+2FA&*$J2D&4*H2$K4AL2 !"##$%&'()*$+,-$+./$01 .2**2$3)4,2-$56$78"#9 :";!<$!9"=;>?; :"##<7"0=;>?;$ .@*AB2C2D,E2F,*)(GH&I ADULT DAY CARE __________ 2 INFORMATION & REFERRAL 15 AGING SERVICES __________ 2 INSURANCE _____________ 15 CANCER INFORMATION _____ 2 LEGAL SERVICES __________ 16 CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE __ 2 MEDICAL SUPPLIES _______ 16 CHILDREN’S SERVICES ______ 3 MEDICAID ______________ 16 CLOTHING & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 3 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES _ 16 CONSUMER INFORMATION __ 4 NEWSPAPERS ____________ 17 DENTAL SERVICES (Free/Low Cost) 4 NURSING FACILITIES ______ 17 DISABILITY SERVICES _______ 4 OMBUDSMAN ___________ 18 DISASTER SERVICES ________ 5 PROTECTIVE SERVICES _____ 18 DRUG/ALCOHOL REHAB ____ 5 PUBLIC LIBRARIES ________ 18 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 6 RECREATION & SOCIALIZATION19 EDUCATION / LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES 7 STATE GOVERNMENT _____ 19 EMERGENCY HOUSING _____ 7 SUPPORT GROUPS ________ 20 EMERGENCY RESPONSE BUTTON 7 TAX INFORMATION _______ 20 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES DISABLED 8 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES 20 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES-SENIOR 8 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES-DISABLED 21 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE _____ 9 VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS __ 21 FOOD & NUTRITION ________ 9 VETERANS SERVICES ______ 21 GROUP HOMES __________ 10 VISION SERVICES _________ 22 HEALTH INFORMATION ____ 10 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 22 HEALTH SERVICES-FREE/LOW INCOME CLINICS VOTER REGISTRATION _____ 22 _______________________ 10 WOMEN’S HEALTH SERVICES 22 HEARING SERVICES _______ 11 HOME HEALTH CARE/PERSONAL CARE 11 HOME MODIFICATIONS ____ 13 HOSPICE SERVICES ________ 13 HOSPITALS ______________ 13 HOUSING/ASSISTED LIVING HOUSING 14 1 Area 7 Agency Aging & Disabled Radiology - (812) 238-7504 ADULT DAY CARE (Serving Clay, Parke, Putnam, Chemo Infusion - (812) 242-3610 Sullivan, Vermillion, Vigo (812) 238-7766 Counties) www.myunionhospital.org Bethesda Gardens 2800 Poplar St., Suite 9A 1450 E. Crossing Blvd. Terre Haute, IN 47803 Paul Siebenmorgen Cancer Terre Haute, IN 47802 ADRC (812) 917-3145 Center at Regional Hospital (812) 298-8209 (812) 238-1561 3901 S. 7th Street Fax: 812.298.9190 (800) 489-1561 Terre Haute, IN 47802 www.bethesdaseniorliving.com Fax: 812.238.1564 (812) 237-9326 www.thrivewestcentral.com www.regionalhospital.com Breckenridge Health and Rehab 325 W. Northwood Drive East Central Illinois Area Agency Women’s Cancer Program Sullivan, IN 47882 on Aging, Inc. 605 N. 6th Street (812) 268-3351 (Serving Champaign, Clark, Coles, Lafayette, IN 47901 www.breckenridgerehab.com Cumberland, DeWitt, Douglas, (765) 742-4375 Edgar, Ford, Iroquois, Livingston, (765) 423-7040 Cobblestone Crossing McLean, Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, 1850 E. Howard Wayne Drive Shelby, Vermillion Counties) Terre Haute, IN 47802 1003 Maple Hill Road CHAMBERS OF (812) 232-0406 Bloomington, IL 61705-9327 (812) 645-4765 COMMERCE (800) 888-4456 (I & A) Fax: 812.232.0433 (309) 829-2065 www.cobblestonecrossings.com Fax: 309.829.6021 Clay County www.eciaaa.org 535 E. National Avenue Hickory Creek at Sunset Brazil, IN 47834 1109 S. Indiana Street Indiana Association of Area (812) 448-8457 Greencastle, IN 46135 Agencies on Aging www.claycountychamber.org (765) 653-3143 4701 N Keystone Ave, Suite 402 Fax: 765.653.1651 Indianapolis, IN 46205 Greater Clinton Chamber of www.hickorycreekhealthcare.org (317) 205-9201 Commerce /greencastle.asp Fax: 317.205.9203 407 S. Main Street [email protected] P.O. Box 7 Communicare - Southwood Clinton, IN 47842 Healthcare INConnect Alliance (765) 832-3844 2222 Margaret Avenue 800-713-9023 www.greaterclintonchamber.org Terre Haute, IN 47802 www.in.gov/fssa/inconnectalliance (812) 232-2223 Greater Greencastle Chamber of Fax: 812.231.4550 Division of Aging Commerce 402 W. Washington Street, MS21 6 S. Jackson Street ResCare Day Services Rm. W454 P.O. Box 389 4330 N. 13th Street P.O. Box 7083 Greencastle, IN 46135 Terre Haute, IN 47805 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (765) 653-4517 (812) 462-1045 (317) 232-7020 www.gogreencastle.com www.rescare.com Fax: 317.232.7867 www.in.gov/fssa Parke County Signature HealthCARE 105 N. Market Street, Suite A 3500 Maple Avenue Rockville, IN 47872 Terre Haute, IN 47804 CANCER INFORMATION (765) 569-5565 (812) 238-1555 www.parkecountychamber.com Fax: 812.238.2514 www.signaturehealthcarellc.com Clara Fairbanks Center for Women Sullivan County Union Health System P.O. Box 325 Vermillion Convalescent Center 1711 N. 6 ½ St. Suite 100 25 S. Main St 1705 S. Main Street Terre Haute, IN 47804 Sullivan, IN 47882 Clinton, IN 47842 (812) 238-7766 (812) 905-0131 (765) 832-3573 www.myunionhospital.org www.sullivancountyindiana.us Fax: 765.832.3420 www.vermillioncc.net Terre Haute Chamber of Hux Cancer Center Commerce Union Health System 630 Wabash Avenue, Suite 105 AGING SERVICES 1711 N. 6 ½ St. Suite 100 Terre Haute, IN 47808-0689 Terre Haute, IN 47804 (812) 232-2391 406 North 2nd Street www.terrehautechamber.com Sullivan County Marshall, IL 62441 128 S. State Street (217) 826-2900 Sullivan, IN 47882 www.maynmentors.org CHILDREN’S SERVICES (812) 268-3905 Fax: 317.232.1804 Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222 Chances and Services for Youth Vermillion/Parke County www.poison.org (CASY-United Way Agency) 126 South 10th Street 1101 South 13th Street, 2nd Floor Clinton, IN 47842 Putnam County Family Support Terre Haute, IN 47802 (765) 832-5680 Services (812) 232-3952 Fax: 317.232.1804 16 S Jackson Street (800) 886-3952 Greencastle, IN 46135 Fax: 812.232.1731 Vigo County (765) 653-4820 www.CASYonline.org 30 N. 8th Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 Child Abuse Hotline (812) 234-0100 CLOTHING & (800) 800-5556 Fax: 317.233.4219 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS www.in.gov/dcs Children’s Bureau, Inc Region 8 4600 S. Springhill Junction Family Health & Help Center Bethany House Clothes Closet Terre Haute, IN 47802 (United Way Agency) 1402 Locust Street (812) 231-8607 (Parke County only) Terre Haute, IN 47807 Fax: 812.231.8640 109 S. Jefferson Street (812) 232-4978 Rockville, IN 47872 Children’s Bureau, Inc (765) 569-4008 Goodwill Industries Region 9 – Putnam Co www.wvgoodwill.org 1925 Crown Plaza Blvd Family Service Association of the Plainfield, IN 46168 Wabash Valley Clay County (317) 745-6496 (United Way Agency) 219 W. National Avenue Fax: 317.745.6502 1111 Wabash Avenue Brazil, IN 47834 Terre Haute, IN 47807 (812) 448-1215 Clay County Family Support (812) 232-4349 Services www.fsacounseling.org Vigo County 5 South Walnut Street 2702 S. 3rd Street Brazil, IN 47834 First