LC RECORD SATURDAY AUGUST 17, 2019 VOL 2 ISSUE 21 LACLEDE COUNTY RECORD ONE DOLLAR The doctor is Stephen Local man drowns while trying to save kids KIRK PEARCE [email protected] A Lebanon man drowned in the Nian- gua River last weekend while trying to save two children. The Missouri State Highway Patrol report- With major health care providers refusing to prescribe ed that Jake A. Stephen, 57, drowned the evening RI$XJDW%DUU\%OXͿ Access on the Niangua medical marijuana, pro-cannabis doctors have hit the road River in Dallas County. According to the CHRIS RODEN • FOR THE LACLEDE RECORD One such traveling clinic visited certification required by law before a Highway Patrol report, Lebanon Tuesday. More than 50 people medical marijuana card is issued. the drowning occurred mendment 2 passed last year, visited Randy Massey’s Launch Pad In a phone interview before the when two children were but many major medical pro- Glass Galleries to consult with Dr. meeting, Thomas said one roadblock swimming in the water A viders have declined to pre- Zinia Thomas of St. Louis in hopes of for getting a medical marijuana card and began struggling. scribe medical marijuana to getting their physician certification is what doctors have been traditional- Stephen went in to the patients. The decision has led to the rise form, the chief hurdle in getting their ly taught about marijuana in medical water to help the chil- of many medical marijuana specializ- medical marijuana card. school. dren. The kids returned ing clinics, including ones that travel Thomas is a practicing psychiatrist “All doctors are taught medical to the shore safely, but the state qualifying Missourians for in St. Louis. She also owns healthcity, marijuana is a drug of abuse, that there Stephen went underwa- medical marijuana cards that will allow a company designed to give Missouri is no medicinal value,” Thomas said. ter and did not resurface. them to buy the drug once dispensary residents access to medical marijuana Her approach is non-traditional. Stephen was pro- licenses are issued by the state. by providing them with the physician nounced dead by Dal- See ‘MEDICINE’/ page A8 las County Coroner Bob Whetsten at 6:10 p.m. INDEX R-3 Board accepts bid to raze old Junior High STEVE SMITH A LOOK BACK...............Page A4 were received for razing the buildings, [email protected] CALENDAR....................Page A2 but no proposals were submitted for CLASSIFIEDS.......Pages B6-B7 The Lebanon R-3 School Board has purchase. COMICS ........................Page B5 Gerken submitted a bid of $434,388. ENTERTAINMENT..........Page B1 accepted a bid to remove buildings FAITH...................Pages A6-A7 from the old Lebanon Junior High The other two bids were Bo Ellenstine OPINION...................Page B2 campus. Excavating for $489,650 and Industrial SPORTS ..................Page A5 After reviewing bids and consider- Salvage and Wrecking for $521,100. ing community feedback, the Board After the buildings are taken down, voted 5-0 during its meeting Tuesday the district said in a statement that “the DEATHS to accept the low bid from Gerken En- property will become a green space, vironmental to dismantle the Wallace, with a variety of potential uses in the Rainey, and