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If you happen to be smirk at sin, and to center her passions on pleasures that 8LISPSKMGEP ordering your mocha latte during this will slip away. This is war because the same serpentine 7IQMREV] MW %WWSGMEXI episode of intergalactic warfare, you dragon in that celestial con#ict that John glimpsed on 4VSJIWWSVSJ might not even notice. Neither arms Patmos who longed to consume the fruit of Mary’s womb (MWGMTPIWLMTERH*EQMP]1MRMWXV]EX nor armor can be seen at the epicenter also wants to devour my children (Rev 12:1–9). His 8LI7SYXLIVR&ETXMWX8LISPSKMGEP 7IQMREV][LIVILIGSSVHMREXIW of this celestial struggle. No lightsabers weapons in this con#ict are neither the priests of Molech JEQMP]QMRMWXV]TVSKVEQWERH are visible, and no voices are raised. At nor the soldiers of Herod (Jer 32:35–36; Matt 2:16). "e IHMXW8LI.SYVREPSJ*EQMP]1MRMWXV] the nexus of the battle, there is only a Enemy’s weapons in my child’s life are slickly-promoted 4VIZMSYWP]LIWIVZIHWM\XIIR]IEVW EWETEWXSV]SYXLQMRMWXIVERH man of not-quite-average height in one celebrities and commercials that subtly but surely cor- GLMPHVIR´WQMRMWXIV%VIGMTMIRXSJ chair, a bubbly and beautiful middle- rode her soul. What we wrestle against in this battle is XLI&EOIV&SSO,SYWI%[EVHJSV school girl in another, and a Bible and not “#esh and blood, but against the rulers, against the 8LISPSKMGEP7XYHMIWXLI2%4') 7GLSPEWXMG6IGSKRMXMSR%[EVH a couple of ceramic mugs on the table authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present ERHXLI6IXEMPIVW´'LSMGI between them. darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heav- %[EVHJSVLMWFSSO'LVMWXMER,MWXSV] Do not let such mundane appear- enly places” (Eph 6:12). 1EHI)EW]8MQSXL]LEWEYXLSVIH ances misguide you: This is cosmic Over the past few years, I have spent thousands SVGSRXVMFYXIHXSX[IRX]FSSOW 8MQSXL]PMZIWMR7X1EXXLI[W[MXL combat. When I as a father sit at that of hours carefully researching how Christian parents LMW[MJI6E]ERRERHHEYKLXIVW table with my daughter, building on a are shaping their children’s souls. Throughout this ,ERRELERH7O]PEV,IIRNS]WLMOMRK week of family devotions and mother- process, I’ve repeatedly bumped up against a painful TPE]MRKKEQIW[MXLLMWJEQMP]ERH HVMROMRK*VIRGLTVIWWIHGSJJII8LI daughter discussions, I am at war. "is but unavoidable truth: "e overwhelming majority of .SRIWJEQMP]MWMRZSPZIHMRGLMPHVIR´W is not war with my daughter; it is war Christian parents are not actively engaged in any sort QMRMWXV]EXXLIIEWXGEQTYWSJ for my child’s soul. of battle for their children’s souls. When it comes to 7SNSYVR'SQQYRMX]'LYVGL Even as I train Hannah to take up the process of discipling their progeny, most Christian fathers have abandoned the $eld completely. very practical level how earthly fathers can re#ect more In the simplest possible terms, if you as a parent are completely the fatherhood of God. personally engaged in a process to transform the con- Once again, we encourage you to subscribe to JFM tours of your child’s soul, you are a minority. If you are a using the card inserted in this issue. "e editorial sta! father and you are actively and intentionally discipling also welcomes submissions of articles and book reviews; your child, you stand in an even smaller minority. editorial guidelines are included in this issue. "emes for However, I envision a time when Christian fathers forthcoming issues appear inside the back cover. consistently engage in planned discipleship processes In any endeavor of this magnitude, there are times with their children. I eagerly anticipate an era when when statements are printed that could communicate in fathers regularly lead family worship times and spon- ways that were not intended. In the Fall/Winter 2010 taneous spiritual conversations. I do not describe my issue, some portions of the article “When Does Life own practices because I do them so perfectly—I don’t. I End?” call for clari$cation. Speci$cally, the article iden- share what I do simply so that other fathers can see this ti$ed the use of a feeding tube as potentially constitut- as something that God can enable them to do as well. ing aggressive therapy and classified a broad range of These practices are not consistently happening right medical responses in the category of “treatment.” "is now—I know that. But I believe that they can happen, may have suggested that no moral obligation exists to and I $rmly hope that they will. provide nutrition and hydration to persons with con- Part of what must precede such a revival is a God- ditions deemed by a physician to be incurable or irre- centered, Scripture-rooted, gospel-driven understand- versible. Understood in this way, the article would have ing of what it means to be a father. And that’s what we le% the impression that it is acceptable to allow an indi- hope to shape in you throughout this issue of !e Jour- vidual in a minimally-conscious or vegetative state to die nal of Family Ministry. of starvation or dehydration. "at is not the position of Fatherhood is the focus of this issue of JFM—but this journal, of "e Southern Baptist "eological Semi- such a focus requires far more than a discussion that nary, or even of the individual who wrote the article. begins and ends with the dynamics of human father- "e editors regret the lack of clarity and o!er our sin- hood. Anything that is good in the habits of human cerest apologies. For a clear expression of our position fathers is good only because it re#ects the goodness of on these issues, readers are encouraged to consult the our heavenly Father (see Eph 3:14-19). three-part series “Terri Schiavo: Long-Term &uestions” To explore fatherhood as believers in Jesus Christ on the website AlbertMohler.com. requires us to begin by looking at the One who provides Still learning to live as God’s child, the only perfect paradigm for fathers. For this reason, Timothy Paul Jones, Ph.D. the $rst two feature articles in this issue wrestle deeply with what it means—both within the Trinity and for us ENDNOTES as brothers and sisters of Jesus—to call God “Father.” 1Portions of this editorial have been excerpted from !e Ken Can$eld from Pepperdine University explores the Family Ministry Field Guide (Indianapolis: Wesleyan, impact of fatherlessness, while biblical counselor Heath 2011). Used by permission. Lambert considers how the church must respond when a husband or father abuses his authority. "e research briefs in this issue focus on what parents are—and aren’t—doing to disciple their children. "e JFM forum and book reviews consider the relationship between family ministry, children’s ministry, and youth ministry. "e last couple
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