M a u le d : Bears rout A ID S ; The surgeon genierars report / pages 7, 8 * ★ * TAG SALE!!! Giants in opener 4 Days for the Price of 3! ^ s > ,, for both / p a G e 1 5 Good health: Prof says humor helps / page 11 PLACE YOUR ADAO ON TIIF^kOAVTUESDAY, BEFORERPEORP NOON,MOON ANDAMH vmYOU'RE i’D r ALLAi I SETe rx *^«c i f " -‘-I- FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR IRENE OR lANE IN CLASSIFIED. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS I8T0NE MID MISCELLANEOUS CARS FOR RENT FDR RENT [CARS CARS CARS I OFFICE 8FM;E FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE n s SALE FOR SALE EAST Hartford. 6 room COVENTRY. 2 bedroom TEE Shirt transfers. Ap- duplex. UOO per month, apartment. Main proxlmafGly 3000, alto HONDA Accord 73. 5 VW BuG 1967. Reconditi­ F O R D G ran ad a 1980. 4 aurh^strr) Manchester A City of Viilape Charm HrralJi VW Jetta 84, WolfburG utilities not Included. Street. No pets, refer- F M R E N T 50 to 100k numerals and speed. Low mileaGe. oned, stereo cassette, door, air excellent con­ ence8 reaulred. SSSO addition. 4 door, stond- No pets. Adults pre- 2300 S.F. Prof. Offlcasl letters for shirts, caps, : ’ Good condition. 647- . h eater, 40fc. A fte r 6pm . ard. Immoculote, low dition. 83000 or best month. 742-6715 or 456- __1215,3-10pm.__________ fe rre d . 56«-6<7S. In Business PIbzb etc. Best offer. 649-3642 643-6135. M a ry . miles. Must be seen. offer. 649-9487. 0064. offer 5:30pm.p________ (!:6u g a r 85,6 cylinders, C A D IL L A C 1977 sedan QUIET residential neleh- Ad|acent 1-84, Exit DODGE CharGer hafeh- Loaded. $5899.649-9337, Tuesday, Sept. 15,1987 30 Cents borhood, 3 bedroom or MANCHESTER newly 24 FO O T Copper Clod 27,000 miles. Fully back 83. 4 cylinder, 4 Devllle d'EleGance. renovated 2 bedrooms, 63, East bound FORD Granada 1977.8625 3 bedroom with dlnlnp pool. Complete with all equipped. Like new. speed, pin stripe Inte­ or best offer. 643-6877 Power windows, ■; 1 room. Newly remo­ 3rd floor apartment. Air Cond., Carpet' accessories. You re­ $8375. 646-0795. rior, sunroof am/fm afte r 3pm. brakes, seats, locks, deled. Coll 647-1090 af­ S525 per m onth plus ed, Private Lavs m ove SSSO. 649-0700. OLDS Cuttens supreme cassette stereo. 643- air. Am/fm stereo tape te r 5. heat and utilities. 2 73.4 door, power steer­ 5641 eveninGs. PONTIAC Hatchback deck. Extra snow tires month security, refer­ Ample on-sIte park­ 1980. W orth seeinG. 649- VVorA law s inG, brakes. Aufo- V W 1974 BuG. Real clean, on rims. Excellent con­ 1 ROOAA efficiency, heat 4791. ences reaulred. No inG m otlc, $1000. 643-0835. rebuilt enGine, MaG dition. $3500. 646-4333. and hot woter. $65 per pets. Best for workinG WANTBITO Ford praises Boric SinGle story bldG. wheels. $1200. 649-8407. week. 649-4820 or 646- couple or small family. BUY/TRAOE FORD Tempo 86. Excel­ 4421 leo ve messope. lent condition. Auot- RENAULT LeCor 1980. 4 concerns 643-2121. AAANCHESTER. Quality 522-3260 OLD and new furniture, matlc, air. S7950. speed. RunninG condi­ COVENTRY unexpectly 647-8882. tion, only S200.649-7057. 1 bedroom, heat, hot avallablel Seclued one household Items, andd water and all applian­ bedroom unfurnished Need repairs around the Glasswore. Will pay B U IC K C entury 1981. 4 C L Y educators cash. 646-8496. ces Included. Air condi­ loft apartment. Utili­ home? Coll an expert. door, automatic. Full 15 YEAR OLDS tioned. Quiet. On bus power with extras. Kennedy opens fire E ties Included. S400. per You'll find the help you line. Ideal for middle- month. Security dep­ need In Classified. 643- CLYDE Best offer. 871-9430. i^TODAY’S SPECIALS^ By A n d re w J. D a v is aGed and senior citi­ osit, references. 742- 2711. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. zens. $550. 247-5030. Automotive HOW WOULD YOU Herald Reporter 6715 or 456-0064. ROUTE 83, VERNON CAMAROS ^ WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Bork, whose nomination has EAST Hertford. Newly MOBIL home. WorkinG S o ff Your Car President Ford praised Judge sparked a ferocious lobbying war decorated 4 room In 2 l3yimOU8TRIAL 79 Cougar xn? '2995 ^ MM CHIVY CANUflO MM CAMARO T*TOR UKE TO WORK AT Educators are divided on sinGle male odult pre­ 81 Olda Omaga *4495 pg. Et. IM. AC. «g» Oil.. • e«4.. M . A«sg. rt. ft, fmm iarta. Robert H. Bork as "uniquely between liberal groups opposed to family home. Includes PROPERTY CARS emmarnm. CwMit, Smm Cmt. M . AC CMhg CgnOiL Ogft Is*., ■mA88 whether a