L. ^^*^^*^HESTEgJIERALD^j<ondav^ulY T Angels 10, Sox 7: Ross: Scared, he hopes for nev^ria^Tage? ^ TAG SALE!!! ★ ★ ★ Clemens just isn’t the same / p a g e 15 Camp: Merrie-Woocj m a rk ^ t^ o tl^ ^ a g ^ T 4 Days for the Price of 3! PUCE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY^ BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL S H FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSIFIED. H rra lJi Manchester - A City o( Village Charm HOMES Tuesday, July 7,1987 I hELP WAMTa t i j F D H S A I i 800DTHIN68 MISCELLANEOUS A TO EAT FOR SALE 30 Cents RECEPTIONIST/OffIce 30 LOCUST street, 2 fam­ BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY Assistant. Gloston* ily. 4 rooms each. Ex­ 18!^^^^Tu'^Ir"Tondr bury. Small friendly cellent location. Nice tioner, 220 volts. $250. company seeking ma­ yard. $153,000. 646-2426, m C EU M EO U S u Coll 646-6819 otter 4. ture, respansible Indi­ 9-5 weekdays. M [D SERVICES vidual with pleasant pick North ‘assumed’ Reagan’s OK personality and prior GO VER NM EN T Homes ALLO W me to set you from $1 (U repair). free. General house­ e u K im iY A ODD lobs. Trucking. ***eeeeeeeeeeaea'ii ENDROLLS receptlolst experience. Home repairs. You MWKESTBEEtamCE Blueberries We will train on Multi- Delinquent tax prop­ keeping, dependable, REMOOEUIW SmVKES atlhe 27\k width - 2S8 erty. Repossessions. effeclent, experienced. CompMe homa tepelis and re- ncmelt.wedolt. Free BMkat, truck 8 chipper. IStli width - 2 lor 2S8 Former aide breaks silence, admits shredding papers mate word processor. estimates. Insured. 643- Stump removal. Free « plus wpm typing Coll 805-687-6000 exten­ Call Susan of 643-7680. modallng Wa apaoiallM In bath­ CORN CRIB I m u s t ba ptckad up at tha sion GH 9965. rooms and kRehana. Sman aoals 0304. eatimataa. Special iHarald Oftlea Monday thru needed. Non-smoking ALLO W me to set you oommsfolal work. RsgMsrad, In- eonaktaration for aMarty Barry Pateh By David Espo office. Excellent benef­ SOUTHERN New Eng- aursd, rafsranoaa. FIR EP LA C E . Remodel- and handicapped. I ThuradaybaTofa 11a.m. only. free. General house- Ing and chimney re- GbcMbb^ R#b4 The Associated Press ings, and again and again, he was its . Salary to ISk. Call lond classifleld ads M M l f S Ann Ross 659-3511. Bus­ reach nearly 800,000 M eplng, dependable, b u lld ln g . The 647-7SS3 SeolhWIaiser overruled by Sen. Daniel Inouye, iness Personnel homes In Connecticut effeclent. experienced. possibilities are end­ WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Oliver D-Hawaii, chairman of the Senate Coll Suson of 643-7680. less. Call after 6pm Heera 8-7 aiMlIng North, ending months o( silence, committee. Assoclotes.__________ and Rhode Island. The lE n F A M m ie / CORfHVEflUUWN FiMer.JMeaa AUTOMOTIVE price for o basic 25 ISSJFAPEinm weekdays. 643-8209. 8 E r , . , _ testified today that he "never But the day was not without its M ERCHANDISE Proces- word ad Is only $90 and sors. G. Fox 0 New BOOKKEEPM8/ .Quallt)MtM^lng at personally discussed” Jhe diver­ humor. "M y memory has been will appear In 75 news­ INCOME TAX g o o d u s e d furniture Is sion of Iranian arms sales profits to shredded,” North said at one point England tradition of papers. For more In­ affordable priceal T H E EASY W AY to find a CARS satisfaction and na­ in demand. Why not ad- ra n n ttm m • mjurimuimo cash buyer for no-longer- Contra rebels with President Rea­ as he said he h ^ forgotten a tional retail trend cen­ formation coll Classi­ PAINTING Yertlse the furniture you ___ I f o r s a l e gan. He said he assumed — without fied, 643-2711 and ask Need help with bookke^ng, Intsrtor and axtarlor. WUIpapar- needed household Items Is question and wanted it repeated. ter has Immediate op- for detolls.o__________ querterty taxes or financial big. QuaWy work. Ralsranoaa 2® use In classi­ Call 646-9716 with a want od. Dial VW Rabbit 1976. (aOOd being told — that Reagan had North first raised his hand and enlngs for and hilly Inaurad. $0 yoais sx- fied? Call 643-2711. approved. TWO Fomlly time tested statements? 643-2711 to place your condition. Must sell. swore-40 tell the truth, then vowed merchandise proces­ parlanca. Martin Maltaon. ahsr ■ DRIVEWAYS Oulck-octlon ad. First $300. 