L 'f - 'i ; - f T h e P l y m o u t h mt VOLUME XXVI., No. :J8 PLYMOUTH. JUCH., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1914 WHOLE No. 1382 ^^ee»»€€c€ee€€€»ee<ccc<nic<tee<»e<ceeee<eeeac « e a <eecaeeeccc€€<icc<!e€ec€teccccc>i>»i» i m ..Our Bte. (MS' O ne C ent 'V-' Ifei IS IN FULL SW ING Biggest Bargains in Drugs and Toilet ever offered in this town. Read our la ^ for prices. Goods are strictly fre&\ The doctor tfives you a prescription. It*s a little guaranteed. picBe o t paper w ith som e Latin w o rd s and q u eer sitfns. You drobably don*t understand the recipe. The dru 0> Sale Closes Saturday Evening, "j does. He*Utel] you he can fill it. Now. suppose he PIRST PRESBYTERIAN CtlURCM A u g u s t 29t h . haan't-iU the drutfs needed and fakes it. Suppose he I makes a uptake. It may harm you or it may not The store where the goods and prices an Sunday, August 30. always right. £^n*t take w y chances. We put up prescriptions care­ 10 a. m.—Union service. Rev. Joseph Dutton preaches. fully an d p ro p erly , 7 p. in.—Union service in the Baptist church. Rev. Dutton preaches. Pinckney’s Pharmacy '\ ■ BEYER* PI-1 ARMACY "w e x j OO i v e e : THE VAL'DONA STORE PtvSnm NQc Open Every Day Evening and Sundays. ' an an.' dIocK South of Store P. M Oopot FREE DELIVERY. State Fair Tickets at Mail A Letter irom Office at Reduced Prices Wisconsin Farmington ha«i a new factopj* for the The Mail has secured a large quantity canning of tomatoes. MsJke'Ybiu' of Scar« Fair Tickets which are now on Redfordhasa big celebration billed Without A Moments Walter Gorton of this place wh<' is for tomorrow (Saturday.) sale at the reduced prices. We offer now in northern Wisconsin on a stale HOME- them while they last at H5 cents each qr surveying job writes the following un- George Merkel, a Washtenaw county ^rFmtgTWi?<=?r=> 3 for a dollar. Sale closes at noon Sat-> <ifr date of July 26, about his trip and farmer, secured 664 busheli* of wheat urday. Sept. 5. TicltHia good any day what he found: ^ from 20 acres. Do Not oi fairsnd can only be purchased at tiie I came by way of Grand RiSpIds, The South Lyon canning factory have full rate of 50cmt« after that hour!*^ Grand Haven and Milwaukee to Park started'on the fi*»a8on’s run of tomatoea. Children’.s Day i.< Saturday, Sept. 12.. Falls. 1 stayed over night ,jn Park In the neigborhood 100,000 cans will be Special attractions for that occasion FalU, a miserable, dirty, boozy hole, the out put. and admission ticket.^ will be given and next morning took the Omaha train The block of paving recently done at m t away free of charge u» any t»oy or girl for Birchwood, a distance of about 60 under 12 years of age for that date. Howell cost Rurir a Kmall sum that an­ miles. 1 got a good meal in Birchwood, other block will be done this summer, These tickets can be had at the Mail i)iit pi acc the cook- and the first decent drink of water I had ri Cost about 87)0. per si^uare yard. office any time. had since leaving Plymouth. From At a special schogl di.strlct meeting mo on the moment there I went to Eldgewater where we ore IF YOU'WERE BUlLDIXtJ A IK )M1:Ko H TH A T D K A K held at South Lj-on last week to vote on A pleasant little reception was given now. We are camped at the southern the proposition to build a $15,000 school y o n lii>ht the burn-’ FAMILY OF YOTRS, YOU WnL'LD Si K K IA ' in the Presbyterian churcli chapel la.st end uf Lake Chetac, quite a large lake, building, there was a tie vote—61 to 6L SEE TO IT THAT THi: l-Ol NOATloN W \ S IN Tu ‘sday evening by the Young People’s ten or fifteen miles long. The country It is probable another election will be CIS. N o w aitin g -NO WAY' LAUKIISO, WOULDN’T V(U r (juild in honor of Miss Florence Shef­ here is jiiBi as it was made, and in raf held. field who will leave the last of the week opinion is not worth surveying. It is a or m nerating. The , But how ahoiit your lirmueial fouu<lati*<tT:'—tlu- n»uuk u p o n for her new home at Oxford, Mich. region of glacial drift hills of gravel special election will be held at ■ Northville on