10 ,:._.: .,l ~ ::; _ L:1 Zl 7J ore he.rd t:ve. ?ro·: t1;ncz, TI . I. Rhode lslond's Only Anglo-Jewish Greotest Newspaper Independent In Weekly The Jewish Herald Rhode Island VOL. XXXX, No. 5 FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1955 PROVIDENCE, R. I. TWENTY PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY FormCommitteeon I Chat In Israel Sharett Talks With Radio, Television Benjamin Brier French Soviet Envoys Named Chairman List Services Discuss Gravity of A new project in the field of community relations has been un­ For Passover dertaken by the Providence Jew­ Border Incidents ish Community, with the forma­ Passover-the eight day festival tion of an enlarged committee on that celebrates the deliverance of TEL AVIV, Israel. - Premier radio and television. the Jewish people from the bon­ Moshe Sharrett discussed Israeli­ Under the name of the J ewish dage of Egypt-will be ushered in Egyptian border tension today at Committee on Radio and Televi­ at family Seders tomorrow. The separate m eetings with the Soviet second Seder will be held on Sun­ sion, the panel named Benjamin and French ambassadors. day evening, with the youngest Brier as its chairman at a recent A communique issued in Jeru­ male of the family asking the tra­ organizational meeting at Brier's salem said Alexander Abramov, ditional Four Questions as a part home. Its purpose is to direct a nd of Russia, and P ierre Gilbert, of over-see the presentation of a se­ of the Seders. Apart from the Seders, and the France, called on Sharrett at the ries of television programs to be Premier's request. p resented over WJAR-TV on hallowed P assover dietary cust­ Mrs. Eleanor Roose~elt, now touring Israel, is shown as she "The Premier told the ambas­ Channel 10 every sixth Sunday oms, the holiday will be observed chats with Mrs. Ch aim Weizmann, widow of the new republic's first sadors about the gravity of the throughout the year. at services held at synagogues and president. They met at celebration of agriculture school in southern situation in the border area fac­ The first program , dealing with temples. A schedule of these ser­ Israel. ing the Gaza Strip, as further the history of American Jewry vices follows: BETH DAVID CONGREGATION illustrated by the murderous at­ during the past 300 years, has al­ Services will be held on Wed­ tack on Patish last Thursday," the ready been presented and plans comm unique said. are underway for a second pro­ nesday at 6 A. M. followed by the 70o/o of NY Agencies Accept Siyum Bekhorim for the first­ The Israeli-Egyptian M i x e d gram to be presented on May 8, Armstice Commission yesterday with the anniversary of the State born. Afternoon services will start at 5:40 P. M. On Thursday condemned Egypt for this attack of Israel as its central theme. Biased Requests, AJC Charges and Friday services will begin at on a wedding party at Patish, in The direction and production of NEW YORK-More than 70 per ' man of the AJC's Commission on which a girl was killed. the program has been assigned to 8:30 A. M. cent of 222 commercial employ- I Law and Social Action. in his let­ The model seder of the Relig­ The commission today cen..sured Mrs. Hen;y VT. M ::'. rkoff, who will m':!nt agencies in Manhattan ac- ter to state officials. ious School will take place in the both Jordan and Israel for breach­ work with a programming commit­ cept telephone orders for "white He stressed that while the stat­ auditorium this Sunday at 11 es of the truce committed on tee made up of members of the Protestant" stenographers. accord- ute against discrimination "has ac­ A. M. The Mothers Association March 22 in the Jaba Viliage area. larger group. WJAR-TV h as made ing to a survey by the American complished a great deal," discrimi­ will prepare the seder for the its time and facilities available An Israeli army spokesman said Jewish Congress. nation in employment "is still children. the Commission adopted a resolu­ free of charge as a public service Such an order violates the State widespread and remains the domi- to the J ewish Community of SONS OF ABRAHAM tion condemning Jordan for an in­ Law Against Discrimination. nant pattern in m any industries." Greater Providence. The services for the first born cident in which Jordinian guards In submitting the findings of the The employment agency, said will be held Wednesday at 7 A. M. Serving on the committee with fired on an Israel patrol across the latest AJC survey on discrimina - Weisman, plays a key role in the Afternoon services will be at 6 :30 border. Brier are Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen, tion in employment to Gov. Har- employment market because it P. M., one hour before