April 17, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E557 works diligently to improve the lives of individ- Conference, Congressman TOM PETRI, Con- The Salvation Army has offered a variety of uals with intellectual and developmental dis- gresswoman NITA LOWEY, Congresswoman humanitarian services to the people of Guam. abilities and their families. In the past, pro- SUSAN DAVIS and Steve Davis, and Congress- Its Family Services Center provides emer- ceeds from the gala have gone to such noble woman MAZIE HIRONO, in remembering gency assistance to families in need of food, causes as cancer research, educational schol- Tadashi Yamamoto. May his work and his leg- clothing, rent or utilities, and donates toys to arships, the American Red Cross, tsunami re- acy live on in continued cooperation between more than 1,500 children on Guam during the lief, and to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina the United States and Japan and the open ex- Christmas season. The Salvation Army also and the earthquake in Kashmir, India, and change between our leaders. runs the Lighthouse Recovery Center, which most recently, the Carmelite Home for Girls. f began as a 16-bed residence for substance Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other abuse recovery in 1998 and has since ex- distinguished colleagues join me in com- JOE LYLE panded to a state of the art facility with a bed mending the board and members of the Indian capacity of 30. The Lighthouse Recovery Cen- American Cultural Center of NWIHRC for their HON. SAM GRAVES ter facility is also utilized for after school activi- outstanding contributions to society. Their OF MISSOURI ties, day camp, summer camp, youth councils, commitment to improving the quality of life for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the annual Community Thanksgiving the people of Northwest Indiana and through- Feast, which feeds more than 1,100 people in out the world is truly inspirational and should Tuesday, April 17, 2012 need. The Salvation Army also actively partici- be recognized and commended. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I pates in the Guam Homeless Coalition’s an- f proudly pause to recognize Joe Lyle for his nual island-wide Homeless Count and Pass- distinguished service to the Savannah Rural port to Services programs, which assists our HONORING TADASHI YAMAMOTO Fire Protection District in Missouri. Joe is one island’s homeless community as well as those of the founding board members for the district, at risk of becoming homeless. Further, the HON. DIANA DeGETTE and has served 32 years as the board’s chair- Salvation Army Thrift Store offers clothing, fur- OF COLORADO man. niture, and other household goods to the com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During Joe’s tenure as chairman, the district munity at a low price. Tuesday, April 17, 2012 has overseen the construction of three new Over the last 20 years, the Salvation Army Ms. DEGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to fire houses and purchased numerous fire has coordinated with federal and local officials honor the life of Mr. Tadashi Yamamoto. At trucks and fire equipment. The district has in providing disaster recovery and relief assist- the age of 76, Mr. Yamamoto died from can- also acquired top of the line safety equipment ance through its Emergency Disaster Services cer on April 15, 2012. He left behind four to assist in the protection of the residents of Team. This team has assisted Guam residents sons, four daughters-in-law, and eight grand- the district. Joe’s leadership and vision have whose homes and belongings were destroyed children. He left behind a legacy and enduring been instrumental to the district’s efforts to ex- as a result of natural disasters, by donating partnership with his friends in the United pand service and protection to the community. thousands of dollars of food, clothing, and States. Joe has also been heavily involved in orga- supplies. Further, the Salvation Army provided As Japan rose in world influence in the nizing fire protection services to the commu- humanitarian services to Kurdish refugees 1960s and ’70s, Tadashi Yamamoto created nities surrounding the City of Savannah. who were evacuated from Iraq to Guam as one of his country’s first nongovernmental or- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in part of Operation Pacific Haven in 1996, and ganizations in the field of international affairs. recognizing Joe Lyle, a dedicated volunteer, also supported Burmese refugees who were In 1967, he organized the first Shimoda Con- whose service to the Savannah Rural Fire seeking political asylum in 2000. ference, designed to bring together U.S. and Protection District is to be commended. I wish The Salvation Army has worked with many Japanese leaders to discuss issues of mutual to congratulate Joe on his contributions ac- local community organizations and businesses interest to both countries. Out of that con- complishments and I am honored to serve him in their