,--------------------------------------------~---- ------------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 41: ISSUE 87 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19,2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Brown, Braun elected new student leaders Senate decides run-off tie in Confusion over Constitution closed meeting by 15-13 vote causes problems for senators BySONIARAO By KAITLYNN RIELY News Writer Assistant News Editor After a drawn-out election process, a Senators had to deal with more than just elec­ decision on who will be next year's stu­ tion drama during Sunday night's closed meet­ dent body president and vice president ing, after it came to light that they had been was reached Sunday. working from a copy of the Student Union Student body presidential candidate Liz Constitution with incorrect instructions for the Brown and vice presidential candidate tie-breaking procedure. Maris Braun defeated Danny Smith and Prior to the conclusion of voting in Thursday's Ashley Weiss by a 15-13 vote Sunday night run-off election for student body president, in a closed Student Senate meeting. Brown Student Activities Office Director Brian Coughlin and Braun will assume their positions discovered that the copy of the Student Union April 1. Constitution given to senators at the beginning Because neither Brown and Braun nor of their terms contained the wrong description contenders Smith and Weiss received the of voting protocol for a closed meeting of the 50 percent plus one of the student vote Senate, student body vice president Bill required to seal the election in the run-off, Andrichik said. the Student Union Constitution required Since neither candidates liz Brown and Maris the decision to be made in a closed meet- Observer Braun nor Danny Smith and Ashley Weiss Current student body president Lizzi Shappell, left, congratulates newly see WINNER/page 8 elected president Uz Brown after Sunday's closed Senate meeting. see SENATE/page 8 Female officials: Power at ND wielded not only by men University's top women say bylaw restricting presidency to priest does not hinder their advancement American Council on Education tion, they said. By AMANDA MICHAELS found that 23 percent of college "[The bylaw] absolutely does Assistant News Editor presidents were women, up have an effect - but the effect ';;"' .. ~- from 9.5 percent in 1986. to me is not on how leadership / Media coverage surrounding Notre Dame, however, will can therefore be expressed by the Feb. 11 election of Drew never join this trend. University women," said Carolyn Woo, Gilpin Faust to the top spot at bylaws state the president must dean of the Mendoza College of Harvard University focused on always be a priest and a mem­ Business. "I think it's why we're one fact and one fact only - ber of the Indiana Province of able to maintain the whole that Drew Gilpin Faust is a the Congregation of Holy Cross. Catholic mission and identity. If woman. Yet several of the highest we didn't have [a priest as a Faust became the first female ranking women at Notre Dame University president] it would president in Harvard's 371-year said this rule doesn't bother be very difficult to carry that history last Sunday, bringing them, and does not restrict DNA." the total number of Ivy League power so much as it encourages Woo said to view Notre schools with women at the helm the University's mission of pro­ Dame's situation only as one in to four, including the University viding a faith-based campus which a woman can never be of Pennsylvania, Princeton environment. In short, it head of the University limits the University and Brown insures that the University stays $3 University. A 2006 survey by the its course as a Catholic institu- see WOMEN I page 4 ll'mltl JARRED WAFER/Observer Graphic 'Monologues' aims to stir debate 'Loyal Daughters' to Annual SMC event addresses hard topics change hands, title about 50 to 60 interviews to By KAITLYNN RIELY collect the information and sto­ By KELLY MEEHAN Assistanr News Editor ries she needed. Van Mill, who Sainr Mary's Editor will write a revised script over With the goal of making the summer, said she hopes to Inflammatory stereo­ "Loyal Daughters" an annual do between 30 and 40 inter­ types, abortion and eating production at Notre Dame, views, since she will not com­ disorders were just some senior Emily Weisbecker and pletely rewrite this year's ver­ of the heavy issues the sophomore Sarah Van Mill are sion. third annual SMC now interviewing a new wave Van Mill sent out several Monologues addressed of students and faculty mem­ mass e-mails earlier in the this weekend. bers with stories about sex, semester to announce she was The College's version of sexuality and