•«-’> . -f . * » S,- -iV '- \. \ TUESDAY, APRIL 18, l9«l Average Daily Ne^ Press Run The Weather p a g e tW E N T Y For the Week Ended Forecast ot V, 8. Weather BurMQ UlanrljfHtpr lEufttittg H^ralb March n , 1D61 ^ Partly cloudy, Uttlo ehaaga tai 13,317 temporature tonight. Low In Me. St. Mary's Episcopal Guild willi Deme Starts ■y;ij meet in the Guild Room at the| Member ot the Audit niiiraday generaUy fair and About Town rhurch Thursday at 11 a.m. Mem-j Borean ot drealation warmer. High 5S to 60. hers are to bring .sandwiches, and To Construct 4 Manchester— A City of Village Charm MaachMter Lodge of Masons dessert will be funiished by Mrs. [RTERinC wlU b* host to memt^ra of John ; Gertrude Cannon, Mrs. Edith Mather Chapter, Order of DeMo-1 W’ickham and Mrs. Allan Hotch-; FM Station VOL. LXXX, NO. 169 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1961 (ClaMltled Adrertletaf on Page 22) PRICE FIVE CENTS lay^ tonight. The DeMolay degree j kiss. Have You An Evehi Scheduled wt>rk m-lU start at 7:30. with Mas­ Construction on FM broadcast­ ter Councilor John Krause presid- i Three exchange students at the tag. There will be a social hour and ■Cniversity of Hartford and Dr. ing facllittes In Bolton by radio That Calls For Food? " Pascal Poe. dean of the graduate refreahments. station W'INF will proceed im­ It may be a weddingi, a banquet or just an informal school, will present a program. mediately. station owner-manager "People and Customs of Foreign get-together of a society, lodge or some friendly group. StOTN' Circle, WSCS of South Lands ' at a meeting of Keeney John Deme said today. WE ARE PREPARED TO SERVE YOU Methodist Church, will meet to­ PTA tonight at S o'clock. Tlie stir- The last roadblock was cleared ; morrow at 10:30 am. at Wesley dents.will be Vasilios Kiritsts of Monday when the Federal Com­ TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION Cuban Exiles Report Invaders in Linkup Hall. Greece. Robert Foo of China and munications Commission granted Our catering service is set up to be^ flexible enough to Sam Akesson of the Republic of the station permission to change Delta Chapter. Royal Arch Ma- Ghana; Africa. Refre.shnients will its antenna site within Bolton so accommodate any size gathering. Why not call us and •ona. will meet tomorrow at 7:30 be semed after the program. talk over the details? p.m. at the Masonic Temple. After more area would be available for a abort business meeting, the future development. Committees planning for the, Deme said the original planned Mark Master Mason degree will be Manchester Fire and Police Ath-. conferred. Ralph Clifford, excel- site was at Mt. Sumner, cast of letlc Association dance, scheduled Bolton Center Rd. The new site is 'v ^ t ecribe. will preside. : for Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a m ., With Guerrillas in Escambray Mountains west of the same street, about G arden G rove i at the Manchester Armory, will three-quarters of a mile nearer ''TOe Polish W om b's Alliance. I meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. a t' TELEPHONES Ml 9-5313— Ml 9-5314 N o /^ 6 . will meet tomorrow at Manchester and Hartford. I Firehouse No. 1 on Pine St. Final It Is somewhat lower than the 7:30 pm. at the Poliah American plans will be made for the first aub. \ first location, but a taller antenna Boston Pilot Killed ' anmml dance, from which pro­ will give the FM station the Same i State News ceeds will be used to help finance range as has been planned. I There w-iUNM no setback tonight sports activities for more than <00 Air Raids in Havana, at the Elks H<me. Play will re­ When it goes on the air, listen- i bovs and girls in Manchester. ers throughout this state and in i sume next TuesileS'- Tickets for the dance may be pur-. Roundup sections of Massachiusetts, New I Castro’s Cams Down chased from town firemen and York and Rhode Island will be Fight at Castro Base policemen. able to hear It. l i i h ^ Deme said today land is already I Mr and Mrs. J H. Kcnneally being cleared for new building to tw H A T IS THE 57 to 65 By ■raE ASSOCIATED PBF.SS Jr. 21 Willard Rd.. are in charge house the FM broadcasting equip­ American in Plane UsmI Reffigeraio>t I of tickets for a dinner-dance to be ment at the new site The New Inva.sion forces have linked up with guerrillas in the Es­ sponsored by. the Holy Innocents England Tower Co. of Brandon, Hartford, April 19 {IP)— cambray Mountains of Central Cuba and completed the first .Guild of the Confraternity of Vt„ has been hired to erect the Miami, Fla., April 19 (/P)— .