?EVERY pîoneerIoc'I.compstrct May i 2OOi-: s1.00 iteS 24/7 COVERAG t.811,663.,lM MOVIES SPORTS DaiIy news from A preview Reel Time blog Heard in the Halls tour Local Sourcè of Paul Sassone with Bruce lrnjram athletics blog NILES THIS WEEK NEWS MOCK CRIME SCENE Students look over the suspects during the "Crime of the Century." PAGE 5 NEWS FINE DINING Russ McAndrew of Nues enjoys a cocktail at The Emily Carmona, 5, takes her turn hitting a pinata, during "Fiesta" a children's proqram Black Ram. NO MERCY at theNUesPublic Library Saturday. PAGE 7 poro sv RUtHIE FIAUGE/PIONEER PRESS PAGE 54 SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE Check outOakton fromeveriangle. 1: 1vt. J_s Noi)O M Q9'9 . Summer Classes begin June 2, 2008. .LJ:a ètI13r-T(1d 31It'! .iSIQ Á?I8Ii3I-1EI1kiS.1it4 Apply and register online roûixioo t3c3z:t 1 i-3 www.oa ton.e u on Des Ptaines Skokie 847.635.1629 V mmunity College APionrer Press Publication Thurodoy, Mey 1,0008 3 Z Tharsdap, May t, 2008 A Pioneer Prono J MONAGIIIO EUIIUB0 Nioofn Wogen, Time to buy. News nnogeneofpl0000elooal.00enf tU4TJ 696-3Z48 Get a jump ort the Spring market with the heut selection of homes in years. Preview thousands of new listings and EVERY "Open House" on tine market. Village Sign-up to receive free automated updates as new homes are added daily! Nues West to split homeroomsfor girlsand boys considers By KATHY ROUTLIFFE 54-year-old girls in g015g la Iones them to labe a 1h e concept over the pont talla shout their ovos fears Time for Baird & Warner. [email protected] be differest thon if he was stroeger mentor roil. three years end many are without losing froc in' emergency aurmunded by bio mele And some board mem- wiulisg to warb with n front nf girls. When members of neidrnsstarpOrls. The same bers, libe board President changed home room, Students who hase ara- Pus complete info on ALL our "open Soutes" tirA weekend, visit our webaite today! yeoeb Mites West High goes far yossig women," Robert Silverman, made ilwhirh curras lip io slime demir or personal prob- devices for School freehmas etats Nitos Weal Prinripel clear Ihey didn't want sits- period is which students lems they want lo up- molla ints their first la- Kale,, Onbors oaid daring gle-gender classes toge get school doy informa- proach an adult about bairdwarner.com seniors minate homo roam peri- an AprilS presentation to any furlher than the home may 8nd it easier ledo Multiple Photos Robusl Deluilt e-Mail Alerts I Dynamic Mapping I ads nf the 2004-09 school district schont boerd Oho, Onbom und Nues during a home room. (The By TONY BERTIICA peor, the rooms will be "This makes mea bit West Asnislunt Principal home room toactoer wiS ha tSe lt soso p in n ne r lo e a 1.00w gino-only, or hays-only. Miles Toevesbip 54gb nerrnas," Bilversoan told Poala Miller sketched ex- the some gesdar os his ur District ptsseorrn hope llchoot Districl 2t9's booed Osburs and Isis leam. "I'd amples of how it could hor students, Miller soldI Thn Nitre Village these short speso of sin- approved floe home room be concerned if it was the benefit lesos. Bungle-gender home Board muy soon he pro- gte-gander time will pro- change as pert of Nues beginning of making other Far instance the school rooms oren'I snow prac- siding emergesby re- tide trees entering NOes Westir federally-mandated slesses gender-neutraL" hold sananos al "Normes tice locally Osbaro seid. sponse desloen tornai- Wust life with e leg opec- srhoot impronement pack- That won't happes, Peojact" assembly to makeNew Trier High School chiscoo, 03120 tarIns 5990.000Pnk nidgn $095,000 14411,51 E&k, 590055e, Hill Rd titt,we Lisselseood,ttll N Kjlp.lOOk $000,555 MOCO,, 0,000 dents over the oge 0080. ademirally and emotion- age. Board membres Rath staff ansueed tam, "(Home sladostoowore of, ond re- bus used them oivoe tSP?, tn o pro-hoard meol- ally - by giving them Klleot and (torItos Evans room! is as opportsnity sistast lo, bullying las- and there mey be some log tant eveeh, Villogn somewhere they ron lath were positive cheat the loras to get in communi- guoga thst might be schools within the Chirags Monoger Scorgo Van ahool difOcolt or ornk,vardides, as mes board mem- notion with oar kids isa recisI, sesist or degrading, system i500stigetteg the Gram told sillage trasloessocial and parsonal lances ber Oberi Doniger: "i way we thioh will prodsce Osburn seid. Soma stu- pnssibility, he said. thaI there onrro marr enittoont worrying wirst tlsisk the board is very es- a safer, healthier environ- dents, especially girls, While there aren't a lot thon 340 residents in the opposite nro wilt lhinb cited oboal Ibis." mentis Ihr tong ras. ti might be more williog lo of single-gender public Nitea orar rho ago of 84 of them. Bot she sated that doesn't mess medo it for opes sp about Iba issues school settings for study who wore living atone. "We hove observationalhome room leochers won't everything ... we think it in previous nr subsequent "Researob does show that Providing that group psychology which tali055 replace regata r coun- stops horn," Osbarn sold. discussions when no hops girls oxhibit moro confi- N093bsook t039,Ott P* ltdyo 50,4,5,00Moceo 000Vo 5499,000MoOn,, 0000e 5090,000tinkle $459,900 Ikat the mayo 04-peor-oid selors, esos if the sow for- Counselor Hope SOroche are prconnt, he said. Boys, 990,0005005er 00e 5000. 