Plymouth winner heads to national pageant - Local news, A3 Your hometowfi newspaper serving Plymouth and Anew Plymouth Township for 117 years challenge PLYMOUTH Retiring rabbi looking for- , SUNDAY ward to some Ju n e s 2003 new adventures Life, Cl 75 cents 0 b 0 e r u e r Volume 117 Number 82 ivivw.hometoivnlife.com ©2003 Hometown Communications Network Hopefuls head down school stretch BYTONYBRUSCATO eventual winners two bids to be elected, Roy McCutcheon, Canton Schools through its current STAFF WRITER Elections Clerk Elizabeth Adams said makmg his imtial run for the board, budget crisis the number of absentee ballots were on incumbent Mark Slavens, who is com­ “T h ^v e never been tiirough a difiicult Four candidates are vying for a chance par with last year That could signal that pleting his first four-year term on the financial situation like th ^ re going to be on die Plymouth-Canton Board of only 3-5 percent of the district’s 76,000 Board of Education, and Roland through today,” he said “Its a time Education the next four years registered voters will visit the polls on Thomas, who previously served a total of where you have to be fair, consistent, and, And, if the past is any indication, a low Monday 17 years as a trustee direct to people, be honest with them voter turnout will mean a minority of the The four candidates include Richard Thomas believes it’s that expenence and don t pull any punches You’vegot to district’s residents will elect the two Ham-Kucharski, who failed in his first which IS needed to pull Plymouth- PLEASE SEE ELECTION, Township Plymouth Picture Dad' We're celebrating Dad this year with a special passes contest Send us a baptizes favorite photograph of you and your Dad with a short caption explaining budget why its your favorite sprayscape (funny sentimental or just interesting) Well BYTONYBRUSCATO hold a drawing of all Water feature is STAFF WRITER entries and award the winner with four tickets The Plymouth city commis­ to the Ford Senior Players popular park pick sion, without much fanfare Championship at the TPC Monday night, passed a $6 3 in Dearborn good for BY BRAD KADRICH million general fund budget your choice of any one STAFF WRITER After five study sessions, the day visit July 713 Pro cohimission whittled $851,000 golfers expected to com You could have excused from the ongmal budget present­ pete in this PGA Plymouth Township Supervisor ed by City Manager Paul Sincock Champions Tour major Steve M ann if he spent most of It leaves the general fimd with a include Jack Nicklaus Thursday being worried about shm $137,000 balance Hale Irwin Tom Watson the weather, what with the “There’s not much margin for Ray Floyd Tom Kite Fuzzy grand opening of the sprayscape error,” Commissioner Ron Zoelierand rookie Craig at township park being threat­ Loiselle said of the less than two Stadler All tickets include ened by cloudy skies and cool percent margin “Department free parking and shuttle weather heads will have to be very tight in Ford will expand its But Mother Nature came their budgets and not overspend % Centennial Celebration by through, popping out some sun “The big thing will be a n tin g featuring classic cars on just as Mann began his intro­ unexpected, like another cut m the course and a concert ductory remarks and warming revenue shanng from the state, Saturday July 12 To enter up the temperatures enough to or tax money doesn’t come in,’ he send your photo to make the watery baptism a suc­ added “We have quarterly budg­ Plymouth Observer cessful one, as dozens of chil­ et reviews, so if we start running Brad Kadnch dren lined up to frolic in the into trouble, we 11 have to adjust 794 South Mam $400,000 sprayscape expenses back” Plymouth Ml 48170 And, after the inaugural dip, City commissioners already All entries are due by 5 many of them were impressed know the 2004-05 budget could pm Wednesday June 11 “It’s fun, I liked the rainbow result in deeper cuts They plan Even if your name isnt spray,” said 8-year-old Ashley to address the potential problems selected for a prize you II Saleen of Plymouth Township Thursday, in the first of what is have a chance to show “My mom said we could come expected to be several committee Dad how much he means back when we want to ” meetings to discuss possible cuts, to you Look for your That’s because mom thought or asking residents for a millage photo with Dad on It was a solid addition to the increase Father's Day Sunday township park “Basically, the citizenry has two June 15 “It’s a wonderful addition,” choices,” Mayor Pro-Ifem Colleen said Jennifer Saleen “The kids Pobursaid “They can direct us to have been talking about it for a cut services m order to bring the week (and) they loved it ” budget m balance, or give us the Senior Havers The sprayscape was one of the authority to undertake a Headlee