PSIONICS CHEATSHEET Written by Samantha Gagnon Compatible with Ultimate Psionics from Dreamscarred Press WHAT ARE PSIONICS? Although there are some settings and Game-Masters that “Psionics”, in its plainest sense, is the power of the treat them differently, this is generally the standard. mind. By tapping into an inner reservoir of power POWER POINTS & MANIFESTING POWERS within their psyche, characters can use psionics to achieve otherwise impossible actions: telepathy, While powers behave similarly to spells (a one-time telekinesis, teleportation, and a whole host of other effect that does something fantastic), the way they are supernatural powers are pushed to the extent of the utilized is different. While magic-users have a set imagination by psionic characters. amount of spells that they can use per day, psionicists do The path to accessing this psychic inner power, and not. Instead, they draw from a pool of daily power what that power is capable of, is different depending on points. Each power costs a certain amount of points, and the type of psionicist. Some psionic characters hone to manifest the power the character must pay the power their psionic abilities for use in combat, others see point cost. The only limit on how many times a psionics as a discipline and use an expert technique, psionicist can use a power is her power point pool. while others channel raw and primal emotion into Table 5-1: Power Levels and Power Point Costs unrefined psionic might. Power 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th In the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, psionics are Level only available through 3rd party publishers. Specifically, PP Cost 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 the book Ultimate Psionics from Dreamscarred Press details all of the rules for psionics. Our imprint Manifester Level: This is essentially the same thing as Spoonbender Games has printed additional psionic a caster level: it’s how many levels a character has in a options available as well. class with psionic manifesting capabilities. A character cannot spend more power points on any power or PSIONICS VS. MAGIC ability than her manifester level. While psionic functions in a lot of the same ways as Augmenting: Many psionic powers have additional magic, they are not exactly the same. The main effects that can be utilized by spending extra power difference is their source: psionics don’t come from points when the power is manifested. This is called musty tomes, generous deities, or ancestral bloodlines, “augmenting” the power. These augmentation options they come from inside one’s mind. Another big are found at the bottom of the power’s description. difference is the way that powers are manifested with power points versus using spells per day (see below). An ability that provides bonuses from a spell does not stack with a similar psionic power (unless the granted bonuses are of different types). Power and spell resistance are synonymous and detect psionics can detect magical auras while detect magic can detect Samplepsionic auras. This is called “Psionics-Magic file Transparency” and when in effect both schools of abilities are treated the same. 1 The Golden Rule: This is the most important rule to this psionic focus. Regaining your psionic focus is a remember when using psionics is: a manifester cannot full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. spend more power points on a power than her A good comparison to the psionic focus would be manifester level. This includes the base cost of the tapping and untapping a card in Magic the Gathering. In power, any augmenting being done to the power, effects online games, psionic focus is often tracked by checking like metapsionic feats, and anything else that increases and unchecking a box. Psionic focus can be tracked in a the power point cost of a power. For example, a variety of ways in IRL games, including a coin with character with 4 levels in a class with psionic heads and tails, tapping or flipping a card, or by writing manifesting abilities can only spend up to 4 power and erasing a certain spot on your character page. points on a single power or ability. This rule is key to keeping the game balanced. If you TL;DR find your game feels off-balance, make sure that your - Psionics is the power of the mind. Psionics players are following this rule. functions differently from magic in its source and Bonus Power Points: The equation to figure out how system, but not in its compatibility for resistances, many bonus power points per day a character receives detection, and other effects. is (AxB)/2, where A is the modifier for the character’s - Instead of using spells per day, a psionicist has a main manifesting ability and B is the character’s pool of daily power points. Each psionic “power” (like a manifester level. For example, a 4th level psion with an spell) a character knows costs a certain amount of Intelligence score of 16 would have an equation of points, and to use this power she must pay a number of (3x4)/2=6, granting her 6 bonus power points per day. points from her power point pool. The limit to how many times per day she can use her known powers is PSIONIC FOCUS only limited by the number of power points available to Any character that has access to a pool of power her. points (regardless of how many they have left) has a - Some powers can be “augmented” by spending psionic focus. No action is necessary to upkeep this extra power points. Augmenting can unlock new psionic focus, your character is simply in a features of the power, improve the power’s save DC, and psionically-empowered state of mind. Typically, other benefits depending on the power. characters are considered to be psionically focused at - The most important rule to remember when using the beginning of combat. Some abilities can only be used power points is that the most power points a character while the character maintains this psionic focus, and can use on a single power or ability is equal to their others can only be activated by expending (or losing) manifester level. This is the key to keeping the psionics system balanced. - “Psionic Focus” is something a psionic character has. Characters typically start combat psionically focused, and can maintain it (which doesn’t require any action on part of the character). Some psionic abilities require you to maintain your psionic focus, while others require you to expend (or lose) the focus to use (which takes a full-round action provoking attacks of opportunity to get back). Essentially, psionic focus keeps certain abilities active, and can be expended to activate a single ability that deactivates those that rely on it, Sampleusually until the end of ba ttle. file 2 TABLE 5-2: USEFUL PSIONIC FEATS Feat Prerequisites Benefit Psionic Body - +2 hit points for each psionic feat you have (including this one) Deep Focus Psionic Body, Autohypnosis 4 ranks Gain a second psionic focus Psionic Dodge Dex 13, Dodge +1 dodge bonus to AC with psionic focus Psionic Meditation Wis 13, Autohypnosis 4 ranks Gain psionic focus as a move action Persistent Focus Wis 13, Psionic Meditation, Always treated as maintaining psionic focus for Autohypnosis 4 ranks a single ability Psionic Shot Point Blank Shot +1 damage with ranged weapon with psionic focus, expend psionic focus to deal +2d6 Greater Psionic Shot Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, base Bonuses become +2 damage and +4d6 attack bonus +6 Psionic Talent - Gain 2 (or more) power points Psionic Weapon Str 13 +1 damage with melee weapon with psionic focus, expend psionic focus to deal +2d6 Greater Psionic Weapon Psionic Weapon, base attack bonus +6 Bonuses become +2 damage and +4d6 Quicken Power - Spend 6 extra power points and expend psionic focus to manifest a power as a swift action Speed of Thought Wis 13 +10 feet to speed in light or medium armor and with psionic focus Wild Talent - Gain psionic ability and 2 power points Sample file 3 Compatibility with Ultimate Psionics requires Ultimate Psionics: Core “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and Psionics system from Dreamscarred Press. See identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; http://dreamscarredpress.com for more information on Ultimate Psionics. stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, Dreamscarred Press does not guarantee compatibility, and does not artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, endorse this product. themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, Dave Arneson and inspired by the third edition of the game designed by enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or Adkison. supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, included in this declaration.) Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see Derivative Material of Open Game Content.
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