bindex.qxd 3/5/08 7:40 AM Page 273 INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. absolute magnitude, 60–61, on Alpha Crucis, 186 “alpha,” defined, 38 255, 266. See also brightness; on Altair, 188 Al Rakib, 152–153 individual star names on Beta Centauri, 183 Alshain (Beta Aquilae), absorption spectrum, 68 Beta Crucis and, 239 190–193 accretion disk, 67 on Canopus, 107, 108, 109 Altair, 21–23, 22, 25, 145 Achernar, 19, 20, 170, 230, on Capella, 152–153 Alpha Crucis and, 185 234, 250 on Deneb, 243 Aquila, the Eagle and, name of, 171 on Fomalhaut, 234–235 188–190, 189, 190 remote location of, 171–172 on Procyon, 167 color of, 112 shape of, 170, 172–173 on Rigel, 160 Deneb and, 241, 241–242, Spica and, 214 on Sirius, 91, 98–99 244 as a sun, 173 on Spica, 212 lore about, 140–142, Adams, W. S., 95 Star Names: Their Lore and 190–191, 192 Adhara, 11, 161 Meanings, 86 oblate shape of, 250 Agastya, 108 Al Muhlifain, 122 positionings of, 191–193, 192 Agena (Beta Centauri), 183 Alpha Andromedae, 233 Procyon and, 166–167 Albers, Steve, 96, 220 Alpha Capricorni, 64 as a sun, 193–196, 194, 195 Alcor, 160–162, 161 Alpha Carinae, 111 view from, 195, 196 Aldebaran, 14, 15–17, 16, 28, Alpha Centauri, 19, 20, 58, 92, altazimuth mounts, for tele- 61, 95, 114, 196–197, 203 102, 115, 116, 183, 186 scopes, 48 Altair and, 195 Arcturus and, 134 altazimuth system, defined, 29, Arcturus and, 134 as “Bungula,” 183 266 color of, 131 as double star, 117–119 altitude, 29–30, 266 connections to other celestial lore about, 121–123 amplitude, 66–67 objects, 197–198, 198 motion of, 120 Antapex of the Sun’s Way, 62 lore about, 200–202, 201 orbit of, 118 Antares, 22, 23, 28, 76, motion of, 203–204, 205 Proxima Centauri as sun, 171–172, 231 occultations of, 198–199 124–125 Betelgeuse and, 180, 181 star clusters and, 197, proximity of, 116–117 color of, 131, 217–220 199–200 as Rigil Kentaurus, 38 companion star of, 218–220, as a sun, 206 as Southern Pointers, 219, 222–223 as ultimate double NorthCOPYRIGHTED119–121 MATERIALlore about, 223–224 Star, 207 as suns, 123–124 name of, 223–224 view from, 207 view from, 125 occultation of, 198–199 Al Fahl, 109 Alpha Crucis (Acrux), 19, 20, orbit of A and B, 219 Al Hadi, 153 121, 185–188, 186 as a red giant, 220–222 Algol, 65 Alpha Crucis C and, 186 Scorpius, the Scorpion and, Al Jauzah, Rigel and, 159–160 Beta Centauri and, 183, 184 215–217, 216, 222 Allen, R. H., 4 Beta Crucis and, 238–239 in Scorpius-Centaurus Asso- on Achernar, 171 name of, 38 ciation, 223 on Alpha Centauri, 121–122 Spica and, 214 Spica and, 213 Index | 273 bindex.qxd 3/5/08 7:40 AM Page 274 Antares (continued) averted vision, 44–45, 266 Arcturus and, 128 Vega and, 137 Azimech, 212 measuring, 33 apastron, 94 azimuth, defined, 29–30, 266 Spica and, 208–209 aperture, 46 visibility of, 35 Apex of the Sun’s Way, 62, 246 Bainbridge, John, 129 binary stars, 64, 266 apparent magnitude Barnard, E. E., 162 binoculars, 10, 45 defined, 61, 266 barycenter, defined, 64 black dwarfs, 76 stars in order of, 255 