Journal of Health Science, 56(6) 699–704 (2010) 699 — Regular Article — Comparison of Selenium Metabolism in Three Brassicaceae Plants Ayako Yawata,a Yasuko Oishi,a Yasumi Anan, a and Yasumitsu Ogra∗, a, b aLaboratory of Chemical Toxicology and Environmental Health and bHigh Technology Research Center, Showa Pharmaceutical Uni- versity, 3–3165 Higashi-Tamagawagakuen, Machida 194–8543, Japan (Received August 4, 2010; Accepted August 16, 2010; Published online August 20, 2010) Although selenium (Se) is not an essential element in plants, Se metabolism in plants is remarkable, mainly for the purpose of phytoremediation and nutritional supplementation of Se. Brassica juncea (Indian mustard) is known as an Se accumulator. In addition to Indian mustard, unique Brassicaceae plants are consumed in Japan. Brassica rapa var. hakabura,commonly known as nozawana, and Brassica rapa var. peruviridis,commonly known as komatsuna, are typical Brassicaceae plants. In this study, we evaluated the Se-accumulating ability of these unique Brassicaceae plants. There were no significant differences in the Se concentrations in the roots and the leaves of the three Brassicaceae plants. However, nozawana mostefficiently accumulated Se among the three Brassicaceae plants because it showed the most rapid growth, resulting in the highest biomass. Speciation revealed that the Se species accumulated in the three plants were identical. In addition, nozawana contained easily extractable essential minerals, such as iron, copper, and zinc. Potentialities of nozawana as a source of minerals and the phytoremediation of soil and water contaminated with Se were discussed. Key words —— selenium, phytoremediation, speciation, Brassicaceae, inductivelycoupled plasma-mass spectrom- etry INTRODUCTION wild leek, and shallot, have been developed for this purpose.7, 8) Se isametalloid and thus, even if in- Selenium (Se) is an essential micronutrient for organic Se in the form of selenite [Se(IV)] or se- humans and animals, and is required to promote lenate [Se(VI)] is absorbed by plants, it is metab- the activities of some selenoenzymes, such as glu- olized to form selenocompounds having an Se-C tathione peroxidases, iodothyronine 5 -deiodinase, covalent bond.9) It is known that the pharmaco- and thioredoxin reductase.1–3) It has been reported logical, nutritional, and toxicological effects of Se that organic forms of Se, such as selenoamino acid strongly depend on the chemical species. Inorganic derivatives, decrease the incidence of cancers and Se salts are more toxic to animals than organic Se cardiovascular diseases.4–6) On the other hand, Se compounds and thus, the conversion of inorganic is also recognized as an environmental contami- into organic Se in plants is effective to produce Se nant because it is widely used in the semicon- supplements. The other reason is phytoremedia- ductor and electronic industries. Se is known as tion to remove contaminating Se. Phytoremedia- a non-essential element in plants. However, Se tion is a low-cost and environmentally friendly tech- metabolism in plants is remarkable due to the fol- nique to remove contaminants. The Indian mustard, lowing reasons. One is the nutritional supplementa- Brassica juncea (B. juncea), has been extensively tion of Se. Selenized yeasts and Allium plants be- studied for Se phytoremediation10–12) because of its longing to Family Liliaceae, such as garlic, onion, high Se-accumulating ability, fast growth, and high biomass. ∗To whom correspondence should be addressed: Laboratory Unique Brassicaceae plants are consumed in of Chemical Toxicology and Environmental Health, Showa Japan. Brassica rapa (B. rapa)var.peruviridis, Pharmaceutical University, 3–3165 Higashi-Tamagawagakuen, commonly known as komatsuna, is one of the most Machida 194–8543, Japan. Tel. & Fax: +81-42-721-1563; E- popular vegetables nationwide. It shows fast growth mail: [email protected] jp and high biomass. B. rapa var. hakabura,com- C 2010 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 700 Vo l. 56 (2010) monly known as nozawana, is mainly consumed in Plant Growth and Sample Preparation —— B. the Shinshu area in Japan. It is pickled according to rapa var. hakabura (nozawana), B. rapa var. pe- traditional methods. Nozawana shows faster growth ruviridis (komatsuna), and B. juncea (Indian mus- and higher biomass than Indian mustard and komat- tard) seeds were germinated and grown on a block suna. However, the Se metabolism in these unique wool with 1/2 strength solution of Hoagland-Arnon Brassicaceae plants, i.e.,komatsuna and nozawana, salt mixture in a growth chamber (LH-55-RDS; Ni- has not been clarified. honikakikai, Osaka) with a photoperiod of 14 hr Theinductively coupled plasma-mass spec- light (8000 lux)/10 hr dark at 25.0◦C. One week af- trometer (ICP-MS) is a superior instrument for el- ter seeding, the plants were thinned out and trans- emental speciation owing to its high sensitivity and ferred to a 15-l planter filled with conventional soil. specificity when used in combination with such sep- Theplants were exposed to a 500 ml portion of aration