COUNTRY REPORT ON THE STATE OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE THAILAND AG: GCP/RAS/186/JPN Field Document No. 2007/09 FAO/GOVERNMENT COOPERATIVE PROGRAMME COUNTRY REPORT ON THE STATE OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES FOR FOOD AND AGRICULTURE IN THAILAND (1997-2004) Department of Agriculture (DOA) Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) February, 2007 Written by Wichar Thitiprasert, Chutima Ratanasatien, Songkran Chitrakon, Orapin Watanesk, Somsong Chotechuen, Veerana Sinsawat Forrer, Wilailak Sommut, Songpol Somsri, Prasartporn Samitaman and Suchitra Changtragoon Disclaimer: The designation and presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Department of Agriculture, Thailand concerning the views of the authors in this publication or legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. The State of PGRFA of Thailand i Contents Page Contents i-iv List of Tables, Figure and Boxes v Abbreviations and Acronyms vi-viii Executive Summary 1 Introduction Thailand and its Agricultural Sector 1. General background 6 2. Population 7 3. Agricultural resources 9 4. Economic overview 9 5. Fishery resources 11 6. Forest 11 7. Farm size 12 8. Food production 12 9. Livestock components 13 10. Trends in crop production 15 11. Trends in agricultural production 15 12. Process of preparing the country report 16 Chapter 1 The State of Diversity 1. The main values of PGR 18 2. Diversity within and between crops 18 3. Factors influencing the state of PGD 30 4. Future needs and priorities 32 Chapter 2 The State of In situ Management 1. PGR inventories and survey 33 2. On-farm management and improvement of PGRFA 33 3. Restoring agricultural systems after disasters 34 4. In situ conservation of wild crop relatives and wild plants 35 in protected areas 5. Obstacles exist to improving methods for in situ management 37 6. In vitro germplasm collection and management 37 The State of PGRFA of Thailand ii Page Chapter 3 The State of Ex Situ Management 1. The state of collection 38 2. Collection 38 3. Types of collection and storage facilities 40 4. Security of stored material 42 5. Documentation and characterization 44 6. Germplasm movement 44 7. Role of botanical garden 45 8. Major constraints on ex situ conservation 46 9. Major ex situ needs 46 Chapter 4 The State of Use 1. The importance of utilization 47 2. Utilization activities 47 3. Major constraints to the utilization of conserved PGR 62 4. Assessment of needs to improve utilization 62 Chapter 5 The State of National Programmes, Training Needs and Legislation 1. National programmes for PGR 64 2. Network 66 3. Education and training 69 4. National legislation 71 5. Information system 73 6. Public Awareness 74 7. Major constraints on national programme 75 development, training and legislation 8. Major needs for national programmes 75 development, training and legislation Chapter 6 The State of Regional and International Collaboration 1. Regional and sub-regional networks, international 77 crop-specific networks and sub-regional collaboration for maintaining ex situ collections The State of PGRFA of Thailand iii Page 2. International programmes 78 3. International agreements 79 Chapter 7 Access to PGR and Sharing of Benefits Derived from their Use, and Farmers’ Rights 1. Access to PGR 82 2. Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits of the use of PGR 84 3. Obstacles to accessing PGR 84 4. Implementation of farmers’ rights 85 Chapter 8 The Contribution of PGRFA Management to Food Security and Sustainable Development 1. Contribution to agricultural sustainability 86 2. Contribution to food security 86 3. Contribution to economic development 86 4. Contribution to poverty alleviation 87 5. Needs and priorities to improve the contribution of PGR 88 Annex 1 Planted area, production and yield of major crops: 1997-2004 91 Annex 2 Planted area, production and yield of minor crops: 1997-2004 92 Annex 3 The core institutions and persons responsible 94 for formulating the report Annex 4a Edible plants in limestone areas in Thailand 95 Annex 4b List of some economic wild fruit tree species and 98 their distributions in 47 National Parks inThailand Annex 5 Priority areas and crops for survey and inventory of PGRFA 99 Annex 6 Endemic fern species 101 Annex 7 Endemic monocotyledon species 103 Annex 8 Endemic dicotyledon species 104 The State of PGRFA of Thailand iv Page Annex 9 Ex situ collection 112 Annex 10 Number of accessions stored under the specified storage 128 Annex 11 Percentage of accessions presently characterized and/or 130 evaluated for various types of descriptors Annex 12 Research on breeding programme 132 Annex 13 Top three popular local varieties in each province of Thailand 138 Annex 14 Name of entities