NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF The Sports Turf Research are among charges he made in Institute of Great Britain (for- explaining his position . , . merly Board of Green keeping That's not the routine sug- Research) made 1121 visits to gested in "How to Make golf courses and other sports Friends and Influence People.'1 fields in 1952; sent more than British Golf Foundation ma- 15,000 letters in replies to king fine progress under chair- queries .. Institute's expenses manship of Raymond Op pen - for 1952 were equivalent of tieimer , , . British pros now 558,000 . USGA Green Sec- teaching classes at more than tion expenses in same period, 30 schools attd expect to he $35,286. .. Despite other sports HERB GKAFFIS giving golr instructions to coverage of British organiza- students at IfM) schools before tion's work comparison of operating costs year ends . .British Golf Foundation pri- indicates U.S. goif clubs are not adequately mary financing through entry fees in "Beat financing valuable work of USGA Green National Open Champion" event such as Section. originated by Lite magazine and 1>GA in Early season ruin* in much of Ihe coun- F. S, National Golf nay promotion . , . try brutal on pro business . Pros now British golf manufacturers planning to making up for lost time . , , Spring rains aid financing , . British Golf Foundation certainly impressed on club officials, com- publishing concise, helpful booklets on mittees and pros necessity of having at- lines of I'. S, National Golf Foundation tractive programs to extend northeastern material for pro use in conducting class and central states fall golf season , „ . lessons. Bains did tiring out some smart display Western Seniors' Golf Assn. 5th annual and merchandising of rain jackets and championship, July fl-10, at Shawnee CO, pants and golf rubber overshoes and got Shnwnec-un-Dclaware, Pa., entries com- a fair amount of business and play from ing in fast , . Wnl V. Kingdon. 7520 N. golfers who might have stayed in the Pennsylvania st„ Indianapolis 20, lnd„ is locker-room getting wetter Inside than sec.-treas. - . Entry fee Is $20 , . Entries player* did outside , . Biggest losses close June 25 . Fred Waring has made from spring rains and floods were British special rates at Shawnee Inn for Western pros w hose shops were flooded away and Seniors . .Success of Henry Cotton's insurance didn't cover, physical training program for Ryder Gup British golfer suggests that to finance matches already being reflected in his British Walker Cup team to U. S, this scoring , . Dal Rees in physical training year small replicas of Walker Cup be with football club , , . Other British Ryder made, bought by British clubs, and used t'up candidates working harder, earlier as prize in a club competition . Norman than they ever did before to get in con- Von Nida in Australian press says he has dition for Ryder Cup matches at Went- worth, Eng., Oct, 2-3. been unfairly and inaccurately 'criticized by sports writers and that he is a grim Did you ever notice that scratching the but not bad-natured contestant ... He surface of a green to mark a ball loca- could have made good use of public re- tion is contrary to the Rules of Golf? . , . lations advice as competent as his own Read Rule 35, b and d . , Al Escalante, golf in stating his side of the case, as pro. Chunjbusco CC. elected pres., Mexi- "deliberately calculated lies" and cheating can PGA . , . Laurie Ayton, once pro at Evanston (III.) GC, elected pres., St. Andrews (Scotland) GC. oldest artisan golf club , . His great-grandfather was Get those Weed a founder of the club In 1843 and Its pres. in 1846 . , , His grandfather was pres. from 1871 to 1880 and in 1885. 1890 and 1893. Al Weeks now pro at Skokle Play field, Go toROOTS th* Root of Tour Weed Proble! m Winm-tku, 111. Ken Spears switches with Those Dolge Products pro jobs in Ohioago dist. from filrndalc to Wootlrldge . AH ok Ktlnle, formerly nf Shelter KtH'k untl Oakland clubs (NY Met (list.) succeeds the late Tom lioyd as To keep weeds pm at Dyker Beach, Brooklyn, X. Y.. muny course. off drives, walks, parking lots, ten- Swell job done all around in televising Palm Beach Round Robin final round at nis courts, sand Meadow Brook Club, Westbury, L. I., traps you've got N. Y. Photography was good, Harry to finish the Wismer's interviewing on contestants In- teresting. and blow-by-blow on 17th and 18th holes well done . Telecast on CBS from 3 to 5 May 17 . , Baseball crowds generally so small and postponed DOLGE SS WEED KILLER does that games so frequent In early season major leagues are considering starting seasons and more. It kills the foliage, of later than usual mid-April. course. It works down