SATURDAY, JANUARY Si, 194H - v t iKanr^Mtnr Ettrttfng Average Daily Circulation The Weather For the Month of January, 1943 Juki ^ « l 4 Forooast ot U. 8. Waather Burona All W.BA. offlcera and guards who can conveniently do so, arc Pick Barron Officers Here 7 ,0 8 8 Much colder today- aqd early to- urged to attend the rehearsal to-, fliHiirjiFSipr tiiuPuiuii 1IF ra U l About To>m. Heard Along Main Street night. morrow %ftemoon at 2:30 In Odd DINE and DANCE at rMember of flie Audit Fellows hall, In preparation for the As Clulj Head And on Some of Manchester's Side Sfreef*, Too Issue Appeal Burieau ot Ctrculatlons Mr. and Mra. Harcdd Beebe\r 59 Joint Installation of officers with Manchester-— A City of Village Charm Biro atrect will hold open houae to- the East .Hartford review. The DANTE’ S RESTAURANT nMrrow, Febniaiy 1, from two to ceremony will be preceded by n Christmas seems a long tim e. brought out all the rest of the ten­ Is Reelected President of Wliite Executives of Ne­ 10 East Center Street Odd .Fellows Building (ClaaaiBed Advertising On Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS four in the afternoon and agrain baked ham supper at 6:30, served back, but we Jusi. heard a story, ants in the house. He also reported VOL; LX L, NO. 105 front aeven to ten o’clock, in cele­ under the direction of Mrs. Josic , VFW at Annual Meet­ although it dates back to the holi­ that he was robbed. gro Regiment Nee<l ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING bration Of their 29th wedding an- KeUH and Mrs. Pauline BerretL day aeaaon, it la timely now when The soldiera seemed to be'out of Featuring Chicken, Steaks, Spaghetti and RAvIoh nivaraary. ing; Other Officers. the words "priority” and “ration­ bounds Tuesday. They filled stores Office Equipment. Orders Put I7p To Take Out. ' Mrs. Herman Wlerrblckl. who ing" are so common. We are told In the Middle 'hirnpike atation, that a certain store that handles without buying anything, gathered ' NOW FEATURING: was formerly Miss Astiia Skoog, William Barron waa re-elected Officers of the 77th Coast A rtil­ was given a surprise birthday sporting goods here in town found In driveways and behind business prealdeit of the VFW Club at the Itself without golf bails just be­ places and blocked sidewalks. Offi­ lery, now stationed at the Man­ shower at the home o f‘ her sister, annual meeting Wednesday night ART McKA Y AND HIS BAAd Mrs. M. Znwistowski o f We.stwood fore Christmas. A number of golf cers had to be called to break up chester-State armory have asked Free Enlargement for the fifth consecutive term. The street, last night. The fireplace In widows came into the store to buy the sidewalk blockers. The Heraliy to make a plea to the with Broty BoU o f n im follov/ing offlcera and directors golf balls for their husbands as One of them said: "You must re­ the llrtng room was prettily decor­ were elected: President. William people pz Mnnehester. They are Batan’s Defenders Repulse Jap Attacks Onfoloped and Printed Christmas gifts. spect our uniforms." He was an­ ated with the streamers to which Barron; vice president, Lawrence short ^ all kinds of office equlp- the gifts were attached and after The sporting goods salesman swered by one storekeeper who Converse: secretary, Everett Dur- ELITE STUDIO a social evening of games, the was stumped, because he couldn't told him to get out as he was desks, chairs and all such keo; trea.surer, William For­ hostes.*! served a delightful supper. buy any golf balls from his whole­ lounging, " I f you do not respect i^ms as are necessary to properly BINGO TONIGHT • \ tin; board of governors. Frank saler. He was told that because it yourself by behaving, don't Drake, Ernest Linders, Charles maintain their offices at the ar- of the indicated rubber shortage blame us if we turn you in." / -III- Warren, Howard Dowd; trustees, golf balls had become scarce. i morv. The 77th Coast Artillery has Andrew Holzheimer, Edward Mc­ The local man was telling his | There have been several stories Nally, Willard Durkee. .Seventy- troubles to a druggist, bemoaning been on active field duty ever along the street followimf the •Since the outbreak of this war. The British American Club Enemy Ships at Singapore five members attended the meet­ the fact that he was losing Quite Blast dairymen's meeting this pa^ week. a bit of business because he didn't They have been going from place ing. But those who were pry^nt have to plafc, and for this reason, it Maple Street