Thirty-Two At NDAC Make Phi Kappa Phi Thirty-two seniors were initiated scholarship from the top ten per, into Phi Kappa Phi, national hon- cent of the senior class. orary scholastic fraternity, at ser- Those initiated were Owen Jones, vices held Thursday, in the Fire- Robert Anderson, Robert Lind- side room of the College Y. The strom, William Toussaint, Daniel seniors initiated into the honor so- Sewell, William Beardsley, Howard ciety were elected on the basis of Friday, Dec. 9, 1949 THE SPECTRUM VoL LX V No. 12 Mattila, Allan Hawkins, Phillip Akin, Frederick Buelow, Eunice Toussaint, Vernon Albertson, Les- ter Stine, Douglas Kepner, Marg- WSSF Begins Coronation Ceremony Marine Corps aret Clarke, Elmer Vangsness, Curtis Bute, Lewis Price, Wallace Aanderud. R o n a l d Fredrickson, Big Campaign Says All Vets Kathryn Skerik. Lara Kristjanson, Bruce Biddick, Lewis Larson, Ar- lin Undhjem, John Currie and Wal- In January Losing Money don Westermann, Lois Marquardt, Wayne Schmidt, Glen Brown, John Advance plans were revealed this "Every five minutes in the cit- Q. Paulsen, Blair Smallwood. ies of Fargo and Moorhead a vet- week by Harry Gilbertson and Les Refreshments were served by eran of World War II loses a large Stine for a World Student Service the social committee following the stake in retirement pay which he Fund campaign in early January. initiation. Members of the social has as a result of his wartime ser- Stine and Gilbertson, both Blue committee were Mr. Mervin Twit-• vice," MSgt. R. B. Wilson of the Key representatives, are spark land,. Miss Matilda Thompson and Plugging the 1949-50 drive on the Fargo Marine Corps office, said to- Mrs. Madeleine Skogen. campus. day. The WSSF campaigns annually Sgt. Wilson went on to say that in American colleges for funds td Title II, Public Law, 810-80th aid universities abroad. It is the Congress, provides retirement with Seek NDAC's only national agency organized for pay for reserve personnel of the this purpose. The fund serves stu- Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and dents in Europe and Asia without Air Corps. 'Model Man' discrimination as to race, religion, These rights, under this law, or politics. are so important that every vet- The choosing of a 'Model Man" eran should understand that Aid given falls in five cata- will again highlight the forthcom- which is available to him. ing Interfraternity ball to be held gories: food, clothing, medical Wilson also said that if a vet- aid, books, and housing. The or- this year the night of January 20, eran has had as much as four years 1950. ganization operates with the ap- of active service, he already has a This decision was made at the proval of the UN. stake of 10% toward retirement last meeting of the Interfraternity January 13 is the date set for pay. A reservist who entered World council, the group which sponsors a faculty basketball game, all War II as a private at 17 years of the annual event. school dance, and carnival. Pro- age, and has had four years of ceeds from these festivities will active service, and stays in the Re- Each of the men's organizations constitute NDAC's contribution to serve to the age of 60, he will if on the campus may select one of the fund. Last year about $500 was retiring as a Master Sergeant, re- its members to compete for the raised from a similar activity. ceive nearly $90.00 a month retire- honor and any member is eligible. Organization's represented on ment pay for the rest of his life. There are no requirements to the WSSF committee are Blue meet for the contest except that The intervening years of re- letters stating each group's can- Key, Inter-religious Council, Meth- serve duty will have paid him, odist Student foundation, Inter- At coronation ceremonies last Friday night, Pershing Rifle Queen didate must be in Dean Dinan's Marian Paris received her crown from. Cadet Vernon Albertson, also $15,000 to $18,000 for his office no later than 4 p.m. national Relations club, LSA, ISA, drills and camp. on the president of the organization. 10th of January. N e w man club, Interfraternity Any new member of any of the council, Panhellenic c o unci 1, William Toussaint, senior in ag- present Armed Forces organized riculture, won the honor YWCA, and Alpha Phi Omega. reserve units are also etitled to last year. receive these rights provided they Civil Service Commission are between the ages of 17 and 34 LSA Begins 'Old and are physically qualified. NDAC Ski Group Announces New Examinations Clothing' Drive Further information on the Hosts Other Clubs The United States Civil Serv- tion. Animal fiber technologist in Marine Corns Reserve can be had The University of Erlangen, ice Commission, Washington 25, the same classification. Dairy by contacting the Fargo Marine Members of Concordia and Germany, has been chosen as the D. C., announces