, , : l -i ... ♦> >V ••«. —.* 'r , ? -ff •/ ■» .» » •t . , f W — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Feb. »■ 1987 KIT ‘M’ CARLYLE ®by Larry WrIflhI MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS OU n e l p w m it io Latin regaining Valentine’s Day NHL All-Stars Body shoo opcnlna - mutt Brand new listing Ml be able to restore M ut- Manchester-Delightful tongs and other dottle older 6 room Colonial, some popularity events are plenty RENDEZVOUS. go for a sweep cars. Pov according to Cope. 3 bedrooms, French skill.Heritage Auto Body doors, large closets, 2 car ... page 3 ... page 15 ... page 19 of Andover, Inc. 742-7493. garage. Handy locatloni - A J k l ___BL. $122,400. Joefcson B Jack- Lgvihi mom^of. hag. ho»' INEpWWfBW DumosAittetrtit miAMKria niH ttihibBim Elaetritot “ Machinists • tool and die son Real Estate. 647-8400.ci m m moker. 5 years plus expe­ inOBIICSGfVMIO N a « r « First prize for quality grort hoiti^ Lima) wgirghMC j c L Btona Pcrintars- RadlMry rience. Long term to per­ n e W M b t.l .watidam.......... manent. Coll Joe NoiMlI- young 3 bedroom Wllll- (Raducad' rotaiNWintar " olM r6gm > saoagnlJtrotaaslanalaX' Dun)os.>i Fully tono, Hollmork-Tech amsburg Colonial In Ly- sssa,' FragesHtrimas.' dall Woods. Clear and dhoiaavgllgbfg, $ oarlanead; m gil ghosas of Temps, 527-S779. •UIb captivating. The lavish ^Vgglntlng ti^a. Naot master bedroom boosts a Coring paron to do thlM 4: work, gurwllaad on tima. series of spacious closets core ID mv llcfnidr ........... or oommar- plus an elegant gloss sola­ •flar homo. TodWara ' ~ ' 66M04I.' rium to embrace plants QnCI IiiTCwhS/ wXPVriwftCBCI from the world over. See It Ufith chlldrari. Monday 4dMT' & Lorry's polntlno and tax' Fod#ty*itilR«i^«>'^ International Metal Bulld- through Friday, 6:30 am t w ^ camngs. Fraa asH< Ing Manufadurer - teled- to d a y ...$149,900. Blan­ to 6:30 pm. Lunch and ManiM^;ii8»t«8t .. TnTOQm UlaurbrBtrr Hrralb chard 8i Rossetto. "W e motas, raosonobla.! stolloHon * * ) Manchiistfir A City ot Villann Chdrm Ing bullder/dealer In snacks providad. Coll 64M5M. some open areas. High Guarantee Our Houses". Bruno at 649«112. oorboga potential profit In our 6 4 6 -^ .a .Tipahw.^'' .. growth Industry. (303) 759- - c®Tiroyro ocoRpiMiiiu 3700 extension 2403. For love of lambs, goats, w i s a & < " C 1MT b , NCA. me horses or other form SSmmrnrnimiikmmmmm R ie n iie R L Friday, Feb. 13,1987 30 Cents animals this 5 acre "Mini Form " In Bolton hos 3 Sarvleaa^lomglgia homo f gfc>ricaf",Contrfft<y - FOR SALE fenced corals 24' x 32' barn Harculas Housa claanina Rapidca that old tus« MUSICAL MISCELLANEOUS F Ides plus a comfortable 6 room service - thourough house rapdirs and riBtNMMlng. Wa sgacldtlia fn ' bO' ITEMS a FMSALE Small Retail Busi­ home that won't foul your ond/or office cleaning loba,Tfueklng;«oai6 m finances...8210JI00. Blan­ done. Mott lobs only 825. throoms ond kltchan8 Playscape Soviet police ness with regular chard 8i Rossetto Real­ Call today for a traa Small scola commsrclol g w . do tt. ^FrM .atttmdlai' 120 base accordion, excel­ 1981 Fleer baseball cards - work. Ragistarad, in' pools, wired, rec rooms. Insurad. 643%04. 36 pack, wax box. 830. Coll clientele. Estab­ tors. "W e Guarantee Our estimate at 64F30S2- ‘ surad, rafarancas, 646>, Fixtures Instolled, also lent condition. Will trade Houses". 646-2482.0 commercial wiring dona. for smaller or equal 742-6016.O lished location. For H ELP IN G P E O P LE sa­ 8165. Your local hondmanl yalue. Call anytime, 646- 30 years axparianca II- Coll John at 6 4 3 ^^ ond vandalism more information Manchester...Easily af­ tisfy their needs and censad and fully Insured. 2857. fordable 2 year old 3 wonts... that's what want please leave massage. Automotivo please write P.O. Custom fUrnItura and ca- > Free estimates. 646-8396. quash protest bedroom, 1V^ both Colon­ ads are all obout. Mnetsf. fumituri ohd on- E Box 483, Manches­ Howkas TraatiSarvIct' ICAMERA8/PN0T0 frustrating ial. Large family size tiqua ragolr. custom wood There's someone out ter. CT 06040, kitchen plus formal dining working. Coll Tha Woods* Bucket Trudk B Oilpc lEQUIPMENT room or den. Priced right mith, 6434538. there who wants to buy Stump removal. FraaaSWr CARR at $124,900. Joyce G. Ep­ your power toots. Find mates. Special consldaro' FOR RALE ENTERTAMMENT that buyer with o low-cost tion (Or elderly and hand!- Minolta XG-1 -$50.00. Like By John Mitchell stein Real Estate. 647- new with case. Firm . Coll 8895.0 Robert E. Jarvis BuHdlng od In Classified. 643-2711. copped. 647-7553. Herald Reporter over jailing - ramodaling sgbdatlst.' 643-4295 after 5 pm. Dodge Coronet - 1975. 