Industrial Arts buildings. IXWXUH$OOHͿRUWVZLOOEHPDGHWRSUH- /&5ILOHSKRWR Earlier this month, the Board formally serve the trees and the covered walkway The Lebanon R-3 School Board accepted a bid sought proposals to either raze or pur- RQWKHSURSHUW\DQGWKHÀHOGKRXVHZLOO to demolish the old junior high Wallace, Rainey and chase the buildings. Three proposals remain in use.” Industrial Arts buildings. See ‘JUNIOR HIGH’/ page A8 Robert “Bob’’ Lee Henson Holman-Howe/Lebanon Charles David Hough Shadel’s Colonial/Lebanon Rhonda Sue Bowen Holman-Howe/Hartville Mary “Loretta’’ (Manes) Park Board gets Nelson Park progress report Harrison Lowell Eric “Lowgear’’ Zeigenbein Richland Memorial Chapel Board also decided to move Carolyn Sue Jones (Whittaker) :WYPUNÄLSK skate park to Gasconade STEVE SMITH • [email protected] Work is underway and on schedule at Lebanon’s new Nelson Park. The Lebanon Park Board received an update on the new park’s progress at its monthly meeting Wednesday. www.holmanhowe.com Parks Director John Shelton said dirt work should take three to four weeks, See Pages A2 - A3 depending on the weather. Utilities will be /&5SKRWR6WHYH6PLWK run after dirt work is completed and grass Construction crews are clearing the area and doing dirt work for the new Nelson Park should be planted by mid-September. near the Lebanon Middle School. Parks Director John Shelton expects this phase of work Drawings for the concession stand and to be done in three or four weeks. UHVWURRPDUHEHLQJÀQDOL]HG The new park will feature a play- by Tracker Marine. Shelton said the new next spring. ground, four ball diamonds, a concession Nelson Park location would not work well The board reviewed revenue for the VWDQGVRFFHUDQGWEDOOÀHOGVDVZHOODV for skateboarders because it is located too Boswell Aquatic Center, which was down picnic areas. The development will be on far from major city residential areas and compared to last year and was closed 16 city and school district property and will other parks did not have enough room days compared to eight days last year. for the facility. The board voted to move Shelton also reported on a survey in @LacledeCountyRecord feature a nature trail that will connect with the state of Missouri’s Coleman Memorial the skate facility to the Gasconade Park. which most parents gave the parks good Conservation Area. Shelton said the Gasconade location is marks. The board also decided what to do surrounded by housing and would be Concessions reported revenue of $59,47 with the skate park that is now located in convenient for young people to access. DQGPDGHDSURÀW$IXOOUHSRUWLVSODQQHG the old Nelson Park that was purchased The move is expected to be completed by for next month. LC RECORDS LC WEATHER Community Calendar “Spring Is Here!” Jaycie West, Maplecrest Elementary TODAY SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 93 High, 73 Low Partly Cloudy SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ALCOHOLICS 86 High, 71 Low 92 High, 73 Low 94 High, 71 Low 89 High, 66 Low 88 High, 65 Low 92 High, 70 Low AM Thunderstorms Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Isolated Isolated ANONYMOUS — 6 Thunderstorms Thunderstorms JAMES WILSON AMOS p.m. every Tuesday WEATHER PROVIDED BY SHEER BLISS PHOTOGRAPHY • 417-322-3814 FAMILY REUNION — at Southern Heights doors open 10:30 a.m. Christian Church. FFI: CAROLYN SUE JONES (WHITTAKER) at Mills Center. Carry-in 533-4244. dinner. 