By the KING'* Patent, HE Creditors, who have proved their Debts order a Com­ T mission of Bankrupt awarded against Samuel Scholes and IS MAJESTY having been graciously Richard Condall, both of Prestwich in the County of Lancaster, pleased to grant his Royal Letters Patent, bearing Date Chapmen and,Partners, are desired to meet ths Assignees ol the Hut Westminster the 17th Day of October 1751, in the 25th said Bankrupts Estate, on the ist Day of August next, at Three Year of his Reign, unto Richard Rock, of the Parish of St. of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of John Dutton, Bridget, otherwise Bride's, London, Licentiate in Medicine, for commonly called the Old Coffee-house in Manchester in ch- bis New Compound Medicine, or Anti-Venereal Cathartick said County, in order to assent to or dissent from the Assignees Electuary, for the true Cure of fresh Venereal Injuries, and all commencing one or more Suit or Suits at Law or in Equity the lurking Relicts or Remains of old ones, which he has brought touching the said Bankrupts Estate, or compounding, submit­ to a surprizing Degree of Perfection in the Cure of the' several ting to Arbitration, or otheiwise agreeing any Debt, Dispute, Stages of the Venereal Distemper, from the slightest Infection to Matter or Thing relating thereto. the most inveterate Degree thereof, without breaking or impair­ 'pHE Creditors of Maurice Delamore, lata of Sutton St. ing the Constitution, enervating the human System, or leaving J_ Maries in the County of Lincoln, Merchant, a Bank­ any Foulness or Weakness behind : This is therefore to acquaint rupt are desired to meet on Friday the 26th cf August next, at the Publick, for whose Use and Benefit the faid Letters Patent Three o'clock in the Afternoon, at Guildhall in Kirg's Lynn, were principally obtained, that the said most admirable Electuary Norfolk, to assent to or d ssent from the Assignees purchasing or is fold by him at the Golden Head and Key, Bell Savage Inn c-mp-unding a Claim of 28 1. a Y*ar, which the Heirs of Frances Gateway, Ludgate-Hill, London, at only 6 s. and a Book of Ratre,Widow, deceased, have upon the Bankrupt's Estates ; and plain Instructions (by the Help of which every one may be his olso to their purchasing an Annuity of 25 1. payable cut of the own Physician) g:ven with each Pot: Where Advice is to bs Bmkrupt's Estate to Benedicts Delamore for Lite ; and the Lise- had, and all Debilities, Obstructions of the urinary Passages, and Estjte of Sarah Delamore, the Widow of Wiliiam Delam3re> Esq; deceased ; and to their submitting any Matters to A'ti'ra- Gleets, are absolutely cured. tinn, and selling the real Estates of the Bankiupt, by Auction, The said >7kctuary is also fold by Mrs. Adams, at her Print­ to tne b*st Bidder 5 and 'n . ther special AfFairs. ing Offire tn West Chrstev; Mr. Brown, Bookseller, in Cristnns "1" HE Crrditors of Wi.Tarn Bailey, lately discharged out of Street, Brist.-'j and at Mr. Bowen's, ths South End of the Royal Exchange. • His Majesty's P ifon of 'he Fleet, Lrndon, by virtue of the late Act of Parliament mads for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, a-e desired to meet at th? Castle Tavern in Taunton in the O be fold, pursuant so a Decree of the High Cetirt of County of S'.mcrfer, on the ist Day of August next, at Three Chancery, beiore Peter Holfnrd, Esq; one of the Masters of the Clock in the Afternoon, in order for the Choice of one T : of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's I->n in Chan­ cr more Assignee or Assignees of h .i Estate and Effects, in Pur­ cery-Lane, London, in seventeen several Lots, The Freehold, suance of the slid Act. Copyhold, Customary and Leasehold Ellates of Edward Bulstrode, '1 HE Creditors of Ralph and James Ha-wood, late of late of Fulham in 'he County of Middlesex, Es<j; and also his Re­ 3 Shoreditch in the County of Middlesex, Brewers and Co­ version, or Reversionary Interest, of and *n divers other Estates, partners, against whom a Commission of Bjnkiupt hath been all lying in ani near unto Evefham, and in and near unto Bewdley aw-srded, are drsired to meet the Assignees of fh?ir Estzte and in the County of Worcester, aod in Campden in the Couj.ty of Effects, at Brown's Coffee-house in Mitre-Ccurt, L'ndcn, at Gloucester. Particulars whereof may be had at the said Ma­ Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, on Friday tbe 22d of this sters Chambers. Instant July, to impower the said A.'iignees to mike s fi.