8 Real Estate cylinder, 4 door, good New duplex-Large and Additktns, gorogas; root­ condition. $1000. Coll John Continuing vandalism to Keeney roomy and ready for you. i SHOWTIME i ing, siding, kltchans, ba­ Street School's playscapes since throoms, raplocamant RooB Leaking? MRCELLANE0U8 days, 643-2711 or 647-8888 Three bedrooms, 1V^ nights. they were built two years ago have HOMES baths-sporkllng new. * PROD. ★ wlndows/dom 6434712. ( ' ★ FOR RALE left school officials and parents FOR SALE Great for Investor or pre»ent$ ^ Ice Damage?; ; 1974 Mustang • needs head aggravated, concerned and unable Western reporters owner occupied. Call for 75 LP Records - all for $10. gasket, $500. Acytllne to find a solution. details. Joyce G. Epstein ■k * Backed up Gutters?- Torch and arc welder, All real estate advertised Real Estate. 647-8895.0 The Duke Coll 649-3581 .□ In the Manchester Herald Call the .J $200. Like new condition. The two large pieces of wooden beaten and detained * of Discs ^ 633-6882. equipment, which contain slides, Is subled to the Fair Yesteryear Charm III ^featuring music from th e* Child's table and chair set. Housing A d of 19M, which $100,900. This 6 room Co­ 40 Inch octagon with 2 rings, suspension bridges, ladders makes It Illegal to adver­ k 40't to 80’». Make any 1977 Ford Pinto wagon, and decks, were put together lonial has a lot of poten­ Name your own price — folding chairs. Very good By John-Thor Dohlburg who now is in Moscow, said her tise any preference, lim­ k occasion memorable, k Father and son. Fast, condition. $17.00. 649- automatic, very good run­ through efforts by the school’s tial!! I It Is located In a ■26is ning condition. Passed The Associated Press husband called her from a militia itation or discrimination very convenient area. dapbndabto ’ sirvleo 1847.0 PTA in 1985. There is one plays­ based on race, color, reli­ ^ Call 282-5924 * Po$Smg,FaoerNwriM ■ C tn e rg g n cyi Repairs 24 Hour Sark Emissions. Call 643-6916. station to say he would be taken to a Aluminum siding. 2 car $600. cape on a hill In front of the building hospital. She did not know the gion, sex or national detached garage with Rainoval. Call I7BMOT. «|||||g||g«|||M Hundreds of glass Insula­ and another behind the school. MOSCOW — Security agents origin, or an Intention to storage. Call and let us tors. Great flea market today punched protesters rallying extent of his inJuries. moke any such prefer­ show you this homel Item. $90 or best offer. Buick Century 1901 - 4 ' According to Frank Amara. for a fifth day to demand freedom Another protester, Nastasha ence, limitation or dis­ Realty World, Frechette 649-0477. Evenings.o door, 62K miles. Power principal at the school, the prob­ Bekman, was shoved off Arbat steering, brakes. Rust- for a Jailed Jewish activist. Dissi­ crimination. The Herald Associates, 646-7709. lems began soon after the plays­ Honild photo by Mncholl dent sources said four demonstra­ Street and dragged down a nearby will not knowingly accept American peoples encyc­ free. Excellent condition. TV/8TERE0/ Sharp! $3300. 647-7777. capes went up. He said repairs of tors — including the activist’s son alley in front of the Ministry of any advertisement which For sale by owner In 19 JAPARTMERT8 19 JAPAHTRIENT8 lopedia (20 books) and some type have been need^ about Justin Schulmen, a first-grader at first-grader, watches. The school’s Culture. As uniformed policemen Is In violation of the low. Merchandise APPLIANCE8 year books*1967-85 plus 5 — were given Jail terms. Coyentry-by the lake In IFOR RENT ^ I forrent 10 times. looked on, she was punched and woods, 4 bedroom, V/i books science supple­ 1978 Cheyy Chevette - 4 Keeney Street Schooi, takes a bumpy playscapes have been damaged by The agents also punched Western Governm ent Homes - baths, Ir, fr, kitchen, 11 x ment, 1964-69. $75/best door, automatic, om/fm vandals repeatedly since they were built reporters covering the protest and kicked by the men in civilian Refrigerator - 2 door, 16 cassette, excellent condi­ In one incident, bolts holding up ride down the siide at one of the school’s from $1 (U repair). Delin­ 14 mudroom garage, 4 room apartment, heat, Manchesfer-2nd floor, 2 171 iHOUDAY/ offer. 649-6309.O smashed their cameras. Police clothes. hot water, appliances, bedroom, heat and ap­ cubic feet. Manual de­ tion. Good second cor. one of the bridges were removed, playscapes, while John Wygant, another in 1985. quent tax property. toolshed, 2'Ai acre, beauti­ frost. $25.00. 643-2809.O detained three American newsmen Western reporters who tried to Repossessions. Call 1-805- garage. Very clean. $530. pliances. No pets. $55o II1I8EA80NAL Blonaire Biotech ultra­ $1100. 742-5937. and the school had to bar students film or photograph the scene were ful landscape. $169,900. from It for fear of Injury.
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