RAM CELEBRATES 30TH ANNIVERSARY Thirty-Year Span Marks Changes In Publication THE First Appeared in 1^18 Edited by O'Keefe, ! jr Men Overseas Vol.^7 NEW YORK, N. Y., FEBRUARY 6, 1948 No. 11 On e morning of Feb/7,1918, the 500 s dents of Ford/am College each eeived a copy of a brand new Sibrk Club Band to Woo Valentine Dtincers Tonight college! paper, The RJM. This morn- «. : . / ng 5,0pO sixteen-pa/e copies of the spaper wal be distributed, Caf Is Transformed ~~ Father Zema D/es carrying the story/of the growth of Fordharp and its/ournal during the To Marble Room In St. Vincent hirty-ytar span/ PrinteH beloy is a reproduction of For Frosh Hop Jesi the fron&pag/ of the initial issue, irs produced By Paul O'Keefe, '19, and Smith, Dance Chairman, twenty-two classmates to record the I of History Dept. doings on campus for the Fordham Expects 235 Couples nduaterSchool men overseas. Other pictures are on At Annual Affair the inside pages, and feature stories (Jotea Author cover the year-by-year changes in the Fordham scene, as well as a Fordham's last pre-Lenten social special account of the production of affair, the Freshman Valentine The Rev. Demetrius B. Zema, S.J., Dance, will be held tonight with Joe professor of history in the Graduate one issue of the 1948 RAM. Carroll's Stork Club Orchestra pro- School, died on Sunday evening, All this was made possible by the viding the music, generous contributions of advertisers Feb. 1, in St. Vincent's Hospital and the alumni, as well as the co- The dance, traditionally one of the after a short illness. He was 62 years most successful of the campus operation of the officials of the col- dances, will begin at nine o'clock old. lege. There is a discrepancy in the and will continue until one o'clock Father Zema came to the United volume number on the masthead, REV. STEPHEN L. J. O'BEIRNE, which is 27, and the number of years tomorrow morning. Bids are selling Assistant to the President. States with his parents at the age Photo by Anne Donahue at two dollars each. of twelve, in 1898, from his native FATHER ZEMA we celebrate, due to the suspension Reggio Calabria in Italy. Upon grad- of regular publication from 1943 to In shifting the affair from the 1946. barn-like interior of the Gym, where uation from St. Francis Xavier High it was held last year, to the com- Fr. O'Beirne Takes School and College in 1910, he The basement office of The RAM parative intimacy of Keating Hall's taught classics in Brooklyn College The RAM's Editors has a reputation for being the most Marble Room, the dance committee, Preparatory School for two years. difficult spot on campus to find. Staff headed by Phil Smith, Freshman Asst. President Post He entered the Jesuit Order in members usually take the passage class president, has satisfied many 1912, at Roehampton, England. Fol- Change Positions between St. John's and the Chapel, student critics who believe that lowing his Philosophical studies at turn left and enter at the center Past 'Messenger' Editor door, under the ramp. gymnasiums were built for athletic, Genert, Holland, he taught for four Stephens Becomes Chief, not social events. Assumes New Duties years at Holy Cross and Loyola Col- The door is never locked, and Joe Carroll's orchestra is a seven- leges and undertook his Theological Gibbs Writes Column everyone with an important item is studies at Woodstock College and welcome. The facilities of the office piece group which features a female The Reverend Stephen L. J. have long been used for finding in- vocalist. The band has achieved O'Beirne, S.J., has been appointed Valkenburg, Holland. It was here, some local fame from their work in 1923, that he was ordained a After the announcement that Rob- formation about activities, directing to the office of Executive Assistant Jesuit priest. publicity campaigns, and planning on Sunday afternoons in the fash- to the President of the University, ert Gibbs and Victor Stephens would rallies. ionable Stork Club. it was announced recently. After receiving his degree of Mas- be co-editors of this year's RAM, it ter of Arts from Woodstock College The adoption of the ram as the A red and white, color scheme in- Father O'Beirne, before taking was decided that for managerial terspersed with the appropriate and completing his studies at Man- mascot of Fordham grew out of the over his duties at the university last resa in Spain, Father Zema joinejr purposes, Gibbs would be Editor-in- song of the same name composed by hearts and flowers decorations will month, had been the National Direc- adorn the dance