A Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 1990–1999

A Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 1990–1999

A Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 1990{1999 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 20 March 2020 Version 2.87 Title word cross-reference 4 [439]. 400 [918]. 47s [1833]. 5 [582]. 50th [980]. '89 [26]. $150 [1852]. 3 [1862]. N [24]. O2 [226]. p × 64 [164]. '90s [1203]. '92 [39]. '95 [779]. '96 [965]. 9X [398, 399, 397]. -Fold [24]. = [1396, 186]. 1 [1302]. 12 [488]. 1989 [276]. 1989-1990 [275]. 1990s [444, 135, 214]. Abandoned [1385]. Above [834]. Abstract [1179]. abstracting [1442]. abstractions 2 [1187]. 20/20 [1581]. 2000 [1865]. abuses [1866]. academe [1488, 1476, 1309]. 20th [71]. 21st [1313, 1808]. Academic [241, 1661, 1239, 1421, 468, 1116]. 22nd [646, 262, 1459, 1846, 1549, 60]. [401]. Academic-Industry [262]. Acadia [1458]. acceleration [317]. acceptance [1490]. 3.0 [1650]. 3D [1689, 331, 458]. 1 2 Access Aggravation [348]. Aglets [1751]. agora [736, 1070, 1454, 1326, 234, 1459, 11, 1520, [1463]. agreed [1377]. agreed-upon [1377]. 1721, 1513, 1591, 1518, 205, 475, 826, 1146]. ahead [982, 1207, 1662]. AI Accessing [1512]. Accidental [222, 375]. [937, 593, 941, 625, 932, 49, 1344]. AI-based Accountability [958, 606]. accounting [49]. Aid [243]. Aids [992]. aim [88]. Air [1482]. Accreditation [259]. Accredited [622]. AK [1833]. AK-47s [1833]. Alan [55]. [1055, 259, 418, 673, 790]. ACE [457]. Alexandria [823]. Algol [519]. Algorithm achieve [1376]. achieved [1082]. [311, 1180, 146, 1182, 85, 1, 2, 357, 289, 1761]. achievements [231]. achieving [1620]. algorithm-based [1761]. Algorithms ACM [401, 71, 979, 323, 442, 962, 961, 983, [1187, 1012, 1949, 117, 76, 1129, 1306, 636]. 1056, 1094, 1088, 1207, 1294, 1366, 1418, All-optical [1821]. Allen [1412, 405]. 1413, 1205, 1296, 1292, 1369, 1412, 1373, alliance [663]. allocation [856]. Allowing 1209, 1295, 1367, 25, 1449, 1489, 1869, 322, [1377, 382]. along [650]. Alpha 831, 1328, 321, 404, 1299, 388, 278, 490, 1211, [435, 434, 433, 436]. Alphabets [45]. 241, 488, 1136, 232, 189, 1768, 34, 1826, 779]. Already [1282]. Alt [979]. Altair [554]. ACM/IEEE [189]. ACM/IEEE-CS [189]. Alternative [659, 62]. Alternatives [1001]. ACM's [980]. Acquisition alters [1377]. always [1581, 851]. Amazing [1078, 1437, 125, 574]. Across [951, 1456]. [1270]. Amazon [300]. Amdahl [1184]. Act [1832, 1255, 1093, 1696]. Action Amendment [183]. America [1654]. [1710, 1892, 604]. Active [1705]. Activities American [71, 241, 474]. Amoeba [127]. [234]. Activity [884, 288]. ADA Among [1891]. Amplifiers [431]. [321, 398, 392, 394, 395, 399, 396, 393, 397]. Amsterdam [616]. Analog [1779, 1907]. AdAM [1778]. Adaptability [1141]. analogy [305]. Analysis Adapting [1687]. Adaptive [190, 413, 361, 111, 24, 1054, 362, 1701, 848, [657, 1199, 1397, 1543]. added [984, 1697]. 1185, 1780, 333, 369, 286, 607, 383, 749, 886, Addendum [1870]. addictive [1505]. 642, 510, 839, 1264, 364, 384, 1448, 357, 596, Adding [1568, 616, 532]. Additional [289]. 