ti:,Lauj£inj'io WbLIC LlbliAftlCS.- The Morehead Independent ^ “OWB OF KENTPCKY’3 GREATER WEEKLIES” MOBEHEAD, EENTUCST, THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 19S8 The Byttaader QMege Enrollment, Paring Of CoU(^ WHOB WHO Saturday Is Booster Street Is Okayed IN MOREHEAD Uncompleted Shows By CHDci Tuesday Day In Independent tmm. — <mna. _ JiW ^ M* two Increase 43 Stndmils . C V. Walb 1 BUivOmAM Subscription Contest bLBXatCoileceEB- drlife Nine aCIo^ SntanUy Ni^ht Wm Be Dewt- I wami up. BwrtBt.aiiiidiSa^ Ene On Club Tear* ForBerinlMeetiiia Votes 1 the aigna- SfitnrdAF. Septembo- 24. wffl be “Booeter's DgLy” in oar tore to aB toe pnpMty owners on snoto ride of toe sreet waa Imf sabacription eampugn. aad each wqrker is asked to Iviiir ■ bad op to- antod to the couneU. UnoCQ- m at leaat TWO foil clubs of $20.00 each on that day. eial appsovol of the aetkm has been gtows hy the coll^ authori ­ **Help ua make “Boosters ’ Day ” a big success. If yoa find IVtte « I ■Ml bavB t» UrttaM-hi* ties to pi uiMil, it was mid; Kbce- you edbnot collect as much aa two duba, then do the beat Cor tbr lint ■ r leet mr. Itu tact ^ l CoOefe owoa.the entire ewat be recto- yoo can. Wmiiers should bear in mind that pa^h club of $20 Ingto to ^upeity on the north tertne uotil October U are i remitted to the eampaisn office up to and inritidTTiy * ride to toe stxeri. pected to iserteat the preaest hjUm^aMat The -coat of toe protect, which ert’ Day, Saturday. September 24, will draw an EXTRA ‘ Burfc to oev «W. ____ t meat tatoiatwl to be SIO.OOO will be mat during the fir« RiiRalai Co 100,000 votes and after this date this offer is discontinued jrne enfitriy by toe property the laat three yeera ia ai CoUows: Never again a.n-iny the entire lecretery in BD^n and the federal govem- tSM. «n; 1»7, ttO; and 1831 win a club draw i mmwm mbits mctfm - to a letter to the aaot, a»miliog to toe wording of more extra votes, and it most o U rm tceaaOy west os t Bav. Bodl Kasee that the revival toe wdioao ce. An applicahon toould contact aa many of the tor Public Works Administration Eastern-Morefaead tainly is up to «■»»•*» i I tr.p. Hr wrote bock ti of Dr. Wayne buildings aod groiuMls at More- iiJ* s well funds for 4S per cent wiU be made to work in higb Mar this weta. n. Muer. «MeeaerMW. aa heed bead State Teachers Colley college students. t*ro9eets be&ve October 1. the deadline (or TiH Date Changed of the diviaion of chemiatiT to the knows when (all comes by Boosterrs' Day and toe big «*ih We en te-/ta(e from the relickeua L applh offer wUl be bnxi^t to a Qf ^eshmen on /»am|ui. At the request of Eastern iDvtasns. pected to augment the attendance i to toi promptly at mne o ’clock. Satur­ oounced fiiis week by President and football in the air. State Teachers College officials, at the meettogi. who have been in ccmtact with day night. September 2A Work­ R A. Babb. Dr. Keller, who has Mr Rice played four years at the scheduled game between toe The Women's Miasioaary Socie­ PWA offtciala said that the ap- ers wishing to make their reports been an aaaoctate ia the VirttKftii on the University of Ken­ Eagles and Manxios for Fri­ WMacSWmte, wbo oH«bt• five ty. which ia engaged to a week of ptlfstjoft would be approved. m pwson must be in the cam­ *ame fitod at tha Univeretty of tucky squad and lost only ti£o day. October 28, has been shift­ prayer this weric. is entering at- Because paving projects involve paign office by this tauc or they Kentud^ will replace Dr. ' minutes of play .m some thirty- ed to toe next day. Saturday. L. Sulli^-an. reeigned. ntini on the revival eCtort great deal of labor, the local will be mo late to get their re­ odd games. Then be followed October 29. It bad been as­ Meeting will be held in fite project ia looked .upn tavoratdy. port on ihia.special offer. - Dr. Keller recei\-ed bla A. those tour years by a war of. pro- sumed toat the game would be degree tram Gemgetown to 1821; nrefa at 10 a. m. and 7-.1S p. m. toe PWA officials are understood Workers living in the enuntry to have arid. football with CiMago U played on Friday aa usual, per­ TALKDvr ofi rn his M. S. at the University of K< daily. in Chica^. Uotil be went to the will have the privilege of mail­ Althou^ too ordinance author- mitting fans ID also attend