635,1*),(/'0,66285, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 KAPP SCHOOL Carolyn Sue Jones KRPHPDNHUDQGGHOLJKWHGLQVSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKKHU REUNION — 10:30 a.m. LEBANON HOST LIONS (Whittaker), 75, of FKLOGUHQJUDQGFKLOGUHQDQGJUHDWJUDQGFKLOGUHQ at VFW Hall, North Hwy. — noon at T’s Redneck 6SULQJÀHOGIRUPHUO\RI ZKRPPHDQWWKHZRUOGWRKHU6KHORYHGEDNLQJ 5. Lunch around noon. Steakhouse. /HEDQRQGLHG6DWXUGD\ VHZLQJFDPSLQJJRLQJWRFRXQWU\PXVLFFRQFHUWV FFI: 532-6070, 588-3265 Aug. 10, 2019. VKRSSLQJDQGPRUHVKRSSLQJ or 417-217-8920. NAMI — MENTAL ILLNESS SUPPORT She was born May 6XUYLYRUVLQFOXGHKHUKXVEDQG:LOIRUGRIWKH HUGHES CENTER GROUP — for mentally 16, 1944, in Phillipsburg, KRPHKHUGDXJKWHUDQGVRQLQODZ%REELDQG*UDQW ill, family and friends 0RWR&KDUOHVDQG2WWLH 7KRUQEXUJRI6SULQJÀHOGGDXJKWHULQODZ3DWW\ DANCE — 7-10 p.m. with Dave Perryman. welcome, 10-11 a.m. Marie (Gage) Whittaker. 3DWWHQRI-HͿHUVRQ&LW\VL[JUDQGFKLOGUHQ$PDQ- and 5:30-6:30 p.m. 2Q)HEVKH GD(OVRQ&KDUOHV3DWWHQ5REE\3DWWHQ7RQ\6FRWW at Lebanon-Laclede 3DWULFN6FRWWDQG-LPP\6FRWWÀYHJUHDWJUDQGFKLO- FOOD FOR FLIGHT — 11 PDUULHG:LOIRUG-RQHVLQ a.m.-2 p.m. at Lebanon County Library. FFI: 417- Lebanon. GUHQ7KHRGRUH(OVRQ0LULDP(OVRQ0DND\OD6FRWW 718-1616. &DGHQ6FRWWDQG-RVK6FRWWKHUVLVWHU-HDQ0D\RI City Hall parking lot. Hot 6KHZDVSUHFHGHGLQ 6SULQJÀHOGIRXUVLVWHUVLQODZ/LQGD'RUPD*ZHQ dog, water and chips, all GHDWKE\KHUSDUHQWVWZR DQG'RQQD0LWFKHOOPDQ\QLHFHVDQGQHSKHZVDOVR MVY (SSWYVJLLKZILULÄ[ FKLOGUHQ9LFN\ 9HVWDO IULHQGVDW2]DUN5LYHUYLHZ0DQRUZKREHFDPHOLNH Lebanon area veterans CAROLYN SUE JONES 6FRWWDQG'DUHQ3DWWHQRQH IDPLO\WRKHU and Honor Flight of the (WHITTAKER) JUDQGFKLOG%LOO\6FRWWIRXU Ozarks. EURWKHUV'R\OH &XUOH\ $JUDYHVLGHVHUYLFHIRU&DURO\Q6XH-RQHV :KLWWDN- 5REHUW0HUOH&KDUOHV/HRDQG-HUU\:KLWWDNHURQH HU ZLOOEHKHOGDWDP0RQGD\$XJDW FLATWOODS CEMETERY EURWKHULQODZ'DU\O0D\DQGRQHVLVWHULQODZ,UHQH 0RXQW5RVH0HPRULDO3DUNLQ/HEDQRQ)ORZHUVFDQ ANNUAL BUSINESS Whittaker. EHVHQWWR+ROPDQ+RZH)XQHUDO+RPHLQ/HEDQRQ MEETING — 10 a.m. 6XHZDVD\HDUNLGQH\WUDQVSODQWVXUYLYRUDQG followed by lunch at TOPS NO. 1164 6KHDWWHQGHGKLJKVFKRROLQ&RQZD\DQGZHQW GRQDWLRQVFDQEHPDGHLQKHUPHPRU\WKURXJKWKLV noon at Flatwoods Bible MEETING — 9:30- RQWRFRPSOHWHYDULRXVFROOHJHFRXUVHV6XHZDVD link: https://tHDPNLGQH\RUJFDPSDLJQ6XH-RQHV Church. Lunch free, 11 a.m. at Southern donations are welcome Heights Christian and appreciated. Meat Church. FFI: Rodella ROBERT “BOB’’ LEE HENSON furnished. Bring side dish 417-589-2378 or Karen 664-2038. /(%$1210,66285, if attending lunch. TOPS MEETING NO. 5REHUW ´%RE·· /HH -RH6KHUUHU+HDOVRHQMR\HGYROXQWHHULQJKLVWLPHDW FAMILY FUN DAY — 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at Boswell 0945 — 4:15-6 p.m. at +HQVRQRI/HEDQRQ WKH'RWVRQ&HPHWHU\ZRUNGD\V Heritage Baptist Temple, GLHG7KXUVGD\PRUQLQJ Park. Hamburgers, hot +HPDGHKLVSURIHVVLRQRIIDLWKLQ&KULVWZKHQKH dogs, chips, soda/water, 699 Lynn St. FFI: 532- Aug. 15, 2019, in Lebanon ZDV\HDUVROGDQGZDVDPHPEHURI1HZ+RSH 9895 or 532-7298. 1RUWK1XUVLQJ 5HKD- car/bike show,
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