^ments, including Social Security Overhauled and Teeted X^nstian Doctrine at Waveiiy The State Motor Vehicle De­ phase of their drive to topple Fidel Castro, Cuban exiles re­ 279-foot antenna. i The Cuban National Radio card 014-07-6921. partment’s daily record of au Cheshire, on May 2. Station headquarters and stu­ The Cuban communique said ported today. 0 QF said today government anti­ that Bell's plane waa one of four tomobile accidents as of last dios will remain in Manchester, as Rebel planes struck at Havana and Cuban Air Force head- ThkColdcn Age Club \Vill meet aircraft batteries shot dowm a downed today, bringing to nine the midnight and the totals on Potterton's Thursdlvv at 2 p.m at the F.ast will equipment for AM (ordinary) (luarters. ISO Center St.—Cor. of Church radio broadcasting. United States “ military air­ total of antl-Caatro aircraft the same date last year: Cuba’s radio said four plaices were shot down, one of them Side Rei\weathcr permitting, RESEARCH? claimed to have been shot down I960 1961 CARCER craft” and killed its pilot, de­ a Nortli American militarj^^rpraft piloted by an American A scribed as a United States since the start of the 3-day old Accidents ..10,6.55 11,708 (Est.) V \ invasion. Killed 7 ........ .57 65 who was killed. ' These music scholarship winners, pausing on a gay note, are Stan­ citizen. ley Sholik. violinist; Mias Georgeann Minder, soprano, and Mi.ss This was the first formal claim Injured ___ 6.382 6,3.33 (Est.) Trouble appeared brewing at the Plaza de Guanabo Naval P To Control Cancer By: The broadcast said this proved Rase 25 miles east of Havana. Castro’s radio said intense fir­ Eileen Sullivan, clarinetist. The scholaislijp.s were awarded by United States intervention In the (Continued on Page Ten) THE FRIENDLY, CIRCLE Three Win the Chaminade Music Club of Manchester. (Hcrld photo by S-day-oId Cuban invasion. Driver Killed ing had broken out there, but gave no explanation. Norwalk. April 19 i/P)—A 34- Otiaral. The communique said the plane, The linkup of the invaders and guerrillas in the old revolu­ 1. CURING IT! one of four shot down today, had year-old electrical engineer was tionary battleground of Escambray was reported by the Cu­ Sojourn at been bombing government troops Cuba Executes killed today when his car struck ban Revolutionary Council in New York. and civilians in the south central an abutment of a bridge which RUMMAGE SALE Chaminade spring concert. She prano and has studied piano for crosses the Merritt Parkway about Guerrillas in the mountains have been holding out despite 3. PREVENING IT! area of Cuba. The only confirmed Music Camp has studied clarinet for six years. , .six years. She hopes to enter the 100 feet east of Stamford Rd. months of attempts by Castro’s army and People’s militia to plays alto sax in the school dance Jiiltna hartt School of Music and landing of the antl-Castro forcea Two Americans ______ I OR Monday was in the same area. He was Robert J. Almond, 12 dislodge them. They once numbered up to 5,000 men but how WED., April 19-6:30 P.M. band, and is a beginner student of also wants to teach music in high Crocus Lane. Norwalk, who was Three Manchester' High School | the piano. Miss Sullivan plans to school. The pilot of the United States many remain is unknown. student.s will be awarded one-! Miami, Fla., April 19 —A Cu­ westbound Headed for Springdale AMERICAN LEGION HALL 11 tend Western. Connecticut Col­ Sholik. a sophomore, is a vio­ plane was Identified as Leo Fran­ The invasion force landed wee^scholai*ships to attend Lamal ■ 2. ARRESTING IT! cis Bell, 48 Beacon Street, Boston. ban government broadcast today at the time of the accident. Nor­ .swampy beaches Monday about 80 lege at Danbury and hopes to be- linist and plays in the Manches­ said two Americans were shot by walk hospital officials said death I.EONARI) STREET .Mii.sic'^amp in Winsled thi.s sum-i •ome a nmslc teacher in junior ter High School orchestra. He at­ The Cuban report, though describ­ miles west of the Escambray Rebel Invasion riier by the Chaminadc Music Club firing sqiiad.s which also executed waa caused by extensive head In­ Mountains. high or high school. tended Laurel ijusic Camp last ing the aircraft as "a North seven Cubans. of Manchtteter. it was announced 1 American military airplane,” did juries. Reporting the linkup, a com­ Miss 'Minder, a junior, is a so­ vear.
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