![The Hilltop 5-25-1956](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1950-60 The iH lltop Digital Archive 5-25-1956 The iH lltop 5-25-1956 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_195060 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 5-25-1956" (1956). The Hilltop: 1950-60. 37. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_195060/37 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1950-60 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ • • Hiiitop to lecolne University W~de Publication • • \ • ------· ··- Q Don't Forpt Congratulation• Flnal1 •win Graduate.! May 29tll • • • VOL____________ 18, 'NO.'""""' S ____ -t"' __________________________________ HOWARp .;,_ ________ UNIVERSITY,__ WASIDNGTON, D. C. MAY 25. 1956 ' .. Dr. Snowden Appointed New-oean of L.A. Stall to Receive • Howard to Conduct Classies Department Head I Experimental Program To Succeed Dean Price ,,; Under Ford Fund Dr. Frank If. Snowden, prof... To f~ lmpro+e die intu..t members be appointed by The -How­ 1or of classics and director of the and the atent et. ea •unie&tiln University • Wide Community ard University will conduct an Council on Student Life rep­ Summer School, as dean of the of the 1ttri•t pQNltation, th• to experimental program deaiped • late and to control journali1tic to use its !'acuity resources more Colle1e of Liberal Arte, ia cur· ''lltl*P/' .tM ·ncomnwndation and ftnancial policiea incidental effectively during the 1956-57 that Ute ,.,er bee a•• a unlvw­ rently on leave trom the Uni'f'V· to the publication of the newa­ school year as the result of a sity, aervinc as cultural attache •lt1 wide puWlcaiton nut 7ear paper. Thia board 1'·ill also be $20,000 ennt authorized last bu •••• p191111d. Tim 1eeciaa­ responsible for the ..1ection and week for the Fund tor the Ad· for the U.S. Information Apnq m10Md1a .... •••n ~ b7 appointment of the major mem­ vanccment of Education. In Rome al)d will 1ucc11d Dr. I. the Stucl1nt Co mk of liberal t>.ra of the Hilltop staff and shall The grant was one of 34 auth· St. Clair Price, who aerved .. Arta, the 8Chool of llmic, Ensin· make these appointment• on tlle orized by the Fund, which i1 an dean of the CoUeie from 1941 to . .... .... Arehlteetun, Phar­ basis of the demonstrated qualift­ independent. philanthropic or1a­ 1954. When Dr. Price reacW mac1, Reltsleq. and Medicine. cationa o! the applicants. ni7.ation established by the Ford 66, the automatic retirement ap TM proJ 11· 1 now awaita the ap­ Compensation in the form of 1''oundation in 1951. The 1chool1 at Howard, he continued his aen­ icea u dean the appoint­ proftl el the Unlnnity l"acultJ work 1cholar1hip1 be made to the ~elected for granta were cho111en pen.din&' committee aDd ... the other col­ following ataff members: from 542 colleges which applied, ment of his 1ucce11or. lec.. DO\ lf•tecl abon. Editor in Chief .. $600.00 per yr. atccording to Dr. Clarence H. Dr• . Carroll L. Miller, U1i1t.ant It ii recommended tllat: Associate Editor • $260.00 per Jr Faust, president of the Fund. dean of the Collece will ae"e u RiDNt .. puHued u a ~ Bu111ineae Manager • $260.00 per G1anta were authorized in two acti"I' dean until Dr. Snowden'• 1. Efrectf te Sept I her 19, categories, Dr. Faust said. appointment becOmea e«ective. 191>6, the preeent Collese of Lib­ yr. plu• a 5 per cent co111mi1•i'>11 Awards up to $10,000 will be Dr. Snowden, ,wbo ia a native ml An. aUadent ~blication, on all ad• publuhtd i11 the used to finance programa of in­ of Hampton, Va., bu been a TIM HUU.,. be puWJaMd a1 a paper. stitutional plannin.. preparation lDember of tu faculty since 1940. ~t project Off tile C.U.s• ol cent commission on all local ads Prior to coming to Howard. M for eJtperimentation; w hi 1 e Dr. Snow4en Liberal Arte, Set1ol of r cbt••· publt.hed in the paper, plus a-rants up to $25,000 will support held teachlnc poaition1 at Vir­ inc and Al"Chlt.ectuae, School Of o 10 ~ cent cou1111i11io11 an. nll planning combined with experi­ President Speaks at ginia State and Spelman (Ga.) Muaic, ton.,. of ~. ""- •tettr.d tltl"Ough National mentation. Colleirea and at Atlanta Univer­ School of Reliaion aDa an1 of the Adv~rming Agenci<'•· Under the terma of the &Tant FTA Final Meeting , ~ity. He attended the public other Coll•PI in the Ualwmalt7 • i. achoOl1 of Botton, M'.a11., Wiler. ReP9rters. and othen comprising Howard will plan ita procram wlllth ma7 deeide later to pani­ on WedneSday, May 2nii, the h• w.aa an honor rraduate of Bos­ the junior staff be