THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 46, ISSUE 54 | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM When TV meets academia SMC to Professor attends seminar exploring connections between education and television host class By MEL FLANAGAN or scholarships, as well as advice News Writer they give for graduates looking to get into the media industry. Christine Becker, associate “[There was] advice from the contest professor of Film, Theater and panelists on how to find work Television, was one of just 20 in the industry when you’re just By JILLIAN BARWICK professors selected to attend starting out,” she said. “Many Saint Mary’s Editor a seminar sponsored by the of the participants enthusiasti- Academy of Television Arts and cally recalled their own college This afternoon, Saint Mary’s Sciences Foundation last week experiences and how they car- students will be suiting up in in Los Angeles. ried things they learned in col- their respective class colors to The exclusive seminar chose lege into their careers.” duke it out in the first annual professors from across the Becker, who applied for the Student Activities Board (SAB) country through an application seminar last year but was not se- Turkey Bowl. process and invited them to the lected, said the academy chose First years must wear purple Academy’s headquarters for five educators from a variety of in- shirts, sophomores will wear days of educational panels, pre- stitutions and backgrounds. pink, juniors will don green sentations by television execu- “About half of the professors shirts and seniors will be decked tives and behind-the-scenes set taught television production out in blue at the event, which visits. and broadcast production, and will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. on “It appears to be a way to the other half of us were tele- the intramural field between create ties between the televi- vision studies — what I would Opus Apartments and the Angela sion industry and academia,” consider myself — or people Athletic Facility parking lot. Becker said. “It’s partly to help who teach television history Junior Lauren Sweeney, co- us learn more about the indus- and criticism,” she said. chair of the SAB entertainment try and partly to help them with Participating faculty traveled committee, said she is excited to outreach into the educational from institutions across the institute a festive athletic tradi- community.” country, including Penn State, tion at the College. The Academy emphasized the the University of Photo Courtesy of Christine Becker “The Turkey Bowl is a touch wealth of opportunities they of- Associate professor Christine Becker poses with an Emmy at a seminar fer students such as internships see SEMINAR PAGE 5 hosted by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation. see TOURNAMENT PAGE 3 University unveils Lecture discusses memorials By MADDIE DALY new Paris program News Writer By ADAM LLORENS junior students.” Just hours after the 9/11 News Writer Students will take courses at attacks on the World Trade Université Paris Diderot, a school Center in 2001, photos and Students will have the oppor- of about 26,000 founded in 2007. other media began to col- tunity to make the City of Lights The campus is situated by the lect in commemoration of shine a littler brighter next year Seine River in southeastern Paris the tragedy that had just when Notre Dame institutes its in a diverse neighborhood popu- occurred. first study abroad program in Paris. lated primarily by ethnic Chinese On Monday, University of The College of Arts and Letters refugees from the former French Regensburg German pro- will offer the program to comple- colony of French Indochina. Locals fessor and author Ingrid ment the social sciences program speak Cantonese, Vietnamese and Gessner described these at Institut d’Etudes Politique also Khmer in addition to French. remembrances as “digital known as “Sciences Po,” and Douthwaite said the program is humanities” and discussed the abroad program Université designed as a yearlong immersion, their impact on the way Catholique de l’Ouest in Angers. but students can take a semester the nation grieved after the French professor Julia program beginning in spring 2014. attacks. Douthwaite, academic liaison She said the Paris program offers “An unofficial record SUZANNA PRATT | The Observer program for the Paris program, is an opportunity for students to take of immediate responses Notre Dame students remembered victims of 9/11 by leaving Post-it excited about the University’s ex- more challenging language cours- should not be lost or dis- notes in the Dooley Room of the LaFortune Student Center on Sept. 11. pansion into France. es on location. regarded,” Gessner said. “We were seeking a partnership “What’s different about this pro- “Spontaneous memorials at memorial. At the moment type of memorial and be- with a strong university where gram from Angers is that students Ground Zero bared a sacred they were put up, they be- gan dialing the numbers on we could send our advanced stu- can take lower-level requirements quality of standing with the came expressions of prayer posters, compiling stories dents,” Douthwaite said. “We for their French major or dead. Also, missing per- and hope.” and publicizing each one. wanted something that would be son fliers represented an- The New York Times recog- exciting and challenging for our see PARIS PAGE 5 other form of spontaneous nized this unconventional see 9/11 PAGE 5 WALKING PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 6 SCENE PAGE 9 MEN’S SOCCER PAGE 16 INTERHALL PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2012 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What is your spirit animal? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief You Rong Yu Steven Ramsey Allan Joseph Managing Editor Business Manager freshman law student Megan Doyle Jeff Liptak Lyons Hall Knott Hall Asst. Managing Editor: Andrew Owens Asst. 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