sexual violence. conducting confidential inter­ Eve Ensler's "The Vagina "Loyal Daughters," a play views with students and faculty Monologues" drew a that featured skits based on from Notre Dame, Saint Mary's crowd of about 125 during interviews with members of and Holy Cross. the Friday and Saturday the Notre Dame community, "When we first started send­ KATE FENLON!The Observer night performances. The premiered in November. ing them out ... just the next Junior actress Sara Nielsen rehearses for the SMC Monologues Weisbecker, who wrote the last Monday in Carroll Auditorium. see SMC/page 6 script, said she conducted see PLAY/page 6 -- - -------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Monday, February 19, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT'S THE BEST PLACE TO TAKE PARENTS OVER JPW? And the list goes on ... The following is a list of 65 people who would have made better choices for cornuaencementspeakerthanGeneral Electric's Jeffrey Immelt. No offense to Brandon Faus Mariana Montes Noel Carson Patrick Hill Paul Goedde Ryan Sarb Mr. Immelt, but this is a Notre Dame junior junior senior senior senior junior graduation, not a Amanda lecture at Mendoza. Morrissey Lyons Fisher off campus O'Neill off campus I didn't put any Michaels research into this Assistant "We hit up "My parents "We enjoyed "My parents "/took them "We went to list, so please, spare News Editor Mikado's for stood me up. " Second City." didn't come. " " me the e-mails back to my CJ's. about how so-and-so is booked until sake bombs. " room. All right." 2009 or stopped speaking in public 15 years ago. I'm just trying to encourage the University to aim a little higher in choosing someone to send its seniors off into the world. In no particular order: l.Bono 2. Martin Sheen 3. Barack Obama 4. Bill Clinton 5. Dick Ebersol 6. Jon Stewart IN BRIEF 7. Stephen Colbert 8. Bob Geldorf 9. Oprah Architect Michael Dennis will 10. JK Howling give a lecture entitled "Between 11. Kofi Annan (Sure, he spoke here in Bombs and Blobs: The Search 2000, but he owes us one) for Contemporary Urban 12. Steven Spielberg Architecture" today at 4:30 p.m. 13. Steve Jobs in 104 Bond Hall. Dennis spe­ 14. Bill Gates cializes in creating award-win­ 15. AI Gore ning academic buildings and 16. Hillary Clinton masterplans for top universities 17. Nancy Pelosi throughout the United States. 18. Angelina Jolie 19. Rudy Giuliani There will be a panel discus­ 20. Melinda Gates sion on "Imaging War: From 21. Alan Greenspan Vietnam to Iraq" Tuesday at 22. Madeleine Albright 4::~0 p.m. in the Annenberg 23. Diane Sawyer Auditorium of the Snite 24. Brian Williams Museum of Art. Diana Matthias, 25. Bob Woodward curator or education and aca­ 26. Jerome Bettis demic programs at the Snite, will 27. Jodie Foster moderate a panel comprised of 28. Meryl Streep members of the University com­ 29. Tom Brokaw munity inducting U.S. Army Lt. 30. George Lucas Col. Kelly Jordan, writing pro­ 31. Teresa Heinz-Kerry gram adjunct instructor David ANDREW STEVESffhe Observer 32. Sister Helen Prejean Griffith and doctoral candidate Parents of O'Neill juniors enjoy lunch in the dorm Saturday afternoon during one of Todd Thorpe. 33.SamuelL.Jackson many events held over Junior Parents Weekend. 34. Daniel Craig 35. Maya Angelou Author Lance Olsen will read 36. Anna Quindlen from his book "Nietzsche's 37. Maureen Dowd Kisses" Tuesday night at 7:30 in 38. Katie Couric OFFBEAT the Hospitality Room of 39. Archbishop Desmond Tutu Reekers. 40. Sandra Day O'Connor English duckling born not survive in the wild, the meat for a pastor 41. Ray Bradbury with four legs but Janaway, who runs taco, a variety of the This Wednesday marks the 42. Steve Carel! LONDON - Webbed feet the Warrawee Duck Farm Mexican dish that consists beginning of the Lenten season 43. Kiefer Sutherland, in character run in Stumpy's family, in New Forest, says he is of pork squashed onto a for Christians. Mass will be cele­ 44. Elie Wiesel but he's the first to have doing well. stake, weighed 3.9 tons brated at the Basilica of the 45. Clint Eastwood four of them. "He's eating and surviv­ and was 13 feet high, Sacred Heart at 11:30 a.m. and 46. Bill Murray A rare mutation has left ing so far, and he is run­ Mexican government 5:15p.m. 47. Aaron Sorkin the eight-day-old duckling ning about with those news agency Notimex 48. Barbara Kingsolver with two nearly full-sized extra legs acting like sta­ reported. As part of the Foreign Film 49. Elaine Chao legs behind the two he bilizers," Janaway said. Officials from the Series, "Milagros: Made in 50. Judy Woodruff runs on. Nicky Janaway, a Guinness Book of World Mexico" will be shown 51.
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