363, 549, 1527, 643, 1761]. Analyst [1010]. address [1605]. addressing [698, 1782]. Anchoring [1162]. Andrew [1188, 1189]. adds [1587, 1418]. Adequacy [262]. Animal [565]. Animation adopting [1139]. adoption [253, 304, 1711]. [1858, 1046, 1101, 458]. anniversary [980]. Advanced [440, 1501, 461]. Advancement annotations [560]. Announcing [763]. [1023, 772]. Advances [643]. Advantage Annual [274, 80, 71, 52, 401]. Anonymity [949, 1920]. Adventure [238]. [1177]. Anonymous [1719, 1721]. Answer advertisements [1861]. advertising [1500]. [1112]. Answers [1183, 912, 467]. Anti advice [497]. Africa [612, 951, 432]. After [1103]. Anti-Mac [1103]. anticipate [1191, 1394]. Aftermath [1343]. again [1656, 1377]. anticircumvention [1871]. [1534, 1566]. Against [804, 1375, 264, 1414]. antiquities [1513]. Antivirus [1195]. Age [1059, 1285, 1811, 279, 1606, 636]. Anytime [1341]. anyway [1508]. Agency [898]. Agenda [27, 263, 72]. Agent Anywhere [1341]. Apache [1772]. [685, 842, 1753]. agent-based [1753]. Apartness [612]. Application Agents [498, 54, 1426, 880, 1897, 1395]. [1744, 688, 1736, 1741, 1745, 678, 945, 1746, Applications 412, 689, 1737, 679, 680, 686, 690, 691, 1748, [1160, 939, 937, 940, 943, 795, 938, 270, 1301, 677, 1503, 682, 676, 687, 1743, 681, 1749]. 926, 634, 1383, 627, 1595, 875, 890, 1567, 1402, 3 134, 628, 1777, 630, 163, 1708, 1619, 1841]. [653, 713, 1747]. Automatic applicative [379]. Applied [110]. [726, 1554, 620, 332, 383]. Automatically Applying [32]. Automating [301, 410]. Automation [798, 1349, 1262, 957, 364, 1139, 613]. [1303]. Autonomous [945, 1556, 1822]. appraising [1839]. appreciation [819]. Availability [1031]. available [1082]. Apprenticing [838]. Approach Average [155]. Aviation [610]. avoid [1031, 380, 73, 381, 880, 592, 286, 1801, 509, [1502]. avoidance [860]. Avoiding [419]. 1316, 252, 564, 508, 1922, 652, 656, 49, 668]. AWAC S [1896]. Award Approaches [1292, 1052, 724, 426, 1053, 741, 1412]. [959, 349, 1254, 704, 1553, 1529]. approved Awards [1292]. Aware [524]. Awareness [1902]. Approximate [1183]. apps [1912]. [1358]. awesome [463]. AXP [435, 434]. Arcade [1345]. Architecting [409]. Architecture B [178]. Babbage [1607, 290]. Back [424, 814, 1665, 434, 1201, 1629, 415, 1138, [520, 1435]. backbone [1818, 699]. 1881, 664, 617, 203, 687, 1843]. Backpropagation [1182]. backtracks architectures [1759]. Backup [1007]. backward [1545]. [1897, 1689, 1922, 1651, 1754, 783]. Archives Bad [1266, 1732]. Badge [1095]. Balance [963]. Area [812, 249]. Argument [1764]. [1764, 1297]. Balanced [62]. Bandwagon arm [1679]. Armchair [1764]. Arms [804]. [1001]. bandwidth [1785, 75]. Bank [1654]. array [357]. Arrays [1179, 1776, 871]. Art Barney [708]. Base [335]. Base/Database [193, 1132, 1407, 1548, 28]. Arthur [122]. [335]. Based articulator [318]. articulator-based [318]. [1260, 599, 626, 1363, 996, 846, 1019, 627, Artificial [404, 945, 1196, 1855, 349]. Arts 1552, 286, 1183, 176, 269, 683, 526, 1617, 1914, [1175]. Asia [984]. Asian [756, 492]. Ask 1753, 1653, 815, 1782, 19, 370, 22, 1894, 657, [1293]. Asleep [1227]. Aspects [1141, 1475]. 586, 7, 847, 240, 1499, 318, 656, 49, 619, 200, assess [391]. Assessing [1537, 1482]. 