Ud Marine Division

Ud Marine Division

DECLASSIFIED % ., . /,,SECRET,-"SECRET_ UD MARINE DIVISION 1•'4f FMF (-) (REIN) I 320 142 A. COMMAND CHRONOLOGY A for the month of 4 SEP 1967 UASSID DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 11 p. *n• . 4 9 67AS835 S&C FILES SECRET BEADQUARTERS EMAM 3/CLB/frc 5750 00,36836.7 Ser: UNCLASSIFIED I 1 NOV 1967 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG 3rdMarDiv ltr 3/ALMi/gtp 3480/2 Ser: 003A30867 of 4Nov67 From: Commanding General, III Marine Amphibious Force To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code AO3D) Via: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Command Chronology for period 1 September 1967 to 30 September 1967 1. Forwarded. 2. This endorsement is downgraded to UNCLASSIFIED when re- moved from the basic correspondence. 14 I A(*THOMAS L. RANDAIL By direction 4 Copy / of • copies 7 UNCLASSIRED / DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED it 0 * f A. Z8/MCD/kdd UNCASSIFIED 0 9 (unclassified upon removal of the basic es o ne6n8ce) SECOND ENDORSEMENT on CG 3rdMarDiv Itr 3/ALM/gtp 3480/2 Ser: 003A30867 of 4Nov67 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code AO3D) Subj: Command Chronology for period 1 September 1967 to 30 September 1967 1. Forwarded. M. C. DALB By direction Copy to: CG 3rdMarDiv 320 142 UCLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED / HEADQUARTERS 3d Marine Division (-) (Rein), FMf FPO, San Francisco 96602 3/ALM/tp 3280/2 Sers 00,U30867 UNCLASSIFIED 4 November 1967 llB(UNCLASSIFIED UP•0t eD,oVAL OFENCWSRE (W)) From Commanding Gair~al Tos Comandant of the Marine Corps (Code AO3D) Vias (1) Comanding General, III Marine Amphibious Force (2) Coanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Sub$• Command Chronology for period 1 September 1967 to 30 September 1967 Rpft (a) Mco,5750.2 (b) ýFaco 5750.8 Encds (1) 3d Marine Division Command Chronology (S) 1. In accordance with the provisions of references (a) and (b), enclosure (1) is submitted. $ B. A. HOCHMUTH -'ý T. Copy / of 25 copies UNCLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 0 3d xNolm Diiseo (-) (b"lu), FNr PPO, San Pranclsco 96602 c mnon camaoloxoa 1 Spt4 mr 1967 to 30 Stmb*r 1967? Ison PART I 0MANIZUTIOL ATA PAMT II UARATIVE StO2 R PART III BBQUMNTM LISTbNi OF Slala ICANt ZM)WTS PART IV VUPPCRTIxG DOCUMTS T- IIMOADD AT -IMARl IMMTALSI DUCLASSUIMM ArTEM It TUMR8. Zncunlese (1) w6m0m~ 1 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 acrn As DatANIZATU4fL DA 3d Oftm ftvUSM (4-)(Uft) Wha 1 A* MOMwa *Masaftn vivssm. communo a"* %w Mwnel oft'.1301XTS 1.30 Bepte•,bW 3d wSmive Col J. X*W lo m ith *ri m. L6 DIMCr 1-30 Sspvt**r 9ltb-Hask a 0. 9. in" i-U, sowufs Cox R* RV MTHa V-301.-so soee SpVtogb LM@ Akdmo Cox 24 a. scalclr JR, 1-3o8o086W 96th NWMe* Ca D. 9. UVWce 2o-,)D W*W 3d a 3d Jtoo a.RA c. M 1-30 SeptedW 3sA &n,an$ aWumO XoxA. D&?U= so fs 4th *brlmwte MC4 J* W. IOWND JR. 3d 2A kthMkaVifs LtCol O1."DMaILL 1-30 Septmbor 1-30 September let hk 9tM Mau"nes Ltcol &=& i Noho 1-9 Soptember ,a, D. C. DkD;IELON U0-26 Septomber LtCol JY Fa ?ITCHMELL 25-30 Se•tv*oer 24 b, 9thMx"ia"" LtWol W, D. XMT 1-12 Septo0bor Ltool 11. J, Pil"li-at 12-30 sopto0bor 3d Do, 9th Marnes X&S w. J.30o"iTNG JR.q 1-8 September lfL5 G. c~. G2R F-30 Septeber- Ust fts 12th a42rine LtCol R. li. CicB 1-6 SeptUrobr Utcol C. i. OPVR JL ?-)0lloptember 2d lb* 12th vari4ns Ltcol J1 NLo l3z3 1-8 SopteAior 9-10 September =01o R* 6-Aelor"Io 21-30 September 3d Ras 1Inh Karin" LtCol D4 34, DARXMR 1-30 Saptmwr luclosum 04 S9=RT DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 8RSET lth bk. 12thMarines LtCal J. LSuOCm III 1-30 September let Ban 23th Marines Major T. J. COTLE 1.30 Septber let ia 9 26th Marines LtCol Jo Bo WLEWS" -30 September 2d BEn 26th Marinues LtCol Do D. CHAPLIN 1-30 September 3d Ban 26th Marines LtCol S. L. AMDIMU 1-30 September q Ba Najor H. L. WLoW 1-23 September Col Go. J=E 21-30 Septober let AxTrac Bn LtCQol 3. R. TONER 1-30 September 34 AT Bn LtCol G. Mo. ECAIN 1-30 Septeier 3d Engr Pa LtCol J. H REID JR, 1-30 September 34 Med Bn Cdr L A. B•OW NC, US1 1-30 September 3d XT En Major R. F. ARMSTRONG 1-6 Septeaubr Major W. 0. DAY 7-30 September 3d Recon Bn Major R. C. BELL 1-30 September 3d SP Bn Ltcol J. w. QUINN 1-30 September 3d TK En LtCol F. Do CHAPMAN 1-30 September 9th MT Bn Major Do J, MAYSILLES 1-3 