® November 2012 Vol. XXXI, No. 11 $5.00 Special Caring Awards Issue International Caring Award Winner His Holiness the Dalai Lama Nutrition Oral nutrition supplements: Facts Shake well. Serve cold. Improve patient outcomes. Serv. Size: 1 bottle (8 fl. oz.) Reduction in rehospitalizations 50%1 Calories: 350 Reduction in overall complications 56%2 Protein and Revigor® Reduction in pressure ulcers 25%3 Recommend: 2 bottles per day Tools needed to enhance nutrition care plans 100% Use under medical supervision. Missing your daily recommended allowance of improved outcomes? Learn how our Feed the 485 Initiative can give you the tools for successful nutrition intervention. Visit us at www.Feedthe485.com. ©2012 Abbott Laboratories Inc. 85184.001/October 2012 1. Norman K et al. Clin Nutr. 2008; 27:48-56 2. Stratton RJ, Green CJ, et al. Wallingford. www.abbottnutrition.com CABI Publishing 2003 3. Stratton RJ et al. Ageing Res Rev. 2005; 4(3): 422-450 Oral nutrition supplements: Nutrition ByThe Val J. Halamandaris Caring Imperative Facts Shake well. Serve cold. Improve patient outcomes. his issue of CARING magazine celebrates the hu- hunger among the citizens of this nation for such stories. Serv. Size: Tman spirit. Through the stories of the people pro- We seek to promote the solidarity of the American fam- 1 bottle (8 fl. oz.) filed, it strives to promote positive values and underscore ily, which we perceive to be the bedrock of our society. It is Reduction in rehospitalizations 50%1 the importance of service to others in an institution we believe to be presently Calories: 350 the belief that the solution to most threatened by dangerous influences. Reduction in overall complications 56%2 problems lies in the love, under- We do our part to shatter myths Protein and Revigor® standing, and caring of one human about aging and the prejudices that Reduction in pressure ulcers 25%3 being for another. We believe Albert keep the disabled from their full share Recommend: Schweitzer was correct when he ob- of the American dream. served, “We are all so much together, We believe that we must change 2 bottles per day Tools needed to enhance nutrition care plans 100% and yet we are dying of loneliness.” from a materialistic society to a caring With CARING, we seek to break society, and that the words “caring peo- down barriers between people and ple” are two of the most important ones build bridges among them. in the English language. We strive to redefine wealth and We believe that “caring” is the very success in America. We believe that essence of the Golden Rule, the thread both should find their meaning in that connects all great religions of the service to humankind, instead of only in the accumu- world. It implies empathy, sensitivity, and placing the wel- lation of money and material things. We believe Albert fare of others before self. It involves community service Einstein also was correct when he said, “Only a life lived and community cooperation. for others is worthwhile.” We emphasize the importance We believe that the 21st century will be known as the of hard work and seek to promote a positive work ethic in “Era of Caring,” and that society’s adoption of this posi- America. We believe there is no such thing as a menial job; tive value will produce economic as well as sociological each occupation in its own way is essential to society. gains. Through our interviews with men and women of We believe that Luciano de Crescenzo put it well when achievement, we underscore the fact that one person can he said, “We are each of us angels with only one wing. make a difference. In doing so, we provide positive role And we can only fly by embracing each other.” We invite Use under medical supervision. models for our nation’s youth. We search for genuine he- our readers to join us on our flight into the future, and in roes, particularly among those who have overcome dis- our endeavor to build a better and more caring America. ability, pain, and suffering to serve others. Missing your daily recommended allowance of improved outcomes? We strive to remember and celebrate those whose self- less contributions to society have been forgotten or gone Learn how our Feed the 485 Initiative can give you the tools for Val J. Halamandaris is the founder and executive director of the Caring unrecognized. Institute and President of the National Association for Home Care & successful nutrition intervention. Visit us at www.Feedthe485.com. In CARING, we focus on the positive rather than Hospice, and editor and publisher of CARING Magazine. the negative side of the news in the belief that there is a ©2012 Abbott Laboratories Inc. 85184.001/October 2012 1. Norman K et al. Clin Nutr. 2008; 27:48-56 2. Stratton RJ, Green CJ, et al. Wallingford. www.abbottnutrition.com CABI Publishing 2003 3. Stratton RJ et al. Ageing Res Rev. 2005; 4(3): 