![1899-05-11 [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
uMzTJiza WW IfW ayHM ad K - i U- I w5 J XfclA mimi Celt J9m 1 7 J- J VOLUME OHMI GLOBE ARIZONA THURSDAY MAY 11 1899 NUMBER 5 --i CAllDS The Guest hatha in town at Towlorf TERRITORIAL MEWS IS IT BLACK JACK 4L tHh You Can Save burlier shop W M CIAVIVXH S U Cuvveoon Now Spring millinery just received Capture of Four fieri Believed 6 bJ if Claypool Claypool IWoney A man iu Omaha Neb ay he baa SiI by Mrs W T Stankield Black Jack and Pals Blobe been told iu a dream about rich NIYSIOIAXS AND Bakery -- a mine SURGEONS BY GOlriCJ TO THE- - Tho famouB Jesso Moore Whinkny in Pima county and be proposes to po Orders lcftatdniK store will receive prompt Corral aiiFeeiYarfl El Paso Tex May 5 Black Jacki attention iitamped on sales there nd locate It Thin in second RICHARD STEPHENS Prop straight double at the the uuled outlaw leader of the band of Msrcantila the Batik Exchange mine lti Arizona cluiuied to have been train robbers and cuttle thieves that m i discovered ¬ J A Lort TOM ARMER Prop Mm through a vision Pros- have so long terrorize tho west is at Dr A P Prcbton dentifct pprma pector RESIDENT DENTIST last in the clutches of the law be so ceutly located iu Globe OtQce in the Ofllcc opposite the 11K1T Office tilobe Baker COMPANY The indications are that the Mam long defied He is now behind tbi MurtoD building moth of the juil to ¬ AND For Mens Boys Clothing ii niinos will in the near future bo bars El Paso county J B Loonnrd Tho Gilu Valley Jlobo k Northern one o th greatest gold producers iu gether with three members of hie Ladie3 Childrens Shoes the a ¬ baud Varley Musgrae his younger PHYSIOIAN AND SUROEON Confectioner Couipauya rutea ou night racKtmfreH country In short time one hun Glube all between dred stamps will brother bis brother-in-la- Dau Office at Iatsoa Arliusa Gents Tarnishing Goods froui to points Globe be oruahing the ere and Bovrie are 30 cents for ten worde instead of nfty This will Le another Johusou and Tom Ketchum Hats and Caps effected Mon ¬ L F Eggors Cor Pino und Cottar Sts and two cenU for each additional source of revenue for the old pueblo The capture was last FINE CAKES A SPECIALTY word tf na Tucson is the business point for the day night by Sheriff M C Stewart and ArroimYAND CouNsnLott Lew Trunks and Valises at Mammoth Tucson Star posse of El Paso county after a long NOTAKY lUHLIG GLOBE ARIZONA Quilts and Blankets Me rchanls mdkt rnaKe profits Credit OrtlcclatuuMurpliv llulldlng ohabe across the plains to Parkers bunui83 make lotted Good pay Tho city election in Phoenix was a Lundy building doi3 Well ou the cast slope of the moun ¬ Broad street ciloiii uuzosi drcidt d victory for the democrats the CO people must help iy for thosa tvho tains at the mouth of the Sail Angus Globe Arizona GOLDBERG MER republicans electing only one council- ¬ HorBPd boarded and sien the bent of dont or cant pay Leedors are hiui- - outlaws frt- - tiue pacs The resisted VHoward care Low rates by the month Broad Globe pie blinda to catch on gqode man aud the recorder Fiht was won Street up other eburply and numerous shots were ex- ¬ ATTOPXEY-AT-LA- ou a mumciaal owuerhip platform E F Ktllner Co guarantee Cash changed resulting in the killing of a OClcc oa Droul street ouo hnlf ou Tuey now propuso to purchase and i OIQHB Bujers reduction ALL stolen horse ridden by one of the Koutltof Court Housj A T operate under the city government the good sold agaiofct the profit rico fugittvts FOBHiTUBE water works sewer system eltetnc YOUR FACE paid uiij credit Btore in town See All four men refused to give tbeir i Fjrtor W m M Fleming mm m lights and other publio ueceNsities l r Miii m i iiwtBiMiMBMWHi camea to answer any questions Hut klrnn 4 rule j italtr or ATTORNEY AfVLAW is your the- - At no time in tho hibtory of Arizona t Oak Mlh cmubiiiiition Uook case fortune and Tbd btbt tialto m the world for cut about themsehes The sheriff and bis GLOBE - - and Desk has there bteu so many applications men descriptions of ARIZONA lirninc fore ulcers salt rheum however bad - t Oak ami Cent for suricyg of mines and for mining Black Jack aud members of his gang T- Parlor or tallies Fashion Barber Shop fever Korw tetter chapped hands Couches and lied Lounges patents as during the last six months and they believe that though much Ceo J Stonerrm - Is the place to go to have it fixed chilblain corns and all skin erup- ¬ Oak Cupboards Cabinets and und the applications are increasing changed m appearance since then one AtTORNEY-AT-LA- OnlT lirirlnit ArfUtx tnmliijcil tion aud positively cures piles or no riyht along According to Safes BOWMAN DUNPHY ARIZONA the Tucson of the prisoners is the noted outlaw Ofilco next to the bnltnt MeriantIS a Proprietors jlOBE puv required It is guaranteed to give Co Childrens Cribs Cradles Beds Star the largest number