International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development Available online on: www.ijamad.iaurasht.ac.ir ISSN: 2159-5852 (Print) ISSN:2159-5860 (Online) Research Paper https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.21595852.2021. Potato Growers' Attitudes and Perceptions towards Precision Irrigation Technologies in Ardabil County, Iran Asghar Bagheri a,* and Sahar Pirmoazzen a Received: 08 February 2020, his study aimed to investigate potato growers’ attitudes Accepted: 05 May 2020 Ttowards and perceptions of the drivers and barriers of precision irrigation technologies (PIT). A survey research method was em- ployed for data collection from a sample of 240 potato growers of Ardabil County. A questionnaire was used as the research instrument. It was validated by a panel of experts. Cronbach’s alpha was cal- culated to be 0.813, 0.870, and 0.766, implying the high reliability of the instrument for attitudes, drivers, and barriers, respectively. Results showed that the respondents were in middle age with good farming experiences. The majority of them were lowly literate. Their knowledge was low on working with PIT. More than half of them had moderate to high negative attitudes, while the attitudes of the rest were somewhat very positive. Attitudes 2021. (1), 65-78, March showed a significant and positive correlation with level of education, income, and knowledge of PIT. However, age, farming experience, Abstract and cultivated areas showed a negative correlation with attitudes. Based on regression analysis, the variables of level of education, knowledge of PIT, and information sources accounted for 46.5 percent of the variance in farmers’ attitudes. The sample was divided into two subgroups of 120 farmers, one for responding to the items of drivers and the other for responding to the items of the barriers. Factor analysis extracted three factors with eigenvalues of greater than one, namely water efficiency, easy farming practices, and financial benefit, which accounted for 63.18 percent of the Keywords: variance in drivers, and the five factors of knowledge, technical, Attitudes; barriers; skill, managerial, and logistic barriers accounted for 63.12percent drivers; perceptions; of the variance in barriers. precision irrigation a Department of Water Engineering and Agricultural Management, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, Management 11 Journal of Agricultural International * Corresponding author’s email: [email protected] 65 Potato Growers' Attitudes... / Bagheri and Pirmoazzen INTRODUCTION agriculture. The application of precision irri- Iran is located in the arid and semiarid zone gation technologies (PIT), i.e., sprinkler and of the world. Its long-term average precipita- drip irrigation systems with efficiencies of tion is 224-275 mm/year with no optimum more than 80 and 90 percent, respectively spatial and temporal distribution (Forouzani (Ali, 2011; Nowroozi & Chizari, 2006), is an & Karami, 2010). Water shortage is one of the essential strategy to deal with water scarcity main barriers to agricultural development in and efficient management of water supply this country. Despite the water scarcity, water (Mohammadi et al., 2018). Despite the impor- use is not optimal and the agricultural sector tance of such technologies in meeting crop of Iran is the main consumer of water supply, water requirements and minimizing water accounting for 93 percent of the total water loss, they have not been fully accepted and consumption (Ardakanian, 2005). Irrigation used while positive impacts of their imple- is mostly carried out by surface methods mentation and use on yield and net income whose efficiency is hardly more than 30-50 have been found in several studies (Ezzati et percent (Ali, 2011; Nazari et al., 2018). Ard- al., 2014; Shaterian et al., 2011). abil County, with an average annual precipi- Understanding the factors that determine tation of 296 mm, also suffers from water the adoption behavior of irrigation technolo- scarcity, while potato as a high water-con- gies has been the focus of a sizeable body of suming crop is the prevalent crop of the re- literature. Economic (income, low- interest gion (Hassanpanah et al., 2015). Therefore, loan), technical (well-designed and imple- the application of water-saving technologies mented systems), extension-educational (in- is imperative for the region. formation and visiting demonstration farms The main priority of the government in Iran and agricultural experts), and risk factors has been to improve the irrigated agriculture have been found to influence the adoption productivity since 1960 (Forouzani & and use of PIT (Afrakhteh et al., 2015; Evans Karami, 2010). Several policies have been im- et al., 