OUR PRICES ON CLOAKS AND CAPES WILL DEFY COMPETITION. JOHN HICKS. The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXIII.—NO. 13. 8T. JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1899. WHOLE NO.—1680 BREVITIES. SHE STRUCK IT RICH. COUNTY CONVENTION. GONE ABROAD, BU8INE88 LOCALS. ANNUAL MEETING Cloaks, Capos and Far*. Two Hearts Now Beat as One In a Home of Of the Modern Woodmen of America, Held Little Kdlth May Meadows, The Little Or­ \rou can buy Cloaks, Capes aud Furs The big black Minstrel boom —Wed­ Of tlte Farmers' Mutual Fire* lutumnrt nesday, Jan. 25. Peace and Plenty. In 8t. Johns Tuesday. phan, Gone to Kngland to Beside as good and cheap at Noble Burnett’s Company, Doing Business In Clinton With an Aunt. as any one in town or out of town can Walt for the Only Mammoth Min­ and <i rut lot Conn tie*. Mrs. F. H. Churchill, formerly Mrs. The first biennial session of the strels Wednesday, Jan. 25. You will Bale, who had been a resident of St. Clinton county convention of the Little Edith May Meadows, the lit­ sell them. I)o not buy until you see like them. The regular annual meeting of the Johns unwards of 35 years, sister of Modern Woodmen of America, was tle 7-year girl, whose mother, (then what I can do for you In this line. above named company was held in held at G. A. R. hall, Tuesday, Janu­ N oble Burnett . Dr. Walker, the successful special­ Firemen’s hall. St. Johns, on Tuesday H. H. Harris, this village, became ac­ Mrs. Wm. Hardy) died last April and ist, will be at the Hotel St. Johns quainted with a Mr. Winfield Scott ary 10, 1899. The convention was call­ whose father died some years before, last, for the purpose of electing officers Harry Harding, of Henderson, Md., ed to order at 10 a. m., and after ex­ lias gone to reside with an aunt In Buy your Shoes of next Saturday. and amending the charter. amining credentials It was adjourned Woodruff & Tromp . Dorr K. Stowell. of Bengal, was re­ owner of a fruit and poultry farm England. Since the death of the James A. Baker lias lieen appointed near that place. An interesting cor­ until 2 p. m. Upon re-assembling at mother, little Edith had a good and Th* Millinery Must Go. postmaster at Price, vice Fred C. elected president, receiving every vote 2 p. m. the convention proceeded to pleasant abiding place in the family Green, resigned. cast. respondence sprang up between them, If g(K>d, seasonable millinery at low and finally the lonely widow went to elect two delegates to represent the of Robert E. Hicks, a neighbor in prices is what people want, they can We overheard it said, ‘’there issoon George N. Ferrey, of Greenbush, was Henderson in October last, where they Woodmen of this county at the State East Bingham. The winning ways of to be a wedding in the young people’s re-elected vice-president, receiving Camp to be held at Menominee, in be accommodated by calling on us. every vote but one, and that was prob­ were united in marriage. Now she little Edith secured her a warm place It Is our desire to close out our entire society of St. Johns.’’ writes back to her friends describing February next. in the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks. stock of Winter goods, and If low A license has been issued for Win. ably his own. their comfortable home, richly fur­ The election resulted in the choice It was Mrs. Hardy ’s request that after Charles B. GifTels was re-elected sec­ of E. J. Bullard, of St. Johns, and Clay ­ prices Is any object, we will accom­ M. Jones, of Eagle, to marry Addle retary by the largest vote polled at the nished, and with a horse and carriage her death Edith should be taken to plish our desires. Benjamin, of Portland. at her service. She Is certainly in a ton Plowman, of DeWitt. her aunt in England, Mrs. Hardy,s Boucher & Petsch . meeting, being 71, and without oppo­ fair way to enjoy the residue of her E. E. Cowan, of Ovid, gave a very native country. Incompliance with A marriage license has been granted sition. and as an acknowledgment of interesting talk for the good of the tn John B. Hippie, of Laingsbnrg, and his efficiency and faithful service to life. this request the little orphan, accom­ Buy your Shoes of Anna Siegrist, of Victor. We have been permitted to make order. II Is remarks were well received panied by her step-father, Mr. Hardy, Woodruff & Trump . the organization, he was voted an in­ the following extracts from a letter and liberally applauded. Mr. Cowan a very good