Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 32, NO. 11 WHARTON. TEXAS. MAY. 1928 PRICE TEN CENTS niennicaicm Established Established 1878 1878 Produce Purified Meats by Installing a “Bauer” -• 4" Hulling and Separating Unit PNEUMATIC — MECHANICAL Produces meats free from lint and linty hulls, and hulls free from loose bran and fine meats. Easily adjusted for varying conditions of seed. Occupies less floor space than double hulling. Greater screening area per ton of seed worked. BALL BEARING ALEMITE COMPLETE UNIT CONSISTS OF THREE MACHINES One Each Huller, No. 153 Separator and Rotary Hull Beater “Bauer” Catalogue No. 80 shows Pre-Cleaning Units of carload per hour capacity, Sand and Boll Shakers and Pneumatic Cleaners for mill load, Hulling and Separating Systems, Meats Concentrators, Bran Separators, Cake Breakers, Attrition Mills, Meal Bolters, Bin feeders, etc. Write for it. The BAUER BROS. CO © MANUFACTURERS SPRINGFIELD OHIO, U. S. A. * 1 < Change Valve Former Mechanical C ook er Rolls For over half a century we have been P ress making Press Room Equipment. Dur­ ing all this time we have not only kept abreast of changing conditions in the Buckeye Iron industry, but have many times anti­ cipated them. We will gladly give & Brass Works you complete information about the entire Buckeye Line of Press Room 380 East Third Street Equipment. DAYTON, OHIO May, 1928 O I L MILL GAZETTEER Page 1 sSM V* ■ 1 • SiSSI Let Caldwell build your conveyors ^ A L D W E L L Helicoid and sectional flight ^screw conveyors, bucket elevators, apron and pan conveyors, belt conveyors, etc., give long and reliable service. No matter what your needs may be in the elevating, conveying or power transmitting line Caldwell equipment will prove a profitable investment. Caldwell experience and facilities are yours for the asking. H. W. CALDWELL & SON CO. 0111 LINK-BELT COMPANY, OWNER CHICAGO: Western Avenue at 17th and 18th Streets NEW YORK: 2676 Woolworth Bldg. DALLAS, TEXAS: 1221 Mercantile Bank Bldg. Offices in Principal Cities >i »<• $Sm Page 2 O I L MILL GAZETTEER May, 1928 E. L. Wilson Hardware Co. We Have in Stock for Immediate Shipment Fafnir Ball Bearings Goodyear Products: Steel Split Pulleys Belting Cold Rolled Shafting Steam Hose Machine Steel Water Hose Black Diamond Tool Steel Air Hose Fire Hose National Pipe Suction Hose Powell Valves Cast Iron Fittings Page Belting Company: Malleable Iron Fittings Water Proof Leather Belt to 24” Beaver Stock and Dies Regular Leather Belt Wire Rope to 24” Transmission Rope Leather Belt Centers to 42” Corrugated Copperiod Roof­ ing Leather Gin Crimps Johns Manville Packings A COMPLETE STOCK OF HEAVY HARDWARE AND MACHINISTS’ TOOLS Send Us Your Inquiries E. L. Wilson Hardware Co. HOUSTON, TEXAS Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 32, NO. 11 WHARTON. TEXAS. MAY. 1928 PRICE TEN CENTS President Davis Stresses Importance of Attendance at the Dallas Convention Sweetwater, Texas, April 23, 1928 with other industries is a close contact between Oil Mill Gazetteer, science and practical experience. I understand Wharton, Texas. that the short course at College Station hopes Gentlemen: to accomplish this purpoose. The programme It is with mingled relief and regret that I for this course at A. & M. College is printed in write you my last letter as president of the this issue and I wish you would go over it care­ Association. It is with relief of course, to trans­ fully and make your arrangements to attend fer the burdens which are many, to some one the instruction. One problem solved, one thought else, while it is with deep regret that I approach developed or one fact established might be worth the end of my year as president with so little thousands of dollars to your company. accomplished, when there was so much to be I just want to ask a few final favors of the done. boys. The first and most important is that YOU No man ever had more loyal support than I ALL attend the convention. The next, that you have had from the officers and your good paper. attend ALL the meetings of the Association The members of the Association, however, seem during the convention. It is unfortunate, but to have the same idea that I once had—“Let nevertheless true, that a number of the boys who George Do It.” It is a pity that we cannot all travel to the convention city never appear at the be officers for one year, then we would look at convention hall. This is indeed a sad state of it quite differently. affairs. You owe it to yourself to attend every Every one to whom I have talked seems to be session and then you certainly owe it to your em­ quite pepped up over the convention and I con­ ployer who is probably