f) mv ides data on different labels. Measurements were taken with an ocular mi­ 6. Antennal segment II longer than 111.. crometer Pranotal length and width were taken .................................. suturalis (Weise) along the midlines. Elytral width was measured at Antennal segment III longer than II 7 the humeri. EIytral length was measured form the Antennal segments II and III subequal in length base to apex. Total length was measured from the ............................................................................... 8 base ofthe frontal sulcus to the apex ofthe elytra. 7. Faint longitudinal suelus on pronotal disc' vertex of head with median sulcus; pronotum longer The pilatei species group than wide nunenmacheri (Weise) Members ofthepilateispecies group ale distin­ Pronotum without longitudinal sulcus, vertex of guishedby thevittate ormaculate elytra. Members head without sulcus; pronotum wider than long of this species group are known from Kansas to ...................................................... gracilis (Horn) Argentina 8. Head with median sulcus faint; punctures present near eyes; pronotum longer than wide . Key to the species of the pilatei group ....................................... promta promta (Weise) H@ad with median sulcus distinct; no punetul'es I. Elytra vlttate 4 near eyes; pronotum wider than long 9 Elytra maculate scapI/loris IIhmann 214 Insecta Mundi -0 than III; frons projecting . / ;" / ld~or It'.l~ r ........................................... -" <" ''-: v' D Mesofemur not serrate; antennal segments II and .............................................. arizonica Schaeffer Anisostena arizonica Schaeffer / 1Vlal-' I Amsostena arlzomca I:::ichaeUer 1l:J<1<1: 1U<1. Holotype: A_:r l1 .. ~. ~. ~nl1 TT • la<l" narDerl vnanes =naener voueCLlOnl HI:::i .tlarOer / e ues l-li III An (USNM). Papp 1953:58; Uhmann 1957:73; Wilcox / : L'll . Anisostena mitchelli White 1939:55; Papp 1953:59; y .. ONYMY. / / vitta. Head: medIan sulcuspresent; sulcuson mner • ~~ nnnl. nun', un_"n~ • . A_ ... ~_ nae brown, segments I-III lighter than rest; seg- T' TTTTT .... -;, "Hau .1 , .1.1- subequalin width andlength; IV·X transverse, VII· X wIder than preceding, XI pomted at apex, frons projecting at base of antennae; frons punctate; apIcal margm of clypeus darkened; sides of head Map 1. Distribution of Anisosrena species. arizonica (triangles), nunenmocheri (squares). alutaeeous. Pronotum: apical margin black; aluta ceous between punctures; covered with large, shal­ low punctures; margined laterally; basal margin Distribution: Arizona, California. and Mexico. bisiDuate; longer than wide; basal impression ab- sent; lateral margms dIvergent from base to apex; Specimens examined: MEXICO: Nuevo Leon: 29 no tooth in anterior angles; length 0.7 mm (n 4); km W Linares, 2400 ft, 3 VI 1983 (ISA.C). UNITED width 0.7-0.9mm (avg. 0.8). Scutellum: black; quad­ STATES: ArIZona: no further data (OSNM). PIma Co.­ rate; alutaeeous. ElytIa. sutUIalvittareachespunc- Arival'E, 26- VII,Hl41 (."EMC) St ljruz- en - 3 wi. E ture row 1; scutellar row of 3 punctures; elytral PenaBtanca, iB02u-vIi:197i (AJOC); RullY. 13- VIr. punctures in adjacent rows overlap or touch; lat- a 1 ornla: Inyo 0.- one me, 2- - . , ansas: ar our 0.- roun e ; interva s 2, 4, an 6 costate, interval 6 Jeff Davis Co.- H. O. Canyon. Davis Mts., 5-VII-1968, most pronounced; intervals 2 and 6 unite on apical 6200 ft. CfAMU). Total: 11 fIfth, 4 does not attain union by the diameter of Specimens collected in dry oak forest. threepunctures;lengtb 24-2 amm (avg 26);widt:h 1. 0-1. 