-.„j O be peremptorily fold, pursuant to an Or-"er of the High End of certain Suits and Controversies relat'rg to the fad Bsrk- T Ccutt ot Chancery, b'fore Thomas Harris, Esq; one of ruptcy. the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambus in Lincoln's '•"¥""" HE Commissioners in a CommifGon of Bankrupt a<v?i-ded Inn, on Tuesday the 2d Day of August next, at Five in the jr and issued forth against J->hn Wiliins and Joseph Srr.ith, Afternoon, A Leasehold Hutse with the Appurtenance*, situate both of the City of Norwich, Worftead Weavers, Deabts and in Dartmouth-street, Westminster, lat<* in the Possession of Chapmen, and Copartners, intend to meet on the 15th Day of "Lewis Ferron, Watchmaker, he'd of the Earl of Dartmouth for August next, at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the a Term of 31 Years from Michaelmas i75r, subject to a Ground- House of John Sturley, being the King's Hejd in the Parish of rent of 6 J. 4 s. a Year. St. Saviour in the said City of Norwich, in order to make a Di­ O be ibid, pu'sernt to an Order'of the High Court of vidend ot the said Bankrupts Estate and Effect-; when and Chancery, berore Thomas Harris, Eso; on- of the Ma­ whe-e the Creditors, who have nor already proved their Dcbts> T _ sters of the said Cou r, at his Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, Lon­ are to come preparrd to prove the fame, or tht} wili be excluded don, Two Leasehold Housee situate in the City of Bath, t-ge- the Benefit of the said Dividend. thsr with fome Household Furniture therein, now lett ta Dr. "-*HE Cr.m*issioners in a Commission of Bankrupt swarded Gufliart. at the yearly Rent of 290 I. clear of Taxes, held of 1 and issued forth against Henry Biaine, of the Tr wn of St. John's Hospital at R»th, for three Lives, and hte the Estate Huntingdon in the County of Huntingdnn, Maltster and Meal- of James Duke of Chandcs, deceased. Pa.c'cul-irs whereof may nun, inend tn meet on the 19th Day of August next, at be had at the said Master's Chambers. F'>ur of the Clock in the Afternoon, at Gu'lah.ll, London, O be peremptorily sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High in "rder to mike a Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate T Cou;t of Chjncery, and subsequent Ordsr of the said and Effects ; when and where the Creditors, who have Court, before Peter Holsord, Esq; one of the Masters of the not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the faid Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn in Chancery- fame, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. Lane, London, on Tuesday the ad Day of August next, between And all Persons, who have made any Claim*, are to corns pre­ the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, The Scite of the pared to prove the fame, or they will be disallowed. Manor of West Wratting, called West Wratting Hal!, with the Hereas the acting Commissioners in the Commission of Barns, Stables, and ether Outhouses, and about 292 Acres of W Bankrupt awarded against Isaac Greg~iy, late of the Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood-ground thereto belonging, Parish of St. Mary Le Bone in the County of Middlesex, Mer­ in West Wratting in the County of Cambridge, with a Fuld- chant, Chipman and Dsaler, have certified to the R:ght Hon. Co'urse for Shei'p, &c. being Part of the Estate late tf Richard Sir Robert Henley, Knt. Lord Keeper of the Gieat Sral of Great Burrowes, Gent, deceased, and held by Lease ci the D^an and Britain, that the said Isaac Gregory hath in al) Things con­ Chapter of Ely, for a Term of 21 Years, whereof ]6 Years formed himself according to the Directions of the several Acts were to come on the 15th of June 1757, subject to a reserved of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts ; This is to give No­ Rent of 61. IS. per Annum ; and also to an Engagement of tice, That by Virtue of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the said Richard Burrov.'es, for repairing Part ar.d rebuilding his present Majesty's Reign, his Certificate %vill be allowed Other Part of a Barn on the sa'd Premisses, and now lett to Gil­ and confirmed as the said Act directs, unless Cause be fliewa bert Bell, as Tenant at Will, at 75 I. per Annum. Particulars to the contrary on or before the 6th of August next.
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