paying your expenses fidently expect to see more members in attend­ and is expecting repayment by greater efficiency ance than we have had in several years. from the knowledge you will acquire by listening The programme is printed in this issue of the to the practical matters discussed at every ses­ Gazetteer and it certainly is a good one, but the sion. Ample time is provided for inspection of printed programme by no means covers the en­ the machinery displays and there is also con­ tire list of subjects that are to be discussed. As siderable time set aside for “rest and refresh­ I stated in my April issue letter, I want every ment.” superintendent who has a problem, (and that You owe it to the Association to be present means all of us) to make it known and let us at each and every session for if every member have a general discussion of it. I have had two letters this month calling me down for stating in my last letter that we don’t HOUSTON LABORATORIES know cotton seed. However, I had a letter from F. R. ROBERTSON, Ph. C. Mr. McNulty who says that I am right and Mac knows his onions if he doesn’t know his cotton­ Analytical and Consulting Chemist seed. I am advised that Dr. Hedges will attend COTTON SEED AND PEANUT the Convention and is on the programme for PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY an address and I know this will be worth the trip to Dallas to hear. He is not a practical oil Member of the Interstate and Texas Cotton Seed Crushers’ Ass’ns. and Referee Chemist mill man but our Association is full of practical of the American Oil Chemists' men as good as there are in the world, but it is Society my honest opinion that the one thing which will 215 1 - 2 Main Street help us solve the problems we are up against HOUSTON, TEXAS and put oil milling on the same scientific basis Page 4 O IL MILL GAZETTEER May, 1928 Sugar Bag , Importers and Manufacturers Cloth of Cotton Patches Burlap Bags Jute and Cot­ Cotton Bags ton Twine PHONES Cable Address: @QMPANY SrisaS^V" Local Pres. (3723 SEABAGCO L. D. 64 Bentley Code m * Macka> P. 0 . BOX 1892 HOUSTON, TEXAS THE BEST COVERING FOR COTTON “SUGAR BAG CLOTH” The Straight and Mixed Cars Standard of • with Comparison I ^ R r^ am n j | 4 Arrow Ties’ QUALITY SERVICE DEPENDABILITY | Machinery Repairs For Oil Mills | I We Have Special Facilities for Boring Engine and Oil Press Cylinders | Without Dismantling. 1 If you are short of power, let us submit proposition on furnishing a larger cylinder to fit your present frame and foundation WE GRIND CRUSHER ROLLS Chickasaw Machine & Foundry Co. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE May, 1928 O IL MILL GAZETTEER Page 5 just journeyed to the convention city and never Once in a long while there will be a paper attended the meetings, the National Oil Mill read in which you are not particularly interest­ Superintendents Association would soon be a ed, but the fellow next to you may be “eating thing of the past. it up,” then, the very next paper may be the one that alone would be worth your trip. No oil mill man has an excuse for not attend­ ing the convention, for if you are one who knows all about oil milling, then you are the one above all who should attend and you should feel it your duty to come to the floor of the conven­ tion and tell some of the hard-working fellows who are eager to learn, just how to operate a mill perfectly. W. G. DAVIS, President Fairbanks■ > Scales$ Cotton Seed Weighing Outfits Cotton Beams * 9 Cotton Dormants Wagon Scales AutO'TriiqJk Scales SERVICE STATIONS Fully equipped modern repair shops located conveniently for quick service /•'* Fairbanks, Morse & Co. W. G. Davis, Sweetwater, Texas Atlanta, Ga. .. - Dallas, Tex. Birmingham, Ala. Memphis, Tenru Mr. Davis is retiring President of the National New Orleans, La. Louisville, Kv. Oil Mill Superintendents Association. He has served the Association faithfully and has given . PREFERRED THE WORLD OVER • ' - / ASA, i i of his time unstintingly in the interest of the * i :> * - organization. Welcome Superintendents! Whether for a convention—a few weeks sojourn—or an overnight visit most of the superintendents favor this hotel. They enjoy the hos­ pitable, home-like atmosphere and appreciate the splendid service. JEFFERSON HOTEL Official Headquarters for Dallas Convention May 23-25 All Meetings, Dinners and Banquets Held Here Page 6 O I L MILL GAZETTEER May, 1928 Convention Appeal of Secretary F. P. Morris meeting my old friends and making new ones. Get everything in readiness to attend. The Supply Men are preparing an entertain­ ment for us that will take us back to old times.
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