man, left here last week E. J. Moinet has been appointed crease In salary of ♦•*>0 a year, making addressed by Mrs. Harding to her is a line speaker and a gentleman who Thursday evening for the old country, Come Next Saturday, Jan. 14th, township clerk at Ithaca in place of his salary from this time forward $500, friend. Mrs. Sophia P. Harford, of has the Interests of woodcraft at heart. Mr. Hardy expects to return to this and get a Corset Bargain at Noble Bur­ Arthur Mulholland, resigned. which Is still $100 too small, without St.Johns, under date of December 4: In the evening St. Johns camp en­ township in the spring. nett a. A good 50c one for 29c. The one real event of the amuse­ perquisites. “I am well and satisfied with this tertained the visitors by conducting a Despite the fact that little Edith’s Wood Wanted. ment season. The only Mammoth Article 3 of the charter was so country. When I first came here the stranger through the Great Forest, stay had been a short one in the home Minstrels, Wednesday, Jan. 25. amended as to extend the lightning thermometer Indicated 80 degrees after which covers were laid for 250 at of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, strong attach­ I will receive sealed proposals from Keep in mind the social by the clause to any part of Clinton or Gra­ above, add at this writing 29 degrees I. O. O. F. hall. ments had been formed, which render­ tills date to January 15, 1899, from per­ Woman's Guild at the home of Mrs. tiot counties, instead of on the prem­ above. The first snow here this sea­ The mandolin club entertained the ed the parting in no small degree sons who desire to furnish wood for E P. Waldron next week Thursday ises, as heretofore. son was on the 23d of November. assembly with a few of their choice sorrowful. May God bless and watch the schools of St. Johns, eighty (80) Numbcrof new members added dur­ selections, after which all dlsiiersed to over her through life. cords 18 Inch, of which fifteen (15) cords evening. ing the year 010. with a total of $<>97,- The day after Thanksgiving was sun­ can be basswood and sixty-five (05) Recollect the annual meeting of the shiny and pleasant. We have 700 their homes, feeling they had passed 5fl0 worth of insurance. Number of fruit trees, 29 grape vines and acres of the day and evening pleasantly as the cords green beech and maple. One Clinton County Agricultural Society policies cancelled for various causes, guests of St. Johns Camp No. 2387. M. hundred (100) cordsof three foot wood, at the court house next Saturday af­ 3.73, with an amount of insurance of strawberries and raspberries. We A CREAMERY. equal parts of beech and maple, to be ternoon. $487,370, leaving a net gain for the have a splendid carriage horse and a W. A. delivered by the 15th of March. Con­ good part Jersey cow, I took butter The choice by acclamation, as the An Kffort Being Mailr to Re-establish One The beet sugar made at Bay City company, during the year, of 2(13 mem­ senior delegate to the State Camp, of tract to lie entered into by responsible has much the appearance of the cane bers, and $210,18.1 insurance. and eggs to market this week, re­ In St. Johns. parties in writing. ceived 24 cents a dozen for eggs and 15 our esteemed fellow townsman, E. J. sugar, except that the granulations The company has now 4,4.77 mem­ E. E. Eggleston, formerly of St. Henry J. Patterson , cents for butter. 1 have an oak side­ Bullard, is a well merited tribute to Johns, a graduate from the dairy de­ 3w Director School Dint. No. 4, Bingham. are finer. bers. with a total amount of insurance board, one glass above and two on the his business ability. Mrs. W. 11. Brunson Is acting as of $.7.(103,08.7. There have been sixty- partment of the Stfite Agricultural nine losses during the year, amounting sides. My parlor suit is black walnut College, and who has been meeting Buy your Shoes of leader of the M. E. church choir, and upholstered with black haircloth. Woodruff & Tromp . while Mrs. W. W. Peck, who is quite to $13,381.14. The assessment of $17,- FARMERS^ INSTITUTE. with pleasing success in Ills profession, 308 was all collected within three My carpets are heavy Brussels. For Is here for the purpose of getting the ill. is absent. my dining room I chose matting. people of St. Johns and the farming A good place to get value received months after the notices were given, To l>r Held In St.
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