Volume 74 , Issue 5 January 26, 2011 Cleveland security to amp Students campaign up random searches against hate BY SOLOMON KIM By Chloe Brooks The main goal, according Staff Writer Staff Writer to Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) leaders, is to send out the mes- Cleveland administration is In the past month, a group sage that a school should be a cracking down hard on drug use of Cleveland students has been safe place for all students, regard- and possession with an increase working to make an original less of orientation. These students in random searches, according to campaign video in hopes of get- have come together to stand up Priincipal Herman Clay. ting aired on the Ellen Degeneres for the LGBTQQIAA youth and This sudden increase is in re- Show. The campaign is called “It to end the unfair treatment re- sponse to the administration’s be- Can Get Better NOW,” and is ceived in a place that is supposed lief that drug use and possession meant to be a response to the “It to be a safe environment. have become extremely pressing Gets Better” videos that are on the “So far, members of GSA, issues on campus. video-sharing website, Youtube. and teachers too, have contrib- “One of the major problems Various students at Cleveland uted to our efforts,” Craig said. is the perception that drugs are decided to create the campaign in “Anyone who wants to take part prevalent on campus,” Clay said. an attempt to end the hatred and should contact any of the three The school administration intolerance for gay students in all GSA presidents or come to our is given the power to conduct as learning environments. weekly meetings on Thursdays at many random searches as it wish- According to Senior Shalin lunch in E8.” es by state law. It is given this Craig, one of the leaders of the This campaign is an example right in order to find and prevent photo illustration by Mason Dang project, the campaign includes the of students on campus taking ac- the use of weapons or any other item can be severely punished up ing that they have nothing to dangerous items. to and including arrest. hide. As a safety measure, certain Clay said he wants searches “If you don’t have anything, staff members designated by the to be conducted “as much as [the then it isn’t a problem,” said Ju- principal have the authority to ask administration] can.” nior Damien Castro. students to reveal the contents of While the increase in search- Castro said that if students their bags at any time. Classes es is intended to benefit the school refrain from bringing illegal sub- may also be momentarily inter- and students, there are those who stances onto campus then they rupted so that random students in disapprove of the escalation; they have no need to worry about ran- that class can be searched. argue that it is a violation of their dom searches. Many students dis- While the main purpose of rights. agree, however. the searches is to find weapons, “It’s an invasion of my pri- Whether or not people ap- any illegal items or substances vacy,” Senior Chapin Long said. prove random searches, drug can also be confiscated, and the In constrast, some students use and possession on campus is student in possession of any such do not mind the searches, claim- predicted to decrease with the in- Janitorial cuts hurt campus photo by Michael Barba written stories and experiences tion for something they are pas- of students who have dealt with sionate about. It is not only meant BY KELLY SHEETZ backs became more severe, the tent, the night crews have worked to raise awareness in adults, but Staff Writer staff size reduced considerably. for fewer and fewer hours. More- homophobia on the Cleveland also in the minds of students, who Those who have been recent- over, the janitorial supervisor has campus. Through these stories, are able to make a difference to- The recent cutbacks of Cleve- ly laid off include Maria Serrano had to take more furlough days, these students are hoping to raise day in the school community. land’s janitorial staff have had a and Griselda Tajimaroa. In the which in turn has determined how awareness on the intolerance that “We’ve gotten a great re- huge impact, not only on the staff past few years, Juan Borgas, Erin many janitors would be on staff occurs today in high school and sponse from students at school members themselves, but also on Robinson, Xochilt Nolasco, and to clean up the campus during the how it can affect a student’s life. who want to take part in the cam- the entire campus as a whole. The Jason LeDesme were also forced night or if they would even able “Anyone who wants to take paign, and we’re hoping that El- cutbacks were put into effect on to leave. to work at all. part in our ‘It Can Get Better len will see our video and maybe December 1 of last year and re- “We used to have ten [people “It’s a really bad situation,” NOW’ campaign can by simply feature it on one of her shows,” duced the size of both the day and on staff], then they cut it to eight, Ortega said. “We used to sweep writing a letter to Ellen telling Craig said. night custodians to fewer than and now they’ve cut to four,” said every other day [but] now we her what [you] are doing now to “This way, it might gain half of what it was two and a half Victor Ortega, who is a day crew can’t even sweep once a week be- make Cleveland a safer environ- popularity and inspire other high years ago. custodian. cause of the cuts.” ment for LGBTQQIAA students school students throughout the Originally, both custodial This is the case for both the “It’s not even in the schedule and then giving the letter to us to country to stand up against bully- crews had ten members each, but day and night crews. With the send in, or by taking part in our see ‘Janitorial cuts,’ video,” Craig explained. ing and homophobia,” she added. when the school’s financial cut- work hours becoming less consis- page 5 Entertainment Features Sports Female rappers Dieting don’ts, what Star baller returns then and now won’t people do? from injury Page 6 Page 8 INSIDE Page 10 2 Opinions Le Sabre January 26, 2011 Education up for grabs den of womanhood. BY KELLY SHEETZ of attending the high school. If Men, I’m supposed to har- Staff Writer Granada wins the bid, its admin- vest your spawn in my body for istration has the freedom to hire The new Valley Region High nine months so cut me some slack and enroll whomever it wishes, School #4, created to relieve over- and give me a free tampon! as well as the freedom to decide crowded schools within the Los It’s not only the fact that I what the curriculum will be based Angeles Unified School District have to pay for pads and tampons, on. (LAUSD), will be ready for en- it’s that I have to pay for anything Thus, there is no guarantee rollment by the 2011-2012 school to take care of my body while men that Cleveland students or stu- year, but the institution in charge are free to explore their sexual de- dents within the district will be of the new facility has yet to be sires as they see fit. accepted. decided. Most medical insurance com- District 1 teachers may cer- Valley Region High School panies cover the cost of Viagra tainly apply for teaching jobs at photoshop by Emily Yang #4 will have all the adornments while access to birth control like the new school but they would of a standard high school, includ- the Pill or Plan B is restricted. not have the right to a position. I don’t understand how gov- ing 42 classrooms, an auditorium, Health policy: a ‘bloody’ mess Of course, if the district does and a gymnasium. ernment and school policies alike win the bid, students will be able BY BLESSING JEE AND JEILA SAIDI and it’s not like you can just go The school’s educational em- can be so skewed and inhibited to decide for themselves whether Staff Writer and Opinions Editor without a pad, unless you’re will- phasis has yet to be decided, but when it comes to women’s health they wish to continue attending ing to sport a giant blood spot on will ultimately be determined by issues. Cleveland or transferring over to So I’m just going to come the back of your jeans. whatever entity wins the current As of now, the only hope I #4, but I believe that relieving the out and ask it: why do students But never mind that, you can bid for the school’s administra- see for the school is math teacher campus of a significant number of have to pay for tampons while have a free condom instead! Af- tive control. Carlos Rodriguez who offers free students will benefit nearly every condoms are for free? ter all, feminine hygiene products The main administrations tampons and pads to any female aspect of the school. In what world is contracep- are so much more expensive than bidding are Local District 1, student who requests it. If District 1 wins the bid, tion a more impending problem condoms, right? Wrong! which is in charge of Cleveland, This is a necessity for the fe- around 200 Cleveland students than a woman’s period? A 36-pack of Trojan con- and Granada Hills Charter High male population on campus.
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