sOt No. 606 ~X-623 16 September 1994 WV Photo Yankee Imperialists Hands II Haiti, uba! voted for the Pentagon war machine to devastate Iraq for disturbing U.S. control Defend the over the Persian Gulf oil fields. This time, however, Clinton and his fellow Cuban Revolution! Democrats are bent on avoiding a Con­ gressional vote. An invasion of Haiti is SEPTEMBER 13-The Clinton adminis­ not popular in the U.S. Opposition tration's plans for an invasion of Haiti comes from both the Republican right, appear to be moving past the stage of which sympathizes with the junta, and threats to actual implementation, as the from many who are deeply skeptical dispatch of military transport ships and of U.S. military adventures. For exam­ readying of the 82nd Airborne make ple, today's New York Times comes clear. While the "limited" invasion is out against an invasion, clucking its pitched in terms of humanitarianism and tongue about the need for Congressional "restoring democracy," in fact the U.S. approval. military moves are a dire threat to the Meanwhile, the Haitian military is Haitian masses. The American imperial­ going about killing as usual. Since the ists want to stop the flow of "boat peo­ ouster of Aristide three years ago, some ple" by ousting the bloody junta initially 5,000 people have been killed by death supported by Washington, and clamping squads, savagely shot or tortured to death. a heavy-handed military rule on· the More than 10,000 have been arrested, country. No less important, an invasion the majority brutalized or tortured. On of Haiti would serve as a club threaten­ the night of August 28, the Rev. Jean­ ing more aggressive actions to overthrow Marie Vincent, a priest who was a prom­ the Cuban Revolution. We say: Yankee inent associate of Aristide, was assas­ imperialists-hands off Haiti, Cuba! sinated. Vincent was the head of "Tet Not content with the viciouS :U.S. Ansanm" {"Heads Together"), a peasant embargo which is starving the Haitian movement in the northwest region of the . ~ masses, the invasion of Haiti is being U.S. Marines train for Haiti invasion on Vieques, off Puerto Rico. Top: country which angered large landowners. pushed mainly by Democratic Party lib­ Spartacist contingent at September 8 NYC demonstration calls for defense Today, the State Department is distrib­ erals, notably the Congressional Black of Cuban Revolution and Haiti against U.S. war moves in the Caribbean. uting press releases about human rights Caucus. The declared aim is to reinstate violations in Haiti-something they Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, ers, which are clearly intended to terror­ Vieques and all of the Caribbean! U.S. have downplayed for years in order to a former radical populist priest ousted ize the population. out of Panama! Return Guantanamo to justify the U.S. policy of shipping refu­ by the military in 1991. The White House Giving the fig leaf of "international Cuba! Independence for Puerto Rico! gees back to the bloody dictatorship. But claims a "drop dead date" by which Hai­ support," 17 countries have pledged Back in 1990 when Republican a U.S. invasion would _only further ti's junta leaders must leave has not been 1,500 troops to "help Haiti return to George Bush was in the White House, subjugate the Haitian people under the decided by Clinton, but that the "win­ democracy," Secretary of State Christo­ the Democrats insisted that Congres­ boot of its Yankee imperialist over­ dow" for a landing is between mid­ pher announced September 12, as he sional approval was necessary for the lords. The last U.S. occupation of Haiti September and mid-October. loudly discussed military actions around U.S. to attack Iraq. When Bush did "con­ lasted 19 years, murdering thousands Under the invasion plan which in­ Haiti and Cuba with top officials in Nor­ sult" Congress, a majority of Democrats continued on page 6 volves about 20,000 troops, Army forces folk, Virginia. Washington has even will predominate, including soldiers of asked Israel (!) to contribute police the 82nd Airborne, with Marines on ships forces. Currently, the U.S. is training 266 off Haiti and commandos conducting the Caribbean troops at Roosevelt Roads initial assault. The 10th Mountain Divi­ Naval Base in Puerto Rico, to be sion, a light infantry division from Fort deployed within ten days of an invasion Drum, New York is to be deployed to in a "non-combat role." And a police Haiti soon after to help force of Haitians is reportedly being I'- "maintain order" and trained by the U.S. at the Guantanamo P') relieve the 82nd Air- naval base. t-- borne; The Pentagon The transformation of the Caribbean announced the aircraft into a huge "multinational" military plat­ ~ carrier Dwight