the tftyoBbnroB Mein Stmt tueky to 1832 and bis Ph. D. university he had never fi ing their reports at toeir respec­ ifra iUMwi of 10-year eaD bonds U. K. and Alabama the cs^ for the flghttsg) CoraeH laat year. He waa a tive mailing points by toe riorinfi for paymeni of the construction next day at Lexington. The hrioM op -.he tncideBt of tlK pro- at CoraelL Mr. Rice>was bom in Lewis- Eagle-Maroon game will be hour Saturday and they wfU be iiSOif, too five propel ty owners at leetfe^ man hare who ciHi«lit Dodc^FwOctobw accepted by toe ewwpaigit dc- ...........................that an toe burg. near MaysviUe. March 38. played at Bxlimofid • tatfst end toU trmdf President 1 property owners may decide to 1904, toe son Of blr. and Mrs. it lor Mlw cellation dates show auril reporta pay toair-porttons < WoL Harvey Rice. He atto I aad be would'' Traemd as hood of the deport, Term Of Ciroiit MaysviUe made and higb school. to have been mriled on time. Mrs. C U. Walts was elected of physical educataoo Cor wo- gratoMting in 1821. Be played Charies I& This week sees the big begin­ three years of basketbafl. Be also ning to toe race tor the splendid Conrt Is Ligkt becai^ a member of the Triangle awards Tta Independent is offto- IB Ow tele, ■ toe hiwer bidder by on dol- SerioBsfyh^edln ing in cirvulation campaign, aito' —,-------------eiKiMld.-U1hla70tt. GradostoBg from toe Ibt to toose wbo have entered See* 9Be fi* la atsUas boL Jm Daw. Artkw lihBiw Tm tomiDotsaadlCtoiTnMeBelaBP- mining wigtiOri- pi ism and after iMtlf fifioo at rateonna r ‘ ^ AwakAettoOrGEMri The daetar eaMT be wobM AntuDoMe Wredk CbBasc to Wad Wf Ai^h^ Teal 12th wiB be plenty to activity in toe tace te toe ritas tori wM ta OitgMUataflai Uven the emriktaw otatato to* Iota Otar taOri at «tai ■ri see it yon ata pkk a qulttm; the ana who are ta^ Chas. Kcgtey, who Uvea ca the iMitaiMbarg road afa ' to weakmi and throw up fitar -M-ihe pndH tands and quit Ton may ta -dM. bmt Che mitea fi«n Mocstead. tailed by smne to ton. Tt^ M to hepa fWd QfhMt aod Uopd Gear­ kwaly injurad in am I im ing aa he may be made ol rifflnnt rtnS hart. glvtag Hqoar to a mt Three hi^ atooot boys fioB toe to toe Toung nmwnttrrmUr dUb to than yon think they are. OvBrt I to work. Be is \an 0B0*t too fldk, hoc atog^ first day; Ttoo and Thd Wi Meretaed tor several yens. to exndidatoa annna ua tomo wfll at toe Krirtocky Fire­ y.^tofw.^too. toe way od" Mr. Bon Aatoeseo. wte to _ toe Ftonre Fanoen Mr. Bice merxied Vhgtoia Hes­ plenty to activtty in the raea brick 0»pany at------- ~ £ S hose the.flito annoiir tom ed tola ter. to LeidngtDn. on ChriOmai for toe car and otoer petes. day; Wto. Tackatt. amwtt. first amdttkm ia repmtad to be i Day. 18M. -T^ have two beya. LuedM Be^, four, and WStam egkys ear and a coal truck Earti worker wtn do waO to X6- betoagtog to Frank James. OUve member that by repuiUiqf tfara aiy. Smile, and Addison Foodi. Bill iKur his !»"■«>- -s—■«» tiina each werit. they wilt mM 7 a. m. Monday. It had been luia- 15JM0 ETTBA vote per week. toe VmUmrnt to KaoMehy.^ Toons were afiowed to 2 More Suits Orw rig as right and toe Mick con- Beportiag ottai jy hm laiaij ta le a Btolw to Fitooihj aad bae to Me to three dames to Uve- dUton to toe pavement is at. os to poet toe new nama on oar taatoi% toa Mtoi aMtoa to Sao- daizy eattie. tat stock ami Orval Fooek. chmvd «lto M trifantod one to toe peobaUe taeliy.lhto TUghili. BMh Cam r. The Morebead ■ad wmMfing. total ^fcyie CbBi^ Ykw Lots amod toe dairy dam to JudM to Aiea was sligbtiy brntaad. Keg- toe eontcBL Them were otorty ley received a peubaUe fractured 1 awtag ae toe Hdrto ete^th^dM; Do^ to toe eoptoa t and toe rioiS and a britan leg ta '' Are F3ed h Goort failing to make thek' ritaer topiries. Be was take ’S wfibatontoMtay; OmSI mm .___ ____ toe irinf r^Mgtiw im^ta let win be dtepfai tram tta list ca aaootmy to toe ■abort 1. Bbfb Aai Jaha ricB to too Itorth CMIna Uu BB7gSBFDefciitet8» entirely. There is ms m ' charged with toeota of fiw f Both cars were wy tadly dam- -------He Jail,ao- toe bnys lor ftair tailtty to lodga Oiiauu ' ged. From the appearance to toor to a OB dskynMe. The menbeis to toe first day. Jitaed in M team and their coata tad a Two mote suits i rixrred.
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