tHAMPtOis most popular answers two years override ” LIZ OROZCO i STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ago when township officials Smcock said there are other took a poll of children regarding Five-year’ Oid Joey Paz runs through the frog face, which squirted him with water at Plymouth Township Park options, including a separate vote ■ Chorus wiiner in Plymouth on Thursday evening The kids were there to mark the grand opening of the park's sprayscape PLEASE SEE SPR A Y SC A PE A S PLEASE SEE BUDGET, A S Nathan Gardner (above right) of Salem High School was one of three winners as the Plymouth Community Chorus announced the recip Students tackle tough issues lents of its 2003 music schol arships Gardner won a $500 schol in Social Action Project arship one of three given by the chorus Tamar Hoioshitz of Huron High School won a BY TONY BRUSCATO students will be exposed to profession­ $500 scholarship and Chans STAFF WRITER als and volunteers who serve as exam­ LaRissa Vaughn won a $1000 ples of those involved with social par­ scholarship Domestic violence, animal abuse, gay ticipation The PCC Scholarship rights and at-nsk youth are just a “We want the kids to be aware of Program was established in handful of the social issues facing gov­ social problems, which can be anything 1984 to assist students in ernments and the residents they serve from hunger to gay rights to domestic pursuit of vocal music aca Students at Plymouth High School violence,’ said MacGregor “We also demic study of voice or the tackled first-hand some of those chal­ want them to come up with solutions study of voice for the pur lenges by not only putting themselves to those problems ” pose of organized recre in the middle of the social issues, but The team of Zainab Arastu, Rebekah ationalor community also outlining possible solutions to Gorzalski, Hillary Ott and Samantha singing those problems Reid, all of whom live in Canton Recipients have used their The Social Action Project is the Township, looked at senior issues by scholarships at places such brainchild of teachers Shannon MeVey A group of students give their presentation on the Washtenaw County Humane Society during the as Blue Lakes Fine Arts and Enn MacGregor They’re hoping community service portion of the class at Plymouth High School PLEASE SEE ISSU ES A 4 Camp the Academy of Popular Vocal Arts and Interlochen Arts Academy For information regarding 4 YR. OLD DROP IN CONTACT US INDEX LOOKING AHEAD the 2004 program cal! Electric stove side by side fndge patio table set Newsroom (734)4592700 Apartments E4 Jobs Sherrie Northway (734) 533 Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 E6 Great race 4796 or write the Plymouth Class beds-1 800 579 SELL Automotive F4 Obituaries A7 More than 100 vintage cars will rumble Classified 0,EF Observer Life Cl Community Chorus PO Box I was able to sell all my items with my ad \ Home del very-1866 88 PAPER down mam drags from Livonia to m your paper ThanksI MA Canton Classified Index 03 New Homes D1 70017 Plymouth Ml 48170 Florida through seas of waving fans Crossword D4 Service Guide F4 0217 Read a preview m Thursday s Filter PUT^)U?c^I^MTOl&fFORYOUI COMMUNICATIONS WCTWOltK Health C6 Sports B1 Before you look for you r dream hom e, coll ewHr The M ortgage Experts" at 877-373-7421. 4 m m i6m m m t Rock Pinanoa! is a Quideen Loans Company a Fannie Mae Freddie Mac HUD approved and Equal Hous ng Lender ^ 41 A2cp> Observer & Eccentric | Sunday June 8 2003 AROUND TOWN ivww.hometoicnlife.com CLARIFICATION enticed participants to visit the Plymouth Community Arts Kody at 420-7010, (734)459-7146 library, the Plymouth Council, the Plymouth Distnct KodyC@pccs kl2 im us ■ The Plymouth branch of A story in the Sunday, June 1 Historical Museum and the Library, the Plymouth the Woman’s National Farm Plymou^ Observer, “Dartmoor Plymouth Community Arts Histoncal Society and the CELL PHONE COLLECTION and Garden Assoaation’s June bnngs a taste of En^and,” Council, and to attend concerts Plymouth Symphony Orchestra picnic will be held at the home Kamel Sherrod should have of the Plymouth Symphony sponsored die program The Plymouth Jaycees are of Mynlla Schrader at 12 30 been identified simply as the Orchestra and other cultural collecting cell phones through p m Monday, June 9 Dartmoor’s executive chef offerings GOLF OUTING July 31 to be donated to First The recipients of the Garden There are pnzes waiting for Step, a domestic and sexual Club’s Scholarships will attend SENIOR PARTY all participants and a drawing The Plymouth-Canton violence agency serving the the picnic A plant auction fol­ for larger prizes to take place Commumty Schools families of Wayne County lows the club’s business meet­ The public is invited to June 18 Education^ Excellence
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