St George & St James Anglican Parish Borough of Queenscliffe Diocese of Melbourne Vision Enlivened by the mystery which is Christ in us In solidarity with communities near and far We will make the Word of God fully known Drawn from Colossians 1.24-27 Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time Sunday 4th August 2019 Today’s Eucharist begins on page 119 of the Green Prayer Book, copies of which are in the pew shelves Hymns Introit AHB 28 Praise to the Lord the Almighty; Offertory AHB 310 Come down o love divine; Recessional AHB 81 The king of love my shepherd is Sentence If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3.1 Prayer of the Day Living God, Judge of us all, you have placed in our hands the wealth we call our own: through your Spirit give us wisdom, that our possessions may not be a curse, but a means of blessing in our lives. Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Readings First reading HOSEA 11.1-11 Psalm PSALM 107.1-9, 43 (APBA 337) Second readingCOLOSSIANS 3.1-11 Gospel LUKE 12.13-21 We acknowledge with gratitude that we worship on the traditional lands of the Wathaurong people of the Kulin nation and we acknowledge and pay our respects to their elders past and present Next Sunday: ISAIAH 1.1, 10-20; PSALM 50.1-8, 23-24 (APBA p. 272); HEBREWS 11.1-3, 8-16; LUKE 12.32-40 Wednesday current week: DANIEL 7.9-10, 13-14; PSALM 97 (APBA p.324); 2 PETER 1.16-19 Wednesday next week: ISAIAH 61.10 - 62.3; SONG OF MARY (APBA p.31); GALATIANS 4.4-7; LUKE 2.1-7 Reading sheets for Sunda, and Wednesday Holy Communion services are available one week ahead of time. Prayerful reflection on and study of the readings can be part of preparing ourselves for worship. FOR OUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK Nations and Peoples Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea The Church Global: Church of the Province of South East Asia (Abp Ng Moon Hing) Wider Mission (ABM): Give thanks for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and for those local churches and organisations working to implement them. Pray for ABM’s Anglicans in Development unit, and the church partners they work with in the Pacific, Asia and Africa. Pray that government funding for this vital work will increase, so that all may share in the fruits of the earth. National: Diocese of Ballarat (Bp Garry Weatherill, Clergy & People) Melbourne Diocese: St Philip's Deep Creek (Randle Bond); Anglican Parish of Upwey/Belgrave – Pastoral Visit (Bp Paul Barker); St Jude’s Carlton – Confirmation Service (Bp Genieve Blackwell); St Jude’s Parkville – Confirmation Service (Bp Genieve Blackwell). Oodthenong Episcopate: Retired Clergy -Denise Tunstall and Brendan; Brian Viney; Jeannie Woollard. For your prayers this week please use the schedule of prayers found in current copy of TMA Requests Heather Rice; Gary Houghton; Revd Charles Potter; Greg; Parvin; Sisi; Pixie King; Wendy Watson; Angela; Dick Moore; Julie King; Jennifer Baker; Ben Wadham; Alex Reid; Terry Morrow; Eileen Downes; Kirsten Mowlen; Rosie Cowell; Sandra; Trish, Diana Scott, Ros Myer. Communion of Saints The Saints: Oswald, king and martyr (d. 642); Dominic, priest and friar (d. 1221); Mary Summer, founder of the Mother’s Union)d. 1921); Laurence, deacon and martyr at Rome (d. 258) Anniversaries: Joe Goodwin 05.08.1993; James Lingen Clark-Wade 05.08.2004; Cecil John Edwards Lomas 06.08.2004; Jean Hervey Enderby 6.08.2011; Wallace Clayton Bradford 08.08.1961; Harry Auther Willson 08.08.1986; Blanche Richards 9.08.1975; Alan Bedggood* 09.08.1976; W Graeme Wright 09.08.2006; Eric (Arthur) Addison*(Gordon-Addison) 10.08.2015. An asterisk* signifies those whose ashes are interred in the St James’ Memorial Garden A hash sign # signifies those whose ashes are interred in the St George’s Memorial Garden LITURGY AND MEDITATION THIS WEEK Sunday 4th August to Sunday 11th August Prayer of the week Almighty God, whose beloved Son for our sake willingly endured the agony and shame of the cross: give us courage and patience to take up our cross daily and follow him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Holy Communion Sun 4th August 10.00 AM Eucharist St James’ Point Lonsdale 5.00 PM Eucharist: St George’s Queenscliff Wed (BCP) 10 00AM St James’ Point Lonsdale 11.00AM Arcare Eucharist 2 No Friday Healing Service - In abeyance during Peter’s Long Service Leave Sun 11th August 10.00 AM Eucharist St James’ Point Lonsdale 5.00 PM Eucharist: St George’s Queenscliff Meditation For This week only, Icon Meditation will be on Monday 5th August 12.30pm in St James Gathering area. Tuesday 11.00AM World Community for Christian Meditation: St James No Friday Meditation - In abeyance during Peter’s Long Service Leave Morning/Evening Prayer In abeyance during Peter’s Long Service Leave NOTICES The August issue