Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons The Maine Broadcaster Local History Collections 6-1949 The Maine Broadcaster : June 1949 (Vol. 5, No. 6) Maine Broadcasting System (WCSH Portland, ME) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/mainebroadcaster . ub.OC I :L,v~ T B E U':-Vau - MAINE BROADCASTEh PUBLISHED AS AN AID TO BETTER RADIO LISTENING :&f ftllak Vol. V. No. 6 Portland, Maine, June, 1949 Price Fivt SHIMER REPLACEMENTS JOIN NBC LINEU. aul Gill Hit On Network Nelson Eddy-Dorothy Kirsten Symphony Will ad Video In N. Y. Showing Co-Star In Music Hall Series Occupy Sunda~ il G ill ana his wrsatile talen ts, notified that he was sch eduled for the ntnrl" re- :rvcd for· " 'CSH and Talent Scours program o f 1Vfoy 23. Evening Hour ~ B, , .icAsrin_g System audi­ Assigned co the third spot on the . ~amcJ 1taQAn.wide attention nl'cwork show. which also is seen Outstan~ing network pr ograms axe high pr,isc for his recent appear- via CBS rdevision, Gill w:is intro­ rak1111{ 1hcll' plae,·s in rhe , HC sum­ mer schcdalc as rncarfon substitutes 111\ .,rthur CoJfrev's T alent duced to G o dfrey b) the former 's for some of the winter season shows ut"' on CTIS. ,Radio Daily , Je:id­ brother-111-law Lewis Youngs of ldio an,J, television trade paper, Bangor, .ind proceeded fro m thern whose stars and rop performers go on v:ic arion in the warmer months. al l\otcwmtlw cributc co the l\lfoinc wirh his besr imitations. H e firsr The chwgcs already arc underway man •rtlh rhe · observation chat Gill simulated Godfrev himself, then went ,111d more ll'ill be in o rder duri ng u11tlo1 1,rcdh had contribmed some­ on to Amos 'n' Andv. \ V inston this mcmtl, and next. thinl? b• .-idcr ,,rostramminll' with his Churchill and Jack Bennv's "Roches­ A sponso r new ro the N BC net­ ralcnc, for mimic,! •1f famn.w.;...J:)eO- ter'', and wound up with a brie f in­ rcrprccatio n of his own Uncle T-1 czzie w ork', tho ugh long-c~tahljshl'd in ple. radiu, the United tares Steel Cor­ character. G ill is regularly heard o n \VCSH porntion, will j(>in the ro~tcr soo n From the applause that greercd ear lv mornings as a dise jockey, later w ith a Sunduy evening hour, R..l O ,., him at the close of each imitation .,s Vnclt' l Jera ic in The Ttadi1w 9.30, prog rammed by the N TjC Sym­ and the close of his act, it was hard Post, :igainr· rhc late nftcrno11n o;; p ho ny Orchestra. Jn t he corni11g for \lainc l istcners to understand \\"fl l)O an \\'LBZ in a \ 'is\C W ith F,111, U. S. Steel will µi,cs.:nt its · Jn• a young c rooner, heard first on :.Jnde Hezzie. and on ~rurday highly-n,tcd Thea GuilJ hnur, program, and not Gill, was de­ •nuns i11 Qi-,tlc Tlczzic's S.1turda\' ,h. offering somo of rlw hcst plays in \ 'i~ir ory r!,c Farm. · dtr,:d ·win ner ,imong rhe four con­ ndio unde1· recognized prnclutt ion tcst,n,ts he d. Ir all' smrted w hen Gjll was in­ experts, , ~h1~•·,( to scud a rr:1nscrlpriur1 nf h is Gill i~ in his rcgul:ir \ VCSH Already established for rhc "11111- 11mtat1ons t t, Archur (l':oJ fre,. .~s and MeQS ows, hut nssociaces 11re S H A HE ~:·PO TLIG HT- Sopruno Dorothy Kirsten and baritone Nelson Eddy mer in the 7.00-7.30 Sunda,• even in!{ 1 sulr, ht was call ed 11:0 '-cw York betting dtdt ·s fornr.,blc 1·1,cices in perio d fornwrly occupied bv H orac~i ,llld audit;oncd, and gh·cn :1ss•1ranc1: Qr<: co-star red in all-musicol ,,crie~ of Kraft Music Hall sturtin!l t his month ~he tra <le pr . mav whet rhe curios_ over NRC. Tbis wil he E ddy', third senson and Miss Kir> ten's oecond o n the Heidt js the ad vcn1u re sro.rv series, rT he v oulc' be ac&prcd f ·: G od- /t it} of program ~uildcrs in New York ~ummer series . R ichard l1i;;111ond, Pr ivate Dctecci vc frc)"~ T 1lcn. Scouts sh0\1 , rhough or dscwhcrc and rhat he mav vcr ~rnrring screen luminary Dick Powel!. prol.1bly nm 1,cfott ~ Fall. f-le re1~i,·e II caU,. J~J1igger fields, 'lik~lv Twll disringuished singers, Li~.ri. Robert Armbruster is musical con ­ Outstanding musically will be the •1·as surprised ear last n onrh to be rclc~ision, · tune Nelson l:.ddy and sopran,1 Dor­ d,1ctor 11f rhc K,\IH series wi:h Ede~ return of Nelson Ec!dv, famed bari­ och · Kirsten, :ire srarring again i.n .ind 1\ Iiss K irsten. · tone and D orothy Ki~ 1,-9,,-JJ~ lWg.... Kraft ~ lu~ic Hall's all-musical series soprano. tu Kraft Music Arthur. Fiedler True To on '\BC l,q;i,rning T hur~,lay, J une 2 cur~ep~,,, ~ .