NOTICE The following committees were have the golf balls to sell. The kept pretty Quiet abour what went elected for the year: Entertain­ druggist remarked, "I'm in a spe­ was not possible to carry all of its on. Practically all ol^the milkmen standard equipment with them The members of the Manchester Italian* ment. Arthur Gardner, Joseph cial priority class because of be­ were ready and willing to cooper­ Playing Starts 8:15 Admission 25 Centd Shea: kitchen committee, Maud ing a drug store. Perhaps I can from Fort Bragg. Argentine Minister's Plane Crashes ate and do theirxAitmost to meet They have been doing the aame Leggett, Jane Fortin. Gladys Dur­ get golf b"lls. " Come Early for Penny Bingo ^American Club are urged to assemble at the any war emep^ncy that might thing in each town and city at Full-Time Output Best So saying the druggist ordered Japan’s Troops kee: club steward. Thomas Raby. arise. 24 dozen golf balls through ills which they have been atationed, luting hall Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Had Succesefiil Year We iind^stand that there were a.sklng for equipment from the The report of the treasurer usual rhaniuls and, sure enough, a couphe of "antis" present, townspeople. Thus far they have thra to proceed to pay tribute to their late showed the club to have had a along came the shipment. Then the h o w e v ^ that said they'd be druggist sold the sporting goods been getting the items which they Difficult to Get; succesaful year and the club U ang^ if they'd let the gov- have asked for and they pope that esteemed member, Antonio Canale. finances stand in good condition. salesman 20 dozen of the balls at aent tell them how to run the wholesale price and kept four the local people will respend to Employ New Tactics; An increase in the club’s member­ t ^ l r businesses. That wasn’t the dozen for his own store. their request. If anyone has some I Father and Son i ship was made in 1941. plrit of the meeting, however, not sort of office equipment, they may Company H State Guard, spon­ Thu.s, you sec, you can get aK by a long shot and we are told that most anything thc.se days if leave the same at the rrrnory at Labor Stand Hit sored by the post and club, will one of those- who made such a any time of the day. hold a get-together tonight at the order the goods on drug s statement was promptly put in his I BANQUET club and all post and auxiliary stationery. / place. One of Vessels Sunk membe are Invited to attend. There are bound to be a few Only 10 P" Chain Letter President Barron will name hts The condition of the surface of hot-heads in every such gathering. gXriTT.TTT«gT-TT3 * SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH Employs Willing to The M a^ester Welding Co. maintenance committee for the Main street from the Center south It will take some time before these has been discussed many times. It year at a later date. natural "agin everything" fellows IT'S EFFECTIVE I Work in Early Morn­ Two Japanese Divisions is bad now. and when Spring Schemes Hit Arlillery o.. Shiga,,or* {{lU er's FoCS George J^rbes, Jr., Prop. come into line. They will realize " Rev. W . Ralph Ward, Toastmaster comes it will, no doubt, be worse. Jfe WELDON’S OWN that there is a war on our hands ing ‘Dog Watch’ Shifts Island Bombards Jap­ Hurled\ Simultaneously• But now in discussing Main street sooner or later, and if It Isn't soon­ ra NEW FOR.MULA Formerly Loc^d at 50 Oak St. there enters another factor. How —Knox Says Naval Sit­ At Hearings anese Forces Moving Against American- er they will be the ones to suffer. Inside Reich about the steel trolley rails that ^ TOOTH PASTE I Wednesday, Feb. 11th Recreation uation Still Is Critical. Into Johore Bahru, DL Filipino Lines; Invad­ Has Moved to New location at are not only imbedde.l in the high­ The story about finding ground IJttle Bit Goes Farther way on Main street but on Center glass in the tuna fish that was Get A Tube Today Defense Bond Sales Mis­ reclly Across Strait; Grow Bolder ers Forced Back to Rear of Campbell's Service Station Center Items street as well 7 packed In Japan went the rounds A t Our Pharmacy! I 6:1$ P. M. Bulletin! Isn't it generally understood sives Vltimately Re­ Jap Troop Movements (^,oasl and Either De­ in Manchester, but not to the ex­ Washington, Feb. 2.— (A*) that the government needs all the tent that it spread In other towns, Today: I Speaker, Hugh Shields, Bridgeport, Conn.
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