of The Melbourne Anglican (TMA) is now available in the foyer/narthex. This issue includes: “Bishop James Grant remembered as a gift to church, city and family”: coverage of the passing and funeral of much-loved former assistant Bishop of Melbourne and Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral Bishop James Grant An interview with retiring Bishop John Parkes of Wangaratta, who is to ask his diocesan synod in August to approve a service for the blessing of married same-sex couples. In the interview Bishop Parkes also speaks about rural ministry and the lessons for the Church from the Voices for Indi movement A look at the Alpha course, which this year celebrates 20 years in Australia. The organisation’s national director Melinda Dwight spoke to TMA In our Living Faithfully, Serving Locally series, we look at All Saints’ Greensborough. The day-to-day beating heart of the parish is its bookshop/café, and it also has long- standing ties to people with disabilities, families from the nearby army base and newer links through a local ecumenical chaplaincy at the neighbouring shopping centre Meet Mission Aviation Fellowship missionaries Andy and Mif Little, who met at St Alfred’s Blackburn North and are now based at MAF’s Cairns headquarters, after having served first in Arnhem Land, then in Papua New Guinea An interview with the “barefoot bishop”, Wellington’s Bishop Justin Duckworth, who says churches need to reclaim the theological narrative of abundance An interview with Jocelyn Goto, from Open Doors Australia, about some of the organisation’s newer strategies for helping believers deal with persecution In our viewpoints section, Rachael Lopez, who spent a year at Lambeth Palace as part of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Community of St Anselm and describes herself as a “Charismatic Anglican”, writes about why Anglicanism needs charismatic renewal Melbourne parishioner and spiritual director John Steward pays tribute to his Hero of the Faith, Christian convert Dr Takashi Nagai, a man who is revered in his home country of Japan for the way he devoted his life to bringing physical and spiritual healing to others in the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. An invitation to the Trinity College Theological School OPEN HOUSE on Thursday 15th August, 11.30am to 6.15pm has been received. If you are interested in exploring Theological study, please see the notice board. For more info please ph. 9348 7127 or visit www.trinity.edu.au/theology . 3 Geelong Cemeteries Trust presents: Living and Dying – Let’s Talk. August 8th, 12.00 – 6.30pm, Portarlington Parks Hall, 87 Newcombe St, Portarlington. Free Seminars & Interactive Information Sessions for bringing the community together to discuss dying and dealing with grief. Lunch is provided but bookings are essential for catering. Book at www.gct.net.au/news-events/ or email [email protected] or phone 5249 3939. The Annual Archbishops’ Dinner is to be held on Wednesday 4th September, 2019 at Trinity College Dining Room. Cost is $110 per ticket. It is hoped to raise $150,000 which will go towards the support for the formation and education of future leaders of our church. Bookings can be made at trybooking.com/BDPPO. Please see notice board for more info or email [email protected] or ph. 03 9348 7527 PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING FOOD AND GOODS TO … CORIO FOOD BANK always needs canned and non-perishable goods to stock their shelves for those in need. There is a basket in each church for donations. We have a volunteer who delivers these goods to Geelong on a regular basis. Please donate now. G-RAP – Geelong Refugees Assistance Program is asking for donations, specifically warm blankets and bedding. G-RAP is also on the lookout for volunteers. Please see the flyer on the notice boards and for more information contact Hillary on 0418 554 380. We will be delivering to both depots on the last Friday of the Month so please bring your goods to one or other church by then REMINDERS Sunday Morning Hospitality Please, remember to wear your name tag and return it afterwards to one of the boxes provided. TMA Out Today CONTACT US Office Admin Jenni Farrar. Ph. 0418 5817725 Parish Office 1 Albert Street, Point Lonsdale Vic. 3225 Ph.03 5258 4624 Email: [email protected] Web site: http://www.queensclifflonsdaleanglican.org Locum Vicar Rev Tim Gibson- Mb 0412 191 971 - Email: [email protected] WEEKLY PEWSHEET DEADLINE Anyone wishing to place a notice in the Pew Sheet should leave it in the Albert St letter box by 11AM Wednesday The weekly pew sheet and Sunday reading sheet are available as PDF documents on both our website www.queensclifflonsdaleanglican.org and Facebook page at St George’s Queenscliff & St James’ Point Lonsdale.
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