E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007 No. 1 Senate The fourth day of January being the CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION AND STATE OF OHIO day prescribed by House Joint Resolu- CREDENTIALS CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM tion 101 for the meeting of the 1st Ses- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair To the President of the Senate of the United sion of the 110th Congress, the Senate lays before the Senate the certificates States: This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- assembled in its Chamber at the Cap- of election of 33 Senators elected for 6- itol and at 12 noon was called to order vember, 2006, Sherrod Brown was duly chosen year terms beginning January 3, 2007. by the qualified electors of the State of Ohio by the Vice President [Mr. CHENEY]. All certificates, the Chair is advised, a Senator from said State to represent said are in the form suggested by the Sen- State in the Senate of the United States for PRAYER ate or contain all the essential require- the term of six years, beginning on the 3rd The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ments of the form suggested by the day of January, 2007. fered the following prayer: Senate. If there be no objection, the In Witness Whereof, I have hereto sub- scribed my name and caused the Great Seal Let us pray. reading of the above-mentioned letters of the State of Ohio to be affixed at Colum- Eternal Spirit, whom to find is life and certificates will be waived, and bus, this 8th day of December, in the year and whom to miss is death, from age to they will be printed in full in the Two Thousand and Six. age you provide hope to those who RECORD. BOB TAFT, trust you. In a changing world, you are There being no objection, the mate- Governor. changeless. Lord, you have given us the rial was ordered to be printed in the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA gift of a new year, with all of its possi- RECORD, as follows: CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM bilities and promises. STATE OF HAWAII To the President of the Senate of the United Empower the Members of this new CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM States: 110th Congress to use this season of op- To the President of the Senate of the United This is to certify that on the seventh day portunity for Your glory. As they labor States: of November, 2006, Robert C. Byrd was duly with You, help them to place our coun- This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- chosen by the qualified electors of the State try’s needs ahead of perceived political vember, 2006, Daniel K. Akaka, was duly cho- of West Virginia, a Senator from said State advantages. Lead them from mistrust sen by the qualified electors of the State of to represent said State in the Senate of the to trust. Use them to help bring peace Hawaii a Senator from said State to rep- United States for the term of six years, be- resent said State in the Senate of the United to our world. Show them the priorities ginning on the third day of January, 2007. States for the term of six years, beginning Witness: His excellency our governor Joe that best honor You and inspire them on the 3rd day of January, 2007. Manchin III, and our seal hereto affixed at to act promptly. May they strive to Witness: Her excellency our Governor Charleston this 22nd day of November, in the achieve and maintain ethical and Linda Lingle, and our seal hereto affixed at year of our Lord 2006. moral fitness. When they feel discour- Honolulu, Hawaii this 27th day of November, By the Governor: agement, remind them that You are in the year of our Lord, 2006. JOE MANCHIN, III, working for the good of those who love By the Governor: Governor. LINDA LINGLE, You. As a challenging and promising Governor. STATE OF WASHINGTON future beckons, guide their steps and CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM supply their needs. Lead the new lead- STATE OF NEW MEXICO ers of our legislative branch with Your To the President of the Senate of the United CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM States: sure hand. May they follow You with- To the President of the Senate of the United This is to certify, that at the General Elec- out hesitation. States: tion held in the State of Washington on the We pray in Your Sovereign Name. This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- 7th day of November, 2006, Maria Cantwell Amen. vember, 2006, Jeff Bingaman, was duly cho- was duly chosen by the qualified electors of sen by the qualified electors of the State of the State of Washington as Senator from New Mexico a Senator from said State to f said State of Washington to represent said represent said State in the Senate of the State of Washington in the Senate of the United States for the term of six years, be- United States for the term of six years, be- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ginning on the 3rd day of January, 2007. ginning on the 3rd day of January, 2007. Witness: His excellency our Governor Bill The VICE PRESIDENT led the Witness: Her excellency our Governor Richardson, and our seal hereto affixed at Christine Gregoire, and our seal hereto af- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Santa Fe this 30th day of November, in the fixed at Olympia, Washington this 21st day I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the year of our Lord, 2006. of December, 2006. United States of America, and to the Repub- By the Governor: By the Governor: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, BILL RICHARDSON, CHRISTINE GREGOIRE, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Governor. Governor. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:27 Jul 29, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2007BA~3\2007NE~2\S04JA7.REC S04JA7 rfrederick on PROD1PC69 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 4, 2007 STATE OF MARYLAND the qualified electors of the State of North of Utah a Senator from said State to rep- CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM Dakota to represent North Dakota in the resent said State in the Senate of the United To the President of the Senate of the United Senate of the United States for the term of States for the term of six years, beginning at States: six years, beginning on the 3rd day of Janu- noon on the third day of January, 2007. This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- ary 2007. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set vember, 2006, Benjamin L. Cardin was duly In witness whereof, we have set our hands my hand at Salt Lake City, this 27th day of chosen by the qualified voters of the State of at the Capitol City of Bismarck this 21st day November, 2006. Maryland a Senator from said State to rep- of November 2006, and affixed the Great Seal JON M. HUNTSMAN, JR., resent said State in the Senate of the United of the State of North Dakota. Governor. States for the term of six years, beginning JOHN HOEVEN, on the 3rd day of January, 2007. Governor. STATE OF TEXAS Witness: His Excellency our Governor Rob- CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM STATE OF TENNESSEE ert L. Ehrlich, Jr., and our seal hereto af- To the President of the Senate of the United fixed at the City of Annapolis, this 8th day of CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM States: December, in the Year of Our Lord Two To the President of the Senate of the United This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- Thousand and Six. States: vember, 2006, Kay Bailey Hutchison was duly ROBERT L. EHRLICH, Jr. This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- chosen by the qualified electors of the State Governor. vember 2006, Bob Corker was duly chosen by of Texas, a Senator from said State to rep- the qualified electors of the State of Ten- resent said State in the Senate of the United STATE OF DELAWARE nessee a Senator from said State to rep- States for the term of six years, beginning CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION FOR SIX-YEAR TERM resent said State in the Senate of the United on the 3rd day of January, 2007. To the President of the Senate of the United States for the term of six years, beginning Witness: His excellency our governor Rick States: on the 3rd day of January 2007. Perry, and our seal hereto affixed at Austin, This is to certify that on the 7th day of No- Witness: His excellency our governor Phil Texas this 6th day of December, in the year vember, 2006, Thomas R. Carper was duly Bredesen, and our seal hereto affixed at of our Lord 2006. chosen at an election, in due manner held ac- Nashville this 7th day of December in the By the Governor: cording to the form of the Act of the General year of our Lord 2006. RICK PERRY, Assembly of the State of Delaware and of the By the governor: Governor.
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