new state law that ferred. Lease, secur­ Ragat ••MX Cm oIil tiM* CmIm 3MN Mh*. qualified" for the Supreme Court as his appointment and conservatives appliances, wall to wall B 2 coup* 'B495 M.PnWA permits 1.5-year-oIds to work at ity. No pets. 643-2880. FOR SALE the Senate Judiciary 0>mmittee carpet, full attic, 5000 square feet commer­ 62 Cantury ooup* '81 95 4 Linesns — 10 Days who favor it, sat quietly at the certain jobs will have adverse wosher dryer hookups, STUDIO type. Portly fur­ cial space. Available 63Calabrlly4<), '6495 opened politically charged confir­ witness table while Ford and then H O N D A 75 w aGon. Re­ 509 charGe, each addi­ affects. and storaGe a re a In nished. WorkinG sinGle Immediately. Many b u ilt enGine. $400. Body S3 Ford FI so XLT 4>4 '8195 mation hearings today, but a Senate Republican Leader Bob p basement. $525 plus male preferred. No possible uses. Warren 83 Cavatlar wagon '4 9 M tional line. You can i m f l leading opponent said Bork is Dole of Kansas endorsed him. The law, which goes Into effect rusted. 643-4400. UZPUTTIMIR utilities. 1 months se­ pets. Leose. 643-2880. E. Howland Inc. 643- 83 Bonnavllla 4 dr '6995 cancel at any time. "itching to overrule” historic Committee members were not Oct. 1. will allow 15-year-olds to 1108. O L O S M O B IL E 1974 D elta 1W FORD rao t in OMC CAMKA VAN c u rity . No pets. 646-1326 A V A IL A B L E O ctober 1st. convertible. Excellent 63 GMC Jimmy camp yan '1 2 ,(XX) qnRRV 4 iBd.. FS, II Ton I C|«, Aitm.. P t. f . WMOW • tgoha. AC. decisions. expected to begin questioning Bork work only In mercantile businesses after, 5pm weekdays, 4 room, 1 bedroom 83 Ragal 4 dr '6995 4 VNwl OffweVMumbwm Ces N iu i n u condition. AskinG NO REFUNDS OR •ih. MNVVA In an extraordinary appearance until afternoon. L S t i ' as baggers, stock clerks and anytime weekends. aportment. 2nd floor, S3600. P lease coll 871- 84 Clara 4 dr '7495 ADJUSTMENTS M O alt for a former president, Ford President Reagan has cam­ stove, refriGerator and •12g000 cashiers. The law will not allow Available October 1st. 2 0672. 84 Ragal ooupt '8095 declared that Bork’s “ record has paigned vigorously for Bork's con­ S h l l M H O R N K M m its r' dlst)Washer. Attic and 84 Calabrity 4 dr. CALL HERALD students to work in restaurants, bedrooms, 3rd floor Merchandise C H E V Y w aoon 1977. A u­ '7495 been exemplary" since he took a firmation since nominating him in apartment newly rem­ cellar storaGe. ParkinG S4 Camaro ooupa '8495 ISYEMOUH mechanical firms or manufactur­ f<ir one car. Non­ tomatic, olr. Good con­ CLASSIFIED place on the U.S. Circuit Court of July and said on Monday he hoped ing plants, and will allow students odeled. Adults pre­ dition. Call after 6. S3 Chavy S-10 ptekup '6495 ferred. No pets. Call smokinG adults only. CLYDE m. B3, W.ndiof 4rt 872-9111 Aoppeals five years ago. critics "w ill be candid about why to only work certain hours of the 647-1925. VLTUC b u ic k , INC RoclyilieEVefriDn exit 64(1 04 Yjr ^ i 647-1676 after 6pm. No'pets. Utilities not 643-^2711 Ford added that Bork, who was they oppose him and not fabricate day. Included. S450 per ED FURNITURE D A T S U N D210 1977. Runs 872-9111 seated at his side before the excuses for attacking him month plus 1 month Ok. Good tires, needs INVITATION TO ilD committee, acted "with integrity” personally." "W e caution parents at the security, Coll 643-0213 COFFEE table and end brakes. S100 or best in 1973 when Bork carried out Neither opponents nor supporters beginning of every school year that between 2:00 ond table (toGether or se- offer. 647-0408. The EiGhth Utilities District, then-President Nixon's order to fire have been willing to predict the school comes first," said Jacob 32 Main St., Manchester, Ct., 9;00pm . porate),one Individual M A V E R IC K 1974. SXO. seeks bids for the followinG Gloss topped coffee ta­ Special Watergate Prosecutor Ar­ outcome Of the confimiation battle, Ludes III. Manchester High School Item : MANCHESTER. Nice 3 Good runninG cor. 643- chibald Cox in the so-called Satur­ but there was little disputing the A SiGn at Super Stop & Shop at the Parkade Gets a jump room apartmrent. ble. Call 742-5918 1562 a fte r 7pm. principal. "School should be more SO firefiGhter's protective evenlnGs.D day Night Massacre. observation Dole made as he on a new state law allowinG 15-year-old8 to work than a 7:50 to 3 program.
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