AOSR - VIA CASSIA 811 Phone: 06.33438.1 Web: WWW.AOSR.ORG June 2009 Congratulations Class of 2009! Orchestra D’Archi Performance 5th Grade M (See story on page 14) ock Tr (See st ial Squ ory on p ad! Testing the Theory at the age 11) 7th Grade Science Fair (See story page 14) rial Day Service in Nettuno AOSR Students Attend Memo 3rd (See story page 15) Grade G oes to P ((See s aestum tory on p age 10) Contents Message from Head of School 2 Sports’ Banquet All School News 17 3 - 4 Photojournalism Community Service Project 18 - 19 5 Theater & Choir News PTO 20 6 - 8 Counselor’s Corner Pre-K/Kindergarten/Elementary News 21 - 22 9 - 13 Il Foro MS/HS News 22 - 24 14 -16 Contact Information / Calendar 26 / 27 Fond Farewells by Dr. Beth Pfannl, Head of School It is the time of year when we find ourselves saying arrivederci to friends and colleagues. To all of our students, families, teachers and board members leaving Rome, we thank you for all that you have contributed to our community. We hope that our school will always occupy a special place in your hearts and minds. Very special farewell wishes go to Mr. Doug Kneeland and his family. After many years in Rome, the Kneelands are returning to the United States. Doug served on the AOSR Board of Trustees since 2005, the last three years as board chair. His dedication and devotion to school life in all aspects were greatly appreciated. I know that both Doug and Millie will be sorely missed by the entire AOSR community. This summer Mr. Hugo Rodriguez, our Board’s vice chair and treasurer, is returning to the US with his family after completing his tour at the US Embassy in Rome. Hugo’s contributions and endless hours of work ensuring the well-being of our school were invaluable. Also moving on is Board member Les deGraffenried who is relocating to Mexico City with his family. Thank you for all that you have done for our school! Every year not only do we bid farewell to students and their families, but also to members of our faculty. This year two teachers are retiring after many, many years of service to our school: Cristina Levine who has worked at AOSR for 41 years and Mary Campanile, for 34 years. They will be greatly missed. We wish them all the best as they begin this next stage of their lives. We also bid farewell to some fabulous teachers this year: Donna Dooner (Grade 5), Geoff Hinman (HS History), Brittney Musler (Grade 2), Sarah Stephens (Music), and Crystal Wulff (MS/HS Science). Thank you for your passion and dedication and good luck in your new schools. To all, don’t forget to throw that coin in the Trevi fountain! Come back and visit us soon! 2 All School News Summer Enrichment for Everyone by Dr. Grunfeld, ES School Principal AOSR will be o n s ummer br eak f or 10 w eeks. most important summer activity. Parents worldwide are not going to let the summer While w e do not requ ire sum mer read ing for ou r stand in the wa y o f their ch ildrens’ learning. students, it i s highly enc ouraged and it w ill be Education is n ot only som ething one g ets i n the rewarded when students return f rom summer classroom. S ummer is a wonderful time to review vacation. Ms. Amy Popp has provided an excellent the last 10 months of work and prepare for the next summer r eading list that is c ategorized by school school year. Th e AOSR website under the button- grades. Summer should be f un a nd s ome of that SCHOOL P AGES-SCHOOL DIVISION- excitement should come from summer reading. Put ELEMENTARY S CHOOL h as three i mportant aside t ime f or rea ding each day a nd not just at selections on t he far left s ide: Summer 2009 bedtime. Set the example yourself a nd work some Reading List, Web sites Supp orting Re ading a nd reading in to your oth erwise busy da y. Talk about Literacy, a nd Sum mer E nrichment Ma thematics what everyone in the family is reading to encourage Practice. P lease review these pages and work with everyone’s i nvolvement and especially w ith ol der your child on the web pages that are provided. kids, to give you an opportunity to hear them speak Through f un games younger ch ildren should be in anything other than monosyllables. encouraged to practice things like number facts and Whatever their age, traveling anywhere cannot only memorizing n ames o f countries wh ile you’re a t a increase a child’s appreciation of what lies beyond red light or ly ing on the bea ch. P rint some of the Rome’s b oundaries but s