coordinating and/or facilitating PGRFA activities 140 The State of PGRFA of Thailand v List of Tables, Figure and Boxes Page Table 1 Average farm size in Thailand 12 Table 2 The most important crops in Thailand 18 Table 3 Types and locations of edible plants found in 25 National 20 Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in Thailand Table 4 Genetic diversity and mating system of some investigated forest 23 and wild plants species Table 5 Threatened plant species 26 Table 6 Crops promoted for breeding programmes 27 Table 7 Crops with registered plant varieties 28 Table 8 Major crops or cropping systems and percentage 29 area sown to modern varieties Table 9 In situ conservation of wild crop relatives and wild plants 35 Table 10 Types and Areas of Protected Areas 2004 36 Table 11 Types of storage facilities 40 Table 12 Regeneration of PGRFA 43 Table 13 Management of genetic changes or losses of genetic integrity 43 Table 14 Activity related to the development or commercialization 48 of under-utilized crops or species Table 15 Genetic enhancement programmes 49 Table 16 Seed production plan, DOAE, 1999-2003 59 Table 17 PGR Project of NTBCN 65 Table 18 PGRFA network activities 67 Table 19 Publications that have contributed to local network activities 68 Table 20 Activities support the development of data and 74 information management systems for PGRFA Figure 1 Map of Thailand 8 Box 1 PGRFA Survey and Inventory Activities 21 Box 2 National Policy, Strategies and Action for 66 the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity The State of PGRFA of Thailand vi Abbreviations and Acronyms ABS Access and benefit sharing ACIAR Australia Center for International Agricultural Research AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area ARDA Agricultural Research Development Agency ARCBC ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations AVRDC Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center BIOTEC The National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology BOT Bank of Thailand BRDO Biotechnology Research and Development Office BRT Biodiversity Research and Training Programme, Thailand CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CFB Community Forests Bill, Thailand CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CHM Clearing House Mechanism CIFR Center for International Forest Research CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CITES The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CODI Community Organizations Development Institute CPB Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety CRC Community Rice Center DIP Department of Intellectual Property, Thailand DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid DOA Department of Agriculture, Thailand DOAE Department of Agricultural Extension DNP Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation DPH Department of Public Health, Thailand EGAT Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone EU European Unions FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FCRC Field Crops Research Center FCRI Field Crops Research Institute GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade The State of PGRFA of Thailand vii GDP Gross Domestic Product GNP Gross National Product GEF Global Environmental Fund GIS Geographical Information System GMOs Genetic Modified Organisms GPA Global Plan of Action GPS Global Positioning System HRC Horticultural Research Center HRI Horticultural Research Institute HSRI Health Systems Research Institute IARC International Agricultural Research Center ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IFS International Foundation for Sciences IPGRI International Plant Genetic Resources Institute IPST The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology IRRI International Rice Research Institute ISSR Inter-simple Sequence Repeat ISTA International Seed Testing Agency ITPGRFA International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture ITTAM Institute for Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicines IUCN International Union of Conservation for Nature and Natural Resources MOAC Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative MONRE Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment MTA Material Transfer Agreement MTEC National Metal and Materials Technology Center NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NECTEC National Electronics and Computer Technology Center NESDB National Economic and Social Development Board NESDP National Economic and Social Development Plan NFP National Focal point NGO Non-Government Organization NRCT National Research Council of Thailand NRM National Resources Management NSM National Science Museum NSTDA
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