Bayer, Johannes, 37–38 black holes, 53, 56–57, 67, See also individual names of Beetlejuice, 175–176 78–79, 266 stars B-emission stars, 172–173 blue giants, 70, 266 Aquarius, the Water-Bearer, Bennett, Comet, 130 blueshifted light, 62 28, 37 Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 95, Bok globules, 75 Aquila, the Eagle, 21–23, 22, 116 Boötes, the Herdsman, 25, 142 Beta Canis Majoris (Mirzam), 126–128, 127 Altair and, 188–190, 189, 190 90, 204 bright giants (class II), 70 Procyon and, 169 Beta Centauri (Hadar), 19, 20, brightness, 3, 7, 8 Arago, Dominique François, 86 38, 119–122, 183, 186, 214 absolute magnitude, 60–61 Aratos, 152 name of, 182–184 apparent magnitude, stars arc minutes/arc seconds, 32, 34 twin giants of Hadar A, in order of, 255 Arcturus, 18, 20, 61, 90, 95, 184–185 distance and, 60 117, 126 Beta Crucis (Becrux, Mimosa), first magnitude, 11 “Arcturus Group,” 134 19, 20, 121, 214, 238–240 first magnitude stars, num- color of, 130–131 Alpha Crucis and, 186, 187 ber of, 11–12 conjunctions with comets, Beta Centauri and, 183, 184 light spectrum, 67–68 129–130 name of, 38, 239 luminosity and, 60–61, lore about, 126–129, 127 Southern Cross and, 186 69–70, 72–74, 73 motion of, 133–136 “beta,” defined, 38 magnitude and, 9–10 name of, 126–127 Beta Librae, 222 200 brightest stars, 260–265 Spica and, 208–209, 210 Beta Tauri, 198 variable stars, 65–67, 66 as sun, 131–133, 132 Betelgeuse, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, See also individual names of Vega and, 137, 145 29, 175, 180 stars view of, 136 Alpha Centauri and, 125 brown dwarfs, 74, 125, Argo, 105, 111 Altair and, 195 181 Aries, the Ram, 28, 37 Antares and, 180, 181, B stars, 68, 69 Aristotle, 99 220–221 Burnham, Robert, Jr., 85, Ashbrook, Joseph, 177–178 brightness of, 176–178 95–96, 98 associations, defined, 55 color of, 131 on Aldebaran, 202, 206 A stars, 68, 69 companions of, 181 on Antares, 218 asterisms defined, 25–26, 266 lore about, 174–176 on Arcturus, 131, 132, 133, asteroids, 52 name of, 174–176 134 astrology, 28, 37 Procyon and, 166 on Beta Crucis, 240 Astronomical Companion as red giant, 176–177, 181 on Betelgeuse, 177 (Ottewell), 183, 244 size of, 179, 179–180 Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, astronomical units (AU), 59–60 as supergiant, 70, 75–76 97, 111 astronomy, defined, 2 as supernova, 181–182 on Canopus, 111 atmospheric extinction, 266 Big Bang, 57 on Fomalhaut, 234, 237 Aufdenberg, Jason, 144 Big Dipper, 18, 20, 21, 22, on Rigel, 159, 161 Auriga, 147, 149, 156, 198 25–26, 38 Burnham, S. W., 161, 168 274 | Index bindex.qxd 3/5/08 7:40 AM Page 275 calendar, Sirius and, 87–89 catadioptric telescopes, 47–48 seasonal progression of, Cancer, the Crab, 28 catalog designations, 37–38. 