BS3 VOL 2G_1511-1634 9/7/07 10:07 PM Page 1511 References This reference list of over 5,800 entries is sorted alphabetically using the same ALEXANDER, W.B., FLOWER, W.U. & KINNEAR, M.I. 1951. Isabelline conventions as those used in the Migration Atlas. Single-author references are Shrike on the Isle of May: a new British bird. British Birds 44: 217-219. sorted first by surname, second by the author’s full initials and, third, by year ALKER, P.J. & REDFERN, C.P.F. 1996. Double brooding and polygyny in of publication. Where there are two co-authors, sorting follows the order ‘first Sedge Warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus breeding in north-west England. author, second author, year’. Where there are three or more co-authors, Bird Study 43: 356-363. references in the text are in the form ‘Author et al. 2002’. So that such ALLAN, R.W. 1958. Numerous Long-eared Owls in Aberdeenshire. Scottish references can be more readily located, they are listed by first author and year, Birds 1: 17. with the names of second and subsequent authors, which the reader would not ALLEN, G. 1993. The changing status of wintering waterfowl at the Loch of know until consulting this list, given lower priority in the sorting process. Skene. North-East Scotland Bird Report 1992: 4-10. Wherever possible all publications by the same author have been grouped and ALLEN, G.T., CAITHAMER, D.F. & OTTO, M. 1999. A review of the status of correctly sorted even when the author has used more than one set of initials. greater and lesser scaup in North America. Unpublished report. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Management, Washington, D. C. The editors believe that this reference list is the most comprehensive ever ALLISON, E.P. 1989. The bird bones. In: Morris, C.D. (ed.) The Birsay Bay published on Scottish birds and that it is a valuable resource and research tool. Project. Monograph Series No.1. Department of Archaeology, University of It includes a near-complete listing of papers from Annals of Scottish Natural Durham, Durham. History, Scottish Naturalist and Scottish Birds together with those selected by the ALLISON, E.P. 1995. Bird bone. In: Morris, C.D., Batey, C.E. & Rackam, species authors. References for the introductory sections are listed at the end D.J. (eds) Freswick Links, Caithness: excavation and survey of a Norse settlement. of each chapter. A digital copy of this reference list is available for download Historic Scotland. on the SOC website www.the-soc.org.uk. ALLISON, E.P. 1997. Bird bones. In: Buteaux, S. (ed.) Settlements at Skaill, Deerness, Orkney. British Archaeological Report, British Series 260. Frequently-cited references are abbreviated and italicised in the text (e.g. University of Birmingham, Birmingham. B&R) and these are listed immediately after the editors’ preface. ALLISON, F.R., MEIKLEJOHN, M.F.M. & WATERSTON, G. 1959. American Golden Plover on Fair Isle. Scottish Birds 1: 68-70. A ALLPORT, A.M. & CARROLL, D. 1989. Little Bitterns breeding in South ABLETT, A. 1960. Dowitcher in East Lothian. Scottish Birds 1: 330. Yorkshire. British Birds 82: 442-446. ADAIR, P. 1892a. On the former abundance of Quail (Coturnix communis, ALLPORT, G., O’BRIEN, M. & CADBURY, C.J. 1986. Breeding Redshanks Bonnaterre) in Wigtownshire. Annals of Scottish Natural History 1892: 168-171. survey on saltmarshes 1985. Unpublished report. RSPB, Sandy. ADAIR, P. 1892b. The Short-eared Owl (Asio accipitrinus, Pallas) and the ALLPORT, G.A. 1991. The feeding ecology and habitat requirements of over Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, Linnaeus) in the vole plague districts. Annals of wintering Western Taiga Bean Geese (Anser fabalis fabalis). Unpublished PhD Scottish Natural History 1892: 219-231. thesis, University of East Anglia. ADAIR, P. 1893. Quail (Coturnix communis) in Wigtownshire in 1892. Annals ALSTON, C.H. 1913. The Jay in Argyll. Scottish Naturalist 1913: 43-44. of Scottish Natural History 1893: 45. ALSTRÖM, P. 1984. Sabine’s Gulls in winter in Sweden. British Birds 77: 122. ADAIR, P. 1895. Wigeon breeding in Selkirkshire. Annals of Scottish Natural ALSTRÖM, P. 1985. Artbestamning av. Atorskarv Phalocrocorax carbo och History 1895: 231-233. toppskarv P. aristotelis. Vår Fågelvärld 44: 325-350. ADAM, A. 1958. Collared Doves in Morayshire. Scottish Birds 1: 37. ALSTRÖM, P. 1991. Identification of Double-crested Cormorant. Birding ADAM, A., CRAWFORD, W., HEWSON, R., RAFFAN, A. & RICHTER, R. World 4: 9-16. 1957. Collared Doves nesting in Scotland. Scottish Naturalist 1957: 188-189. ALSTRÖM, P. & MILD, K. 1996. The identification of Rock, Water and ADAM, R.G. 1981. High incidence of ring recoveries from Long-eared Owl Buff-bellied Pipits. Alula 2: 161-175. pellets. Scottish Birds 11: 166-167. ALSTRÖM, P., MILD, K. & ZETTERSTRÖM, B. 2003. Pipits and Wagtails of ADAM, R.G. & BOOTH, C.J. 1999. The breeding birds of Auskerry, Orkney, Europe, Asia and North America. Christopher Helm, London. 