charitable efforts, including the Guam ference, he founded and became president of in the United States Congress. Symphony Society, the Rotary Club of Tumon Bay, the Guam Women’s Club, the Guam the Japan Center for International Exchange f (JCIE). Since 1970, JCIE has enabled more Council of Women’s Club, the Soroptimist than 1,000 U.S. and Japanese political leaders IN RECOGNITION OF THE 20TH AN- International of Guam, the Guam Naval Offi- to engage in meaningful dialogue and prob- NIVERSARY OF THE SALVATION cers’ Spouse Connection, the Andersen Offi- lem-solving, strengthening our relationship and ARMY GUAM CORPS cers Souses Club, Chinese Ladies Associa- paving the way for decades of productive en- tion, Korean Women’s Association of Guam, deavors. HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO KUAM Care Force, Chinese Chamber of Com- merce Guam, Marine Corps Toys for Tots, the In February 2011, Mr. Yamamoto, recog- OF GUAM Guam Homeless Coalition and the Council on nizing the necessity for continued bilateral co- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES operation, decided to revive the concept of a Homelessness, Bank of Hawaii, Citibank, First Tuesday, April 17, 2012 frank discussion between political, business, Hawaiian Bank, and Wells Fargo Financial. and media leaders. He convened the New Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today I congratulate the Salvation Army Guam Shimoda Conference in Tokyo. I was pleased to recognize the Salvation Army Guam Corps Corps on their 20th anniversary, and I com- to lead the bipartisan, bicameral U.S. delega- for their 20 years of community service to the mend them for their years of providing human- tion to that historic event. Less than one island of Guam. Since their establishment on itarian services to the people of Guam and the month later the depths of the U.S.-Japan rela- Guam in 1992, the Salvation Army has built a Micronesia region. I also commend the efforts tionship were affirmed by the outpouring of as- strong network of services to individuals and of the Corps Officers, Advisory Board Mem- sistance in the wake of the devastating earth- groups in need of assistance in our island bers, and all volunteers, for their commitment quake in March 2011. community. to the mission and vision of the Salvation Tadashi Yamamoto was a pioneer. In the The Salvation Army is an international non- Army. I look forward to the continued growth decades before the Internet brought together profit organization that provides non-discrimi- and expansion of this organization for many people from diverse cultures to connect and natory humanitarian support throughout the years to come. exchange ideas, inspired individuals like world. In 1992, the Salvation Army Guam f Tadashi Yamamoto built bridges that made Corps was started by Lieutenants Ted and CONGRATULATING POLICE CHIEF our world stronger. At a time when both coun- Debby Horwood. Since then, several Corps WILLIAM VILLANOVA FOR RE- tries were in the midst of change and protest, Officers have assumed the leadership of this CEIVING THE 2012 POLICE CHIEF discovering post-war identities and ideals, organization on Guam. From July 1995 to OF THE YEAR AWARD Tadashi Yamamoto made our world safer. He June 2006, Captains Dave and Linda Harmon led us to a brighter future. The United States were instrumental in expanding the Salvation HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI and Japan has a distinct partnership today be- Army’s size and services. After the Harmons OF ILLINOIS relocated from Guam in June 2006, Captains cause of his vision, and those like him, who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work tirelessly and optimistically toward peace Brian and Leticia Saunders served as Corps and security for all of humanity. Officers for Guam until June 2007, and were Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Today, I ask my colleagues to join me and succeeded by the current Corps Officers, Cap- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the House delegation to the New Shimoda tains Thomas and Christina Taylor. honor Chief William Villanova for receiving the VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:58 Apr 18, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K17AP8.027 E17APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 17, 2012 2012 Police Chief of the Year award from the the use of a club that discriminates on the dren translate their native languages into Illinois State Crime Commission and for his basis of sex, race, or color. Discriminatory English. Mrs. Mallis worked with hundreds of thirty-five years of exceptional service to the clubs will have to state on their receipts that immigrant students from countries such as Al- citizens of Oak Lawn. their expenditures are nondeductible. bania, Greece, and Yugoslavia to help them Chief Villanova first joined the Oak Lawn It’s time to end tax breaks for discrimina- overcome a challenging educational barrier.
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