February 1998 • $3.50 Issue 387 Mark Hemphill Visits SP's Painted Desert Joliet: Interesting Alter All These Years 02> 7 48268 88162 6 Another GTVP armchair railfan trip through the byways of rural North America G. TRAIN VIDEO PRODUCTIONS IN Canadian National FALL ON THE DUNDAS & STRATHROY SUBDIVISI ONS Tn the fall of 1995, GTVP captured some of CN's last days as a Crown Corporation. Starting at Bayview Junction, one of the busiest spots in Canadian railroading, follow the Dundas Sub to London, then on to the Strathroy Sub, to Sarnia, and CN's new St. Clair Tunnel with its 1.8 to 2 percent grade, in total some 140 miles of main line. Along the way, shots of the spectacular view high above Spencers Speeds in excess of 85 mph for passenger trains and 60 mph for Gorge and the high-level bridge over the Grand Rivel� Paris, enhance freights provide fast-paced action, with a varied lineup of CN, VIA, the video with the blazing fall colours of southwestern Ontario. GO, Amtrak and NS. CP's main line to Windsor joins the action just west of London, where it parallels the CN for a few miles. Nal'rated. Approximately 90 Minutes. UNION PACIFIC Pocatello Subdivision (Green River, Wyoming to Pocatello, Idaho) Experience spectacular mountain scenery as you follow UP's 250 miles of main line through the lush valleys of the Wasatch and Aspen mountain ranges. Featured are Peru Hill, Nugget Canyon, Pescadero, Lava, a ride up the Dry Valley Branch and much more. Narrated. Approximately 90 Minutes. BURLINGTON NORTHERN Sand Hills & Butte Subs (Grand Island to Crawford, Nebraska) Travel 300 miles through the high Mid-Plains, see trains snaking their way through the valleys with wide sweeping curves (such as the large horseshoe curve at Marsland), the new SD70MACs tackling Crawford Hill, photographed from many unique vantage points. Narrated. Approximately 80 Minutes. Each tape costs plus S&H (U.S. Funds). Also released in 1995 $33.95 $3.00 $45.95 Canadian plus $4.00 S&H. -NORFOLK SOUTHERN MAINLINE U.S. VISA orders will be charged the equivalent of $49.95 Canadian Through the Heart of Dixie (Approx. $36.95 U.S. which includes S&H.) Narrated. 90 minutes. -CSX KD Subdivision *ORDER 2 TAPES - Free S&H *ORDER 3 TAPES OR MORE - Free S&H and save additional 5% Narrated. 90 minutes. Offer expires April 30, 1996. -CSX S&NA North Subdivision Orders payable by VISA, MasterCard, Check or Money Order. Ontario orders add 8% PST. Narrated. 90 minutes. All videos mastered on BETACAM SP. Natural Dolby HIFI Stereo. Available in VHS only. -BURLINGTON NORTHERN All tapes guaranteed against manufacturing defects. Thayer Subdivision (The old Frisco) Narrated. 90 minutes. -RAfLROADING THROUGH CANYONS, To Order Call Toll Free TUNNELS AND PASSES OF THE WEST. Narrated. 80 minutes. Dealer inquiries invited (800)24 Hours667-3510 A Day � � 3811 Victoria Avenue, Vineland, Ontario, Canada LOR 2CO � ----------------.----------------�------------------------�. .� ,... � • .,... � al ews· � February 1998 No. 387 FEATUR ES Southern Pacific's28 Painted Desert The storm beFore the calm. Mark W. Hemphill examines Rio Grande's desert crossing between Grand Junction, Colo., and Helper, Utah. Mark W. Hemphill Howard Ande Spectacular 38Winter Images! Winter is one of the most difficult times of the year to run trains, yet one of the DEPARTMENTS best in which to photograph them. PRN contributors share their fi nest. Contributing Photographers 4 Editorial G PRN Letters 10 Expediter 12 Expediter Special Report 50 1 G Burlington Northern Joliet: Urban Railroading at Its Best 18 Santa Fe Photographer Howard Ande explores Joliet, [II., and finds an impressive variety of 22 Freight and passenger action in an old-time railroad atmosphere. Montana Rail Link Howard Ande 24 Southern Pacific Lines GO Union Pacific Mark W. Hemphill G3 CP Rail System G4 The Information Super Railroad G5 Short Lines GG Kansas City Southern G8 Transit 70 Guest Editorial 72 The Last Word 74 PRN Classifieds 74 PRN Advertising Index ABOVE: A Santa Fe eastbound rolls through JOliet, III. LHT: SP DVBKG-2G near Thompson, Utah, May 27, 1995. COVER: Winter in the Sierra is spectacular, but it is difficult to photograph. SP's RVSKM rolls through Tr uc­ kee, Calif., on March 24, 1995. Brian Jennison photo PACIFIC RAILNEWS (lSSN 8750·8486) is published monthly by Pcntrcx. Inc.. 2652 E. Walnut, Pasadena. CA 91107. Second-class posUlgc paid at Pasadena. CA 91 J09 and additiona l mailing offices. POSTMASTER; Send address changes to; PACIFIC RAILNEIVS. P.O. Box 94911. Pasadena. CA 91109. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $30 (U.S.) ror 12 issues. $58 ror 24 issues. Foreign add $6 ror each 12 issues. Single copy $5 postpaid rrom Pasadena office (subject to change without notice). CHANGE OF ADDRESS: The Post Of fice does not regularly rorward 2nd Class Mail and PACIFIC RAILNEWS is not responsible for copies not forwarded or destroyed by the Post Office. Replacement copies/P.O. notifications will be billed. Please nllow LIS [l\ least rour weeks ror any address change. ADVERTISING RATES: Contact PAC IFIC R,\lLNEWS, P.O. Box 379. Waukesha. WI 53187; (414) 542-4900. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: For all subscription problems and inquiries call: (800) 210·2211 or outside U.S. (818) 793·3400. EDIT ORIAL �PIICIHCRailNews I?Aff.NHIVS is a registered trademark or Pentrex. Inc. ' Shoot for the worst, PUBLISHER: Michael W. Claylon EDITOR: Brian Solomon ART DIRECTOR & MANAGING EDITOR: hope for the best Tom Danneman ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Carl Swanson ing; some long-rumored COPY EDITOR: Katie lorton changes never happen. In CONTRlnUTING EDI TORS: Mike Abalos. Grcg Brown. Tom Kline, Elrond Lawrence, Waync Mongcr. 1993, several priority pro­ G. Mac Scbree. Dick Stephenson. Rich Wallacc jects included SP's original PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Dean Sauvola main line (track o. I) over Donner Pass, long-ru­ ADVERTISING MANAGER: Richard Gruber mored to become a casual­ OPERATIONS MANAGER: Erica A. Beckcr ty of singl e tracking; SP's Modoc Line, reportedly to be shut down soon; and SP's Coast Line, which was actually up for sale. I took my photos and, in RAILROAD COLUMNISTS mid-1993, SP abandoned AMTRAK/PASSENGER-Dick Slephenson track No. l over Donner 7219 SUJ11Jl1itrosc. Tujunga. Cf\ 91042 Summit. In early 1995, SP AT&SF-Elson Rush closed the Modoc Line P.O. Box 379. Waukesha. IVI53187 Sunset at Te rmo, Calif. SP's remote Modoc line will be aban· (though later reopened it). BURLINGTON NORTHERN-Karl Rasmusscn I 1449 Goldenrod SI. N\v' Coon Rapids. MN 55448 doned if the UP-SP merger is approved. Brian Solomon photo Currently the Coast Line is CN NORTH AMERICA-Mike Cleary busier than it has been in 1395 IV. Jessamine #206, SI. Paul. MN 55108 here have been several recent addi­ years, though its Future remains uncertain. CENTRAL OREGON & PACIFIC-Danici J. Shcets tions to the Pent re x Publishing I try to stay ahead of' change, believing it I3rittany Dr.. Eugene. OR. 97405 staff-each aimed at producing bet­ best to experience (and photograph) an op­ CP RAIL SYSTEM-Karl Rasmussen ter magazines. In November 1995, Erica A. eration before it changes. In 1992 I was dis­ 11449 Goldenrod SI. NIV. Coon Rapids. MN 55448 T ILLINOIS CENTRAL-Erik Coleman Becker joined our Waukesha office as oper­ mayed when, wi th little warning, SP closed 412Tangicwood CI.. Veillon Hills.IL 60061-1954 ations manager. She has a strong back­ its line over Siskiyou Summit. Remarkably, E·muil: [email protected] ground in accounting and circulation con­ the improbable sometime occurs; the line KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN-Michael J-Jasbargcll trol and will focus her efforts on publica­ over Siskiyou Summit received a second 1718 King Eider Drive. \Vesl Lafayelte. I '47906 tion schedules fo r PACIFIC RAILNEWS and its lease on liFe when the Central Oregon & MEXICO-Clifford R. Pralher P.O. Ilox 925. Sanla Ana. CA 92702 sister magazines, LOCOMOTIVE & RAI LWAY Pacific reopened it in 1995. MODERN POWER-Sean Graham-Whilc PRESERVATION, PASSENGER TRAIN JOURNAL My crystal ball is a bit clouded; I can­ 743 Park, River Foresl. I L 60305-1705 and VI NTAGE RAILS. In December 1995, not predict changes any better than others E·mail: [email protected] Katie orton joined our staff as copy edi­ can. 10 one knows what is going to hap­ MONTANA RAIL LINK-Ky l e Brehm tor. Her skilled use of language has already pen, but using the best information avail­ P.O.llox 20826. Billings MT 59104 E-mail: [email protected] allowed PRN to more eloquently articulate able, one can plan a good strategy. This ON-LINE COORDINATOR-David C. Warncr railroad information; she played a valuable year I have several priority projects that E-mail: [email protected] role in preparing our january issue. Both should be accomplished before changes in E-mail: [email protected] Erica and Katie are learning the subtle diF­ railroading make them impossible. The MIDWEST REGIONALS­ ferences between Southern Pacific's late­ fo llowing, I believe, warrant immediate (CC&P lind IAIS) Dave Kroeger 5720 Johnson Ave. SIV. Cedar Rapids. IA 52404 model articulated steam locomotives and its photographic attention. (All others) Andrcw S. telson most recent acquisitions, the AC4400CWs. Southern Pacific's Denver & Rio 341 S. Main. Pearl CiIY. IL 61062 As promised, PRN has expanded its re­ Grande Western Te nnes ee Pass crossing, SHORT LINES WEST-IVayneMonger gional railroad reporting. Andrew Nelson, and Union PaciFic's Missouri Pacific Hois­ 1409 Tillman 51., Suisun City. CA 94585 whom readers may recall was PRN's associ­ ington Sub across Kansas (used primarily SHORT LINES MIDWEST-Bob Thompson ate editor for several years, is assisting Dave by SP) are both up for abandonment.
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