VOL15 · ZI,....._E · c·MoN "BLUE R1 OGERs lETS MAKE "D-115 A REAL ''Go GETTUM!' . •· • • YEAR .. - WHAT. DYA SAY TO -EACI-I ACTIV£ MEM8fR PlEDGING HIMSElF TO GET FIVE NE.W MEM8ERS'. 8Ef"OR£ .· l PAss· OUT /. OF TI-l- ~ ICTUR:E ··•··. -.. ... o(a::tRe 77.udlJRM12., .. ., ...................... ~4{ Professional and Business Di~ectory ~t::_ ·m of the Members of the 80th m Subscribed to in the Spirit of Co-operation Rather Than Advertising LET YOUR BUDDIES KNO'V WHAT YOU ARE DOING ATTORNEYS CIGARS AND CIGARETTES LANDSCAPE GARDENER Cella, Carlo D., 70 Pine St., 60 Scher, Mike, 903 East Broad, Rich­ mond, Va. Frishkorn, H. A., Nurseryman and Wall Tower, New York City. Landscape Gardener, 800 Lapish "Smoke Cabaniso Quality Cigars." McFall, Wm. B., St. Nicholas Bldg., ll.oad, N. S., Pitt sburgh, Pa. 716 High Street , Petersburg, Va. Telephone Linden 6903-J. Pittsburgh, Pa.. Represented by Howard J . Wells. Shulgold, Jacob, 1223 Grant Bldg. Atlantic 3896. FLOUR AND FEED MILLI<;RS Stultz, Russell L., C. M. Stultz & REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Son, Flour and Feed Millers and DRUGGIST Dealers in Grain and Feeds, Lichtenthaler, H. P., Freehold Real McKee, Mayne W., Cor East and Wholesale and Retail, New Estate Co., 311 Fourth Ave., Royal Sts., N . S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Market, Virginia. Pittsburgh, Pa. Court 5800. HE Officers and Executive Council of the 80th Division DRINK O Veterans Association, to­ gether with the Staff of ''Service Magazine" join in wishing the FORT PITT Readers and Friends of • • Service ' ' BEER i\ :rhfappy <!tf1ristmas and ALE and a Phone Sterling 2300 The Official Bi-Monthly Communique Owned and Published by the 80th (B lue Ridge) Division Vetet·ans' Asso­ ciation , 413 Plaza Building , Pittsburgh, Pa . Ch rist C. Kramer, Managing Editor ; Associate Editor, L. Powell. Contributing Edito rs: Boyd B. Stutler, Ru sse ll L. Stultz, Fay A. Davis, Dwight H. Fee , Clarence F. Bushman, F. R. Saternow, B. c. Cl ark , H. R. Curry, Bernhard Ragner , Hotel Continental , Pari s, France, Foreign Repre se ntati ve. Art Staff: Jack Berger. Adverti sin g Manager, John J. Gibney. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Offi ce at Pittsb urgh, Pa., under the Act of }iarch 3, 157 9. Volume 15, No. 6 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER, 1934 $2.00 Per Year The objects of this Association are: Patriotic, Historical and Fraternal, and to uphold the Con­ stitution of the United States of America, to foster and perpetuate true Americanism, to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members, to assist worthy comrades and to preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the World War. •-~~-~~-~~-~~-~-~~-• -~a-a-a-a-a-a- o-a-a-a-o-~~-~~-~~-~~-.-.~-~~~-~~~ OFFICERS 1934-35 OFFICERS 1934-35 ~================================= National Conunnntler E. G. PEYT ON Executive Council Ft. Sam Houston, T exas C. D. ACKERMAN 317th Infantry 1-Ionornry Contntantle•• Lakewood, Ohio ADELBERT CRONKHITE TABLE OF CONTENTS Maj.-Ge n. U. S. A . R e tire d EARL SHIVELY 318th Inf a ntry Pittsburgh, Pa. Columbus, Oh io Page CYRI L MADDEX Vice Con1ntantle rs 319th Infantry HENRY E. NEUMAN Bellevue, Pa. Wheeling , vV. Va. The Padre's Corner -- --------- ---· ········- ----------- ---- ----- --- 4 WM. MAISCH JAMES E. FARRAR 320th Infantry Richmond, Va. Commander's Page .. -------- ---- ------ -- ---- ------- ___________ __ ___ 5 Pittsbu r g h , Pa. CHARLES R. H ALEY WM. GOMPERS Pittsburgh, Pa. 313th Field Artillery Christmas, 1918 ___ __________ -- -- ---- --- --- --- ---- ------ --- -- --- ----- 6 vVheeling, W. Va. Chat> lain JAMES KILGANNON REV. EDW. A. WALL ACE Bonus Comments __ __ ____ __ -------- ------ ------------------------- -- 6 314th Field Artillery Manha ttan Beach, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. CHAS. DESCALZI Major Luther Kelly's Death ---- -------------- ---------- -- 7 315th Fie ld Artille ry Historinn Pittsburgh, Pa. RUSSELL L. STULTZ New Market, Virginia Armistice Day m Pittsburgh ----- ----- --- ------------- ------ 8 EMMETT E. CHESLEY 313th Machine Gun B n . Erie, Pa. J rulge Advocate Taps --- --- -- ---- ---- ----- --- ------- --- ------ -- ----------- ---------- -- ----- --- 8 MICH AEL CRENNER J RAYMOND SISSON 315th :\lachine Gun lln. Warsaw, Va. Morning Report ---- ------------------------ ---------------- ---------- 9 Pittsbur'gh, Pa. MICHAEL COX Recording Secretary 305th Eng ineers 'WM. F. PRUSS Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. PERCY B. CHAMBEHLAI N 305th A mmunition •.rrain Everett, Pa. Colo r Sergeant ~================================~ 0. K. FRY ADELBERT CRONKHITE Pittsburgh , Pa. "THE BOth DIVISION ONLY MOVES FORWARD" •. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jj,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I 4 THE SERVICE MAGAZINE NOV.-DEC., 1934 ·· :t - o~-o -o _o_ o_ o _o _ o.