deep. It tends Tommy Armour's analysis of Pres. to sterilize the soil so I hat w ind-blown Eisenhower's pa me, from nests pictures re- seeds cannot sprout in it. Diluted as directed, it tan kill the toughest weeds. Spray or sprinkle where you want no growth whatsoever. E.W.T, is the Dolge 2,4-D Selective Weed-Killer. It finishes dandelions, plantain and other broad-leaved SHINE? weeds in iurf — does not harm good lew quick strokes of this piddle i't count Ag«in.it your score. A lawn grasses. It translocates; is ab- n ball clicks off par Ur belter i Ihe penalty el ion balls too sorbed and travels through the sap to dirty to find, the roots. to make a happy coln* Bolter -thin • ever Lewis Ball See your Dolge Service Man — Washers are ready lo come to the eld ol th* qolfer. Up goes be will colt soon. tho paddle, in qoe* the ball. «nd in a few quick seconds, Write for the Dolge booklet on you're ready lor the tee oil, chemical weed control. weather winner Two "stick-fast" coats of palm shielded by an all weather- protector plastic. Any season .. , year alter year ... ready to keep your golfers happy, Klff TOUt PATRONS SATISFIED Ordwr tram your deafer nowf i««. GOV* OLGE 0, I. LEWIS CO., Wot»rt»»n, Wii. WfilPOd! CONNKNCUI produced In This Week magazine, which was subject of comment In Time magazine's Press dept., gave another strong boost to a ft sates of Armour's book "How to Play Your Best Golf All the Time" . , , Armour hook now In 3d edition . Hi tig Crosby withdrawal from British amateur hurt the gate. Frank Champ now pro, Palmetto CC, "jean jotisfied ivjtShreveport , . , , Ossie Pick worth, Aus- tralian pro star, considering making C. S, tournament circuit , , , Kth annual Mid- GOLFERS ^ west Industrial championship, Aug. 15-IB, Wild wood GC, Middle town, O., and Pot- ters GC, Hamilton. O., expects field of and satisfied players are the aim golfers from about l(M) different com- of all golf club operations. To bring panies . , . Plans being made to have smiles to the faces of your mem- Midwest winning 4-man team play win- bers, feed your greens rich, nour- ner of Kastern States Industrial team ishing compost... prepared with championship at Pittsburgh over Labor a Royer Compost Mixer. The com- Hay week-end . 1ft,'>4 Midwest Indus- trial championship to he played In Chi- pletely shredded and mixed, uni- cago dist. formly textured, trash free Royer- ated top dressing spreads evenly, Cleveland Dist. Golf Course Supts,' retains moisture, readily yields its Assn. annual meeting of chnin. and supts. held at Portage CC, Akron, O,, May 15 nutritional elements. with O, J. Noer as main speaker . Wm. The Royer helps solve your labor Daniel, Purdue and Midwest Turf Founda- problem, too. Golf clubs every- tion ; R. R. Davis and Joe Polivka of where are satisfied users. Send for Wooster Experimental Station; and G. N. Bulletin 46 giving particulars on sizes and models to suit your re- guirements. the Mock reputation for quality and specialized service can be helpful in solving your problems. Mock's ore leaders in distribution of all the newest developments in modem turf gross seed, sold either pure, or mixed to your specified formula. Your inquiry for information or quotation will receive immediate attention. "For custom-tailored turf,.." Modtl CJT-C 01 Norlh Ktading, »""" ^jfggjTj McHuSv.tt, MOCK SEED COMPANY ROYER FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO PITTSBURGH 30, PA, tit PRtNGLE ST.. KINGSTON, PA Hoffer, American Potash Institute, were among guest experts welcomed to session by L. M. Buckingham, Portage pres. , . Kansas Turf Assn. sets August meeting for Wellington <Ks.) CC. Club Managers Assn. of America mm has 1200 members tri 41 regional chap- ters . Hick Knight has new title added to his Hawaiian Open, PGA and Terri- torial Invitation glories . He's now proud Pop of John Richard Knight. Jr. Hawaii Navy-Marine course pro and bis wife (former Mlckie Ficke of Omaha) welcomed the new champ April 26. ,!oe Jellnek now pro-mgr., Denlson-Katy GC, Denison. Tex. Famous Mid-Ocean Club in Bermuda, originally designed by Charles B. McDonald being remodeled by Robert Trent Jones . New 9 Jones de- signed at Ft. Benning, Ga„ now in play Guy R. Tcdesco, superintendent . Jackie Pung and Tom Nieporte de- WachuiOt) C. C„ Welt Boylston, Mass. feated Peggy Kirk and Dick Knight, 2 and 1 in best ball 18 played at Waialae f TI have Ihth feeding my greens regularly CC, Hawaii ... Winners' best ball 65 | »iili A OR I CO COUNTRY Cl.l H and against men's par of 72 . , Girls played AGRINITE," write* Cuy R. Tedesco, r>r from men's tees . Pung had best f) of Wachusrit Country Club, West Boylston, the bunch, 33 against 36 par .
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