422-450 CAR I NG • November 2012 • 1 Mission and Goals The Caring Institute has promoted the values of caring, integrity and public service since 1985. It was formed that year at the behest of Mother Teresa. th Stirred by her example, the Institute has always The 24 A nnual held fast to an ideal: most problems can be solved if human beings truly care for one another. The Institute celebrates heroic people for their selfless service, especially to the dying, disabled, and disad- vantaged. The dedication of these unselfish people to public service uplifts us all and ennobles the human race. The Institute is committed to spreading the caring credo: you can do well by doing good. To reinforce this standard, we continue to broadcast a message of social responsibility. It comes from our belief that one person, with the heart and will, can make a positive difference in the world. Benefactors Platinum Sponsors Kathleen M. Brennan National Association for Home Care & Hospice Val J. Halamandaris Gold Sponsors Sutter VNA & Hospice Silver Sponsors Alliance Exposition Services Cardiocom Gordon C. James Public Relations HEALTHCAREfirst, Inc. L.H.C. Group Mel Levine Family Foundation Bronze Sponsors Creative Thinking Association Mary Suther Overlook VNA, Inc. Ruth Constant, Ed. D Simione Healthcare Consultants, LLC The Kelly Companies Friends Bayada Home Health Services Chick-fil-A Gary Bremer William A. Dombi Michael Weintrab VNA of Greater Philadelphia 2 • November 2012 • CAR I NG The Caring Institute Honorary Board Co-Chairs Editor & Publisher, Val J. Halamandaris, JD Managing Editor, Lisa Yarkony, PhD Honorable Honorable Creative Director, Joe Hinkley Robert J. Dole, Thomas Daschle, Graphic Designer, Kate J. Bentley Co-Chair Co-Chair Advertising Sales, Scott Baum National Editorial, Advertising, & Production Office 228 Seventh Street, SE Washington, DC 20003-4306 202/547-5277 FAX: 202/547-7518 Honorary Board of Trustees http://digitalcaringmagazine.nahc.org CARING (ISSN 0738-467X) is published Patch Adams, M.D. Mr. Daniel J. Edelman Hon. Carol Moseley Braun monthly by the National Association for Home Hon. John B. Anderson Hon. Donald M. Fraser Hon. Ben Nelson Care & Hospice (NAHC), 228 Seventh Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003. NAHC is a non- Mr. Walter Anderson Hon. Parris Glendening Mr. William D. Novelli profit corporation organized under the laws of Ms. Maya Angelou Ms. Susan Goldwater-Levine Mr. Tom Peters the District of Columbia. Opinions expressed in bylined articles are those of the authors and Mr. Paul L. Berry, Jr. Rev. Billy Graham Ms. Betty D. Pope are not necessarily endorsed by NAHC. The Hon. James J. Blanchard Carl A. Hammerschlag, M.D. Ms. Kaye Lani Rae association reserves the right to accept, reject, or modify all manuscripts and advertisements. Hon. Don Bonker Hon. William D. Hathaway Rafko-Wilson Advertising published in the magazine does not Hon. Nancy Brinker Hon. Margaret M. Heckler Mr. Cal Ripkin, Jr. represent endorsement of products or services, or the views of the association. Author guide- Hon. William E. Brock, III Hon. Alexis Herman Ms. Cokie Roberts lines and the editorial calendar are available on Hon. Dale Bumpers Sandra Hernandez, M.D. Mr. Tim Sanders written request, and at digitalcaringmag.nahc. org. Individual subscriptions are $49 per year Hon. Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Fr. Theodore M. Hesburgh Hon. Patricia Schroeder US, $75 Canada & Mexico, and $90 overseas. Hon. Thomas R. Carper Ms. Frances Hesselbein Mr. Horst H. Schulze Institutional subscriptions are $120 US, $155 Canada & Mexico, and $170 overseas. NAHC Benjamin S. Carson, M.D. Mr. Lloyd Hill Mr. Willard Scott members receive CARING as a benefit of mem- Mr. S. Truett Cathy Mr. David Horowitz Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. bership. Back issues are available at $15 a copy. No replacements due to non-receipt will be Mr. Marvin Cetron Mr. Jon M. Huntsman, Sr. Hon. Alan Simpson honored after 120 days from mailing. Claims Hon. Louis Stokes for missing issues must be in writing and in- Deepak Chopra, M.D. Hon. Kevin Johnson clude subscription number or a copy of the ad- Ms. Bethine Church Hon. J. Bennett Johnston Ms. Susan Sullivan dress label. Hon. Dick Clark Hon. William J. Keating Ms. Mary Suther Periodical postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional post offices. Trademark received Hon. Max Cleland C. Everett Koop, M.D. Hon. Tommy G. Thompson July 1984; all rights reserved. Trademark num- Ms. Mary Jo Copeland Mr. Paul David Leopoulos Mr. Mike Vance ber 1282417. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written Mr. Sam Daley-Harris Hon. Bob Livingston Ms. Margaret Wheatley consent from the publisher. Requests for per- Hon. Hal Daub Ms. Kathy Mattea Hon. James C.
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