instruments as a high-performance liquid sodium selenate at a concentration of 1 µgSe/mlev- chromatograph (HPLC). HPLC-ICP-MS is the tech- ery 6 days for 3 weeks. The plants were harvested nique of choice for Se speciation in samples. In and divided into roots and leaves. The plant samples addition, HPLC-ICP-MS can allow multi-elemental were lyophilized and milled to obtain the homoge- speciation in a single run on HPLC. The multi- nized powder. elemental speciation provides some information re- Determination of Se Concentration —— A 0.1 g garding not only the distribution of each element but portion of the samples was wet-ashed with 1.5 ml also element-element interaction.13) Hence, HPLC- of concentrated nitric acid. The ashed samples ICP-MS was applied to reveal the metabolism of Se were diluted with deionized water and Se concen- and other elements in unique Brassicaceae plants. tration in the samples was determined by ICP-MS The main aim of this study was to compare Se (Agilent 7500ce, Agilent Technologies, Hachioji, metabolism among the three Brassicaceae plants. In Japan). Mass calibration and optimization of the pa- this study, the three Brassicaceae plants were culti- rameters for ICP-MS were performed daily prior to vated and fortified with Se in the form of sodium use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc- selenate. Se-accumulating ability was evaluated by tions. the determination of Se in the plants. The metabolic Speciation of Se, Sulfur, and Metals by HPLC- pathways of Se were speculated based on the results ICP-MS —— Thelyophilized samples were incu- of HPLC-ICP-MS, and the distributions of other el- bated with deionized water at room temperature for ements were also determined by HPLC-ICP-MS. 1hrtoextract Se, sulfur (S), and metal-containing Finally, the potential use of the three Brassicaceae species, and then ultracentrifuged at 105000 g for plants as a nutritional source and for the phytore- 60 min to obtain the water extract. A 20 µlaliquot of mediation of Se was discussed. the water extract and each 0.5 µgSe/mlofstandard solution of selenate, SeMet, SeHLan, GluMeSeCys, and MeSeCys was applied to an HPLC coupled with MATERIALS AND METHODS an ICP-MS to analyze the distribution of Se, S, iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). The HPLC system Chemicals —— Sodium selenate, nitric acid, and consisted of an on-line degasser, an HPLC pump, a ammonium acetate were purchased from Wako Rheodyne six-port injector, and a multi-mode size (Osaka, Japan). Se-methylselenocysteine (MeSe- exclusion column (Shodex Asahipak GS-320HQ, Cys) and selenomethionine (SeMet) were purchased 7.5 internal diameter × 300 mm with a guard col- from Acros Organics (Geel, Belgium). Seleno- umn). The column was eluted with 50 mmol/l am- homolanthionine (SeHLan) was synthesized in our monium acetate, pH 6.5, at a flow rate of 0.6 ml/min. laboratory by a previously reported method.14) γ- Theeluate was introduced into the nebulizer of the Glutamylmethylselenocysteine (GluMeSeCys) and ICP-MS to detect Se, S, Fe, Cu, and Zn at m/z 77, Hoagland-Arnon salt mixture (Hoagland’s No. 34, 57, 65, and 66, respectively. 2) were purchased from Pharmase (Austin, TX, Statistics —— The results are presented as U.S.A.) and Sigma (St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.), re- means ± standard deviation (S.D.) of 5–10 sam- spectively. All reagents were of the highest or an- ples. Statistical analysis was performed with the alytical grade. Deionized water (18.3 MΩ·cm) was Student’s t-test. used throughout. No. 6 701 Table 1. Se Concentrations in Brassicaceae Plants B. rapa var. B. juncea B. rapa var. hakabura (Indian mustard) peruviridis (Nozawana) (Komatsuna) Leaves 0.37 ± 0.08 0.36 ± 0.09 0.34 ± 0.17 Roots 1.07 ± 0.18 1.36 ± 0.98 1.64 ± 0.79 Data are expressed as means ± S.D. in µgSe/gwet weight. n = 5–10. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Concentration and Accumulation of Se in Three Brassicaceae Plants There were no significant differences in the Se concentrations in the roots and the leaves of the three Brassicaceae plants (Table 1). Although Se concentration in the roots of komatsuna tended to be higher than that of nozawana, the difference was not significant. The results indicate that the three Brassicaceae plants have comparable ability to ac- cumulate Se in the leaves and roots. Se concen- tration in the roots was apparently higher than that in the leaves in all the three plants, suggesting that Se was absorbed and preferably accumulated in the roots. Tellurium (Te), an element that belongs to the same group as Se, is, like Se, a non-essential element for plants. It was reported that Te was more preferably accumulated in the roots than in the shoots of B. juncea.15) Thus, the three Brassi- caceae plants may have a common mechanism for the accumulation of non-essential elements, i.e.,Se and Te, in the roots to prevent the distribution of Se and Te totheleaves.Figure 1 shows the total amounts of Se accumulated in the leaves and the roots of the three plants.
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