September 14th-to submit which the future of yoiii* Imine an<l vtiur lnvu<l (uit-s mi u st Ik- Ethel Macomber and Lloyd and sand, full of lakes and swamps, overgrown with brush where the timbi-i 10 a vote the proposition of the Edison iiitt n>;e hot flam e strikes directly ag airtst built? ’^Williams were qu^tly married in De­ Co. for the purchase of the Northville troit last week W^nesday by Rev. C. has been cut off, which is pretty much Is it secure—Stanly tMiough to siu:uus.4ully \^•itll^l;Ul<l *lliu all over. There is a reservation «/> electric light plant for the sum of th e )ottom ol the'Cooking utensils, there- steams of misfortune, sickness uj- enfcm-iMl i.lleiiess? B. Allen. They left chat e /ening for a $36,000. few days’ trip to Niagara Falls and Chippewa Indians here. They arc not J/wortliville’s Chautauqua was well at­ by ,'i|)|)l_yin all the heat to the cooking If a isn’t# you owe it to tlu-m—tiiyuurself— Toronto, and on their return they will very intelligent appearing citizens. reside on the old Williams home.slead. Ttiere is gome in the woods here, some tended throughout the five days and vvitliout w aste to ihake it so. Begin today l>y making your They have the best wishes of many de*?r, rabbits, qnail, porcupine, fox, etc. some very fine entertainments were first deposit in hank. You'll ^luep friends for a happy married life. li is no bard matter to get two and given. It took just 20 minutes to secure belter—eat better and feel l>etter if you do. three pound bass and pickerel iu the enough pledges for tickets to secure lake. 1 will not have time to hunt or the return of the Chautauqua in 1915. tODAY'S nEPLECTIONS fish as the work is hard, “Deceit” Vapor Gasoline or I am compass man and a day’s work Taking the Chance The PiuM iii umisd savinos m i The hpme grown melons are certainly consists of footing it from 12 to 16 miks A parly of autoists were just com- hitting the spot. thru brush and swamps, which you can pK'ting a two hundred mile journey to readily see is no joke. When it gets a attend a cliurch summer gathering and Oil Stoves I a' Meanwhile the ICrupps are remaining little cooler it will not be so bad. Mr. were congratulating themselves on as cheerful as circumstanees will per­ Clark says be wants me to do some map their splendid trip. They were within and note work, which will be somewhat a mile of their destination. Ahead of 3 > ■ mit. h a \ 'e n o •• tasier. We wear what 1 have alwayi them there wa« a faflroad crossing. In w icks, no considered a wann winter outfit gn our the diMiance a trolley car was rushing Speaking of present causes of unrest, perforated i n eta! ttiere are the mosquiloes. j feet—higb-ioppfd sboea'with two to four along the track. The autoists were in pairs of socks, at least o'ne pair being no dreadful hurry; they could slacken r i n g s , or ant'thing i ■■ Peaches are coming to toarkei. : heavy wool. This cushions our feetand their speed and wait four seconds while * ! is not 80 hot or uncomfortable as it the car dashed down the rails. But the t l i a t looks like a Kaferring to the fruit of course. I iTiighi seem. Clark who Is in charge of driver took that one chance in a hundred and darted across the tracks. The ^ar I ilie party is a iMichigan man, the rest of VMck. ItasN to use Oh^ well, we presume the prii-e of the party, six in number, are from the hit the auto. The auto was smashed, Belgian hares will go tip. University of Wisconsin, Needless to two lives were snalled out and one man say there has been little said about foot fatally hurt. Why is it that a driver ami easy to keip We presume the king will be “on the ball, ((k>non is from the M. A. C.) will take that huodnedth chance when carpet” at Brussels. I will try and write mure-soon. it doesn’t matter a picayune whether he clean. Come into «• I We have another letter under date of loses a minute or an hour? Why is it cc -a vvil The dear old school bell will soon j Augustil which will be published next that the insatiable desi.~e to get there onr store.
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