SeptiWer Major J. R. STANLEY 4-30 Septo*er 11th Engr Bn LtCol W. No CMISTOPHER lst 80.How Btry Capt Wo G. SETH JR. 1-30 September 1st 155 Oun Btry Capt LM. BaI 1-10 -SewAuber Major N. J. SCKANM 11-30 i6 sher 1-30 Septdor 3d Dental Co Capt J. Do MAKMo 1-30 4*040bber 1st FAG LtCol R. Bo. METCAL let Searchlight Battery Capt V. B. 31ID 1-30 S6pt*0*er 2. LOCATION 1=30 Septembers Phu Bai, RIN Enclosure (1) 83=RT 3 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 9 3. PtAJ prna ChO of St t Ltto c, s. KxRcH •u,•A-4aptem*r Anst *udot at sun#04 Oco, J. W. *AM 2,5-30bawar AmstoMt of Mt•ts 02 04 L PaM 1-32 September asst adst of st.tf, 0-3 xuat h.t of Bt,'4o t04 J. s4oM," -30 tptembe '6 K. A- M 1-30 $VU*bor Aset ChMd of start, o-5 Ast *jeta o staff, CatCWUV4kr b. anEAH 8B =01 mom a 3,:89 22,627 X Voif atrlsow (-),(Rasin) to 2oo i k 9#1 ag1nes Ap 260 30 200A 18 176 26* MOUG's 2 7 3d Ra 34 RaVIU.s 3 .2 1,76 lat am, 40 warings -4031 33 4,061 31 xs,OX 3d ut.thbe mulnes 2 1& uat t., 9th Nariaes 31 X#239 Sd , 9th NWrilDes 32 4058 3 1,ftp MN&ire 34 1X64k lbooovin (I) PscWp 4I DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED amrt OOIL OFF Uat j 12th Marines 52 662 1 12 12 2d Sk 34th x&.Ines 51 Sol 1 3d EnP12th Marines 39 342 1 1k ith b, 12th Marines 42 641 0 10 lst Rn, 13th Marines 42 646 to '1st ma, 2fth Karin" 34 1,0k6 2 f Sn, 26th Marines 3. 1,o5o 2 47 34 P 26th martnes 30 1,020 2 53 SEan 222 2,103 57 lot Ra $0 ,U 646 1 18 3d AT Bn 24 337 0 7 3d Eugr En 32 W5 2 o10 3d Ked Om 3 118 52 224 3d MT &I 21 318 0 8 .4 Recan IM 32 663 0 38 24 430 2 11 3d tgtap noO 111 597? o 13 22 37k 2 9 11th Engr n• t 46 i,C96 *2 lot 8a mm Btry 0 Is• TEn 9 228 2%& lst 155 Gun Btry 5 331 0 3 3d Dental Co 0 0 0 1lt FAG 15 90 1st searcUliht Battez7 6 110 0 3 jg r (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SECRET PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY PERSONNEL AND ALMINISTRATION 1. PERSONNEL AND ADKIN3STRATION a. During the month of September, 159 Officers and 1888 Enlisted personnel joined the Division; 113 Officers and 2136 Enlisted men were dropped from the rolls. Personnel transferred by normal rotation in- cluded 54 Officers and 1330 Enlisted. Personnel transferred by service records due to MedEvacs were 17 Officers and 272 Enlisted. Other per- sonnel transferred by service records included 2 Officers and 18 Enlisted. 13 Officers transferred to other West Pac Commands and 3 Officers trans- ferred as twice/thrice wounded. b. Award recommendations to FMFPac. 1 Medal of Honor, 5 Navy Crosses, 15 Silver Star Medals, 7 Legion of Merit Medals, 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 1 Navy and Marine Corps Medal, 65 Bronze Star Medals, 7 Air Medals, 43 Navy Comendation Medals, and 3 Navy Achievement Medals. In- addition 1625 Purple Hearts were presented, co Casualties sustained during the month included: 244 KIA, 2500 WIA, 15 DOW, 16 NHD, 35 NHI, and 1 MIAo d. Congressional Interest Cases: 128 cases processed, 78 cases com- pleted, 16rcasetending and 34 cases readdressed to other cimmands. e. Discharges: 3 Hardship Discharges approved, 4 Hardship Discharges to CMC for decision, 0 Unsuitable Discharges Disapproved and 2 Unsuitable Discharges approvedo Pending- 2 Hardship Discharges and 2 Unsuitable Discharges. 2. EXCHANGE SERVICE a. Mr. Ralph CAPLES, civilian supervisor for I Corps Area Exchange inspected the Phu Bai Exchanges with satisfactory results. b. On 12 September an attempt was made to transport three conex boxes filled with merchandise to Khe Sanh by helicopter. One was delivered in- tactl one broke away in turbulent weather falling into unfriendly terri- tory,q and the third box of merchandise was partially lost when the tur- bulant air broke the banding material and spro open the door. A claim is now being processed through A&AFES in the ahount of $12,135o00.O c. Phu Bai Exchange is now flying, by H-34 helicopters, 1000 pounds of merchandise every other day into Khe Sanh in order to provide better service to that area. ENCLOSURE (1) SECRET 6 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED * * SECRET do 588 pallets of Exchange merchandise were received by Branch 1010 during the month of September. eo Sales for Branch 1010 for the month ending 10 September 1967 were $655•,0h0.70 with an ending inventory value of $19557,195.13.

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