-. o~ o-o_o_ o_o-o _o_ o _a-o_o_ o_ o _ o~-u- c •• the bacon, but several bottles of rare ·· () -O~- o -o~-o-o_ o _u_u_o_o_o_o-c , - o -c l ~- o~- o -o_o_ o_o -o-··· wine from the generous Cure's cellar. The celebration of midnight mass has II II been an indispensable part of the Christ­ II PADRE'S CORNER il mas season in France, from time imme­ morial; and on the well known principle ••,, -o~-o-o -o -o -o ~-o -o -u _o_o _o-o _o _o _o_o _o _ o _o_o_,,_o_ 11 -·· that quotation "When In Rome Do As ·· ~~ -o-o-o ....o _o_o_ o_.n_o_o_.o_c,_o_c,.... o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o._.. •• The Romans Do," we joined in heartily with our French host by attending the midnight mass in the beautiful Gothic Reminiscences of our First Christmas in France 13th Century Church in the village Aux Molesme. It was a beautiful sight to see Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee the natives on that pitch-dark Christmas eve wending their way from all direc­ "Oh, Memory, What treasures are mail and shining armor, fi ghting for the tions, in their large wooden sabots and stored up in thy archives." Let us turn honor of their king. huge hand lanterns, redolent of Paul back the hand of time sixteen year·s; Right here in the heart of old Bur­ Revere days, towards the village church when we found ourselves dug in for the gundy, the French and English engaged where at exactly midnight the strains of winter in the heart of Old Bourgogne, in deadly co mbat several centuries pre­ the village choir were heard chanting not many miles from the Swiss f rontier. vious; the one, to drive from their soil t hose old familiar hymns, known To be definite, we called the little town a foreign foe, the other, to assert the throughout the world, "Come All Ye or village, Molesme. It was situated supremacy of its king. Faithful," and "Silent Night, Holy Night." north of Dijon, in the Department of Here in the fall and winter of 1918 we Cote-cl'Or. There was nothing distin­ were marching over terrain which saw Through the kindness of the village guished looking about the town as it re­ the troops of Charles VII defeat the Bur­ Cure, who was himself a discharged sembled so many others in every respect. gundian Allies of England. wounded French soldier, our regiment There were small, squatty, tile-roofed took over the 13th century church for houses set back from the dirt roads, Few of us were aware of the historical midnight divine services which were con­ with ubiquitous high stone walls sur­ fact that we were very close to the ducted by the old Padre himself, assist­ rounding them. battleground of the famous French hero­ ed by a French soldier priest and a Bene­ ine, Joan of Arc, who, most probably, dictine monk. The choir on that memor­ The proverbial manure pile in front marched over the same roads on her way of the main entrance gave us an idea of able Christmas night was made up en­ to raise the seige at Orleans. To most tirely of American s oldiers from our own the importance of the owner, according of us this historical tenain meant only to the size of the pile. This treasure regiment. The entire officer personnel the 15th Training Area where we were commanded by Colonel E. C. Peyton of was guarded as jealously as the miser to bivouac for the winter. guards his horde of gold. the 320th Infantry and our dear, depart­ To tell the truth, it would be an exag­ ed, beloved General Lloyd M. Brett, were The always present Catholic Church geration to say that any of us were en­ among those in attendance. occupied the center of the village and stood out prominently among all the thusiastic about our winter quarters. The The following morning, Christmas buildings on account of its detached loca­ countryside presented a dreary appear­ Day, found us on our way by horse to tion, and the usual conical tower sur­ ance, the houses were anything but invit­ repeat the same beautiful Christmas mounted by the cross and Gallic Cock as ing, heat and home comforts were non­ services at Griselles, Nicey, Channay and the weather vane. existant as far as the enlisted men were Channe. concerned. Clothing and food were ade­ Our devoted Protestant Brother Chap­ The next building of importance, from quate, thanks to the far-sightedness of the civic viewpoint, was " Le Maire," lains throughout t he entire Division ar­ our Uncle Samuel. But all these consid­ ranged beautiful and inspiring Christ­ where His Honor, the Mayo1·, might be era ~ion s were dominated by the one great mas Divine Services for the men at­ found. We say "might" for the chances desn·e uppermost in our minds -was tached to their units. were nine to ten that the Mayor might there a possible chance of our getting be out ploughing his fields when you back home for Christmas ? An old Roman poet has written, called, unless you gave him ample notice "Eheu- fugaces labuntur anni," (Alas­ Bleak November soon passed into the fleeting years glide by) and after the of your intended visit; in which case he drearier December.
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