26–27 Canes Venatici, the Hunting See also nomenclature zodiac and, 27–28 Dogs, 127 Celestial Handbook (Burnham), See also individual names of Canis Major, the Big Dog, 11, 97, 111 constellations 16, 17, 83 celestial objects, 29, 266 Contact (Sagan), 143 Canis Minor, the Little Dog, celestial spheres, 25, 30–32, continuous spectrum, 68 16, 17, 163–165, 164 31, 266 Copernicus, 247 Cannon, Annie Jump, 68 Censorinus, 89 Cor Caroli, 210 Canopus, 19, 20, 70, 90, Centaurus, 19, 20, 119 Corona Borealis, 128 104–105, 230, 234 Alpha Centauri and, 187–188 Corvus, the Crow, 209 as brightest star, 113–114 Beta Crucis and, 238 Cowherd (Altair), 140–142, distance and luminosity of, Scorpius-Centaurus Associa- 191, 192 111–112 tion, 223 Crescent Moon, 42–44, 43, 61 lore about, 105, 107–111 Center for High Angular Reso- Crux, 19, 20 name of, 107–108 lution Astronomy Cthulhu Mythos (Lovecraft), navigation by, 105, 114–115 (CHARA) Array (Georgia 202 northern visibility of, 104, State University), 144 culmination 106–107 central stars, 54 defined, 121, 266 as “Second Star,” 105–106 Century of Progress Exposi- season of prime evening as a sun, 112–113, 113 tion, 129 visibility and, 257 Vega and, 146 Cepheids, 60, 66, 266 Cursa, 171 Capella, 16, 17, 22, 24 Cetus, the Whale, 233 Cygnus, the Swan, 21–23, 22, Aldebaran and, 198, 200, Chi Cygni, 65–66 25, 242–243, 243 205, 207 circumpolar stars, 19, 30–32, Auriga and, 147 31, 34–36, 104, 266 Dante, 234 as brightest star, 114 Clark, Alvan G., 95 dark adaptation, 44–45, 266 “clouds” of, 150–151 Classical Cepheids, 66 dark nebulae, 54, 266 color of, 155 Claudius Ptolemy, 108 Dawes, W. R., 220 declination of, 35 Clear Sky Clock Web site, 41 declination, 30–32, 31, 266 as double star, 153–155, 154 Coalsack, 238–239 deep-sky objects, 266 Fomalhaut and, 231, 232 cocoon nebulae, 74 degenerate matter, 76 as G star, 123 collimation, 47 de Lalande, J. J., 38 lore about, 151–153 color Delporte, Eugene, 25 Menkalinan and, 156–157 color index, 256 Delta Cephei, 66 motion of, 155–156 light spectrum, 67–68 Delta Crucis, 187 name of, 151–153 See also nomenclature; indi- Delta Herculis, 64 seasonal viewing of, 137, vidual names of planets and Delta Scorpii, 173 146–151 stars Delta Scuti, 156–157 Vega and, 145 Comet of the Century (Schaaf), Deneb, 21–23, 22, 25, 241, view from, 156 130 241–242 Capricornus, the She-Goat, 28 comets, 52, 130 Altair and, 193 carbon, 76 common motion doubles, 64 brightness of, 61, 243–245 Carina, 238 companion stars, 64 Cygnus, the Swan and, Cassini, Giovanni Domenico, conjunctions, 27–28, 266 242–243, 243 229 constellations, 110 distance of, 243–245 Castor, 9, 16, 17, 24, 54, asterisms and, 25–26 motion of, 246–247 224–229, 225, 237 defined, 25–26, 266 orbit of, 245 Index | 275 bindex.qxd 3/5/08 7:40 AM Page 276 Deneb (continued) Regulus and, 248–249 of winter, 13–17, 14, 16 as a sun, 245–246 Rigel orbit compared to, 158 First Quarter Moon, 42, 43 Deneb Kaitos (Diphda), 233, rotation axis of, 36–37, 266 Flammarion, Camille, 234 234 seasonal progression of con- Flamsteed, John, 38 Denebola (Beta Leonis), 210 stellations and, 26–27 Flamsteed numbers, 38 Derby, Lord, 91 Sirius B size and, 93, 93 flare stars, 66, 125 diameter, of brightest stars, 258 zodiac and, 28 Fleming, W.
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