i . ''2 ; 3 - - . wmmmmm- .. VOL. 25 NO. 146 SECOND SECTION BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1921 SECOND SECTION .Price Five Cent if Be Decided. ate Of Modern 2i to on Scores Of Planes Arid Balloons : Will These Soon Be The Nation's First Line Defense? GYPSY WEDDINGS ABOVE: One of the newest types of seaplanes that are now being used by the United States navy. This type - Will Be Used In Bombardment is capable of high spoecLand long cruising radius. BELOW : A Martin bombing plane; one of the models that will be 0( used in the tests to be conducted during the, few week s by the U. S. navy, v Bombing planes capable of carrying ALL ARRANGED next ' s ' ' , i 2000 pound bombs have been developed recently. Vessels To Determine Usefulness . '.,''. BY OLD rOIN'T' COMFORT, Yu.. June each of wliiih will wh op four bombs. PARENTS 11.- -- (lijt th -- -; torpedo plane division of Mai-Th- e Associated Press) live : t'luini of aircraft advocates that tin bombers, each of which' will drop ' ' ; v ',. '"' battleships no longer form . the na- - six bombs, four NC type Keaplanes, rfvflitvt . tion's chief weapon bf defense will each of which will "drop four bombs Peculiar Matrimonial Cus- be brought to .a test next week, off and a Marine corps division of six , toms Of Gypsies Explained the Virginia tapes. Arra- - d wlth.DH planes to let go two bombs each, i ISi'-r- bombs of every size, flocks or army AU' of the bombs will be of the 163 M,f!X By Minnesota Attorney 1 ' and 'navy ' air ships M ill seek., in "a Pound type. ser es of tests, ib destroy more than After the attack by the-nav- air naif a dozen former German warship detachment if the submarine has not MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 17. - and to find and bomb the radio-cu- n been sunk, the army flyers will take Although it i the custom among- the ti oiled battleship Iowa. off from Langley Field. ,The army : gypsies to have the parents of the J There will be no attempt to stinm-lat- e flight wiil consist of twelve big Mar- prospective bridegroom purch a real battle conditions. The joint tin bombers, each to launch tiix bombs ; i ; wife, for their on. covetous wealthy v army ami navy operations were, ar-- anl H which will drop two ranged by t bombs each, of 1C3 I candidates are not the government gervat .all the uound PC alay successful the facts as to the accuracy with 'pe. The aircraft will deliver Uie at- even when bidding larger bums for which air men can drop bopibs upon tack us the flight commanders choose JtowH? the maiden's hand. alti-ud- 9 naval eraft The warships of neces-- without an restrictions as to .- Such was the information glr-.-- j sity can not employ thiir guns-t-o de- or speed." , i hy John Gre;tthouse. a local a- .jr-ne- fend .themselevs, but will merely, 188 j I. bo. To Drop Bombs . who aitcj a couajn! fi.r .uv' except in flie case of th9 Iowa, an- Itvls expected that by the time the cueo. eyimy nnd fihi-r- . wi-- chored tadgets for 47 mother the aviators. aft craft engaged In the test have they came here in an attempt to ta The maneuvers also will determine dropped their 188 bombs the ,U-11- 7 the or back toelr daughter whom Lhey'chnr-e- d effectiveness bombs that strike will have disappeared beneath the was kidnapped, while the mother :4 ami explode upon tha dec-- of ar- surface of the water but should the shipa. of the groom-elec- t maintained she mored Treviotts test? w'trt vessel still be afoat it vill be made had raid 52.000 for the girl placod At' , -- j the bombs have not satisfied naval he. target Of the gun"s of a division 3r t-- wtx?jpr v ? i." wife of her son. authorities that capital croft would be of destroyers on the following day, If I in rave danger of destntctfou by along with sub- "I have learned that when the moth- air the former German girl among bomb even U-- U-l- ll UD-48- . er of a the gypsies tnl.. a If struck. marines, l 40, and" - Claim is Opposed The second phase of the tests will liking to a young- man and considers him ncmi-na-b The unique and ona-aHe- d contests take place on June 28. Officers of suitable for her daughter, a had their origin in the controversy both services consider this the most price will always et the bride-to-b- e : which followed the declaration before important of all the experiments, as it even though there are" other offers a congressional .committee by Briga- will Involve the double problem of the much higher by men tot 50 well dier General Mitchell, of viio air ser- ability of aircraft to find any enemy liked," declared Greathcuisf. 