1754, 1631, 1761, 1519, 1749, 1594, 617, 615]. Assessment basic [633]. battle [1744, 1611, 1698]. [1432, 484, 865, 33, 302, 1686, 53, 843, 21, 121]. Bayesian [798, 796, 795]. Be assignment [655, 1678]. assignments [1873, 1115, 1368, 1082, 76, 1624]. beam [1716]. assistant [684]. Assistive [315]. [1862]. Bearing [757]. beasts [1315]. beat Assumptions [829]. Assurance [1198]. [1839]. Become [1233, 170]. Becomes Asymmetries [1164]. Asynchronous [1052]. Becoming [116]. Been [1035, 1378]. Atlantic [1061]. ATLAS [223, 137, 1804]. beer [867]. Before [1931]. ATM [351, 554]. begin [1209]. begins [984]. [789, 787, 784, 788, 786, 785, 783, 782]. Behavior [1388, 527, 1934, 363]. Behind attained [1545]. Attention [1351]. [1132]. believable [689]. Bell [1061]. attitudes [946]. attributes [596]. Auction belong [583]. Beltway [1249]. [856]. auctions [1594]. Audio Benchmarking [1572]. benefits [421, 915, 332, 1544]. augmentative [316]. [1546, 501, 1653, 92, 1875]. Berkeley [822]. Augmented [1350, 520, 525, 526]. Best [1224, 1002, 1546, 1436, 158, 1884]. Augmenting [876, 532]. Australian [946]. Better [1225, 1662, 1546, 282]. Between authentication [19]. author [962]. [1150, 1220, 1222, 1099, 1551, 514]. Beware authoring [893]. Authors [757]. Beyond [1228, 1612, 1307, 1291]. bias [1203, 1013, 1036, 1564]. Automated [853]. bibliographic [1517]. Big 4 [1312, 1074]. Bilingual [47, 1771]. Bill [445]. Capital [1336]. CAPS [243]. Care binaries [1446]. Binary [438, 2]. Binding [1361, 1633, 1359, 1346]. career [802]. [1652]. Biological [237, 517]. Biologically Careers [646]. carrying [1082]. [1254]. Biology [237]. biometrics [1866]. Cartwheeling [1105]. Carver [1412]. Case Biosphere [219]. Birth [1245]. Bit [627, 1552, 985, 1386, 1724, 1936, 1466, 128, [336, 1756]. Bit-rot [1756]. Bit-Tree [336]. 1147, 1618, 1846, 178, 298, 1504, 1654, 304, BITNET [128]. BITS [738]. Blacksburg 1618, 301, 306, 308, 773]. Case-based [1173]. Blinn [1946]. Bloom [1208]. blue [627, 1552]. cash [1064]. causes [1899]. [1919, 1086, 1343, 1344]. Board [18]. Body Cautionary [1298]. CAVE [332]. CD [1213, 1356]. Body-Image [1356]. Books [816, 1089, 166]. CD-I [166]. CD-ROM [1274, 983, 1295, 1520]. Bookshelf [1038]. [816, 1089]. CDA [1325, 1375]. ceiling [767]. Boosting [876]. Bootstraps [1074]. Both Celebration [1368, 766, 948]. Cells [1181]. [1325, 1884]. bottlenecks [1124]. Bottom Celtic [1245]. Censorship [1068, 1146]. [691, 1620]. bottom-line [1620]. center [1522, 810]. Centered Bottom-up [691]. Boundaries [913]. [1333, 817, 1028, 1330, 576, 1618, 1018]. Bounding [6]. Bowl [80]. Brain centers [60]. centralization [195]. centric [1282, 1343]. Brazilian [300]. Breach [387]. [1815, 1843]. Century breakdown [1771]. Breaks [1284]. bridge [1239, 468, 1661, 1421, 1116]. CEO [1863]. [1563]. bridging [82]. Brief [494, 493]. CEOs [182]. ceremony [1292]. CERT Bringing [421, 1071]. British [861, 826]. [705]. Certification [1831]. Certifying broadband [422]. Broadening [430]. [147]. Challenges Brock [1375]. Brokerages [1065]. brokers [996, 1043, 505, 608, 722, 784, 640, 782]. [1651]. Brother [1074]. browser [1516]. challenging [1835]. Champagne [867]. Budget [66, 867, 304]. Bug [1279]. build Champion [235]. championship [1708]. Building [1818, 465,

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