floor. the faculty of the Graduate School Chief for the first semester, and John Coveney, '06, which became tor of the Apostleship of Prayer and in 1925. He lectured in and later the official school song. It employed Smith revealed that ticket sales Editor of the Messenger of the Stephens Managing Editor. The po- the idea of a battering ram in the were proceeding quite favorably headed the Department of History Sacred Heart for 6 ye.ars. until 1936, during which time he also sitions are being reversed with this original football spirit. with sales being limited to a con- issue. servative 235-couple figure. The A native of the Greenwich Village served as Chaplain of Hart's Island It was a lucky name the first staff Freshman Class was given first pri- section of New York City, Father prison and had the prisoners' chapel The post of Assistant Sports Edi- members decided to use, because it ority on the tickets and on Monday O'Beirne attended Xavier High built. Research work in Medieval tor has also changed hands as Ed readily lends itself to variations and morning the sale was opened to the School and Fordham College from History at Cambridge University Wakin steps down in favor of John paraphrases. The title for the, Ram- rest of the student body when the which he graduated in 1916. He en- brought a leave of absence from Chezek. "Due to the pressure of blings column derives from it, and bids were sold in the Recreation tered the Society of Jesus shortly 1936 until 1939, when he returned studies," Wakin said, "I'm not able the pages of a lively issue are called Room and in the ticket booth in the after. He received his Master of Arts to Fordham as Head of the Depart- to devote as much time to The RAM rampages. It stood the test of time Keating Hall cafeteria, sometimes degree from Woodstock College in ment of Medieval History in the as I'd like." well, for although it is sometimes called the Marble Room. 1922 and his Doctorate of Philosophy Graduate School and General Editor Stephens is now completing his the Goat, hard work swings public from the Gregorian University of of the "Fordham University Stud- tenth year at Fordham, having start- opinion the other way. , The Freshman Class officers, under Rome in 1929. ies." ed in the Prep in Sept., 1938. The Smith, handled the work of arrang- He was ordained at Woodstock in Father Zema received a Doctorate new editor has had quite a few ing the dance, Dan Fitzgerald, the 1928 by Archbishop Michael J. Cur- of Philosophy from Cambridge in changes of plans since he started in frosh vice-president, was in charge ley of Baltimore, 1939 and was elected Fellow of the the college, having been successively Old Clothes, Money of ticket distribution and the pub- Father O'Beirne taught English Royal Historical Society in 1940. He arts, pre-medical, English and psy- licity was handled by Keith Sat- (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 4) tler, the class secretary. Sought in NCWC The class representatives, working in close cohesion wtih the Freshman officers, handled the ticket sales to Relief Drive their respective classes. The fact that this will be the last dance be- Fordham is girding for an all-out fore Ash Wednesday spreads the effort to .contribute its share to the usual social blanket on Rose Hill Bishop's Committee, War Relief Ser- was believed to have boosted the vices, of the National Catholic Wel- ticket sales. fare Conference, which has appealed to all the Catholic Colleges of the United States to aid suffering and needy people of Europe. The drive Pharmacists Complete will concentrate on a campus cal- Accelerated Program lection of old clothes and money. Each student will be asked to bring in whatever old clothes he can One of the last vestiges of gather; overcoats, suit-coats, trou- Fordham's wartime accelerated sers and shoes are particularly de- program disappeared from the Vol. I. No. 1. NEW YORK, N. Y., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1918 Price Five Centi campus on Wednesday morning sired. Receiving centers will be lo- when seven Pharmacy students Savage Gym 5, on McKEE cated in each classroom building and received their BS in Pharmacy 'This War Will Purify Soul of the results will be posted each week. degrees in the office of the BPEAK8 ON WAR CONDITIONS IN All are asked to set aside five cents Home Court, Win FEMALE AND CHILD LABOR per day, aiming at a minimum of Dean of the College of Phar- TO COMMON CAUSE the Nation" — Says Fr. Mulry two dollars at the end of Lent, for macy.
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