1 vice, that the development of mil'tary fleet somewhere in a wide area off - The attorney said that under the aircraft was making battle- and to enemy traditional customs of the gypsies, the fast thj the coast Ibomb the younger ship obsolete.. Navy offici:Us -d by "hips after locating them. On that generation ha no toko in Former Secretary Daniels, took date the radio controlled battleship determining their mates, and t!i prompt 'exception to this claim and '"wa will be somewhere between ttfe matching is a matter for the parrots the verbal conflict of opinion raged Virginia Capes and Cape Henlopen, only. so vigorously thnt the , government from 50 to 100 miles -- offshore. The "Generally, the mother of a young found It advisable to attempt the ;;c-tu- Iowa will be maneuvered by radio man. usually around hi lDth year, demonstration of .he power of 'rem the battleship Ohio, 'five or six on the damage to be expected from ! picks out a girl, dickers with ter " aircraft, employing its most modem miles distant. The flyers will have such an attack will be obtained in & P parents and buys' her orirrifit." the 'planes and bombs aealast obsoleto or only an approximate Idea of the loca; later attack on the former German attorney said. "Then thv are inar-ile- d former German naval craft. ' lion of the Iowa and will be required battleship Ostfriesland, a modern ves- according to gypsy law, att-- r "4 Tn preparation for the test; the to take off at a given signal, search sel. .' , which the groom' parent?, in nlmcst army Tangley y every case, him in htMine- - of has concentrated at the wide area involved and, if . they The third or the series of bombing start - F'eld, near here, the largut mobiliza- find the vessel, bomb it with dummy tests will take place on July 13 with some kind to make a llvelihood.- - tion of military aircraft in th his- bombs and get back to land safely. the former German destroyer G-1- as In recent years, certain gypy par- f ftory'of aviation in this country. More The control officer on the Ohio will the target. The army will make the ents, after obtaining money frr tneir than 150 planes of all type-?- , including e fallowed to maneuver the Iowa as first attack, using-- , .twelve"?" Martin daughters. Lave invoked th American . ; . giant Mttfn bombers tenable of carr- he pleases during the bombing-- 'slmu- - "bombers and 11 ' DE-- 4 machines and law and had the daughter r'uri-Hl- ying1 the new 2,000 lound aerial lating as far us possible the moves a fSO pound bbmbsTi94 oFwhich will be Just to resell thein. according u Mr. bombs, smaller bombing planes and battleship might be'expected to make dropped. The' conditions of the at-- Greathonse.' lu mo?t cases, however. fast single-sea- t pursuit machines, wit n :.n war to escape aerial attack. The tack are left at the discretion of flight whn the young suitor is thus out- a speed ol 120 miles an hour. t be conditions involved are that the Iowa commanders. If the destroyer is not witted, his parents get rheir money used for scouting und observation shall continue to steam in the gener- unk by the army's attack the naval ! returned bv point before a eypy work, are included in the mobil'.wtlon al direction of the shore and the at- air detachmenf will nttemnt to wink tribunal, before which a rtal U held, s, as well as a number of dirigibles. tacking planes stay at an altitude of he vessel. If the G-1-02 remains he said. A few of these cunning cyp-8;e- - 1 lly-- La" , Scores of pilots, gathered from ' at least '4,000 feet; Eight o'clock in afloat then it will be sunk on the fol- however, fail to adhvro to their ing fields throughout the country, the morning will be "zero hour." lowing day y gunfire .by Atlantic native laws and the gypsy court de- have been practising daily for wc-k- s To Use Four Dirigibles lleet destroyers, along witbf the for- cisions, and with the aid of th Amer- ' in bomb'ng nd observation flights In the test against the Iowa all mer German destroyers 2 and ican sU'tiites. jefraud parents ot the t out to sea and up Chesapeake tuy, available naval aircraft will be- - iifed, V-4- 3, Should the. destroyers fail to suitor, he added. For such an act. dropping dummy and live bombs including at least four dirigibles.
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