D. Eisen­ form for U.S. imperialism is a direct a howe}" is being sent to threat to both the Haitian masses and the £0 Haiti to be used for heli­ Cuban deformed workers state. The ::r. copter operations, along ,gains of the Cuban Revolution, although :::;:; with the carrier America. attenuated, remain a beacon to the ~ The plan also calls for impoverished workers and peasants of AC-130 gunships, A-I 0 Latin America and the Caribbean. U.S. r-- attack planes and fight- military oul of Roosevelt Roads and Alabama Rubber Workers Rock Scabs ATLANTA-Over one thousand striking country, the non-union Firestone plant rubber workers and their supporters in Wilson City, North Carolina, is pro­ gathered outside Dunlop Tire's suburban ducing 33,000 tires a day. A winning Huntsville, Alabama plant in the early strike against the giant international tire morning hours of September 6. After companies must be linked to a struggle almost 12 weeks on strike, the 1,600 mass picket an "unlawful assembly" and cop attack to the LAPD beating of Rod­ to organil6e ,the unorganized, especially members of United Rubber Workers unleashed a barrage of CS tear gas, ney King in its wanton brutality. Drop across the South. (URW) Local 915 learned of company bracketing the workers in front and the charges against th~ Huntsville This will take the kind of sharp class plans to bring in hundreds of scabs. The behind, cutting off their retreat. "They strikers! struggle that the union bureaucracy fears strikers had just narrowly rejected a were not trying to disperse the crowd, When the gas cleared, some of the like the plague. "Hot-cargoing" (truck­ giveback contract offer which 'would they were trying to hurt people," one scabs got the message and left town. But ers, auto workers refusing to handle scab have imposed 12-hour shifts and huge striker said. a local judge quickly gave Dunlop an tires), mass picket lines that defy injunc­ take backs in medical care. The cops then waded in, clad in black injunction limiting pickets to six per tions, sit-down strikes to occupy the . Just after 3 a.m., hundreds of pick­ uniforms with helmets and gas masks. gate-who must remain ten feet apart. plants and keep out the scabs-that's ets-men and women, black and white­ They clubbed Sherry Thurmand, a 22- The company is now producing tires what's needed to win. The URW pio­ massed at the plant gate to educate some year seniority worker, as she sat on with scores of scabs. On the heels of the neered the sit-down strike, at Goodyear scabs. For the next three hours scabs' the ground. Four strikers were arrested injunction, the union tops came out of in Akron in 1935. But these class­ cars were rocked as they tried to enter for disorderly conduct, with "resisting sessions with a federal mediator with struggle tactics will never be used by the plant. Altogether, more than 100 scab arrest" thrown in to justify the beating another giveback contract. But on Sat­ the labor lieutenants of capital who are cars are due for a lot of body and glass that the cops dished out. Speaking with urday, September 10 strikers threw it tied by a thousand strings to the capital­ work. At 6 a.m. the cops declared the Workers Vanguard, strikers compared the back in their face by better than a two­ ist Democratic Party. Democratic presi­ to-one margin. dent Clinton just signed an order to break At an earlier strike rally on July 10, the strike of the Soo Line railroad work­ hundreds of workers came from all over ers-without a peep from the AFL-CIO British Imperialism in Ireland Alabama to show their solidarity-auto bureaucrats. workers, electricians, postalw.orkers, World War I precipitated a rebellion in miners, lAM and OCAW. These forces Reject Protectionist Poison! Ireland against British colonial rule--the must bt! organized in action, with mass The crucial battle to organize the rac­ 1916 Easter Uprising. On the eve of the pickets to stop the scabs. Strikers must ist, open shop South must go hand in uprising, one of its two principal lead­ not allow the union tops to bargain away hand with the fight against the special ers, the revolutionary socialist James Con­ their militant picket line stand. An oppression of black workers. Only nolly, denounced the barbaric and perfidious elected strike committee is urgently through an all-sided struggle against role of British imperialism throughout the needed to take the steps necessary to win racial oppression can the working class world and calledfor an Irish workers repub­ the strike. This includes dispatching build the integrated class struggle that lic. After executing Connolly, James Larkin teams to Toyota, Nissan and Honda can defeat the bosses' attacks.
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