camo from Uis in law Dan Johnson ia QLOlia prrfeet ftixfction or money refnnded brother aria and Hookers Yatupal county probably two fifths positively identified beyond auy doubt JIIHIIIIIIIIIMIIk Price 25 cents pel box For sale by ZlMltllMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIIIItlll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiHMiii Tlio next is Cochise county Pirns aud tbey feel very positive about the P T Robo tsan A TVIiCtn WSOrTMKST OP 11 C Hitchcock druggist Pinal and Yuma come in for about an identity of the youngest of the band w ATTOBNEY-AT-LA- o V ft i equtl number Mojave Gila ¬ McLean Boo era and zspii 9 Notice and and with Varley Musgrave tho noted out- ft V4 Orgeo Vie and likewise Grabnra are represented a Miller liullduv Jlroaa fatrect ZUIIIIIIMIIIHIMIIttllttUIIIHIIIIlllllllllllli ZtiiiiiMitiiiMiiui iiiiiiiitiiiinitiiitiiiuiii We the nnderMRned firm having laws yonnger brother all of which upplit OJOEE - Arizona nuiiii iiimr bought from John Ivut xfirtbo furmtnre iu aliens made at the surveyor tends to prove the identity of Blaok The loading resort of CSobc cud tixturc3 of ti restaurant furniLrly gent rals oBicc Grabas Guardian lark himself He is a large rough ROLLING WOCER5 fe CO black Hroprietors hertby give to ¬ looking man with a heavy beard SOCIETIES LODGES ETC NEW HOME Sowiig Macliiiiis the Grotto notice auy The development of copper prop or all pi rnona coucerued that we aro erties Arizona still coutinnes with all uvor his face and his brother-in-la- lhu lett uiiulo in not rcspori iblo for any indubtedicts increased activity Eastern capitalists is a great deal similar iu appear Wocdman of ines Liquors and Cigars is tho Word contracted by former jiroprietoru of are mvLstiug heavily in newly dis ance Varley Muegrute a very OAVP NO 12 --Meet on the ISedn Coiiclip WkiI nnd op rnr jmLirr pINE Lonus timt the bind Grotto restaurant covered claims and old mines ure agaiu young man apparently not mora than f firs- mill tlllril Vnililnv in cnnl Ciitton MttttrpsipH Ciinvufc iiud Chat me Yett A Co being A 25 at the utmost The fourth is a man month itOd Kfllowuhnil VUitlnsr Voeu wire nud riiinug CotH opened up fair pur cent of Attractions Unequalled in Globe Globe Arizona March 23 189 with a reddish beard about 35 years brother in good Eton Jin arc cor- - the copper ore from the mmes in l uiallv invited wcwrtfnpgqirfmiiwn w oporatiou finds to old Ho is thought to be Tom W H McNriL I have just received 12 year old pure its nay the El Pato 0 0 Ketchum CT Maitin Clirk COS3CaiOa5DSGS30G05JXX33X330 GGCOCXEG33aSX330G3X33CSCX3 Ronrbou nbisky for family and mudi smelter especially from Pima and G W TILLMANS Black Jacks right name is George ciual purposes Call for Blue Grass Santa Cruz enmities It is estimattd 9 Mtu grave He was a cattleman iu Ciurt - Zl jA O S VAsWonjins that the May shipment to El Pusu of loetH0i IOF ofA GLOBE- ARIZONA Nev Mexico and comes from a good Meets first and third ThnrliH of 33l0WWi ore from different Arizona mints mil family uf De Witt county Texas Some I cath month it Odd Eeilows Hall Notiee of Forfeiture be 15 per Cent greater than it was dur ¬ mx or seven years ago ho lived in J O Evans C K ing the mouth of April El Paso WtiNC LUNG MS- - there are a number Jvis Wiley F S To Jarac Ornhia tdM IJnl or to wlion it Times lelarosa and TuVf may concern throughout that section who knew him TbUUto notify you thai I Thomas Dojle VUCl0W A teacher iu the public schools the About six yeara ago be quarreled with Knights of Pythias RESTAURANT ai co owner In the ollonlnK named mining 4K Gold filling Plate and Bridge work a specialty claims sltuateil in Globe mining district in other day while attempting to ha partner over some cattle and shot 1 institute C VLMOUNTAIXLVDGENO 11 Bijoaii County GUa and piN Street nest door to All Work Guaranteed Ttrritory ol Arizona of tho rudiments of arithmetic into her ana Willed him Ihen began his lifo Pejrnlar nieotlncs tint nntl third Rolling Rogers vU the Iron Misk mining claim more f it of r e sit on 220 No 8 primary clat s said If your father us an outlaw Several members tba iTuesdaj of ery munth Masonic OFFICE JfSXI TO BRS BQORES LCDSKC Ii USB pirtleul trly described pae book nan I GIU county Mining Kecord und Web ¬ famil with others soon joined All leather in coott stanelinc IHE TABIiE IS FIRST GLASS the gave your mother 7 tnd ay and 8 to- together ro cordially invited foot mlnlrg claim described en page book ¬ 22GGXySXXXXXmXXDtt ii morrow wonld bhe have And him and in a short time Mnt grave be- J E SU KEYtOiO Ami Srrvit tliu Best 6 Gila county mining record have done and hat RJ Wcluvms K ofR arias penorraed the annn il work oa sild claim s the small no in the corner replied came tho leader of a baud of train required bv law for the year IW She would Lavo
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