3 mm (avg.1.1). Legs: brown; tibia with ringof setae at apex; femurdarker atapex, mesofemur not Anisostena confusa new species serrate on inner margin; last tarsal segment dark. Venter: prosternum brown; meso-, and metasterna Map 2 black. alutaceous; abdomen brown. Total length. Figure 1 3.6 mm (avg. 3.4). Types: Holotype: Guayana Francesal F. Monros Col Larval host plant: unknown. lection 1959/ Holotype Anisostena confusa Staines, det. C. L. Staines 1990 (red label) (USNM). Paratype (male): Vol. 8, No.3- 4, September - December, 1994 215 quadrate; alutaceous. Elytra: yellow with black sutural and lateral vittae; sutural vitta reaches to 1st puncture row; lateral vitta from lateral margin to 6th interspace; scutellar row of 2 punctures; intervals 2, 4, and 6 costate, 2 and 6 unite on apical ftfth, 4 does not attain union by the diameter of a puncture; punctures touchingoroverlapping those in adjacent rows; lateral margins sparsely serrate; apical margin dentate; surface between punctures alutaceous; length 2.7-2.8 mm (avg. 2.75); width 1.1-1.3 mm (avg. 1.2). Venter: prosternum yellow; meso- and metasterna yellow in middle, dark later­ ally; abdominal sterna 1-2 yellow in middle, dark laterally; 3-5 brownish. Legs: femur yellow at base, darkfor apicaltwo-thirds, punctate; tibia dark, tuft ofsetae on inner apical margin; mesofemur serrate on inner margin; tarsi dark. Total length: 3.6 mm. Larval host plant: unknown. Distribution: Ecuador and Venezuela. Specimens examined: ECUADOR: Guayas Prov.­ San Antonio, 3 km S Manglaralto, 12-1l-1987 (USNM). Figure 1. Habitus DC Anisostena confusa. FRENCH GUYANA: no further data (USNM). MEXICO: Colima - 2 mi. SE Tecoman, 20-VII-1966 Ecuador: Cuayas Prov., San Antonio, sea level, 3 km S (TAMU). Morelos· 4.4 mi. E Cuernavaca, 6-8-Vll-1974 Manglaralto, 12 Feb. 1987, K. A. Johnson cold Paratype (TAMU). VENEZUELA: Bolivar, 520 Guri Dam, 16-XI· Anisostena conCuss Staines, det. C. L. Staines 1989 (red 1974 (DEFW). Total: 5. labal) (CLS). Paratype: Ven[ezuela]. Bollvar, 520 Guri Dam, 16-XI-1974, M. Murlaughl Paratype Anisostone confuse Staines, det. C. L. Staines 1989 (red label) Anisostena gracilis (Horn) (DEFW). Paratype: Mexico: Morelos, 4.4 mi. E. Cuemavaea, July 6-8, 1974, Clark, Murrary, Ashe, Map 3 Schaffner/ Paralype Anisostena confusa Staines, det. C. L. Steines 1990 (red label) (TAMU). Paratype: 2 mi. se. Charistena gracilis Horn 1883:298. Holotype: Colum­ Tecoman, Col., Mex., VII-20-66, P. M. & P. K. Wagnerl bus, Texas, 211V1 MCZC type no. 8217 (MCZC). Paratype Anisostena conCuss Staines, det. C. L. Staines Anoplitis gracilis (Horn). Weise 19118:22, 1911b:33; 1990 (red label) (TAMU). Long 1920:303: Uhmann 1957:78. Odontota gracilis (Horn). Butte 1969:14. Description: Head: black; median sulcus present; Sumitrosis gracilis (Horn). Wilcox 1975: 141. vertex alutaceous; sulcus present on inner margin Anisostena gracili8 (Horn), Staines 1987:319; Noguera of each eye; row of punctures present on outer 1988:285. margin ofeach eye; frons andclypeus reddish; frons projecting at base ofantennae. Antennal segment I Description: Body color orange-red or yellowish subglobular; II-III cylindrical, II wider than III, with black sutural vitta. Head: vertex micropunc­ subequalin length; IV-VI transverse, decreasing in tate; median sulcus absent; frons not projecting at length; VII-X transverse, wider than preceding, base of antennae; sulcus On inner margin of each with setae; XI hirsute, pointed at apex; I-VI punc­ eye; row ofpunctures on outer margin ofeach eye: tate. Pronotum: yellow, apical margin darkened; eyes slightly protruding, finely faceted; interocular basal margin bisinuate; margined laterally; small space concave; interantennal keel present. Anten­ tooth in anterior angles; covered with large punc­ nae with last ftve segments expanded, segment I tures; surfacebetweenpuncturesalutaceous; length subglobose, orangish-red; II transverse, scattered 0.7 mm (n=5); width 0.9 mm. Scutellum: black; setae present, orange-red, wider than III; III cylin­ drical, scattered setae present, reddish-brown, 216 Insecta Mundi 90· 60· J' t\ l \ "\. ._----- ----_._-------------- ') h~'<;' . f> ••' .: ' .' ,. -n· \ / \ / I '. \{~:':~\., ~ _________ (_ d _ (' -, / 30· i~<' -;;;r--------30· ! ( ) Map 2. Distribution of Anisostena confusa. longer than II; IV-VI transverse, with scattered from suture tosecond puncturerow; lateralmargin setae; VII-X transverse, hirsute;
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