park thei r interest in related worksheets provided or purchase quiz books something entirely new. Challenge yourself to plan for kids and kee p the m in t he car to ta ke into a trip to a nea rby destination tha t you think will restaurants or on long trips. Play “school” with open u p your child’s e yes to a world pr eviously eager ones w here y ou play the st udent and y our unknown to them. Whether it i s historical, child plays the teacher. scientific, or ar tistic, our c hildren c an learn a Ask elementary students to kee p a summer journal tremendous amount from a short field trip to a new and write in it a f ew days a w eek ab out w hat world. Come to think of it, we can learn something they’ve done, or give th em a s ubject to f ocus on new too. such as “what is your favorite food and why,” “who The following w ebsites are re commendations f or is your role model and why” or “what do you miss Mathematics practice, enrichment, review. the m ost a bout school.” T his encourages them to Please ask y our child t o vi sit s ome of the s ites not only continue thinking critically but also forces below with close supervision from an adult family them to maintain pe nmanship, c reative t hinking, member: and c orrect s pelling. Reviewing math facts is a http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/edtech/everydaymath.htm www.gamequarium.com http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities www.funbrain.com Summer Enrichment and www.starfall.com Mathematics Practice http://www.eduplae.com/graphicorganizer A little computer time www.coolmath4kids.com +educational games www.rainforestmaths.com = ready to learn in the fall http://mathplayground.com http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/numbertime/games/index.shtml http://arcademicskillbuilders.com/ http://www.coolmath.com/ http://www.apples4theteacher.com/math.html http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skills-1st- mathbuilders.htm 3 All School News SUGGERIMENTI PER I COMPITI DELLE VACANZE del Dott. GRUNFELD, PRESIDE DELLE ELEMENTARI Tradotto di Anna Benson L'estate: un esperienza di arricchim ento per E' importante inoltre incoraggiare i vostri figli tutti quanti a tenere un diario d elle vacanze, dove si possano trascrivere i ri cordi dell'estate, oltre a L'AOSR sara' chiusa per le vacanze estive pe r svolgere esercitazioni di matematica. 10 lunghe settim ane. Cio' non signif ica pero' che durante questi mesi i nostri f igli non Un im portante ruolo ha senza dubbio la debbano appro fittare di questo periodo per lettura, che rappresent a per tutti quanti non apprendere, scoprire ed imparare. Tutto quello solo un fondamentale esercizio, ma soprattutto che la scuola insegna, non lo si trova solo sui un arricchim ento di nozioni. La nostr a banchi di scuola. I n realta' il miglior bibliotecaria, Ms. Am y Popp, puo' f ornirvi apprendimento lo si sperim enta al di f uori una lista dei libri a s econda del grado, che della scuola stes sa. Durante le vacanze estive potete consultare per facilitarne la selezione. e' importate trascorrere un po' di te mpo con i I Viaggi, le Vacanze, l' Esta te rappres entano propri figli, per ripassare gli argomenti appena per tutti un m omento di crescita p ersonale. studiati ed esplorarne dei nuovi. Nuovi luoghi ed es perienze stim olano le Il sito dell' AOSR (c liccando su " school nostre curiosita' e accrescono il nostro pages-school division-elem entary school" ) bagaglio culturale. A iutiamo quindi i nostri fornisce tre important i rif erimenti per ragazzi ad integrare le loro esperienze con un l'approfondimento scolastico: Summ er 2009 costante supporto accademico. Reading List, W ebsites Supporting Reading Qui di seguito trove rete l' elenco dei siti and Literac y e Summ er Enrichm ent Mat hs internet che potete consultare con i vostri f igli and Practice. Vi inviti amo a stam pare queste e ricordate loro che, con l'aiut o schede o ad acquistare delle schede-quiz per dell'esercitazioni delle schede al com puter, tener allenati i vostri f igli durante i m esi saranno pronti per a ffrontare il nuovo anno estivi. scolastico. (Vedere pagina prevista per lista dei siti internet) The Miracle Garden by Sally Sontheimer,AOSR parent and member of the Go Green Committee The day before Mayfair, on May 8, various middle school and elementary classes helped plant the new AOSR Edible garden.
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