unassembled ex- manufacturing technologist (pro- Corps Office at room 11, Post MSTC Ski clubs were guests at a destination of a clothing drive by aminations for general agricultur- cess butter inspector) in the same Office Building. meeting of the NDAC Ski club the Lutheran Student association ist, salary $3727.20 with periodic classification. Food preservation Thursday evening. of NDAC in affiliation with the increase up to $4479.60. ;specialist in the same classifica- Movies were shown on Skiing in Fargo Lutheran churches. Also the following: Agricultural tion. Home economist (farm and Alpha Phi Omega Canada and on skiing instructions. Most of its students and re- economists in the same classifies- home management) in the same Plans were made for a five day fugees are half-starved and very classification. Home economist trip to Tellmark, Wisconsin during short of clothing. They have one (group food preparation and dis- Holds Banquet the Christmas holidays. A group tribution) in the same classifica., of about two dozen students plan meal a day. They sleep in unheat- Insurance Group Alpha Phi Omega, national serv- ed rooms with no blankets and of- tion. Home economist (research) to make the trip. They will leave in the same classification. Plant ice fraternity, held its annual December 28, and return on Jan. ten no coats to keep out the cold Has Jobs Open founder's day banquet last night winter winds. There is no question quarantine inspector in the same 1, 1950. classification. Seed technologist in in the Fiesta room of the Gopher of their need. The Connecticut General Life Grill. The occasion marked the 24 This was the last meeting of the Insurance Company, Hartford, the same classification. Low heeled shoes, overshoes, anniversary of the national frater- Ski club during the fall term. coats, caps, felt hats, socks, sweat- Connecticut( desires to employ a All of the fore-going classifica- nity and the 15 anniversary of ers, trousers, shirts, stocking, and young man with agricultural train- tions are the so-called P-2 classi- the local chapter. ing and with experience in farm- fication. These classifications re- other warm clothing for any will Main speaker was Dean D. E. Job Opportunities carry over the Chritmas and New ing, farm management, farm cred- quire one year of experience to it or applied occupations for a show the applicants ability to per- Keefer, Dean of the junior division Year holidays to continue through at UND and member of the frat- February. supervisory position in the Farm form independent scientific, techni- Appear Brighter Mortgage Division of the Invest- ernity's national executive board. The old clothes accumulated can cal, exteension, or research work. ment Department. Other speakers included C. A. Ser- Potential employment opportuni- be left in the LSA Center in the Forms for application may be It„is a permanent position in the rinson, dean of men, and A. Glenn ties for students graduating this basement of the college "Y". All obtained from the United States home office calling for supervision Hill, senior faculty advisor. Dick fall quarter appear brighter than contributions will be Civil Service Commission, Wash- welcome. Re- of mortgage loans and farm prop- Thompson was toastmaster. anticipated. Several firms have dis- member, what may mean little to ington 25, D. C. Forms should be erty in the Midwest and Southwest. At a ceremony preceding the closed an interest in students com- us may mean much to them! returned to that address after be- pleting their training. Travel will occupy about one-third ing filled out. Application forms banquet, nine pledges were initiat- of his time. may also be obtained from the Fed- ed. The new actives are George Students who are leaving school They want a man 28 to 32 years eral Postoffice in Fargo. Ask for Rott, Bill Ackerhausen, Norman and do not have employment Ag Men To Leave of age, good personality, good card form 5501-ABC, form 14 and Ulsaker, Max Larson, Bruce Hoel, should file applications with the health, sound judgment,, ambition form 57. Rodger Lambie, Clifford Lynch, College Placement Service or con- For Chicago and energy, administrative and Bob Tenneson, and Mark Kemp- tact the Dean of Students Office. leadership abilities. enich. Chapter president Jack Likewise, employers are urged to W. J. Promersberger and A. H. Starting salary is $4600 to $6000 Lambie presided over the cere- consider the value of a college Schulz, both of the NDAC agri- per year depending upon qualifi- To Present "Peer mony. trained worker. cultural engineering department, cations and experience. will be in Chicago, Dec. 14-21 to at- Anyone wishing to communicate Gynt" February 1-3 tend the meetings of the North with the company should contact Central committee on Farm Hous- II.
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