A Complete Bibliography of the Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift f¨ur allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 09 March 2021 Version 1.20 Title word cross-reference $24.95 [756, 735]. $29.99 [943]. $39 [755]. $75.00 [839]. < [850]. > [850]. 3 [345]. c [576]. 0 [876, 756]. 1 [570, 585]. 100 [275]. 10th [190]. 1864 [388]. 1907 [942]. 1913 [164]. 1920s [583]. 1930 [850, 850]. 1930s [583]. 1935 [974]. 1942-2016 [840]. 1990 [129, 112]. 1990er [655]. 1990s [655]. 19th [464]. 1st [753]. 2 [943, 977, 596]. 2008 [533]. 2009 [599, 617]. 2012 [687]. 2016 [818]. 29th [753]. 1 2 3 [972, 978]. 40pp [974]. 5 [848, 602]. 6 [942, 754, 755, 552]. 8 [735]. 9 [944]. 978 [942, 754, 972, 848, 755, 943, 944, 876, 756, 735, 977, 978]. 978-0-19-086922-9 [944]. 978-0-19-932561-0 [756]. 978-0-19-991975-8 [735]. 978-0-226-31703-8 [839]. 978-0-415-82936-6 [755]. 978-1-108-23163-3 [978]. 978-1-316-64692-2 [943]. 978-1-84893-485-6 [754]. 978-3-030-10706-2 [977]. 978-3-16-153777-6 [942]. 978-3-310-002207-3 [812]. 978-3-319-39618-7 [850]. 978-3-7776-2410-5 [848]. 978-3-8252-4769-0 [876]. 978-94-024-0970-3 [972]. A.A [173]. Abbild [593]. Abductive [516, 622]. abduktiven [429]. Abenteuer [130]. Aberrant [518]. abh¨angt [342]. Ability [834]. Abingdon [755]. Above [632]. Abseits [531]. Absence [879]. absolute [3]. Abstraktion [185]. absurden [235]. Abteilung [942, 506, 570, 552]. According [463]. Account [532, 397, 924]. Accounts [902, 961]. Achinstein [700]. Action [503]. Actions [464, 483]. Activities [677]. Activity [720]. Actuality [960]. Ad [908, 143]. Adam [490]. ad¨aquaten [97]. Addendum [129]. Addressing [844]. Adequate [807, 97]. Adolf [918]. Adrian [666]. Advantage [868]. Adventures [207]. Afraid [648]. after [515]. Again [777]. Against [889, 944, 935, 683, 635, 498]. Agazzi [788]. age [619]. Agent [902, 968]. Agent-Based [902]. Ahistorical [136]. Aim [545]. Aim-Oriented [545]. Akteure [964]. aktuellen [78, 373]. al [876]. Albert [24]. Alexander [874]. Ali [787]. Alleged [881, 616]. Allen [346]. Allgemeine [570]. allgemeinen [247, 319]. Allunionskonferenz [56]. Almost [735]. alternative [482]. Alternativen [134]. Alternatives [629, 95, 775]. altorientalische [562]. Am [658, 323, 513, 259, 697, 352, 54, 741, 413, 257]. Amalgamating [679]. America [243]. American [485]. Among [894]. Amsterdam [599]. Anacker [473]. Analogies [563]. Analogy [922]. Analyse [375, 697, 141]. Analysing [695, 807]. Analysis [272, 539, 339, 331, 722, 665, 697, 273]. Analytical [244]. Analytische [193]. Ancient [562]. Andere [848]. anderen [500]. Andersson [246]. Andreas [849, 114, 616, 849, 521, 616]. Andrew [838]. Anf¨ange [350]. Anforderungen [340]. Angelika [942]. anhand [336]. Animals [501]. Anmerkung [616]. Anmerkungen [317, 121, 531]. Anna [697, 697]. Ann¨aherungen [562]. Anomalies [860, 670]. Anpassung [80]. Ansatz [374, 184]. Anschauung [621]. Ansgar 3 [274]. Answer [934]. Antike [24]. antiken [351]. Antinomie [141]. Antirealism [921]. Antirealismus [475]. antirealistischer [402]. Antwort [616]. Apelschen [380]. Aporien [84]. Appearance [956]. Application [794]. Applications [874]. Applied [272, 763, 833, 692]. Approach [592, 527, 955, 954, 318, 481, 704, 789, 458, 922, 125, 901, 467, 615, 755]. Approaches [562, 781]. Apriori [371]. Arbeit [352]. Arbitrariness [295]. Arbitrary [781]. Arcane [883]. Area [880, 