0c40e00O5 009,5 with froo emergency re- sponso devices from Life- boy reacts ins class wilh mat encearages ondal- said steif have discUssed loo, might feel Ihey could Split, PAGE 8 provider, wonid root the villogeopprorimololy $00,000 or $t20-o-monlh hi peruner, Vas Gores cold. Drunk drivers could The desloan '001 USO- aiiy overo around the face $500 impound fee - Igiib. o±55iv --'- vvs'isl or neck ond have Nio $449,000Okokie 50 S,,,kie 3449.5,0 tinkle t5O,9O0Skokie toro-Oto bullons Chat trigger By TORT BERTUCA boing churged milk soy emergency responsos Ito sta es Op io n celiate loe w rr'imo - doive it huleo. wkoo presnod. Truoioo Loucha Prr- "We jast spent The Nues Village stun soid seioing curs rould hove I segativo iOl $250,000 on cork nail Doord will ronsider charg- 1h00 gol wonhed down the ing eStoC impound lee partos tiro alleged of- thoder's family and tveli- newer," he said. "if thin for cli corn oeir.rd by Po- noven people's tisas, it'n lice doring Ihe rommio- hood. sian of illegal activities. "t 000n't vote for toking worth it." Por instance, if some- 1h osar osoay il thero's Skoeje. 5435 5,50,1, $300,000 01,1er There aro olso more 5035,01 sod e.iehrs 04,00,000Skokie oto 5o,lhfleld, 12 Reble Hood L,. 5510,009 drivar (wish thow( evko is Ihon 1,000 paople over one were pulled 05cr tor sobos;" she said. the age of '00 living alone driving andar Ihe iella- cero, their ser would hr nul Moyur Nick Oboe in Nitro who might bene- loosed and thcp 000Id be soid he h,vored using Ihr lit from tho device. 001 rhos'ged $000 by Ike vil- feo aso delercenl tu IronIces could sol deride drosok driving. if that groap shoaldre- lage. Ts-aslt'esroaId noi "Ware ouI doiog Ihis to seise Ihr desloen for fr00 reach 000nsenwas, hess- snoba money," he soid. "If or if Ihoy would ho glean yes nsost to penalioc 1ko o dincounl. should be seioed and when dr-loor, why let thom gol Noohbrnol, $294,500MoOn,, 5,00, $200,900Skekie $210,000P,A Ojdue $189,000Giansien $60,05 "Seni ora ore ganar'olty the owoer should brai- Iheir cor?" sello their ways and 014014 îeoosonrlsoe pitetto rests lossrd lo let a sober pos- Truslec Joe LoVrrdn NEW STARS AND STRIPESRiotrnfll Oei,welA, Tons Benithon otsd Viena UngarIn 1 they're more tihety lo - who has o valid VFW Poet 7112 tolto down n worn Bog Satssrdoy al The ltssnllnqtoo todlAnq in Blies betone ISOy driver's liranse md is sot Decieco,PAGE 8 hanf n new eso tlsn pest denoted to repinto it. Fee,PAGE U To learn mole about ony of the hornet shown above, simply enter the ID Number in oso homopuge "uiok Lookup" boo: 5,150 ks,s:t.tes020,urrsierosso Osi 5seme p5011,055 settle ts posts, 550sssts,sIns,sOl pesi Lekt 0e., tIssas,, li 05050. sosie oso lite, sstet,ltIs Ossues p,lO ti assess IL Ostie set 05510:55,1 ele,55. 5es yssi rst050lelOO.. 55555:5 5555150,11. 5511 lsk1lr505ite Is 0000,lbs. Ps,losrlsr. ssno stator Costoso to 0,1,5 Oe,sIl'Ossolele, ele roess,eseseaser In.,essi p501 005 sen, Olsse,,5 Ii 65500 Thuruday, May 1,2008 A Pioneer Press Publication 4 I A Pioneer Press Puklioatios Thucudny, May 1,2008 I Starters Gemini. sleuths crack the case SUMNER PREVIEW - TEQUILA HISTORY School's forensics wore given wocknhcots Braco mIssy esboces this fresh hatch st coscar Teqaila adds 90015cc i/alato food and aad told they would ho drinks. unit ends with nanead on accuracy and fake crime scene the deaumonlotien of osi- SEE DIVERSIONS, PAVE M SEE FOCS, PAVESA At Ike scese, the By TONY BERTUCA - yoong COto ware told /bealaea9pioneon/000l,000 INDEX thai Ike mordec victim ovos Mo//how Clock, o Board looks to wand tomanage 'lunatics' The achool doy bogus Gemisi weib teuchoc CL005IFIEO SEVERtISINO Cl MOVIE REVIEW 04 By TONY BERTUCA bot "lunatics" end "weird eooessive end Trustee An- also seid he wosild sen- scilh a meerder nod ended Thor ecco-e osIno gives the CROSSWORD 014 SII758RIEO 05 tberlusa@pioneerlooehaom people," he mode it eleor drew Peeybylo said doing tinas tobare two armed sclih toso LouchaIs iv - proOlos of secoral sus- DIVERSISMS Dt POLICE BLSIOER 4 he didn't event fall-eiaed so woald be "pavonaste" ollleers at every Village buodoulfo.
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