appointed by during the summer months, and dpete. put it into effect fn September. Kelley Miller Chapter of the Fu­ ton Latin School. He holda thr. the Editor.inChief with the ap­ ture Teachen of America held deareea from Harvard UniYenitt I. The 4tlalnmt1 tr.aurer be proval of the Associate Editor, Tentative plans call for experi­ authorlsM t>, the student eoun­ mental ptol't'ams in two required its last meeting, brlncinr to a - the Bachelor of Arts (1982), Bu1ine11 'Manarer, and the Chair­ close another succe11fu1 year. At Master of Arta (198•), and Doc­ cil of each ot the schools paitlci­ courses h~ the Collea-e of Liberal patlnc in the project to tnnlfer man of the Publications Board of this time the F.T.A. wu honored tor of Philosophy (1944). these appointments. Arta. They are Freshman Eng­ eacla HBaffter from the Bttident lish and Social Science Su"ey. in havine- Dr. Mordecai Johnson DJ. Snowden, who will return OH•Nll'• funds to ta.. •IUtof A total of f\ften (1&) issues · Present plan. call for the as its cue1t ·~ker . Dr. John­ to the United States In Septem· ' :f11nd t!ae amouat ....., to one of tHe :BiUte, be publiabed each son spoke abgut the reward• of her, has traveled and lectured eatabliahDH!nt of "lectur•1maH 1 dollar :malttplled bJ the number school year-Two (2) i11ue1 per di1cu11ion" experimental claaae1. the teaching profeuion, ~ite abroad on several occuion1. Re of .tad I nta otftdally enrollea in $nth with the exception of Under this arranpment a full. the low pay. In hia talk, preti­ attended the Reaearcb Fellow in that ,utlealar 1ehool. Se1>tember, December, and Janu­ time faculty member will lecture dent Johnson sketched briefly Italy in 1949; in 1953, he· aerv­ a. A aalent Publication Boaid a1'7 durinl' which months only to a claaa of approximately 300 some of the teachers who bad in­ ed u lecturer for the State De­ ea 1111j Of ftad1nte and .W one (1) Issue will be pubUahed. once a week. For the other two fluenced him creatly, one of whom partmet of French West Afriea, ... was Dr. Benjamin Brawley, who • clasa period• the .rroup will be the Gold COut, Ni ...ria, Libya. broken down into di1CU1alon tau~ht Dr. Johnson at Monhouae Italy, Greece, and Austria. Soclal Scl•ntlsts Me et to Collec-e. Dr. Brawley Mid that the in groupa o( 25 penon1. Each croup Amon&' orcan.isatioaa will then diacuu the lecture un­ we u future teachen 1hould re­ which Dr. Snowden ho1da m1m­ Effect of Desegregation member that we are tea.thine iD- ber1hlp are the Wuhlncton Clas: der the supervision of a teaching • . .assist-ant. Further plan. call tor ( Continued on paf(e 8) (Continued on pan 4) SI.- l1111111atlon la • prOf>. tion/' and "Political lmp1leatlon1 extensive of audio-viaual aids, • a.. ••I+ ._ a cleftnlte bearins o~ De••••ecatlon." Other partt· in<'ludln1t :tltma and tape record- Occupancy of New BuRdlngs oa tM 8•• of all of ue, tM tople dpanta la the confereneeJriclu4ed ings. v, · 4111• ,..,.,..._ mDal eonfereece profeaor. Ellis 0. Knox and Another &TOUp of freshman ~ / .......... :...., atuct,Dta will be,, taucht br the Postponed UntH nls Fall • of tM et 11del ldenc111 Ch&rlea W. Qulek. of' e Howard ,.. ••I •• conventJonal method, which eall1 • ....,.. .... Ina,_...\ ud tlme&y. faculty, J~n Shoemaker, editor for clu... meetlnc with tM The nm al nine three new build­ The $1,800.000 Blolon-Green· 'fte "''" •tta 1•;1et. of Dt111S· of the Aaliti/1' (N.C.) TiJM• and same teacher three timet week­ inp of Howard Univenlty'a eur· house BuUdlns, located le tile ly. At the end of the teme•ter r 1·t1ra n11n ~n ~lfe," exeeut.ivf'! dJreetor of .4iotetle4Mt rent postwar phyalcal plant ct.­ lower quadranale betide the new the two ~pe will be teeted WM ,. I 1 j Ir K MYeral ... Se/to•l Ntfl11; :&,njamln Mdlle, in an effort to determine th4t velopment are athedul~ for oc­ Cott.,. of Pharmaey, wu not oe­ J•lli la ._ 111 l1a1, '"'8M Lt Columnlltfor Uie Wu1'1qt.Otr1h1· iflectJyeneu ot-'lhe two tr r ch­ cupancy this tau, aecordh'C to eupt.d u eduled In March. Da l'nm •a, tile nadtte:I.... of ,.... of the N.A.A.C.P.;- and Rev. ine •11tem1. TIM! resutta of the the mott recent announcement. Occupancy tor the fl,400,000 ta. *1•111 .t E sln11rl.. ud ft-a1W. IJ-.w18t:antdiree­ experim int 1rill be preeent.d to School of 1..-w Buildlq and tM Ar 'll 11tcn, aacl Baalda M 1 ter ot C&tlaolie aeMGl• In tM arch- the faeUlt.J whida will eomider $1,600,000 Adminlatratlon Build­ the indaalon of any noce11ful or 15 yeara," be said.
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