1969-1998. Scottish Birds 20: 1-5. ALSTRON, C.H. 1913. Gadwall in Caithness. Scottish Naturalist 1913: 20. ADAM, R.G. & MEEK, E.R. 1994. Did Marsh Warblers Acrocephalus palustris ALVES, M.A.S. 1993. Breeding ecology and behaviour of a colonial breed in Orkney in 1993? Orkney Bird Report 1993: 73-76. hirundine: a study of the Sand Martin Riparia riparia using DNA fingerprinting. ADRIAENS, P. 1999. The American Black Tern in Co. Dublin. Birding World Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Stirling. 12: 378-379. AMAR, A., PICOZZI, N., MEEK, E.R., REDPATH, S.M. & LAMBIN, X. AEBISCHER, N.J. & WANLESS, S. 1992. Relationships between colony size, 2005. Decline of the Orkney Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus population: do adult non-breeding and environmental conditions for Shags Phalacrocorax changes to demographic parameters and mating system fit a declining food aristotelis on the Isle of May, Scotland. Bird Study 39: 43-52. hypothesis? Bird Study 52: 18-24. AEBISCHER, N.J., GREEN, R.E. & EVANS, A.D. 2000. From science to AMAT, J.A. & SORIGUER, R.C. 1984. Kleptoparasitism of Coots by recovery: four case studies of how research has been translated into conser- Gadwalls. Ornis Scandinavica 15: 188-194. vation action in the UK. In: Aebischer, N.J., Evans, A.D., Grice, P.V. & AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION (AOU). 1983. Check-list of North Vickery, J.A. (eds) Ecology and Conservation of Lowland Farmland Birds. pp 43- American birds. 6th Edition. American Ornithologists’ Union. 54. BOU, Tring. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION (AOU). 1998. The Check-list of North AERC. See Association of European Rarities Committees. American Birds: the species of birds of North America from the Arctic through Panama, AGUILAR, J.S. 1997. Biología y conservación de la Pardela Balear Puffinus including the West Indies and the Hawaiian Islands. 7th Edition. American mauretanicus. Documents Tècnics de Conservació 2 (2). Ornithologists’ Union, Ithaca. AINSLIE, J.A. & ATKINSON, R. 1937a. On the breeding habits of Leach’s ANDERSON, A. 1955. Barn Owls in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Naturalist 1955: Fork-tailed Petrel. British Birds 30: 234-248. 114-115. AINSLIE, J.A. & ATKINSON, R. 1937b. On the breeding habits of Leach’s ANDERSON, A. 1961. The breeding of the Starling in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Fork-tailed Petrel: a supplementary note on American observations. British Naturalist 1961: 60-74. Birds 30: 276-277. ANDERSON, A. 1962. Cranes in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Birds 2: 245-246. AIRD, J. 1909. Little Crake in Ayrshire. Annals of Scottish Natural History ANDERSON, A. 1963. Montagu’s Harrier in Aberdeenshire. Scottish Birds 2: 478. 1909: 185. ANDERSON, A. 1965. Moorhens at Newburgh. Scottish Birds 3: 230-233. AITKEN, A.S. 1979. Carrion Crow taking Blue Tit. Scottish Birds 10: 182. ANDERSON, A., BAGENAL, T.B., BAIRD, D.E. & EGGELING, W.J. 1961. A ALDERFER, J. 2006. Complete Birds of North America. National Geographic description of the Flannan Isles and their birds. Bird Study 8: 71-88. Society, Washington. ANDERSON, D.I.K. & PETTY, S.J. 1996. Population growth and breeding ALERSTAM, T. 1990. Bird Migration. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. of Mandarin Aix galericulata in Cowal, Argyll. Argyll Bird Report 12: 82-84. ALEXANDER, H.G., ALEXANDER, W.B., KNOWLES, C. & LEACH, E.P. ANDERSON, G.Q.A., GRUAR, D.J., WILKINSON, N.I. & FIELD, R.H. 1952. Wryneck in Inverness-shire. Scottish Naturalist 1952: 117. 2002. Tree Sparrow Passer montanus chick diet and productivity in an ALEXANDER, I. & CRESSWELL, B. 1990. Foraging by Nightjars Caprimulgus expanding colony. Aspects of Applied Biology 67: 35-42. europaeus away from their nesting areas. Ibis 132: 568-574. ANDERSON, J.A., RINTOUL, L.J. & BAXTER, E.V. 1920. Occurrences of ALEXANDER, W.B. & LACK, D. 1944. Changes in status among British the American Wigeon in Scotland. Scottish Naturalist 1920: 13-14. breeding birds. British Birds 38: 42-45, 62-69, 82-88. ANDERSON, J.J. 1967. Hybrid Tufted Duck x Pochard in Edinburgh. Scottish Birds 4: 553- 554. Forrester, Andrews et al. 1511 BS3 VOL 2G_1511-1634 9/7/07 10:07 PM Page 1512 ANDERSON, P. 1897. Common Scoter breeding in the Inner Hebrides. ANON. 1902. Great Snipe at Castle Douglas. Annals of Scottish Natural History Annals of Scottish Natural History 1897: 252. 1902: 54. ANDERSON, P. 1908. Probable nesting of the White Wagtail in the N. W. ANON. 1903. Current literature. Annals of Scottish Natural History 1903: Highlands. Annals of Scottish Natural History 1908: 253. 190-192. ANDERSON, P. 1911. Short-eared Owls at Tiree. Annals of Scottish Natural ANON. 1905. Occurrence of the Pacific Eider Duck in Orkney. Annals of History 1911: 116-117. Scottish Natural History 1905: 183-184. ANDERSON, P. 1913. The birds of the Island of Tiree. Scottish Naturalist 1913: ANON. 1906. Current literature. Annals of Scottish Natural History 1906: 245- 73-78, 169-172, 193-200, 217-224, 241-245.
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