647-1130. But in dramatic testimony before to tell congressional investigators sors at our South Wind­ building with 13 rooms. Over 20 years of experience. Sealed cootlne, potchlne, W A N T ADS are the congressional committees, North "the good, the bad and the ugly” sor Distribution cen- 2 modern kltchen- Call Bill Johnson at 649-4431 friendly way of finding a hot rubber, crack aeallne. t e r . Jo b s...one with private sun cosh buyer for applian­ CONTINENTAL 1984 said Reagan told him in a telephone about his role as point man in the AAft S conversation on Nov. 25: "I just responsibilities Include windows, steel sldlng- 643-6150 ces, musical Instruments, FU a OA/COAL/ Mark IIV. Leather Inte­ Iran-Contra affair and the cover-up varlfylng orders, along ...Lots of parking. Of­ ABSOLUTE PAINTM6 M rs and a host of other SEALCOAT rior. Block finish, low didn’t know.” that followed. counting ticketing and fered at $158,900. Call CO. items. RREWOOD miles. $12,995. Dillon Testifying in a generally calm, North began his long-awaited Is advertising expensive? 525-2445 Ford. 643-2145._______ hanging merchandise • 646-2482. Blanchard & You'll be surprised now uaranteed quality even voice, but with some moments testimony after his attorney made a before It’s sent to our Rossetto.o___________ MERCURY M onterey tconomical ItIt Is to adver­odver- fork. References, Free of contentiousness, he admitted futile last-minute effort to block the stores. Full and port GORGEOUS Impressive, tise In ClosslflaMed^8g:2l^1. FIREWOOD Convertible 63. Power shredding documents as the Iran- appearance. PATIO DOOR GLASS S53 a cord. • foot langtht, time schedules are gracious and Immacu- Estimates. Inexpensive. DELIVERING steerlno, brakes, top. Contra affair began unraveling last His testimony, carried live by the available. Day and ev­ lote 10 room contem­ Rich farm loam, 5 yards, Replaced. Stendard S4ii7e - eraan, dall varad, 5 cord mlnl- $1895. 646-7925 otter b u y e r M EETS seller li !all Doug 643-9SS8 $75 Plus tax. Sand, gravel, mumraUSTBR/VISA CARO October when a plane carrying an major television networks, was ening shifts. We offer porary. Central oir, se­ the wont ods... Mmeofter- ' $ 6 8 each. 6pm. competitive starting curity system, In-law Is advertising expensive? and decorative stone. SVaarOuaranlaa NORTHERN FmCWOOO American mercenary crashed in delayed by wrangling between salary. Incentive pro­ tlnteafter timel Reodond Nicaragua. Sullivan and the House and Senate apartment and fully u se th e wont ods You’ll be surprised now ACCENT GLASS CO. DISTRIBUTORS FORD Granada 76, 6 cy- gram and a generous equipped dark room. 3 regularly. economical It Is to odver- 643-9504 llnder. Brown 4 door. The 43-year-oId North, wearing Iran-Contra investigating employees discount. car garage and much tlse. In Clossifled. 643-2711. 64741146 272-3S1S Excellent running con­ his Marine officer’s dress uniform committees. Apply Monday mrough morel Asking $279,900. dition. Asking $1000. with six rows of ribbons, testified North, dressed in his Marine Friday from 9-5 of: G. Strano Real Estate. Days coll 075-3155 otter under a grant of immunity that officer’s uniform bedecked with six Fox Distribution Cen­ 647-7653.P____________ PETS ARO 6. 649-0249.___________ prevents his words from being used rows of ribbons, said that in all he ter, 301 Governor's SUPPLIES AMC Concord Wagon Highway, South Wind­ SPECTACU LAR Ranch I 2 J ] ROMES Q 0J r eso rt against him in court. did. he sought the approval of his with a gracious foyer lAPARTMERTS STORE ARO 1978. Power steering, He said the shredding continued sor, Ct. FOR SALE PROPERTY Eskimo Spitzs puppies 8 superiors. He said he prepared five leoding through I FOB BERT automatic, runs good. through last November, as Justice separate memoranda seeking for­ SECURITY Guards. G. OFFICE SPACE weeks old,^IKC reols- $750. 647-9066. French Doors to o mal approval for the diversion of Fox a New England sunken living room. 3 COLUM BIA Lake. Offers tered, shots. $200. 647- Department officials began investi­ M ANCHESTER. $143,900. MANCHESTER. 2famllv, gating the affair. arms sales profits to the Contras, tradition of satisfac­ generous bedrooms, Invited. 3 bedroom seo- Offices for rent. Reasona­ 9137_________________ CAMARO 1976. Power Full dormered Cape In sonol cottage. 537-3446. 2nd floor, 5 rooms plus ble rates. Including all beginning in January 1986. tion and notional retail bay window and a pri­ child safe neighbor­ FINCHES with matching steering, power “I think I shredded most of that,” trend center has Imme­ vate treed bock yard! Beozlev. nice location, conve­ utilities. 643-7175 or 647- White and Gold floor he said in response to a question But as for direct contact with the hood, fireplace In liv­ nient, garage. $650 per brakes, straight 6. New diate full time openings This fine property has 9223. cage. Can be bred. To point, high mlleoge. about memos on the diversion of president, North said, " I never for security guards at ing room new mlcro- Is advertising expensive? month plus utilities and been priced for Imme­ wove, den with good home only.
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