850]. Argument [643, 675, 443, 357, 845, 560, 286, 889, 81, 545, 871, 518, 396, 331, 488, 895, 935, 426]. Argumentation [947]. Argumentatives [170]. Arguments [608, 172]. Aristoteles [566, 565, 585, 596, 586]. Aristotle [150, 566, 586, 960, 585, 596]. Arithmetic [527]. Arithmetik [332]. Arnold [429]. Arp´´ ad [249]. Art [652]. Arthur [416]. Artificial [4]. Aspect [294]. Aspekte [151]. Assessed [968]. Assessment [863]. Association [519, 568]. Assume [558]. Astray [764]. Astrid [754]. Astronomy [670]. Astroparticle [669]. Asymmetry [804]. Atkinson [470]. Atlanta [617]. Atomistik [413]. Atoms [574, 675]. Attempt [17, 500]. Attraction [938]. Attributive [428]. auch [205]. Aufbau [240, 261]. Aufkl¨arung [469]. Aufruf [757]. Aufs¨atze [552]. Aufstieg [352]. August [314, 190]. Ausblick [248]. Auseinandersetzung [87, 336]. Ausgang [473]. ausgehend [319]. ausgew¨ahlte [553]. Austria [898, 655]. Automata [682]. Auxiliary [472]. Axel [445]. Axiomatik [447]. Axioms [701]. Bacciagaluppi [972]. Back [13, 27, 45, 61, 74, 90, 103, 116, 147, 165, 180, 213, 237, 251, 278, 304, 326, 353, 366, 390, 417, 524, 535, 555, 572, 590, 604, 623, 640]. Balancetheorien [259]. Baldo [57]. Balzer [301]. Ban [331]. Band [942, 734, 475, 506, 570, 552, 770]. Barnes [273]. Barry [273]. Bartels [849]. Bas [963, 748, 789]. Based [902, 464, 4, 722, 906]. Basic [17, 833]. Basistexte [445]. Battles [884]. Bausteine [429]. Bayesian [830]. Bayesianist [410]. Bayesians [648]. Bd [850, 164]. Be [701, 360, 648, 750, 20, 798, 635, 426]. Beauty [522]. Because [875]. Beckermann [274]. Becoming [64]. bedeutsam [156]. Bedeutung [320, 413]. Before [896]. Begrenzungen [698]. Begriff [184, 841, 189]. Begriffe [184, 229, 575, 216]. Begriffsbildung [18]. Begriffsinhaltes [229]. Begr¨undung [329, 374, 323, 108]. Begr¨undungen [698]. Begr¨undungsanspr¨uche [616]. Behavior [919, 739]. Behavioral [766]. Behind [817]. Beijing [85]. Being [407, 701, 652]. Beispiel [323, 68, 259, 697, 257, 658]. Beitrag [289]. Beitr¨age [113, 552]. Bekoff [346]. Belief [451, 948, 796]. Beliefs [501]. Believe [285, 451]. Bell [154, 12]. Bemerkungen [6, 119, 188]. Beobachtungen [490]. Berechenbarkeit [373]. Bericht [245, 190]. Berkeley [741]. Berkeleys [741]. Berlin [712, 974]. Bernard [464]. Bernd [176]. Bernhard [336]. Bernulf [859]. Bertram [351]. Ber¨ucksichtigung [387]. Beschr¨ankungen [469]. Beschreibungen [290]. Best [896, 630, 871, 856, 829]. Bestandsaufnahme 4 [248, 533, 655]. Best¨atigung [119]. Bestimmung [229]. Better [829]. Between [902, 883, 752, 703, 972, 821, 909, 95, 107, 588, 944, 957, 833, 347, 939, 494, 233, 841, 139, 97, 99, 208, 614]. bewegenden [349]. Beweger [349]. Beweise [586]. Beweislastverteilung [372]. Beyond [583, 971, 258, 77, 965, 977]. Bezugnahme [332]. Biagioli [910]. Bias [968]. Bibliographie [523, 212, 459, 102, 194, 758, 224]. Bibliography [337, 430, 44, 773, 784, 758, 102]. Bielefeld [567]. Biener [811]. Biennial [587]. Big [424]. Bildverstehen [699]. Bildverwenden [699]. Bio [784]. Bio-bibliography [784]. Biochemical [583]. Biological [272, 768, 872, 932, 740, 157, 644, 832, 823, 898, 868]. Biologie [768, 268, 114]. Biologieunterricht [276]. Biologischen [768]. biologischer [185]. Biology [759, 926, 67, 932, 657, 98, 580, 346, 898, 768, 478]. biomedizinischen [184]. biotheoretischen [21]. Bird [532]. Birth [515, 19]. bis [245, 447]. Bivalent [407]. Bixby [464]. black [648]. Blame [678]. Blick [553]. Blind [831]. Bloor [273]. Bo [87]. Bo-Hyun [87]. B¨ohme [386]. Bohmsche [569]. B¨ohnert [964]. Bohr [911, 738, 530]. Boltzmann [413]. Bonn [533, 962]. Book [942, 636, 873, 712, 143, 246, 754, 620, 688, 12, 874, 534, 972, 689, 927, 875, 928, 755, 733, 57, 943, 144, 838, 811, 175, 820, 800, 944, 41, 365, 302, 812, 700, 801, 876, 756, 348, 521, 789, 550, 551, 11, 73, 735, 324, 507, 622, 977, 910, 346, 638, 929, 602, 208, 899, 900, 522, 72, 86, 192, 207, 222, 851, 347, 505, 901, 877, 600, 223, 930, 931, 273, 911, 978, 619, 601, 589, 734, 621, 635, 849, 697, 637, 658, 698, 699, 714]. Books [26, 60, 89, 131, 146, 211, 277, 303, 325, 431, 476, 525, 554, 603, 639, 715, 945, 790]. Bosons [665]. Boston [712]. Botanikers [388]. Bottin [57]. Bottles [839]. Boudry [929]. Bouillon [493]. Bourdieu [834]. Bouton [900]. Box [334]. Brad [978]. Brakel [347]. Brandes [247]. Braucht [168]. Braun [312]. Break [558]. Brendel [141]. Bridge [944]. Brief [780]. Brigitte [977]. British [174]. Br¨ucke [381]. Buchbesprechung [848, 849, 850]. B¨uhler [445]. Burgess [86]. C [963, 848, 601, 645]. calculus [741, 741]. Calendar [30]. Calibration [692]. call [757]. Calvo [638]. Cambridge [943, 978]. Can [673, 558, 701, 242, 857, 635, 949, 20, 426]. Cao [348]. Cardinality [724]. Care [854, 853]. Carl [208, 307, 523, 510, 800]. Carnap [282, 658, 485, 614, 486, 751]. Carrier [589]. Carroll [808]. Carsten [571]. Cartesianism [266]. Case [814, 717, 670, 174, 706, 498, 269, 937, 632, 644, 613, 671, 867, 627, 906]. Case-Study [174]. Cassirer [734, 282, 752, 910]. Casual [854]. Categoricalism [717]. Categories [787]. categorizability [81]. Causal [265, 664, 437, 849, 922, 612, 879, 662, 798, 875, 874, 637]. Causality [837, 759, 452, 455, 97]. Causation [645, 437, 828, 454, 467, 97]. Cause [875, 645]. Causes [960]. Cell [580]. Cellular [682]. Centenary [873]. Century [464, 578, 582, 911, 710]. Certainly [735]. Certainty [239]. Certitude [293]. Ceteris [827, 625]. Ch [58]. Challenge [472]. Challenges [607, 872, 618, 929]. Chalmers [785]. Chameleons [169]. Chance [36]. 5 Change [239, 926, 17, 764, 657, 140, 756, 766, 613, 824, 466, 619, 223]. Changing [321]. Chaos [151, 269, 158]. Character [866]. Charakter [349]. Charakteristik [571]. Charge [889]. Charles [636, 164]. Chasles [938]. Chatto [754]. Chellis [72]. Chemical [958, 671]. Chemie [236, 248]. Chemiebegr¨undung [122]. chemischer [185]. Chemistry [298, 719, 231, 347]. Chemla [928]. Chen [808]. Chervonenkis [541]. Chicago [839]. China [85, 244]. Chinesischzimmers [54]. Christian [850, 475, 637, 850]. Christiane [142]. Christoph [177]. Christophe [900]. Chronometerauswahl [406]. Church [331]. Church-Ban [331]. Circle [365]. Circulating [794]. Claims [626, 616]. Clarification [864]. Classic [839]. Classical [308, 976, 201, 667, 779]. Classification [281, 787]. Claudius [942]. Clauses [625]. Clerk [700]. Climate [943, 763, 718, 764, 765, 766, 762, 697]. Climatology [539]. Climenhaga [836]. Clocks [888]. Closed [668]. cloth [839]. Clouds [689]. Coexistence [706]. Cognition [702, 749, 622, 869, 505]. Cognitive [339, 241, 744, 107, 863, 457, 622, 346, 743]. Cognitive-Historical [339]. Coherence [670]. Cohnitz [520, 487]. Colin [346]. Collections [657]. colors [812]. Colour [970]. Comment [907, 470, 975].
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