Steps West Central Indiana Terre Haute, IN 47807 (812) 442-1717 4130 S. 7th Street (812) 235-8511-store Fax: 765.653.8045 Terre Haute, IN 47802 812-235-1827-offce (812) 917-2950 Cradles of Clay County (877) 860-0413 Vigo County [email protected] Fax: 812.917.2862 600 S. 3rd Street www.Firststepsbrs.org Terre Haute, IN 47807 413 S Walnut Street (812) 917-2676 Brazil, IN 47834 Hamilton Center-Infants & (812) 240-9405 Toddlers Services 0-3 Vigo County (United Way Agency) 2645 Wabash Avenue 304 E Co Rd 650 S 500 8th Avenue Terre Haute, IN 47803 Clay City, IN 47841 Terre Haute, IN 47804 (812) 917-4107 (812) 878-9073 (812) 231-8362 www.hamiltoncenter.org Putnam County Indiana Department of 1021 Indianapolis Rd. Child Services: Kid Kare Project Greencastle, IN 46135 (United Way Agency) (765) 653-6587 Clay County 301 S. Main Street 1015 E. National Avenue P.O. Box 424 Sullivan County Brazil, IN 47834 Clinton, IN 47842 800 W. Wolfe Street (812) 448-8731 (765) 832-1980 Sullivan, IN 47882 www.ingov.clcs/2372.htm www.kidkareproject.org (812) 268-5820 Putnam County 121 Ridgeland Road Marshall Area Youth Network Hillcrest Community Closet Greencastle, IN 46135 (United Way Agency) 503 North 8th Street (765) 653-9780 3 Clinton, IN 47842 Wabash Valley Health Center (888) 547-2076 (765) 832-3582 1436 Locust Street Fax: 765.569.3444 Terre Haute, IN 47807 www.cars-services.org Light House Mission Thrift Stores (812) 232-7447 812-232-7001-office Fax: 812.232.6962 Child-Adult Resource Services 812.232.0235-fax C.A.R.S. 2800 Poplar Street www.thlhm.org Terre Haute, IN 47803 DISABILITY SERVICES (812) 877-2079 1165 Lafayette Terre Haute, IN 47804 Down Syndrome Indiana ARC of Vigo County (812) 242-9848 708 E. Michigan Street 11 Cherry Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Terre Haute, IN 47807 Helping Hands (317) 925-7617 (812) 232-4112 960 W. National Ave 888-989-9255 Fax 812.232.3052 West Terre Haute, IN 47885 Fax: 317.925.7619 www.arcvigo.org (812) 533-1888 www.dsindiana.org www.spsmw.org/helpinghands Autism Society of Indiana DSI-Developmental Services Inc 1800 N. Meridian St., Suite 600 1625 Eagle Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 Terre Haute, IN 47807 (800) 609-8449 CONSUMER (812) 238-1500 Fax: 317.942.0938 Fax: 812.238.1599 INFORMATION www.autismsocietyofIndiana.org 812-847-2231-Linton/Lyons www.dsiservices.org BDDS District 4 Better Business Bureau (Serving Benton, Carroll, Clay, 151 N. Delaware St., Suite 2020 Easterseals Crossroads Clinton, Fountain, Monroe, Indianapolis, IN 46204 4740 Kingsway Drive Montgomery, Owen, Parke, (317) 488-2222 Indianapolis, IN 46205 Putnam, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, (866) 463-9222 (317) 466-1000 Vermillion, Warren, White and Vigo Fax: 317.488.2224 Fax: 317.466.2000 Counties) www.bbb.org www.easterseals.com 30 N. 8th Street P.O. Box 10217 Consumer Protection Division Parke County Family Help & Terre Haute, IN 47801-0217 Office of Attorney General Health Center (812) 232-3603 302 W. Washington Street/5th Flr 109 S. Jefferson Street (877) 218-3096 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Rockville, IN 47872 Fax: 1.855.525.9374 (800) 382-5516 (765) 569-4008 (317) 232-6330 Fax: 765.569.3967 BDDS District 7 www.indianaconsumer.com (Serving Daviess, Dubois, Gibson, Four Rivers Resource Services, Greene, Knox, Martin, Perry, Pike, Sullivan County-United Way Posey, Spencer, Sullivan, 424 E.
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