~, , 9.()0 to 9JO (Q,/)O ), m. U} I' , l. 1r \IOUS T "' · • • .~ . -t Jol~"r 1'11 89~ks, "'SUlrtmer matus. µ1ogram A substitution of real in1pom nce ~crinn vf rhe- 13osc-0n Sym1lhony. .\kl\• 26. A~e Rep..orter, tak~ pluce in the near frittn•~-no.. 11- ---' ~"l""'.ll!!"'"'lx== mi In 19 18, after a brief period in the T his is l!dcly's rh ,• .l season, and Y()ur Bir Parn de, when Hill Harring- .\.rmy, he r cturnt•tl m the o rchestra ,\I iss Kfrstc,i.'s s,•, 111, on l{M H . Joins NBC News ton rakes <11·cr in placi: of F ral\k as a 1tiolist, He remained in the ,\I iss l< irHcn, in -.ddir.ion rn r.i;r re­ Sinatra, V1 •ntl isr Eileen '\Vilson viola section of that orchestra until gular appearanns on lhc shf.w last George H icks, noted rnJjo news will be retained, hut Mar k \IV:m1u\\ 's several seasons after he had become s11111111cr, ha~ made frcqucm visits to • and special events repo rter, has join­ orchestra n:rurns to the program pe rmanent cond uctor of t he Boston the pro!!rnn, at Jolson's guest in, the .:d rhc st:1 ff of the BC News and after prolonged absence, and a n ew P(1ps Orchestra in 1930. past year. Spt•cial E venrs dcp:irtmcnr. mixed chor us has been added, the Tn January, 1942, t he dapper con­ b h~v. r:idic , ~erecn ~nd co ncert Hicks, who h:1s been in rad io all Hit P araders. his adult life, is wcll -k1Jown for Jijs ductor, who had heen 011e of Bos­ scar.. has appc:ircd ofren :1,~ gu.csc Guy Lombardo's famous orchestra ton's most eligible bachelors, was soloist on ~ HC\ T clcnl,unc Hour rci;ordings made aboard a command tilccs over for Phil H arris and Alice married en Ellen Bottomley. Fiedler hroa(,c:i~ts. Mi., Kirsi~), j5 one of craft just before, during and im- r aye o n their Sunday evening time is both a sullurbanite and° cosmopo• the Merropolirn, -<.)per<!' Comp:tn\,'s 111cdiatel y afrcr t he D -day landings from 7.30 to 8.00. T he H arriscs will lice. H e is an honomry police and n1nsc noted ~n ists. · 011 Normandy beaches, one of which rcrurn in the Pal l. fire chief. T oday Vicdler is one of brought ro i·adin audic11ccs for the The George 0 . H anlon show. a the best known c itizens of Boston first rime rhe actual sounds of the w ar newcomer, w ill be heard Tuesdays and a n internatio nal figure. H is in Europe. at 8.30 p. m. in place o f the Alan broadcasts w it h the "P op$" orches­ flicks is s1:ttecl ro lie among the 30 Young program. Bob Hope and t ra on NBC's R CA \'ictor Show and reporrcrs and corrospundenrs w ho Fihher McGee and MC1llv w ill take his recordings for RCA Viccor have will go to Euwpc this month co rake their summer vacatio ns, and it is not 11111de F iedler and the Boston Pops part in hrnadcasts commcmo(ating delinirely k nown as yet who will familiar wherever music is hc,lrd. t11e fifrh anniversary of the invasion rl'ulacc them. Pcunlc Arc Funnv at Fiedler starred a new idea when he of Nor111a11dv. P l~ns call foe the IO.~ O T t1esdays will gjve way for the established the open-air concerts on playing of pa;·ts of rhe records made summer to :1 new progrnm. A L ife rhc Esplanade of rhe Charil's Ri,·er. by H icks during rhe invasion on D . In Your H ands. Morton Downey, These free concerts were instituted clay, to he foll owed liy his description w hn sings T11csdavs, T hursdays and Arthur F iedler hy F iedler to bring music to t he of rhc same :ircas as they are today. S:1t urdavs at 11.1 5 p. m. will he off 111:rnv t housands of Boston residents Among H ick's fumre major as­ rhc airlines for the war m months, ' \\'hat's m a nam_c? " the poet who had not heard the concerts in signments w ill be reporting on t he n,rnrning in rhc Fall.
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