2013; Ezzati et al., 2014; Mohammadi plemented, such as investments in infrastruc- et al., 2018; Mostakhdemi & Razzaghi, 2012; tures, low-interest loan provision, and Nouri and Nooripoor, 2013; Pezeshkirad et (1), 65-78, March 2021. (1), 65-78, March subsidized agricultural water and energy use. al., 2011; Koundouri et al., 2006; Shahzadi, However, the performance of many water 2013). management schemes is far from satisfactory Based on the literature, socioeconomic vari- (Keshavarz et al., 2013; Nazari et al., 2018). ables have also been found to be critical fac- The current water resource management pol- tors in the decision on adopting irrigation icy in Iran emphasizes an integrated ap- technologies. Age and level of education proach towards water resource development showed different impacts on adoption behav- to avoid or minimize any negative effects of ior. Elderly farmers were often reluctant to irrigation development and maximize posi- adopt while younger and more educated tive impacts. Based on the country’s perspec- farmers were more inclined to adopt these tive, to control the overexploitation of technologies (Rahmani et al., 2016; Shahzadi, groundwater resources, the surface water 2013). Results as to the impact of farm size withdrawal percentage should be reduced on the adoption behavior have been contra- from 43 percent at the present to 55 percent. dictory. Some studies have mentioned farm Furthermore, Iran aims at decreasing the size as an influencing factor (Bagheri & Ghor- agricultural share in water consumption bani, 2011; Pirayesh, 2013) while others have from 92 to 87 percent by increasing water found it as a barrier to adoption (Shahzadi, use efficiency (FAO, 2008). 2013). Moreover, land fragmentation and dis- Modern irrigation technologies are of prac- persion have been other critical barriers to International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, Management 11 Journal of Agricultural International tical solutions to the efficient use of water in adoption. 66 Potato Growers' Attitudes... / Bagheri and Pirmoazzen Farmers’ attitudes and perceptions are key tamzadeh et al. (2015), the reduction factors affecting the adoption of PIT. Ezzati et amounted to 47 percent during 1980-2012. al. (2014) categorized obstacles perceived by Therefore, water shortage is the most crucial wheat growers to apply pressurized irriga- obstacle to agricultural development. tion technology into four factors, i.e., techni- The county has 112 thousand ha of crop- cal, social, natural, and economic. Results of lands (65 thousand ha irrigated and 47 thou- several studies in Iran have highlighted the sand ha rain-fed). Furthermore, there are impacts of perceptions and attitudes on the 1982 ha of orchards and 100 thousand ha of decision to adopt and use modern irrigation rangelands in this county. Several crops are technologies, such as pressurized systems grown in this region. Potato is one of the (Momvandi et al., 2018; Movahedi et al., main crops of the region, which is cultivated 2017; Tohidyanfar & Rezaei-Moghaddam, in rotation with wheat. Cereal, potato, beans, 2015). Despite the impact of attitudinal fac- forage, and several other crops are grown in tors on the adoption behavior of PIT, farmers’ the county. With 24000 ha of potato farms in- attitudes and perceptions have not been well cluding 17500, 5500, and 1000 ha in Ardabil, established in the literature. This study Namin, and Nir Counties, respectively, the aimed to investigate potato growers’ atti- Ardabil plain is the first/second top potato- tudes towards and perceptions of PIT drivers producing region of Iran (Hassanpanah et al., and barriers. The theoretical framework of 2015). the study is presented in Figure 1. Instrument and data collection: A question- METHODOLOGY naire consisting of some sections and scales Study area: Ardabil plain (38 ˚27 ́ - 38 ˚55́ related to socioeconomic profile and farmers’ North and 48˚ 37 -́ 48 ˚90 ́ East) with an area of attitudes towards and their perceptions of 1097 km2 and an elevation of about 1300- drivers and barriers of the development of 1500 meters above sea level is located in the PIT was used for data collection. All items of northwest of Iran. The average annual precip- attitudes and perceptions were in the form of itation of the region is 296 mm and its temper- five-point Likert-type scales ranging from ature varies from -38°C to 40°C, respectively one (very low) to five (very high). For a better 2021. (1), 65-78, March (Sobhani and Goldoost, 2016). The region has understanding of farmers’ perceptions, re- a high potential for agricultural development. spondents were divided into two subgroups, However, due to the focus on water-consum-
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