the time Another resolution condemned Mrs. Bertram L. Bernhardt, Alter riman and the State Legislature, "can help to end discrimination by for the beginning of the family Israel for firing by an Israel pa­ Boy man, Rabbi William G. the organization urged enactm ent refusing to connive with biased seders. On Thursday and Friday, trol on a Jordanian farmer. Braude, Samuel Finegold, Mrs. of the Merrit and Baker bills which employers, or it can aid or even services will start at 9 A . M. Edwin 0. Halpert, Sidney A. Kane, A new flare-up on the Egyptian w o u 1 d strengthen th e present instigate illegal practices. This SONS OF JACOB Mrs. Henry W. Markoff, Julius C. SLAD law. survey shows that the Law Against border area was reported today by Michaelson, Mrs. Abraham Perce­ Wednesday morning services at an Israeli army spokesman. Under these measures, the com- Discrimination and its adminis­ 6: 30 will be followed by the feast Iay, Joseph W. Ress, Aaron Roit­ mission would be authorized to tration have not yet had any ap­ for the first born. Evening ser­ He said a group of Egyptians man, Rabbi Morris Schussheim , act without waiting for a com- preciable affect on this vital link vices are listed for 6 P. M. On mounted on camels crossed into Rabbi George B. Schwartz, Archi­ plaint from a job hunter. in the employment process." Thursday and Friday mornings the demilitarized zone south of the bald Silverman. Mrs. Archibald "Most employment agencies re- Weisman said the rem edy was services will begin at 8:30. Rabbi Gaza Strip, where an Israeli set­ Silverman, Max Winograd, Dr. gard discriminatory orders as nei- to allow SLAD "to initiate inves­ Morton Berkowitz' sermon on tlement is situated. Harry Elkin and Joseph Galkin. ther unusual nor unacceptable," tigations and issue com plaints on Thursday at 10 A. M. will be en­ When the settlers approached said Herman L. Weisman, chair- its own initiative." titled: "True and False Concepts the camel m en they were fired on of Freedom". from an Egyptian post across the Favors Boldness A model seder will be he'.d Sun­ lines, the spokesman said. The day at 11 A . M . for the children settlers suffered no casualties. In Peace Approach Kleiber Quits Red Opera Post, of the Hebrew School. Food and refreshments will be served by NEW ORLEANS - An appeal Raps Nazi-Style Interferences the Sisterhood. Mrs. Morton Ber­ Bond Compaign for a "bold. direct approach" by kowitz and Mrs. Amtzis will dir­ American diplomacy to the prob­ BERLIN - The dramatic resig­ The final incident which led to ect the model seder. All parents lem of peace between Israel and nation this week of world-famous his quitting was the rem oval by are invited to attend. Tops $37,000 the Arab states was voiced here at conductor Erich Kleiber as musi­ the Communists of an inscription TEMPLE BETH EL Highlighting Israel's accom­ the five-day national biennlel cal director or the communist­ in Latin on the facade of the op­ Services will be held Thursday plishments in its drive for eco­ convention of the National Coun­ controlled Berlin State Opera re­ era building which had praised at 10 A. M . a nd will be featured nomic independence. Israeli in­ cil of Jewish Women . Mrs. Irving called his defiance of the Nazi re­ King Frederick the Great. in whose by the dedication of the Herman dustrialist S . Robert Abrahami M. Engel, president, who made the gime two decades ago. time the building was completed L. Bennett Memorial and the urged local community leaders. suggestion in her keynote address, Kleiber and Arturo Toscanini The inscription had said, "Fred­ ctedication of the Adolf Meller meeting l!.t the home of Sydney also urged the delegates to support are the two leading non-Jewish erick the King Cln dedication> to Eternal Light. Next Friday at Kane this week. to spark the cur­ Israel in its struggle for survival musicians whose refusal to knuc­ Apolio and the Muses.'' 8: 15. Rabbi William G. Braude rent Providence Israel Bond Cam­ and to support the efforts of North kle under to the Nazi and Fascist Kleiber, who took over as musi­ will speak on "Song of Songs". paign so that the community can African J ews to Immigrate to dictatorships in Germany and cal director only last year. was re­ The Congregational Seder of share in "fulfilling biblical proph­ Israel. Ita ly made history in the world of ecies that we Jews have dreamed ported to have said that he found Temple Beth El will be held on Mrs. Engel told the 800 dele­ music. the second night of Passover, about for 3.000 years." it Impossible to work under the gates from 245 cities that the In his letter of resignation, ad­ Thursday, at 6 :30 P .
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